Chapter 15 Psych quizzes

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Which form of therapy has played the greatest role in contributing to the sharp reduction in the number of residents in U.S. mental hospitals?

drug therapy

Transference refers to a client’s
Select one:
A. conversion of psychological conflicts into physical and behavioral disorders.
B. translation of threatening dream content into nonthreatening images.
C. expression toward a therapist of feelings linked with earlier life relationships.
D. replacement of self-centeredness with a genuine concern for others.


Psychopharmacology involves the study of how
Select one:
A. exercise alleviates depression.
B. diseases influence psychological well-being.
C. drugs affect mind and behavior.
D. psychosurgery and ECT influence emotions.


Which of the following drugs has been found to be effective in treating the manic episodes associated with bipolar disorder?


Reducing patients’ anxiety by having them repeatedly experience in safe settings the things they fear and often avoid is most central to

exposure therapies.

A meta-analysis is best described as
Select one:
A. counseling and treatment of troubled individuals by friends, family, and other nonprofessionals.
B. the use of a variety of therapeutic techniques in the treatment of a single client.
C. clinical decision making that integrates the best available research with clinical experience and patient characteristics.
D. a statistical digest of the results of many different studies.


Sluggishness, tremors, and twitches similar to those of Parkinson’s disease are most likely to be associated with the excessive use of certain ________ drugs.


Which therapeutic approach emphasizes that people are often disturbed because of their negative interpretations of events?

cognitive therapy

Deep-brain stimulation has been reported to provide relief from


Critics of ________ have expressed a concern that appropriate patient behaviors will disappear following the discontinuation of a token economy.

behavior modification

Deep-brain stimulation involves the implantation of ________ into the brain.


In which form of therapy is unwanted behavior systematically associated with unpleasant experiences?

aversive conditioning

Echoing, restating, and clarifying what a client expresses is most central to the process of

active listening.

Which drugs appear to produce therapeutic effects by blocking receptor sites for dopamine?

antipsychotic drugs

An eclectic approach to psychotherapy is one that

uses techniques from various forms of therapy.

The therapeutic alliance refers to
Select one:
A. the transference of feelings from earlier relationships to client-therapist interactions.
B. a program developed by the American Psychological Association to advance evidence-based practice.
C. a bond of trust and mutual understanding between a therapist and a client.
D. a form of therapy conducted with groups rather than individuals.


Clients often stay in touch with their psychotherapists only if satisfied with the treatment they received. This helps us understand why therapists

often overestimate the effectiveness of psychotherapy.

Which form of therapy has been criticized for offering interpretations that cannot be proven or disproven?


Which counterconditioning technique is especially helpful when it would be too expensive or too embarrassing for a person to directly confront an anxiety-arousing situation?

virtual reality exposure therapy

Psychodynamic therapy has been found to be helpful in the treatment of


One good alternative to antidepressant drugs is

aerobic exercise.

The placebo effect refers to
Select one:
A. the use of drugs in the treatment of psychological disorders.
B. relief from symptoms without psychotherapy.
C. the beneficial consequences of merely expecting that a treatment will be effective.
D. the alleviation of depression and anxiety by means of aerobic exercise.


One possible explanation for the delayed effect of antidepressant drugs is that the increased availability of serotonin seems to promote


By earning a client’s trust, empathic and caring therapists promote

a therapeutic alliance.

Tardive dyskinesia is characterized by

involuntary muscle movements.

Carl Rogers encouraged client-centered therapists to ________ during the process of therapy.

genuinely express their own true feelings

Carl Rogers encouraged therapists to foster client growth by exhibiting

genuineness, acceptance, and empathy

A token economy represents an application of the principles of

operant conditioning.

Psychoanalysis is most likely to view patient transference as

a potential aid to the patient in developing insight.

An important component of psychoanalysis is

dream analysis

Psychosurgery involves

removing or destroying brain tissue.

Which form of therapy most directly encourages clients to question their reasoning, decatastrophize their thinking, and reattribute responsibility for past outcomes?

cognitive therapy

Lithium is often an effective ________ drug.


Which of the following approaches to therapy would most likely involve efforts to understand an adult’s psychological disorder by exploring that person’s childhood experiences?


Psychological research on the principles of learning has most directly influenced the development of

behavior therapies.

