Biology Plants

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Plants used to make fibers for clothing include

cotton and flax

Which of the following is not made from plant products.. cork, cotton, rubber, or leather


All of the following foods come from fruits except.. Rice, wheat,spinach, or applesauce


Vegetables that we eat come from various plant parts including

stems, roots, and leaves

Fruits of cereal plants are called


A farmer alternately grows corn and a legume crop in a single field. The farmer’s reason for doing this is probably

to allow the legumes to restore nitrogen to the soil that is depleted by the corn

An example of a plant and an animal that have evolved together is

a plant flower that resembles the female of an insect species

Mycorrhizae are

symbiotic associations between the roots of a plant and a fungus

A beneficial relationship between a plant and a bacterium occurs when certain bacteria inhabit the roots of a plant and _________ that the plant can use

fix nitrogen

People have damaged natural plant populations by introducing

foreign plant species that become noxious weeds, diseases that kill native plants, and animals that consume native plants

Approximately when did the cultivation of plants begin?

11,000 years ago

The challenges faced by early land plants included

conserving water, reproducing on land, and absorbing minerals from the rocky surface

The waxy protective covering of a land plant is called a


the cuticle

helps reproduce the evaporation of fluids from a plant

Some land plants developed an internal system of interconnected tubes and vessels called

vascular tissues

The xylem in a plant

transports water and minerals to the stems and leaves

the diploid form in a plant’s life cycle is called the


The haploid form in a plant’s life cycle is called the


Alteration between a haploid stage and a diploid stage in a plant’s life cycle is called

alternation of generations

In plants, haploid gemetes are produced as a result of


The dominant generation in vascular plants is the


Which of the following is not a nonvascular plant?.. Moss, liverwort, hornwort, or a fern


What is not a characteristic of all nonvascular plants?

they produce seeds

What is a reason why mosses are good pioneer plants?

they can create a layer of soil on bare rock

All of the following developed in some vascular plants and are not present in any nonvascular plants except..pollen, deep roots, chlorophyll, seeds


The primary distinguishing characteristics of all vascular plants are

xylem and phloem; true roots, stems, and leaves

Which of the following is not a seed plant?.. a flowering plant, a pine tree, a fern, or a ginkgo

a fern

Pines, spruces, and firs are


The tallest trees in the world are species of


Which of the following were the first land plants to evolve seeds?.. angiosperms, gymnosperms,mosses, or ferns


Seed plants are the dominant land plants because

the seeds they produce enable the plant to survive in a dormant state when conditions are not suitable for growth

Monocots have

leaves with parallel veins

Flowering plants are classified as monocots or dicots according to their number or


What associations between a plant cell and its characteristics is incorrect

Collenchyma cell– thin cell walls; do not occur in groups

Which of the following types of plant cells provides structural support and is typically dead at functional maturity?.. collenchyma, parenchyma, sclerenchyma, or none of the above


The conducting cells of phloem are called

sieve tube members

In xylem tissue, water moves from tracheid to tracheid through


The outermost layer consisting of ground tissue in a stem is the


Regions of active cell division in plants are called


Meristems can be founs

at the tips and roots

Which of the following types of meristems is found in some monocots above the bases of leaves and stems? Apical meristems, vascular cambium, intercalary meristems, and cork cambium

intercalary meristems

The lengthening of plant roots and shoots is called

primary growth

During periods of primary growth at apical meristems, stems and roots

become longer

The primary function of root hairs is

to absorb water and minerals

Which of the following are taproots?

to absorb water and minerals

Which of the following is not characteristics of fibrous roots

dominant primary root

Which of the following is not characteristic of secondary growth of roots?

