Chapte 10-Mastering

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The iliacus and the psoas major muscles are collectively known as the ____________ muscle because they share a common insertion on the __________ of the femur.

iliopsoas; lesser trochanter

The lateral rotators act on the __________.


The piriformis originates on the __________ and inserts on the __________.

sacrum; greater trochanter of the femur

The medial muscles of the hip joint that insert on the linea aspera are the __________.

adductor magnus, adductor brevis, and adductor longus

The prime mover of hip extension is the __________.

gluteus maximus

The tensor fascia latae is involved in hip __________.


The anterior muscles of the thigh that originate on the os coxae are __________.

sartorius; rectus femoris

The hamstring muscles originate on the __________.

ischial tuberosity

To allow for flexion, the __________ unlocks the knee joint.


The two muscles that insert on the fifth phalanx or on the fifth metatarsal are the __________.

extensor digitorum longus and fibularis tertius

The flexor hallucis longus muscle originates on the __________.

interosseous membrane

The soleus and the gastrocnemius share an insertion on the __________.

Select to launch animation The soleus and the gastrocnemius share an insertion on the __________. calcaneus

An insertion of the fibularis longus is the __________.

medial cuneiform

The prime mover of dorsiflexion is the __________.

tibialis anterior

Eversion of the foot is a function of the __________.

fibularis longus

The most powerful movement at the ankle joint is __________, and the ________ is one of the prime movers of this movement.

plantar flexion; gastrocnemius

Which description of a muscle action is NOT correct?

Fixators hold joints in place, so movement does not occur.


Muscle that opposes and reverses the action of another muscle.


Muscle that stabilizes the origin of another muscle.


Muscle that is primarily responsible for bringing about a particular movement.


Muscle that aids another by promoting the same movement.

Which of the following is NOT used as a criterion for naming muscles?

the nervous system’s control of the muscle

When the term biceps, triceps, or quadriceps forms part of a muscle’s name, what does it tell you about the muscle?

The muscle has two, three, or four origins, respectively.

The names of muscles often indicate the action of the muscle. What does the term levator mean?

The muscle elevates and/or adducts a region.

The sternocleidomastoid muscle inserts on the ________.

mastoid process of the temporal bone

The buccinator muscle compresses the cheek and is well developed in nursing infants.


Which of the following muscles does the phrenic nerve innervate?

the diaphragm

The action that moves the scapula towards the head is called __________.


Which movement results after the contraction of the serratus anterior muscle?

scapular protraction and rotation

Which movement is not associated with the scapula?


The coracobrachialis muscle originates on the __________.

coracoid process of the scapula

The posterior scapular muscle that crosses the glenohumeral joint is the __________.

teres major

The __________ is a prime mover of the glenohumeral joint during flexion.


Without lateral rotation of the humerus by the teres minor and infraspinatus muscles, the maximum angle of abduction by the deltoid would be __________.

90 degrees

Abduction requires the action of two muscles, and adduction requires the action of __________.

four muscles

Which muscle is not part of the rotator cuff?

teres major muscle

Downward dislocation of the humerus from the glenohumeral joint when carrying weight is prevented by the __________.

supraspinatus muscle

The angle of which muscle prevents the humeral head from sliding upward out of the joint as the arm is raised?


The rotator cuff is a term used to describe the group of muscles and tendons that stabilize and reinforce the __________.

glenohumeral joint

All the tendons of the rotator cuff muscles combine at which location?

humeral head

To keep the humeral head centered within the glenoidal cavity the rotator cuff muscles must be __________.

located in the same plane

The location of the rotator cuff muscles in relation to the glenohumoral joint minimizes the upward pressure against the __________.

acromion of the scapula

The muscles that extend the forearm are located __________.


The two heads of the biceps brachii muscle come together distally to insert on the __________.

radial tuberosity

The smallest of the posterior extensors of the elbow joint is the __________.


The origin of the long head of the triceps brachii is on the __________.

infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula

The muscle that generates the most power during elbow flexion is the __________.


The prime mover of elbow extension is the __________.

triceps brachii

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