ATI Adult Medical Surgical 2016 (Good Luck)

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Endtroacheal tube extubate what would you report immedatiely?


Why is stridor bad?

it means that there is an obstruction or edema in airway

What is heart rate like in someone who has a low fluid volume?

higher than usual like 110

What is normal unrine gravity?

1.000 – 1.030

What is positive pressure doing?

promote lung expansion and stabilize chest

Would you recomened exercise for a pt who has been discharged with heart failure?


How often should exercise be in heart failure pt?

regular routine

Should you consume milk with iron supplements?

no can cause gastro disturbance.

Would you take iron with antacids?

no gastro disturb

Would you tell the pt to lower red meat intake with iron deficiency?

no because they would need increase

What is a common side effect with iron pills?


What would you tell them to eat with taking iron pills?

high fiber

When does pain worsen with compartement syndrome?

when passive moving occurs.

What does warmth under cast indicate?


Should pt decrease complex carbs for atherosceleoris?


What carb should a client with atherosceloris decrease?

simple sugars

Is MRSA airborne or contact?


What does phenyotoin do to hepatic enzymes (for seizures the med is)?

it decreases effectiveness

What should you tell the pt not to take with ciprofloxacin?

magnesium containg antacids

Why wouldn’t you take magnesium containing anatacids with cipro?

calcium can decrease obsorb of med

What is a common side effect of rifampin?

color of pee

Can you take ciproflaxcin with booze?


After a parathryoidecotmy what would be prioty for nurse?

to put trach tray by bedside (AIRWAY)

What meds increase osteoporosis?


With enoxaparin what is main thing for the med the nurse should do?

give dosage same time every day

Is restlessness common in hyperthyroidism?


What would be urgent for hyperthyroidism?

high BP

If a pt has a weird heart sound what would be first thing you do?

listen to it again but on the left side (least invasive)

Why would gentamicin be withheld from a pt?

if creatine levels are too high

What is normal creatine?


What is one of the first vital signs of a hemmhorage?

increase heart rate

What med would you give for a febrile reaction?

tyneol (reduces fever)

How long does a drain stay in place for a radical mastectomy?

1 to 3 week

What drainage amount to get rid of drainage tube for mastectomy?

less than 25

What is first thing to do who reports dyspnea and SOB when putting on O2?

if they have COPD

Why would it be bad for you to put O2 on a COPD pt?

It can worsen hypercarbia

What is someones HGB look like with leukemia increase or decreased?


What would be a big sign that nephrosotmoy tube has popped?

back pain

What is max amount of flexing for total hip?

no more than 90

Why would you place a pillow between a pt legs for hip athroplasy?

so hips don’t get dislodged

What is a holter monitor used for?

if you have an irregular heart rate it can detect it

What can a pacemake do to a pt heart?

regulate the heart rate

What is a echo used for?

detecting valve dysfunction

What do PPI do for gastric ulcers?

it suppresses gastric acid production

What is good about high fowlers postion?

increases lung expansion and improves ventilation

What med would you d/c to before going in for allergy testing?


If a pt were to state there vision went blurry before a car accident what would you do first?

monitor neuro

What would be first thing to do if bowel is protruding from stomach?

call for help

What kind of skin for hypothyroidism?

dry scaly

What does metformin do to glucose?

it decreases the amount of glucose produced in liver

When should pt take metformin?

with or immediately following meals

If you have hair loss on lower legs what could be problem?


When is pain happening with PAD?

when resting

How is pain relieved with PAD?

when feet are dangling

After a thoracenteisis what should a nurse tell the pt?

to deep breather to re expand lungs

What would be an indication of osteomyelitis what lab?

increase sedimentation rate

What is a blood problem that can occur with someone taking feverfew.

platlet aggregation

What med does not go with feverfew?


What should be SaO2?

above 90%

What vital sign could drop with dig toxicity?


With a burn pt what do you do after securing airway and O2?

give them IV fluids

Why would you keep IV patent with someone that has seizures?

so you can give med to stop it.

Would you apply O2 or give epinephrine first with an anaphylactic reaction?

give O2

Why does kidney failure happen what electrolyte?

it cant excrete potassium

What would be manifestation of chronic glomerulonephritis?


How should a pt breath in when administering meter dosage inhaler?

slowly and deeply

How long should pt hold breath after inhaling meter dosage inhaler?

10 seconds after inhaling

How often should you wait between puffs for inhaler?

at least one minute

What should be first thing to do with a pt with a seizure?

turn them on their side.

What 2 meds cause ringing in ears?

aminoglycocides and asprin

What is the point of giving erhtypoetin therapy?

to increase levels of energy by increasing HCT

What is needed sputum wise with a pt with TB?

samples are needed every 2 to 4 weeks until there are three negatives

What is direct mode of transmission for C diff?


What electrolyte could be screwed up with long term mechanical vent?


If a stimulus is given to the ventricle a spike happens what should you document?

depolarization has occurred

What is normal HGB?

