BISC 002 Chapter 5

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1) What is energy?
A) the capacity to cause movement
B) the capacity to cause change
C) a measure of calories
D) a measure of disorder

B) the capacity to cause change

2) An object at rest has no ______ energy, but it may have ______ energy resulting from its location or structure.
A) kinetic… potential
B) kinetic… conserved
C) potential… kinetic
D) stored… potential

A) kinetic… potential

3) The principle that energy cannot be created or destroyed is known as ______.
A) interconversion
B) conservation of energy
C) conservation of heat
D) entropy

A) interconversion

4) A rock on the top of a mountain contains ______ energy.
A) potential
B) no
C) kinetic
D) conserved

A) potential

5) You are riding on your bike and stop pedaling, coasting along the road. Eventually, your bike slows down and stops. What happened to the energy of your motion when your bike stopped?
A) It was returned to the bicycle.
B) It was converted back to chemical energy.
C) It was released as heat.
D) It was used to chemically break down the tires.

C) It was released as heat.

6) Which of the following is a measure of randomness in a system?
A) entropy
B) kinetic energy
C) potential energy
D) chemical energy

A) entropy

7) Glucose molecules provide energy to power the swimming motion of sperm. In this example, the sperm are changing ______.
A) chemical energy into kinetic energy
B) chemical energy into potential energy
C) kinetic energy into potential energy
D) kinetic energy into chemical energy

A) chemical energy into kinetic energy

8) Humans convert approximately ______ of the energy stored in food to useful work.
A) 22%
B) 34%
C) 55%
D) 99.9%

B) 34%

9) Ten kilocalories are equivalent to ______ calories.
A) 1,000
B) 10,000
C) 0.1
D) 100

B) 10,000

10) You have a 2-kg bottle of liquid water at 0°C. About how many Calories are needed to heat up the water to 100°C?
A) 100 Calories
B) 200 Calories
C) 2,000 Calories
D) 10,000 Calories

B) 200 Calories

11) What compound directly provides energy for cellular work?
A) C6H12O6
D) fat


12) Energy is transferred from ATP to other molecules by transferring a(n) ______.
A) adenosine
B) heat unit
C) photon
D) phosphate group

D) phosphate group

13) Anything that prevents ATP formation will most likely ______.
A) result in cell death
B) force the cell to rely on lipids for energy
C) force the cell to rely on ADP for energy
D) have no effect on the cell

A) result in cell death

14) Usually, enzymes are ______.
A) fats
B) steroids
C) chemical reactions
D) proteins

D) proteins

15) The sum total of all the chemical reactions that occur in organisms is called ______.
A) summation
B) cellular synthesis
C) replication
D) metabolism

D) metabolism

16) Enzymes increase the rate of a reaction by ______.
A) increasing the temperature of the substrates
B) contributing electrons to the reaction
C) decreasing activation energy
D) changing the pH of the substrates

C) decreasing activation energy

17) Which one of the following is true?
A) Enzymes are the products in a chemical reaction.
B) Enzymes are the reactants in a chemical reaction.
C) Enzymes catalyze specific reactions.
D) An enzyme’s function requires inhibitors.

C) Enzymes catalyze specific reactions

18) An enzyme’s function is dependent on its ______.
A) pH
B) temperature
C) shape
D) size

C) shape

19) Which component of the following reaction is the enzyme?
sucrose + sucrase + water → sucrase + glucose + fructose
A) sucrose
B) sucrase
C) glucose
D) fructose

B) sucrase

20) The region of an enzyme to which a substrate binds is called the ______ site.
A) active
B) substrate
C) enzymatic
D) conformational

A) active

21) Which component of the following reaction is the substrate?
sucrose + sucrase + water → sucrase + glucose + fructose
A) sucrose
B) sucrase
C) glucose
D) fructose

A) sucrose

22) Which one of the following is true?
A) An enzyme’s function depends on its three-dimensional shape.
B) Enzymes work generally on a broad range of substrates.
C) Enzymes are used up in chemical reactions.
D) Enzymes emerge changed from the reactions they catalyze.

