Chapter 23 Biology Test

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A seed plant is held in the ground by its

B. Roots

Ground tissue is found in a plant’s

D. Roots, stems, and leaves

In most plants, which organs are adapted to capture sunlight for photosynthesis?

C. Leaves

In angiosperms, xylem consists of tracheids and

C. Vessel elements

If some of the xylem of a young oak tree were destroyed, it would most likely interfere with the tree’s ability to

D. Conduct water to the leaves

Unlike tracheids, some vessel elements

C. Are found in angiosperms

Look at figure 23-1. How would damage to structure B affect structure A?

A. The organelles in structure A would die.

To observe mitosis, which of the following should a student examine under a compound microscope?

B. Tip of a shoot

Which of the following are areas of unspecialized cells in which mitosis produces new cells that are ready for differentiation?

B. Meristems

In Figure 23-2, what letter indicates the tissue in which the products of photosynthesis are stored?

B. C

Damage to which area of the root shown in Figure 23-2 will prevent the root from growing longer?

D. H

The layer of cells that encloses the vascular tissue in the central region of a root is the

A. Endodermis

The root cap is a tough structure that protects the

C. Meristem

Mineral nutrients from the soil move into roots by

C. Active transport

There is a one-way movement of water and minerals from the cortex into the vascular cylinder of a root because

D. The Casparian strip is waterproof

The soil around a lilac bush was watered with a solution containing radioactive phosphorus. Several hours later, radiation was detected in its stems. through which cells did the radioactive phosphorus travel to the vascular cylinder?

C. Tracheids and vessel elements

Root pressure

D. Is produced in the vascular cylinder by active transport

In a plant’s stem, the vascular tissue

B. Is continuous from the roots to the leaves

Unlike roots, stems

D. May plat a part in photosynthesis

Many cacti, such as saguaros and barrel cacti, have large stems but no leaves. What function of leaves is taken on my the stems of such cacti?

A. They produce food by photosynthesis

One function of stems is to physically support leaves in a position to maximize photosynthesis. In large trees, the support function of stems is primarily due to

C. Vascular cambium

During primary growth, a stem

A. Increases in length

In dicots, secondary growth

D. Produces bark and wood

What might a thin tree ring suggest?

D. A year of drought

Which of the following describes the heartwood of a tree?

B. Old xylem that is no longer conducting water

Oxygen and carbon dioxide move in and out of a leaf through the

C. Phloem

Most of the photosynthesis in plants takes place in the

A. Mesophyll

The flat structure of a leaf blade enables its function as a photosynthetic organ by

D. Exposing a greater surface area to capture energy from sunlight

Look at Figure 23-3. Which letters indicate cells in which a large number of chloroplasts would likely be found?

B. B and C

In Figure 23-4, label X points to a

D. Stoma

In Figure 23-4, the water pressure in the

C. Guard cells is high

The stomata of leaves are usually open

A. During the day if a plant has enough water

In many plants, stomata are found only on thee lower surface of the leaf. The most likely explanation for this fact is that

D. Water loss would be less on the shaded lower surface thaan in direct sun

Which of the following statements is true?

C. Oxygen cannot pass through stomata

The attraction of water molecules to other kinds of molecules is called

A. Adhesion

Through which plant structure does water move by capillary action?

D. Xylem

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