It occurs in monocot, dicot, and gymnosperm roots

The ground tissue in the center of roots and stems

provides support

Leaves connect to the stems of plants at the


Secondary xylem and phloem are produced from the

vascular cambium

Bark contains

phloem and cork cells

In a woody stem, cork cambium

produced the outer bark

The movement of water through a plant is caused by

the attraction of water molecules for each other, capillary action, and transpiration

The loss of water by the leaves and stem of a plant is called


The phloem in a plant

transports sugars

The transport of food from the leaf to the rest of the plant is called


A hypothesis that explains the movement of sugar in a plant is the

pressure-flow hypothesis

The xylem in a plant

transports water and minerals

In plants, the ground tissue that is made up of chloroplast-rich cells is the


The tissue of the leaf mesophyll that is located directly below the upper epidermis and consists of tightly packed column-shaped cells is the

palisade layer

Photosynthesis enables plants to produce most of the organic molecules they need. This process requires the use of all of the following except?.. carbon dioxide, water, light, glucose


Which of the following is an adaption found in leaves of shade-grown plants?

chloroplasts not shading each other

The stomata are responsible for

regulation of water loss

The guard cells that surround a stoma

swell with water, causing the stoma to open

The structure on a moss gametophyte in which spores are produced is the


Which of the following statements about moss spores is not true?

They are diploid

The sporophyte generation in mosses produces spores by


The dominant form of moss is the


In which of the following structures do mosses produce eggs?



require water for fertilization to occur

Fern sporophytes consist of rhizomes and


Which of the following types of plants are homosporous?

mosses and ferns

Pollen is produced in the


The mature microscope of a seed plant is called a

pollen grian

The process of transferring pollen from a male cone to a female cone in gymnospems is called


Removing a flower’s stigma would initially affect


If a plant’s flowers are very colorful and produce nectar, the plant is probably pollinated by



tends to increase genetic variation

Cross-pollination is beneficial because it

produces new genetic variations

The flowers produced by angiosperms help ensure the transfer of gametes by

attracting a particular bird, insect, or other animal

Immediately following pollination,

the pollen tube begins to form begins to form


involves the union of egg and sperm, may not follow pollination at all, and may not occur until weeks or months after pollination has taken place

Double fertilization has great survival value because

the embryo has its own temporary source of food

During fertilization in flowering plants, one sperm fuses with an egg to form an embryo, and another fuses with two nuclei to form nutritive tissue. This event is called

double fertilization

What function do the fruits produced by angiosperms perform?

they provide food for humans and other animals, they protect the seeds, and they disperse the seeds

The primary purpose of the fruit is

to disperse seeds

The cotyledons in a seed

provide food for the embryo

A typical seed contains all of the following except.. a seed coat, a cotyledon, an embryo, or a spore case

a spore case

A seed or plant may remain inactive for a period of time when it is


The development of a seed into a seedling is referred to as


Which of the following enables seeds to germinate?

exposure to temperature changes, seed coat damage, and penetration of water and oxygen through the seed coat

Once the food stored in a bean’s cotyledons is used up,

the cotyledons shrivel up and fall off

Which of the following associations between a vegetative reproductive structure and its characteristics is incorrect?

runner– aboveground root that produces new plants

Which of the following hormones normally exist(s) in a gaseous state? auxins, cytokinins, ethylene, or gibberellins


Which of the following hormones promote(s) cell division in plants? abscisic acid, gibberellins, cytokinins, or auxins


Apical dominance

is the inhibition of lateral bud growth by the presence of a shoot tip

Which of the following is (are) used to create ornamental trees? cytokinins, auxins, ethylene, or gibberellins


Which of the following is a result of an application of a synthetic auxin to improve crop production?

formation of new roots on stem and leaf cuttings

Plant movements that occur in response to touch and are independent of the direction of the stimulus are called

thigmonastic movements

All of the following generally cause tropisms in plants except.. light, gravity, touch, or heat


When vines grow, they ofter wrap tendrills around objects for support. The tendrills wrap because of


Which of the following does not occur as a result of changes in turgor pressure?

twining of ivy plants around an object

Many plants respond to changes in day length because of

a pigment that is sensitive to the amount of darkness

The response of plants to periods of light and dark is called


Fall coloration of leaves is caused by

the breakdown of chlorophyll without the production of new chlorophyll, carotenoids and anthocyainins, and a photoperiodic response

Which of the following is not a phytochrome-mediated response.. flowering, bud dormancy, vernalization or seed germination


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