Biology- Unit 6 Assignment 16- Evolutionary Evidence

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being related or showing a close similarity


the beginning or developing stage of an organism


form and structure of an embryo or any of its parts


having a similarity attributable to a common ancestor


continuous line of descent


evolution above the species level


evolution at or below the species level


form and structure of an organism or any of its parts


the splitting of a lineage into separate and distinct species


group of related organisms that share features and characteristics


small or underdeveloped

Which of the following is an example of microevolution?

A caterpillar changes form into a butterfly.

A population of birds with red feathers slowly changes to having blue feathers.

A dinosaur species evolves over time into a bird species.

A black cat has kittens with white spots.

A population of birds with red feathers slowly changes to having blue feathers.

Over time, a tadpole changes into a frog. Has it evolved?

No, because its genes are still the same.

No, because its body did not change enough.

Yes, because its structural form changed over time.

Yes, because its genes have changed

No, because its genes are still the same.

Evolution _____.

doesn’t happen below the species level

is always caused by mutation

is a slow, gradual change over time

happens very quickly

is a slow, gradual change over time

The evolution of the eohippus into the modern day horse is an example of _____.

character change




character change

Select all that apply.

Macroevolution _____.

refers to evolution at the species level

includes evolution at the population and community level

analyzes the history of life over time

refers to evolution above the species level

is based on direct observation

analyzes the history of life over time refers to evolution above the species level

Which of the following animals will have a forelimb most similar to a dolphin?






Both bats and honeybees have wings. Which of the following statements is true?

Bats are more closely related to honeybees than to humans.

Since they are the result of evolution, honeybee wings and bat wings are homologous structures.

Since they do not come from a common ancestor, honeybee wings and bat wings are analogous structures.

Since they both have wings and humans do not, neither bats nor honeybees are related to humans at all

Since they do not come from a common ancestor, honeybee wings and bat wings are analogous structures

Comparative morphology _____.

compares the embryo development of organisms of different species

compares the anatomy of organisms of different species

organizes fossils into a timeline of organism evolution

analyses the similarities and differences between organisms of the same species

compares the anatomy of organisms of different species

During the early stages of embryo development, dolphins have gill pouches. What does this mean?

Dolphins evolved from fish.

Fish evolved from dolphins.

Dolphin embryos go through a fish phase during development.

Dolphins and fish share a distant, common ancestor.

Dolphins and fish share a distant, common ancestor.

Whales have vestigial legs. This suggests they _____.

will one day return to land

evolved from large fish

descended from land animals

can live on land

descended from land animals

Select all that apply.

Fossils _____.

form whenever an organism dies

can show evolutionary relationships between organisms

suggest modern day organisms evolved over time

can be grouped together by age to form a fossil record

can show evolutionary relationships between organisms suggest modern day organisms evolved over time can be grouped together by age to form a fossil record

Which of the following statements is true?

Organisms that evolve in the same environment often have homologous structures.

Since there are gaps in the fossil record, it cannot be used as evidence for evolution.

Human morphology and embryo development is very different from all other organisms.

The more similar the embryonic development of two species, the more closely they are related.

The more similar the embryonic development of two species, the more closely they are related.

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