A) An enzyme’s function depends on its three-dimensional shape.

23) Substances that plug up an enzyme’s active site are ______.
A) enzyme substrates
B) enzyme inhibitors
C) induced fit factors
D) enzyme products

B) enzyme inhibitors

24) Which one of the following is most similar to the mechanism of an enzyme inhibitor?
A) keeping someone from parking by parking in their designated spot
B) driving the wrong way on a one-way street
C) forgetting to put a cap back on a pen
D) changing the tires on a car

A) keeping someone from parking by parking in their designated spot

25) Diffusion is an example of ______.
A) phagocytosis
B) active transport
C) endocytosis
D) passive transport

D) passive transport

26) Diffusion ______.
A) is the result of the potential energy of atoms
B) requires an input of cellular energy
C) occurs when particles spread from areas where they are less concentrated to areas where they are more concentrated
D) proceeds until equilibrium is reached

D) proceeds until equilibrium is reached

27) Facilitated diffusion across a biological membrane requires ______ and moves a substance ______ its concentration gradient.
A) energy… down
B) transport proteins… down
C) energy and transport proteins… against
D) transport proteins… against

B) transport proteins… down

28) Osmosis can be defined as ______.
A) the diffusion of water
B) the diffusion of nonpolar molecules
C) active transport
D) the diffusion of a solute

A) the diffusion of water

29) A balloon permeable to water but not to glucose contains a 10% glucose solution. A beaker contains a 5% glucose solution. Which of the following is true?
A) The solution in the beaker is hypertonic relative to the solution in the balloon.
B) The solution in the balloon is isotonic; the solution in the beaker is hypertonic.
C) When placed in the beaker, the balloon will lose water by osmosis.
D) The solution in the balloon is hypertonic relative to the solution in the beaker.

D) The solution in the balloon is hypertonic relative to the solution in the beaker.

30) When two solutions that differ in solute concentration are placed on either side of a selectively permeable membrane, and osmosis is allowed to take place, the water will ______.
A) exhibit a net movement to the side with lower water concentration
B) exhibit a net movement to the side with higher water concentration
C) exhibit a net movement to the side with lower solute concentration
D) exhibit an equal movement in both directions across the membrane

A) exhibit a net movement to the side with lower water concentration

31) A cell that neither gains nor loses water when it is immersed in a solution is ______.
A) isotonic to its environment
B) hypertonic to its environment
C) hypotonic to its environment
D) metabolically inactive

A) isotonic to its environment

32) Some protozoans have special organelles called contractile vacuoles that continually eliminate excess water from the cell. The presence of these organelles tells you that the environment ______.
A) is isotonic to the protozoan
B) is hypotonic to the protozoan
C) is hypertonic to the protozoan
D) contains a higher concentration of solutes than the protozoan

B) is hypotonic to the protozoan

33) If placed in tap water, an animal cell will undergo lysis, whereas a plant cell will not. What accounts for this difference?
A) expulsion of water by the plant cell’s central vacuole
B) the relative impermeability of the plant cell membrane to water
C) the relative impermeability of the plant cell wall to water
D) the relative inelasticity and strength of the plant cell wall

D) the relative inelasticity and strength of the plant cell wall

34) In a hypotonic solution, a plant cell will ______.
A) undergo plasmolysis
B) become flaccid
C) burst
D) become turgid

D) become turgid

35) Which of the following processes could result in the net movement of a substance into a cell, if the substance is more concentrated in the cell than in the surroundings?
A) active transport
B) facilitated diffusion
C) diffusion
D) osmosis

A) active transport

36) Active transport ______.
A) uses ATP as an energy source
B) can move solutes against their concentration gradient
C) can involve the transport of ions
D) all of the above

D) all of the above

37) When a person cries, tears are exported from cells through the process of
A) facilitated diffusion.
B) active transport.
C) endocytosis.
D) exocytosis.

