gold |
What was the major trade commodity of the trans-Saharan trade route? |
slavery |
The encomiendas were essentially legalized forms of what? |
competition among European monarchs |
Which of the following was one of many important factors in encouraging the expedition of the late fifteenth century? |
dysentery |
What killed most of the African slaves who died on the voyage to the Americas? |
Amerigo Vespucci |
Who was the first European explorer to realize that Columbus had discovered an unknown continent? |
Ottoman |
By the mid-sixteenth century, what empire had established control over eastern Mediterranean routes to trading centers in Syria, Palestine, Egypt, and the rest of North Africa |
50 million |
Which of the following is an estimate of the native population of the Americas in 1492? |
by capturing Muslim-controlled port cities in the Indian Ocean, it gained control of European trade |
How did Portugal come to be the entry point for Asian good in Europe? |
rice |
What was the staple food of the Southeast Asian diet |
slavery did not change Europeans’ negative perceptions of Africans |
Which of the following statements best describes slavery and race in seventeenth century? |
Pope Alexander VI |
Who settled that dispute over Spain and Portugal’s competing claims to the Americas? |
white potatoes |
What was the most important food item introduced from the New World to Europe? |
Portugal |
Which European kingdom took the lead in overseas exploration? |
he forcibly enslaved the indigenous people and subjected them to forced labor |
What happened when Christopher Columbus returned to the island of Hispaniola for a second time? |
smallpox |
The Spanish conquest of Tenochtitlan was aided by what disease? |
they saw value in exposing women to classical models of reasoning |
How did Italian humanists view the education of women? |
his significant support of early voyages of exploration |
What is Prince Henry of Portugal known for? |
extract tribute and forced labor form the native people on a particular piece of land |
What did the encomienda system, established by the Spanish crown, allow Spaniards to do? |
sugar |
In the sixteenth century, there was a huge increase in the use of enslaved Africans in Brazil in order to produce what crop? |
Ottoman armies conquered Constantinople and took control of trade routes to the East |
What event occurred in the Byzantine Empire in the late fifteenth century that limited Europe’s access to spices from the East? |
Sir John Mandeville and Marco Polo |
Christopher Columbus was inspired by what two travelers? |
Audiencia |
Spanish viceroys presided over what judicial advisory council? |
Bartholomew Diaz |
Who was the first European to round the Cape of Good Hope? |
he was unaware of the Americas and underestimated the earth’s size |
What was the most significant error of Ptolemy’s Geography? |
African gold |
By 1500, Portugal controlled the flow of what lucrative product to Europe? |
printing press |
Humanist and Renaissance ideas of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries were spread by what new technology? |
recognition of individual achievement |
Which of the following was one of the central ideals of the Italian Renaissance? |
silver, in large quantities |
What did the Spanish discover at Potosí in the sixteenth century? |
Taino |
Scholars have identified the natives first encountered by Columbus as peoples from what indigenous group? |
Egypt |
How far west did Zheng He explore in the fifteenth century? |
they took the primary role in planting and harvesting rice |
Why did women in Southeast Asia tend to have more economic power than women in India, China, and Europe? |
Francisco Pizarro |
Who led the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire? |
pepper |
What was one of the most important trade goods that came out of India? |
Italian |
Even before the discoveries of Columbus, Europeans participated in the world economy through which merchants? |
China |
Who had the most advanced economy in the world before the eighteenth century? |
a direct sea route to Asia |
What was Ferdinand Magellan sent on a mission to discover in 1519? |
the Balkans |
Where did Italian merchants originally purchase slaves? |
the Bahamas |
Where did Columbus first land in the Americas? |
spices |
Seventeenth-century Dutch trade was based on which of the following commodities? |
furs |
What commodity from the Americas did the French find most profitable? |
Seville |
The Spanish crown granted a monopoly of New World traffic to what city? |
the rise of wealthy, urban patrons of the arts |
What was an important factor in the emergence of the Italian Renaissance? |
China |
When Columbus landed on Cuba on October 28, 1492, where did he think he had landed? |
it was used to plot latitude using the sun |
What is an astrolabe? |
meat |
What was the most significant food item introduced from Europe to the New World? |
he continued to believe he had discovered islands off the coast of Asia |
By the end of his life, how did Columbus view his voyages? |
Ceuta |
The beginning of European exploration and expansion was marked by Portugal’s 1415 conquest of what city? |
He was known for his deep religious conviction |
What was a central feature of Christopher Columbus’s character? |
he was seized and ultimately executed |
What happened when the Inca leader Atahualpa first met the Spanish? |
the bride |
Bride wealth–the money exchanged at the time of marriage in Southeast Asia–was usually given to whom? |
as handsome, peaceful, and primitive |
After his initial voyage to the Americas i 1492, how did Columbus describe the natives he met? |
the Tlaxcala |
With which group did Hernán Cortés establish an alliance? |
he took Moctezuma hostage |
What did Cortés do upon reaching the city of Tenochtitlan? |
pepper |
what was one of the most important trade goods that came from india? |
China |
When Columbus landed on Cuba on October 28, 1492 , where did he think he had landed? |
Portugal |
which European kingdom took the lead in overseas exploration? |
spices |
17th century Dutch trade was based on what commodities? |
Italy |
even before the discoveries of columbus, European participated in the world economy through which merchants? |
Chapter 16 Test for Exam – World History
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