Helping people gain insight into the unconscious origins of their disorder is a central aim of


Systematic desensitization involves
Select one:
A. associating a pleasant relaxed state with anxiety-arousing stimuli.
B. depriving a client access to an addictive drug.
C. replacing a positive response to a harmful stimulus with a negative response.
D. associating unwanted behaviors with unpleasant experiences.


An antianxiety drug has been found to help relieve the symptoms of

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Carl Rogers referred to a caring, nonjudgmental attitude as

unconditional positive regard.

Systematic desensitization is a form of ________, which is a type of ________.

counterconditioning; behavior therapy

To reduce a patient’s fear of certain medical procedures, a therapist repeatedly paired the sight of a hypodermic needle that triggered a learned fear response with the taste of chocolate that triggered an unlearned sense of pleasure. The therapist was most clearly using a technique involving

classical conditioning.

Empathic understanding of the patient’s subjective experiences is a major goal of

client-centered therapy.

Prozac is an antidepressant drug that partially blocks the reabsorption and removal of ________ from synapses.


Systematic desensitization is based on the idea that ________ in fear-provoking situations can gradually eliminate anxiety.


Humanistic therapists are likely to teach clients to

take more responsibility for their own feelings and actions.

Compared with first-generation antipsychotic drugs such as chlorpromazine, newer-generation antipsychotic drugs such as risperidone and olanzapine have ________ side effects and work best for those with _______ symptoms of schizophrenia.

fewer; severe

In which approach to therapy do psychotherapists expect that patients are often motivated to resist discussing anxiety-laden material?


In treating alcohol use disorder, therapists have clients consume alcohol that contains a nausea-producing drug. This technique is known as

aversive conditioning.

A central therapeutic technique of psychoanalysis is

free association.

A procedure that trains people to make new responses to stimuli that currently trigger unwanted responses is called


Psychological disorders that can be overcome with techniques such as counterconditioning are most likely to be treated with


The process of systematic desensitization is most likely to require patients to

construct a list of anxiety-triggering situations

Two counterconditioning techniques for replacing unwanted responses are

aversive conditioning and exposure therapy.

The treatment of serious psychological disorders with prescribed medications or medical procedures that directly influence the nervous system is called

biomedical therapy

Systematic desensitization involves replacing a negative response to a harmless stimulus with a positive response, whereas ________ involves replacing a positive response to a harmful stimulus with a negative response.

aversive conditioning

An integrative therapy that aims to modify both self-defeating thinking and maladaptive actions is known as

cognitive-behavioral therapy.

The least-used biomedical intervention for changing thoughts and behavior is


The placebo effect refers to
Select one:
A. relief from symptoms without psychotherapy.
B. the alleviation of depression and anxiety by means of aerobic exercise.
C. the use of drugs in the treatment of psychological disorders.
D. the beneficial consequences of merely expecting that a treatment will be effective.


Tardive dyskinesia is often associated with long-term use of drugs that occupy certain ________ receptor sites.


Which of the following is a type of exposure therapy?

systematic desensitization

Xanax and Ativan are ________ drugs.


Which treatment procedure involves the application of repeated pulses of magnetic energy to the brain?


The best outcome studies for evaluating the effectiveness of psychotherapy typically use

randomized clinical trials.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are frequently prescribed for the treatment of


Antianxiety drugs are most likely to be used in combination with exposure therapy to treat

posttraumatic stress disorder.

The therapeutic alliance refers to
Select one:
A. the transference of feelings from earlier relationships to client-therapist interactions.
B. a bond of trust and mutual understanding between a therapist and a client.
C. a program developed by the American Psychological Association to advance evidence-based practice.
D. a form of therapy conducted with groups rather than individuals.


Systematic desensitization involves
Select one:
A. associating unwanted behaviors with unpleasant experiences.
B. associating a pleasant relaxed state with anxiety-arousing stimuli.
C. replacing a positive response to a harmful stimulus with a negative response.
D. depriving a client access to an addictive drug.


A meta-analysis is best described as
Select one:
A. the use of a variety of therapeutic techniques in the treatment of a single client.
B. clinical decision making that integrates the best available research with clinical experience and patient characteristics.
C. a statistical digest of the results of many different studies.
D. counseling and treatment of troubled individuals by friends, family, and other nonprofessionals.


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