Ch. 7 History 1301

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The Anti-Federalists included which early American leader among their number?

Patrick Henry

In the 1780s, what evidence shows that the early government of the United States was not as strong and united as its founders had hoped it would be?

States relied on own constitution, which ofter stated very different laws

Why did the Anti-Feds insist on adding a Bill of Rights to the U.S. constitution

To secure individual rights against possible government intrusion

In which state was Anti-Fed most popular?


Which early American leader was a chief Federalist?

Alexander Hamilton

Which of the following ceased to be a right of individual states after the U.S. Constitution was ratified?

The right to issue and print cerrency

In 1779, which colonial leader traveled to France to negotiate peace with the British?

John Adams

What was the justification for replacing the Articles of Confederation with a different Document?

The central government it created was weak and had little power

What was a major concern for the group known as the Anti-Federalists

That a federal government would take away states rights

What was a major concern for the group known as the Federalists

That the new nation would be unable to confront foreign threats

What state was the last of the thirteenth colonies to draft and ratify the constitution in 1780?


The federalists included which early American leader among their number?

Alexander Hamilton

Which statement would a supporter of Federalism in the late 1700s most likely make in an argument?

The United States national debt has grown out of control

How was Pennsylvania’s constitution radically different from other state constitution>

It allowed for only one legislative body and no governor

The final draft of the US Constitution took which right away from the individual states?

The right to print and issue cerrency

What issue was resolved with the Great Compromise between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists?

Representation in two legislative houses

When the individual states began writing their constitutions, their experience as royal subjects made which of the following a key concern?

Limiting the powers of government

Federalism was most popular in which state?

New Jersey

Where did the Treaty of Paris set the boundary of the United States?

The Mississippi River

What was the purpose of adding the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution?

To secure individual rights against possible government intrusion

Which early American leader was a chief Anti-Federalist?

Patrick Henry

In the 1780s what evidence shows that the early government of the United States was not as strong and united as its founders had hoped it would be?

States relied on their own constitutions, which often stated very different laws

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