Campbell Biology Chapter 13

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5) Which of the following defines a genome?
A) representation of a complete set of a cell’s polypeptides
B) the complete set of an organism’s polypeptides
C) the complete set of a species’ polypeptides
D) a karyotype
E) the complete set of an organism’s genes

E) the complete set of an organism’s genes

Asexual reproduction occurs during _________.


6) At which stage of mitosis are chromosomes usually photographed in the preparation of a karyotype?
A) prophase
B) metaphase
C) anaphase
D) telophase
E) interphase

B) metaphase

8) Which of the following is true of a species that has a chromosome number of 2n = 16?

A) The species is diploid with 32 chromosomes per cell.
B) The species has 16 sets of chromosomes per cell.
C) Each cell has eight homologous pairs.
D) During the S phase of the cell cycle there will be 32 separate chromosomes.
E) A gamete from this species has four chromosomes.

C) Each cell has eight homologous pairs.

9) Eukaryotic sexual life cycles show tremendous variation. Of the following elements, which do all sexual life cycles have in common?

I. Alternation of generations
II. Meiosis
III. Fertilization
IV. Gametes
V. Spores

A) I, IV, and V
B) I, II, and IV
C) II, III, and IV
D) II, IV, and V
E) I, II, III, IV, and V

C) II, III, and IV II. Meiosis III. Fertilization IV. Gametes

In a plants sexual life cycle_______.

Gametophytes produce gametes by mitosis

12) Which of the following is an example of alternation of generations?
A) A grandparent and grandchild each have dark hair, but the parent has blond hair.
B) A diploid plant (sporophyte) produces, by meiosis, a spore that gives rise to a multicellular, haploid pollen grain (gametophyte).
C) A diploid animal produces gametes by meiosis, and the gametes undergo fertilization to produce a diploid zygote.
D) A haploid mushroom produces gametes by mitosis, and the gametes undergo fertilization, which is immediately followed by meiosis.
E) A diploid cell divides by mitosis to produce two diploid daughter cells, which then fuse to produce a tetraploid cell.

B) A diploid plant (sporophyte) produces, by meiosis, a spore that gives rise to a multicellular, haploid pollen grain (gametophyte).

14) A given organism has 46 chromosomes in its karyotype. We can therefore conclude which of the following?
A) It must be human.
B) It must be a primate.
C) It must be an animal.
D) It must be sexually reproducing.
E) Its gametes must have 23 chromosomes.

E) Its gametes must have 23 chromosomes.

18) If a cell has completed the first meiotic division and is just beginning meiosis II, which of the following is an appropriate description of its contents?
A) It has half the amount of DNA as the cell that began meiosis.
B) It has the same number of chromosomes but each of them has different alleles than another cell from the same meiosis.
C) It has half the chromosomes but twice the DNA of the originating cell.
D) It has one-fourth the DNA and one-half the chromosomes as the originating cell.
E) It is identical in content to another cell from the same meiosis.

A) It has half the amount of DNA as the cell that began meiosis.

21) The somatic cells of a privet shrub each contain 46 chromosomes. To be as different as they are from human cells, which have the same number of chromosomes, which of the following must be true?
A) Privet cells cannot reproduce sexually.
B) Privet sex cells have chromosomes that can synapse with human chromosomes in the laboratory.
C) Genes of privet chromosomes are significantly different than those in humans.
D) Privet shrubs must be metabolically more like animals than like other shrubs.
E) Genes on a particular privet chromosome, such as the X, must be on a different human chromosome, such as number 18.

C) Genes of privet chromosomes are significantly different than those in humans.

23) After telophase I of meiosis, the chromosomal makeup of each daughter cell is
A) diploid, and the chromosomes are each composed of a single chromatid.
B) diploid, and the chromosomes are each composed of two chromatids.
C) haploid, and the chromosomes are each composed of a single chromatid.
D) haploid, and the chromosomes are each composed of two chromatids.
E) tetraploid, and the chromosomes are each composed of two chromatids.

D) haploid, and the chromosomes are each composed of two chromatids.

24) How do cells at the completion of meiosis compare with cells that have replicated their DNA and are just about to begin meiosis (Prophase 1)?
A) They have twice the amount of cytoplasm and half the amount of DNA.
B) They have half the number of chromosomes and half the amount of DNA.
C) They have the same number of chromosomes and half the amount of DNA.
D) They have half the number of chromosomes and one-fourth the amount of DNA.
E) They have half the amount of cytoplasm and twice the amount of DNA.