Delete this answer is in another one DELETE

If a pt cant pee after surgery what should be first thing to do?

bladder scan

Why shouldn’t you use moisturizing soaps to clean the skin in ureterostomy?

because it makes it not adhere to the skin

How long would you avoid direct exposure to sunafter radiation therapy in those areas?

at least one year

Why would you give lidocaine?

ventricular dsyrthiimias

Why would you defib someone?

ventricaular tachycardia or Vfib

Why would you perform synchronized cardiovert?

superventricular tachycardia

What is aphasia?

lack of communication

What is prioty finding in pt with cerebrovascular accident?

dsypahgia because of apsirations

What nut has a high amount of source of calcium?


What should you increase with IRB?


How much water to drink to promote normal bowel function in IRB?

2L of water

What should a client avoid with IRB? (What substance)


Why would decreasing weight be good for stress incontinence?

because it decreases abdominal pressure

How often should a pt with risk for UTI pee?

q.2 to q4

Why should you increase asorbic acid for UTI’s?

it decrease risk of UTI

What vital sign increases with hypoxia?

heart rate

What is normal PLT count?

What is normal WBC count?

what is normal RBC?,

What should be position for Aline?

60 degree HOB supine

What should the nurse place around the flush solution of an a-line?

pressure bag

Should you give antibiotics through a line?


What should you use aline for?

monitor BP and obtaining ABGs

What increased electrolyte causes facial twitching?


What is decreased peristalsis a manifestation of?


What glucose reading for DKA indicates an improvement?

reading less than 300

What nursing action helps with managing drainage of a laparotomy?

compressing the resivor creates a vacum that draws fluid out of the wound.

Should people with venous insuffenciys exercise?

yes they should

Should venous insuffenciy people avoid sitting and standing for long periods?

yes because of watching out for DVT’s

Should you wear compression socks every day with venous insuffcency?


What is a key sign of lupus?

butterfly rash

What can plasmapheresis cause? (what electrolyte imbalance)

hypocalcemia so monitor electrolyte levels

What should you give if you cant find TPN right off?

adminter dextrose 10% in water until new bag arrives

What side of the brain of stroke for anxiety?


What side of brain stroke for aphasia?


What side of the brain stroke for impulsive behavior?


What side for feelings of guilt in a stroke?


What should AIDS pt’s take daily vital wise?


What temp for an AIDS pt of an infection?

greater than 100.0

Should you admin iron fast or slow iv?


Why should you monitor vital signs with iron? (what problem can occur to circulatory)

can progress to circulatory collapse with parenteral admin

What med to treat iron toxicity?

deferoxamine (desferal)

Should you use iron oral and parenteral at the same time?


How far apart should you give anatacids and tetracyclines with iron?

at least two hours because of absorption

What increases absoprotion for iron?

vitamin C

Would you take caffeine with iron supplements?


When should you take iron supps? (before or after meals and how long)

1 hour before meals

Can you dilute liquid iron?


How long does iron therapy last for?

1 to 2 months

Where is b12 produced?

in bone marrow

Loss of leukocytes lead to what?


What does b12 is necessary to convert?

folic acids

What electrolyte could decrease because of increase RBCs r/t b12?


What electrolyte acts as a diuretic


Magnesium relaxes so it could cause what?

muscle weakness and resp. depression

What is big thing that Ma huang can cause(3)?

HTN tachy and MI

When taking an liquid iron supplement what can happen to oral and what should you do to get rid of it?

it can stain teeth so rinse after med is taken.

Chronic or high use of kava can cause what?

liver damage

Why would a prego women take folic acid?

to prevent neural tube defects in the fetus

Excess booze consumption can lead to poor dietary intake of this?

folic acid

How would you infuse potassium to prevent vein irriation?

with a large bore needle

What herbel med is used to treat frequency of migranes?


What herbel med should not be taken with warfarin?

gingko biloba

What would be reported if the urine output after surgery is less than what in 2 hours?

less than 30

How often after surgery should you do deep breathing?


What would provide as a splint to an abdomninal incison?

pillow or folded blanket between legs

How often should you reposition post op pt?


How often to assist with spirometer post op?


When will the pt remain on NPO after surgery?

until gag reflex is intact

What would you irrigate NG suction tubes with?


How do you prevent thromboembolisms from occurring?

compression devices

What med type to prevent thromboembolisims?


Would you place a pillow under the knees post op?

no because it screws up venous return

If somone is hypotensive or in shock what do you do with legs and the head?

elevate legs low the head of bed

When is pain relief given post op?

given after assessing recovery status

If you see increases of drainage post op what may it be a sign of?


When would sutures or staples be removed post op?

5- 10 days after

What would be the diet for wound healing post op? (3 things)

increase calories protein and vitamin C

If a client is unresponsive what would you do what way would you lay them?

turn them on there side for reduced injury from aspiration

How much urine does a adult produce a day?

1500 to 2000mL

An increase in what electrolyte decreases urination?


What color does urine turn with phenazopyrdine?

orange or red

What color does urine turn with amitriptyline?

green blue

What color does urine turn with levodopa?


