Ch. 7 Psych Midterm

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Concepts are ideas that represent _____________.

a class or category of objects, events, or activities

Don tells Ray that he wants to get a new sports car. Ray immediately understands why, because he is familiar with the common characteristics of sports cars and knows what makes them different from family cars. Ray is using mental categories called ___________.


Which is the most likely prototype for the concept "vehicle"?


Which example would most people take longest to identify as a fruit (even though it technically is a fruit)?


The trial-and-error method of solving problems is also known as _________.

the mechanical solution

What systematic problem-solving method guarantees a solution, provided that one exists?

an algorithm

In problem solving, the term rule of thumb refers to ____________.


A seemingly arbitrary flash "out of the blue," through which the solution to a problem suddenly becomes apparent to you, but you do not consciously know how you "figured it out", is called __________.


A loose screw on the visor causes it to drop down while Ben drives; however, he keeps forgetting to take a screwdriver out to the car to fix it. When he notices the visor drop again, he reaches into his pocket for a dime he uses to tighten the screw holding the visor. What problem-solving difficulty did Ben overcome?

functional fixedness

The ability to produce solutions to problems that are unusual, inventive, novel, and appropriate is called ____________.


_______________ thinking works pretty well for routine problem solving, but may be of little use when a more creative solution is needed.


What type of thinking could be described as taking different directions in search of a variety of answers to a question?


Charles Spearman believed that intelligence is composed of ___________.

general intelligence and specific abilities

Gardner and his associates are known for proposing ___________.

the theory of multiple intelligences

What 3 types of intelligence constitute Sternberg’s Triarchic theory of intelligence?

analytical, creative, and practical

According to Robert Sternberg, __________________ is best described as "street smarts" or the ability to use information to get along in life. People who have it know how to be tactful, how to manipulate situations to their advantage, and how to use inside information to increase their odds of success.

practical intelligence

Measuring intelligence by testing is a rather new concept in the history of the world. The idea of such testing came from _________________.


Dallas is a 10-year-old boy who has a mental age of 10 years. His IQ would be ______________.


Culture-fair tests attempt to measure _______________.

the intelligence of people coming from outside the culture in which the test was devised

Psychological tests that yield relativity consistent results are said to be ______________.


Most standardized tests of intelligence have a distribution of scores that _______________.

follows the normal curve

___________________ has been suggested by Goleman to be a more powerful influence on life than more traditional views.

emotional intelligence

Which of the following groups of children is most likely to have the most similar IQ scores?

identical twins reared together

When we consider intelligence, it is important to remember that although ______________ sets limits on a child’s potential, it is the ____________ that permits that potential to be actualized.

heredity; environment

The rules that determine how sounds and words can be combined and used to communicate meaning within a language are collectively known as ______________.


Which of these is an element of the formal definition of mental retardation?

IQ below 70

The basic meaningful units of any language are called _____________.


You are learning Russian in preparation for a trip next summer. Although you are doing a good job recognizing the written signs you need to know, you are having trouble with the sounds of the Russian language. Which of the following aspects of language is giving you trouble?


Rochelle is 38 years old, but her mental ability is measured as that of a second-grade child. Rochelle would be classified as ___________ developmentally delayed.


Pragmatics are defined as ___________.

the practical aspects of communicating with others, or the social "niceties" of language

Which classification of developmental delay affects most of the population classified in this fashion?


When adults who are speaking to infants change the pitch and rhythm in their speech, they are altering __________.


Which of the following is a true statement?

the mildly retarded can reach the 6th grade level and live independently

The linguistic relativity hypothesis suggests that ______________.

one’s language determines the pattern of one’s thinking and view of the world.

What percentage of the population is described as gifted, according to IQ standards?

2 percent

Researchers have found that despite the number of color names in a language, the basic abilities to perceive color are unchanged. This finding would be troublesome for the theory of ______________.

Sapir and Whorf

Which of the following statements about gifted people is true?

they are often skilled leaders

Parrots seem to talk. They utter words that sound like human language. Thus, can this behavior be thought to be speech? Which statement about parrots is supported by the research?

none of these

The term Terman’s Termites refers to ______________.

a sample of gifted children who were studied and followed into adulthood

Which of the following is one of the animals that has been taught to use language with some success?

none of these

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