D) They have half the number of chromosomes and one-fourth the amount of DNA.

26) Which of the following happens at the conclusion of meiosis I?
A) Homologous chromosomes are separated.
B) The chromosome number per cell is conserved.
C) Sister chromatids are separated.
D) Four daughter cells are formed.
E) The sperm cells elongate to form a head and a tail end.

A) Homologous chromosomes are separated.

30) Which of the following occurs in meiosis but not in mitosis?
A) chromosome replication
B) synapsis of chromosomes
C) production of daughter cells
D) alignment of chromosomes at the equator
E) condensation of chromatin

B) synapsis of chromosomes

35) When we see chiasmata under a microscope, that lets us know which of the following has occurred?
A) asexual reproduction
B) meiosis II
C) anaphase II
D) prophase I
E) separation of homologs

D) prophase I

70) How many different combinations of maternal and paternal chromosomes can be packaged in gametes made by an organism with a diploid number of 8(2n = 8)?
A) 2
B) 4
C) 8
D) 16
E) 32

D) 16

Somatic cells of roundworms have four individual chromosomes per cell. How many chromosomes would you expect to find in an ovum from a roundworm?


Which of the following can occur by the process of meiosis but not by mitosis?

Diploid cells form haploid cells

In meiosis, homologous chromosomes are separated during___________.

Anaphase 1

What is the major difference between mitosis and meiosis 1 in a diploid organism?

Sister chromatids separate in mitosis, while homologous pairs of chromosomes separate in meiosis 1

Crossing over normally takes place during which of the following processes?

Meiosis 1 (Specifically Prophase 1)

For the duration of meiosis 1, each chromosome_____________.

Consists of two sister chromatids joined by a centromere.

Homologous pairs of chromosomes align opposite of each other at the equator of a cell during___________.

Meiosis metaphase 1

Centromeres split and sister chromatids migrate to opposite poles in meiosis________.

Anaphase 2

29) Independent assortment of chromosomes occurs.
A) The statement is true for mitosis only.
B) The statement is true for meiosis I only.
C) The statement is true for meiosis II only.
D) The statement is true for mitosis and meiosis I.
E) The statement is true for mitosis and meiosis II.

B) The statement is true for meiosis I only.

44) Independent assortment of chromosomes is a result of

A) the random and independent way in which each pair of homologous chromosomes lines up at the metaphase plate during meiosis I.
B) the random nature of the fertilization of ova by sperm.
C) the random distribution of the sister chromatids to the two daughter cells during anaphase II.
D) the relatively small degree of homology shared by the X and Y chromosomes.
E) the random and independent way in which each pair of homologous chromosomes lines up at the metaphase plate during meiosis I, the random nature of the fertilization of ova by sperm, the random distribution of the sister chromatids to the two daughter cells during anaphase II, and the relatively small degree of homology shared by the X and Y chromosomes.

A) the random and independent way in which each pair of homologous chromosomes lines up at the metaphase plate during meiosis I.

43) For a species with a haploid number of 23 chromosomes, how many different combinations of maternal and paternal chromosomes are possible for the gametes?
A) 23
B) 46
C) 460
D) 920
E) about 8 million

E) about 8 million

When homologous chromosomes cross over, what occurs?

Corresponding segments of non-sister chromatids are exchanged

63) How is natural selection related to sexual reproduction as opposed to asexual reproduction?
A) Sexual reproduction results in many new gene combinations, some of which will lead to differential reproduction.
B) Sexual reproduction results in the most appropriate and healthiest balance of two sexes in the population.
C) Sexual reproduction results in the greatest number of new mutations.
D) Sexual reproduction allows the greatest number of offspring to be produced.
E) Sexual reproduction utilizes far less energy than asexual reproduction.

A) Sexual reproduction results in many new gene combinations, some of which will lead to differential reproduction.

The diploid number of roundworm species is 4. Assuming there is no crossover, and random segregation of homologous during meiosis. How many different possible combinations of chromosomes might there be in the offspring? (not including variety generated by crossing over?)


The bulldog and has a diploid number of two chromosomes. Therefore, following meiosis, each daughter cell will have a single chromosome. Diversity in this species may be generated by mutations and _____________.


The fastest way for organisms to adapt to a changing environment involves___________.

sexual reproduction

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