Bio 2

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Replication/growth is controlled by what?


When replication/growth genes are turned off, what is the result?


a form of asexual cellular reproduction


When does mitosis occur?

during healing and/or growth

What is the result of Mitosis?

two genetically identical daughter cells

Steps of Mitotsis

1. prophase 2. metaphase 3. anaphase 4. telophase 5. cytokinesis

What stage of Mitosis does the cytoplasim divide?


What stage of Mitosis do the microtubules pull the sister chromatids apart?


What stage of Mitosis do the mictrotubules align the chromosones?


What stage of Mitosis do the sister chromatids line up along the equator of the cell?


What stag of Mitosis is the chromatin copied and condensed into chromosomes


What stage of Mitosis are condensed chromosomes return to lose, threadlike form?


What stage of Mitosis are two new daughter cells formed?


What stage of Mitosis do sister chromatids (identical chromosomes) connect at the center?


What stage of Mitosis do chromosomes migrate to separate ends of the cell?


In cytokinesis what happens to animal cells?

cleavage furrow forms along equator; cell gets pinched in two

In cytokinesis what happens to plant cells?

cell plate forms along equator; vesicles in cell plate lay down new plasma membrane and cell wall

What stage of Mitosis do the now single chromosomes cluster at the poles of the cell?


What is the center point of attachment in sister chromatids?


What is the formation of haplid gametes?


What are gametes?

egg or sperm cells

two copies of each chromosome


single set of chromosomes


Are humans haploid or diploid?


pairs of chromosomes that contain genes for the same traits

homologous chromosomes

Steps of Meiosis

1. Prophase I 2. Metaphase I 3. Anaphase I 4. Telophase I 5. Prophase II 6. Metaphase II 7. Anaphase II 8. Telophase II

What stage of Meiosis do the homologous pairs separate to opposite ends of the cell?

Anaphase I

What stage of Meiosis do the homologous pairs line up at the equator of the cell?

Metaphase I

What stage of Meiosis do the sister chromatids remain condensed?

Prophase II

What stage of Meiosis does crossing over occur when segments of homologous chromosomes are exchanged (causing genetic variation)?

Prophase I

What stage of Meiosis is cytokinesis completed, which results in two haploid cells?

Telophase I

What stage of Meiosis is cytokinesis completes, reulting in four haploid gametes?

Telophase II

What stage of Meiosis does independent assortment occur-random alignment results in variation amound sibilings?

Metaphase I

What stage of Meiosis does sister chromatids separate and move toward opposite ends of the cell?

Anaphase II

What stage of Meiosis does each cell starts to begin Meiosis II?

Telophase I

What stage of Meiosis are replicated chromosomes linked up in homologous pairs?

Prophase I

What stage of Meiosis do sister chromatids line up at equator?

Metaphase II

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