C) endocytosis

38) Certain cells that line the stomach synthesize a digestive enzyme and secrete it into the stomach. This enzyme is a protein. Which of the following processes could be responsible for its secretion?
A) endocytosis
B) exocytosis
C) phagocytosis
D) passive transport

B) exocytosis

39) The act of a white blood cell engulfing a bacterium is ______.
A) osmosis
B) diffusion
C) exocytosis
D) phagocytosis

D) phagocytosis

40) Relaying a message from a receptor protein to a molecule that performs a specific function within a cell is called ______.
A) signal transduction
B) inhibition
C) self-recognition
D) selective permeability

A) signal transduction

41) Which of the following is most like a signal transduction pathway in a cell?
A) a person answering the door to their home after someone rings the doorbell
B) a person parking a car in a parking space
C) catching fish using a fishing pole
D) a physician removing a thorn from a person’s foot

A) a person answering the door to their home after someone rings the doorbell

A) ADP can perform cellular work when it binds to an additional phosphate group
B) ATP can perform cellular work when it releases a phosphate group
C) ATP can be converted to ADP by adding a phosphate group
D) energy is released from ATP during the process of cellular respiration

B) ATP can perform cellular work when it releases a phosphate group

43) Examine the cells below. Cells with a higher concentration of ions than the surrounding medium tend to ______.
A) stay about the same size and shape
B) expand
C) shrink
D) divide

B) expand

44) Examine the following figure. Imagine that cell signaling using a signal transduction pathway is like a person answering the door after hearing the doorbell ring. Which structure in this figure is like the button for the doorbell?
A) epinephrine
B) the receptor protein
C) proteins of the signal transduction pathway
D) the plasma membrane

B) the receptor protein

Cellular respiration converts the energy of fuel molecules to a form of energy that a cell can use to perform work. In an average day, most adult humans need to consume about 2,000 Calories to maintain their health. However, the exact amount of dietary Calories a person needs depends upon many factors, including the person’s age, physical activity, size, and health. Foods that we consume vary greatly in their nutritional content and quality. A large hard-boiled egg, for example, has about 75 dietary Calories and contains about 70% of our recommended daily intake of cholesterol.
45) Molecules that come from the food we eat provide energy for the amazing work that goes on inside of our cells. This energy, stored inside of our food, is a form of ______.
A) potential energy called chemical energy
B) potential energy called entropy
C) kinetic energy called heat
D) electrical energy called heat

A) potential energy called chemical energy

Cellular respiration converts the energy of fuel molecules to a form of energy that a cell can use to perform work. In an average day, most adult humans need to consume about 2,000 Calories to maintain their health. However, the exact amount of dietary Calories a person needs depends upon many factors, including the person’s age, physical activity, size, and health. Foods that we consume vary greatly in their nutritional content and quality. A large hard-boiled egg, for example, has about 75 dietary Calories and contains about 70% of our recommended daily intake of cholesterol.
46) If a person eats one hard-boiled egg and digests the egg fully, cellular respiration will convert most of this energy into ______.
B) heat
C) carbon dioxide
D) sugars

B) heat

Cellular respiration converts the energy of fuel molecules to a form of energy that a cell can use to perform work. In an average day, most adult humans need to consume about 2,000 Calories to maintain their health. However, the exact amount of dietary Calories a person needs depends upon many factors, including the person’s age, physical activity, size, and health. Foods that we consume vary greatly in their nutritional content and quality. A large hard-boiled egg, for example, has about 75 dietary Calories and contains about 70% of our recommended daily intake of cholesterol.
47) The amount of dietary Calories in one hard-boiled egg could raise the temperature of ______.
A) 75 grams of water by 1 degree Celsius
B) 750 grams of water by 1 degree Celsius
C) 1,000 grams of water by 75 degrees Celsius
D) 7,500 grams of water by 50 degrees Celsius

C) 1,000 grams of water by 75 degrees Celsius

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