Chapter 18 – US History – Study Tool #3

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What happened with a year of United States Navy Commodore Matthew Perry’s arrival in Tokyo bay in 1853

Perry negotiated a treaty that opened trade to the United States

Hawaii was annexed in

1898 during the Spanish American War

Why did United States Navy Commodore George Dewy lead an attack on ships in the Manila Bay during the Spanish American War

Manila bay was ruled by Spain and the ships belonged to the Spanish

The "Rough Riders" were

A volunteer cavalry unit in the Spanish American War

When did the United States grant independence to the Philippines?

In 1946 when the islands were liberated from Japanese occupation during World War 1

Unlike Britain, France, and Russia, the United States

Wanted to keep trade in China open

The Platt Amendment

Gave the United States the right to preserve order as needed in Cuba

President Roosevelt sent troops to support Panamanian rebels in the fight against Columbia so that

The united States could get the rights to build a canl in Panama at a lower price

In the beginning of the twentieth century the United States had become

Accustomed to military involvement overseas

An economy that is based on mining or producing raw materials to be used in foreign industries is called

An industrial economy

The United States wanted overseas territories because the territories had

Customer who would buy US products

Why did journalists call the Alaska purchase of 1867 "Sewards Folly"

They wondered why the United States would want a vast tundra of snow and ice far from the continental borders

What new relationship with Hawaii did Congress aprove in 1898


Social Darwinism is the the theory that

Life consists of competitive struggles in which only the strong survive

The 1898 Treat of Paris dealt with which territory or territories


The Teller Amendment stated that

The United States could not annex Cuba

Spain gav ethe United States full control of the Philippines when

The United States paid 20 million dollars as set out in the Treaty of Paris

Emilio Aguinaldo was

a Filipino freedom fighter

Which presidential candidate ran on an anti imperialist platform

William Jennings Bryan

How did militarism contribute to increased imperialism

A strong military helped imperial powers protect their global interests

Why might the closing of the frontier have encouraged American imperialism

Discontented Americans sought a new territory in which to try their luck

What did Taft do to help restore order in the Philippines

He worked with rebel leaders to determine people’s needs

When Filipinos rebelled against US rule the United States foud itself

Using some of the same tactics that the Spanish had used in Cuba

IN 1916 Congress passed the Jones Act which

Granted full independence to the Philippines

America’s Open Door Policy in China was designed to

Provide access to trade in China without controlling territory

Why did Theodore Roosevelt win the Nobel Peace Prize

He helped negotiate an end to the Russo=Japanese War

How did the United States show its dominance over the Philippines

Through military action

What tactic did Filipino insurgents use to undermine America power

guerilla warfare

After the Spanish American War, Cubans and Puerto Ricans

Were partially restricted by the United States

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