Chapter 12- Psychological Disorders

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A person who experiences a great deal of _____ in his or her daily routine or behaviors may be displaying a sign of behavioral abnormality.

subjective discomfort

When Scott feels the sensation of his heart beating faster when he exercises, he thinks he’s having a heart attack and that he’s about to die. Scott therefore refuses to do any activities that would raise his heart rate and has gained excessive weight. Scott’s behavior would likely be diagnosed as


Dr. Jackson asserts that psychological disorders are caused by genetic influences and hormonal imbalances. Dr. Jackson supports the _____ model.


Professor Eisenhower believes that there are is no one specific cause of psychological disorders, but that they are instead caused by a combination of factors, including (but not limited to) genetic, hormonal, cultural, behavioral, and unconscious influences. Professor Eisenhower supports which perspective of abnormal behavior?


Jean is suffering from excessive problems with nervousness, tension, worry, ,and fright. She may be suffering from a(n) _____ disorder.


Every time Drew gets into an elevator, walks into his closet, or enters any small, enclosed space, he begins to hyperventilate and feels as if he is going to die. Drew may be suffering from


Pam is troubled by thoughts of being attacked by birds and is always looking over her head to make sure no birds are around. These thoughts will not go away, even when she tries hard to think of other things. Pams’ therapist told her that the thoughts she was experiencing are called _____.


Stage fright, fear of public speaking, and a fear of urinating in a public restroom are all examples of

social anxiety disorder.

_____ is a disorder that occurs due to a traumatic stressor, lasts for only about a month, and includes symptoms such as emotional numbness, lack of responsiveness, unawareness of surroundings, anxiety, flashbacks, and nightmares.

Acute stress disorder

The psychodynamic model sees anxiety as the result of

inappropriate urges threatening to surface.

Bella is extremely depressed most of every day. She experiences drastic changes in appetite, has trouble concentrating, and feels exceptionally tired, but can’t seem to sleep. Though she participates in activities, she finds very little to no enjoyment. Bella appears to be experiencing _____.

major depressive disorder

Jan feels euphoric and "on top of the world." She has tremendous energy and is only sleeping a couple of hours a night. However, she is also very impulsive and has been spending her life savings in a wild buying spree. Jan appears to be experiencing _____.

a manic episode

Hannah is a 16-year-old female whose weight is within the normal range. However, she is depressed, has a strong fear of becoming overweight, and is preoccupied with food. For over a year, she has been bingeing on fast food and then using a laxative or vomiting to rid herself of the food. Hannah appears to be suffering from _____.


According to research, which of the following individuals is most likely to become anorexic?

Tammy, and 18-year-old white female

Sidney, a 36-year-old woman who one day vanished from her home, was found two weeks later dressed like a teenager, walking the streets of the town she had grown up in. When found, she could not remember any of the last two weeks, and she did not recognize her husband. Sidney was most likely suffering from the disorder known as _____.

dissociative fugue

Noah believes that he is being controlled by spirits from another dimension that tell him to do things that he knows he shouldn’t. Noah is experiencing

delusions of influence.

Jake has recently been diagnosed with schizophrenia. One of his symptoms is the experience of hallucinations. Of the five sensory systems, which one is most likely to be affected by these events?


Gena, who is a patient in a psychiatric institute, believes that she is the Virgin Mary and expects all of the other patients in her ward to pray to her. Gena’s belief that she is the Virgin Mary is referred to as a delusion of _____.


Anthony has been known to cheat, steal, lie, and manipulate others to get what he wants. Even worse, he feels no remorse after committing such acts. It is most likely that Anthony suffers from _____ disorder.

antisocial personality

One gender difference in personality disorders is that there are more

males diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder and more females diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.

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