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republicans used the kentucky and virginia resolutions to

Oppose the Alien and Sedetion Acts using state legislatures

When the US government’s early policy towards the Indians in the Northwest Territory did not reap the anticipated results

An expansion of military forces led to the total defeat of General St. Clair’s army

During the 1790s, a rift developed between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson partly because

Hamilton supported the commercial elite and admired the British

Which of Hamilton’s economic programs did Thomas Jefferson advise Washington was not permitted under the Constitution?

the chartering of the banks by congress

According to republican ideals of the late eighteenth century, women and mothers were most important in

teaching virtuous sons

in election of 1800,

party lines were drawn between republicans and federalist

in the fall of 1797 in order to avert a war with france president adams

sent three men to negotiate peace with France.

In the 1796 presidential election, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

ended up being president and vice president.

Alexander Hamilton publicly claimed that rolling the old certificates of debt into new government bonds would

infuse money into the economy and inspire citizens’ confidence in the government

To meet the interest payments on the national debt under his consolidation ("assumption") plan, Alexander Hamilton convinced Congress to pass

a 25 percent excise tax on whiskey

following the xyz affair

congress repealed all prior treaties with france and launched the united states into an undeclared war with france called the quasi war

washington was elected as the first president unanimously and gained the adimiration of many Americans primarily because

he seem to personify the eighteenth- century ideal of the disinterested republican political leader

the whiskey rebellion

was a protest by grain farmers against the excise tax on whiskey

the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions put forth the novel idea that

states have the right to judge the constitutionality of federal laws and can nullify laws that infringe on liberties as defined in the Bill of Rights.

the virginia and kentucky resolutions were authored by

Thomas Jefferson and james madison

The federal government’s decision to move its permanent home from Philadelphia to Washington D.C. came as a result of

controversy surrounding Hamilton’s proposal to assume the states’ war debts.

Washington chose which of the following men to be his secretary of the treasury?

Alexander Hamilton

As vice president, John Adams was not invited to cabinet meetings; his only official duty was to

preside over the Senate

American cotton production underwent a real boom in the late 1790s because of

market conditions and the invention of the cotton gin

In the new republic, traditional gender relations

remained largely unaltered from the norm

Which of the following statements characterized the Federalists in 1800?

They advocated a strong centralized government

Alexander Hamilton viewed the Whiskey Rebellion as a(n)

serious threat to federal leadership within the country

In response to promises that had been made in order to obtain ratification of the Constitution, James Madison drew up the

first ten amendments to the Constitution, commonly called the Bill of Rights

issues that divided the country under federalist presidents in the 1790s included

Hamilton’s economic program and the jay treaty

the first signs of distinct rival u.s. political groups appeared

during Washington’s second term

the constitution did not include or anticipate

Political parties

How did the Haitian Revolution of 1791-1804 affect white Americans?

They became fearful that the rebellion might spread to American shores.

when president Adams arranged a negotiated end to the Quasi-War in 1799

He lost a significant part of his party’s support

what was president Washington reaction to the war between france and britain in 1793

he issue a neutrality proclamation

In the election of 1796, a procedural flaw resulted in the election of political rivals as president and vice president; this flaw was

corrected by passage of the Twelfth Amendment in 1804

In response to Hamilton’s arguments that the Constitution granted broad rights to regulate commerce, which would allow for the establishment of the Bank of the US

President Washington agreed with Hamilton’s interpretation of the Constitution and signed the band into the law in 1791

Which of the following goods offered to the Indians under the Treaty of Greenville was the most detrimental to the tribes?


of the economic programs presented by Hamilton the only one not approved by congress was the

tariff recommended in the report on manufactures

In 1800, Republicans could be described as

described as sympathetic to French republican ideals.

In an effort to muffle the heated opposition to President Adams’s anti-French foreign policy

Congress passed the Sedition Act of 1798

The main purpose of the moderate tariff that Hamilton proposed in his Report on Manufactures was to

protect and foster domestic manufacturing

In his farewell address, President Washington spoke for a "unified body politic" and against

America forming permanent alliances with foreign countries.

Which of the following was significantly omitted from the Bill of Rights?

the right to vote

in 1794, general Anthony Wayne’s defeat of the Indians at fallen timbers resulted in

the treaty of greenville

which of the following best describes the united states government early policy toward the indians in the northwest territory

Displace the Indians and clear the way for permanent American settlements in Ohio.

In the 1796 presidential election, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

ended up being president and vice president.

X, Y, and Z were the code names for

three unnamed French agents sent by Talleyrand to meet with American commissioners.

The Sedition Act targeted mainly

Republican newspaper editors who freely published criticism of the Adams administration

Which of the following best describes American sentiment regarding the English-French struggle in 1793?

Many Americans were angered by an official declaration of neutrality

jefferson inaugural address

party politics was not the most important thing in American democracy

During President Adams’s one term in office, Vice President Jefferson

withdrew from active counsel of the president due to the influence of the Hamiltonian cabinet

In response to the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794, President Washington

nationalized the Pennsylvania militia and led the effort to put down the revolt.

critics oppose the federal government assuming the states old revolutionary

Such action could subordinate the states to federal power

To restore faith in the credit of the federal government, Hamilton proposed

that the federal government assume the unpaid war debts of the states

In the fall of 1797, in order to avert a war with France, President Adams

sent three men to negotiate peace with France.

Washington was elected president unanimously and gained the admiration of many Americans primarily because

he seemed to personify the eighteenth-century ideal of the disinterested republican political leader.

the basic intent of the two alien acts passed by congress was to

Harass French immigrants already in the US and to discourage others from coming.

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