Biology Chapter 16 Quiz

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A pollen grain is a ______.

male gametophyte

From the point of view of an angiosperm, what is the function of fruit?

it is a mechanism for the dispersal of seeds

Gametophytes are ______; sporophytes are ______.


Gametophytes reproduce ______.

by producing sperms and eggs

In ______ the gametophyte is more obvious than the sporophyte.


In angiosperms, the male gametophyte develops within ______.


In angiosperms, what structures house female gametophytes?


Much of the coal we use today came from ______ that lived during the Carboniferous.

seedless vascular plants

Mutualistic associations of plant roots and fungi are called ______.


Nearly all food plants are as ______.


Nutritionally, all fungi are ______.


Plants first moved onto land at least ______ years ago.

475 million

Seeds develop from ______.


The ______ helps plants retain water.


What are hyphae?

threadlike filaments that make up fungal bodies

What global climatic change gave gymnosperms an advantage over ferns?

the climate becoming cooler and drier

What important role do fungi play in many ecosystems?

they decompose organic material

Which of the following correctly illustrates the sequence of the origin of modern groups of plants?

bryophytes, ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms

Which of the following is a component of the female structure of a flowering plant?


Which of the following lack vascular tissue?


Which of these adaptations to a terrestrial existence evolved most recently?


Which structure of a flower traps pollen?


______ were the first plants that did not require water for transferring sperm to eggs.


______ are seedless vascular plants.


Why are gymnosperms "naked seed" plants?

they have no ovaries

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