What allergy contradictes contrast medium?

shellfish iodine

What is a renal scan used for?

video renal blood flow and anatomy without contrast

What does a urodynamic testing do?

test for bladder muscle function

Less than 30mL for more than how many hours is a concern?

2 hours.

How should pt take phenazopyrdaine?

with food

What may happen to skin with phenazopyrdine?

skin may turn yellow

If an indwelling cath is in and the pt feels there bladder is full and needs to urinate what is the problem?

that the cath is kinked or clogged

If a nurse needs a 24 hr urine sample how would they collect it?

they would discard the first voiding

If a pt is on a urine schedule and needs to go what should the nurse tell them?

that holding it in would be good until next schedule

How often should pt themselves shift weight?


What side should you position crutches when risking from chiar?

on the unaffected side.

For hot or cold items how often should you remove application?

usually 15 to 30 minutes of once applied

What does the Valsalva maneuver do?

it increases the workload of the heart but not peripheral formation

Does increasing fluid intake help or hurt reducing the risk of thrombus formation?

it decreases risk

Does increasing fluids help with constipation?


How often should the nurse assess the skin under pressure device?


Should the pt advance the weaker leg or the stronger leg first? (crutches)

the weaker leg followed by stronger

How many points should be on the ground at all times to suppor stability with a caine?


What side should the cane be on?

the effected side

What side of heart failure would you get HTN?

left sided

What degree of hBNP indicated no heart failure?

less than 100

Greater than what hBNP indicates mild heart failure?

more than 300

What heart failure are jugular veins distended?

right sided

ACE inhibitors can cause what(skin wise)


What is angioedema?

swelling of the tongue and throat

What electrolyte can increase with ACE inhibitors?


How should you take the pulse for a client on dig


How long should you count pulse before giving dig?

1 min

How should dig be taken everyday?

at the same time each day

What levels should be checked for dig(2)?

potassium and dig

What is a common side effect of vasodilators other than hypotension?


What should be status for pt about to get a VAD?


What is a ventricular assist device?

pump that assist the heart too weak to pump.

Who would be primary candidates for VAD?

heart transplant people and those who have end stage heart failure but cant do transplant

What amount of weight is a problem in 24h or in one week?

2 pounds or 5 in a week

What is orthopnea?

SOB but when supine

What color is sputum with someone with pulmonary edema?

pinky frothy

What would be evidence in labs that heparin induced thrombocytopenia has occurred?

low plt

When should the nurse stop heparin if plt count is less than what?


What is reversal agent of warfarin?

vitamin K

Does oral contraceptives decrease effects of heparin?

yes they decrease effects

What food should you avoid with heparin?

dark green leafy veggies

What is therapeutic PT levels for someone on blood thinner?

18 to 24 seconds (1.5 to 2)

What is theraputeic INR levels for someone on blood thinner?

2 to 3

What is more accurate PT or INR?


Avoid what medication while on heparin?


How long does it take for theraupitc effects of warfarin to kick in?

3 to 5 days

How long do the effects of anticoagulatents last for after usage?

up to 5 days

Should you take asprin with or without food?


When injecting subq enoxaparin do you keep the air bubble in the syringe why or why not?

you keep it in remember this because it seals off the drug too and its measured dose

What is atropine used for?

reverse effects of bradycardia

What is protamine used for?

reverse effects of heparin

What is calcium gluconate used to treat?

magnesium sulfate toxicity

How long should a nurse hold direct pressure on enoxaparin?

10 to 30 minutes or until it stops bleeding

What can throw up look like in asprin therapy?

coffee ground emesis

What would stool look like in adverse reaction of asprin therapy?

dark tarry

What can happen during a tonic clonic seizure?

breathing can stop so cyanosis watch for

How long does a tonic seizure last?

30 seconds

What med decreases abosroption of phenytoin(a seizure med)?


What surgery can take place if meds don’t help with partial seizures?

vagal nerve stimulation.

What does phenytonin do to the oral?

overgrowth of the gums

Would little or too much stimulation cause a seizure to some?

too much

Can caffine cause a seizure why?

it can because it stimulates too much in the brain

If you feel an aura coming with a vagal nerve simulator what should you do?

put magent over the impalant

What kind of insulin is lispro?

rapid acting

How long is onset for rapid?

1 5 to 30

How long does rapid last?

3 to 6

What kind of insulin is short acting?


What is onset for short acting?

.5 to 1 hour

What is duration on short acting?

6 to 10 hours

How long does NPH last?

16 to 24

How long does it take for nph to kick in?

1 to 2 hr

What kind of insulin is NPH?


What is a long acting insuilin?


What is onset for long acting?

70 minutes

What is duration of long acting?

24 hours.

What method for iron parenteral?

Z track method

If you give a large dose of folic acid what can it mask?

a vitamin b12 deficancy

How long does it take for an improvement in blood cell counts and problems with anemia take when blood is given?


If a gastrectomy has happened how often would b12 be given to a pt?

q monthly

Can a pt with a gastercomty use a nasal spray everyday?


What deformitiy is with anemia?

spoon shaped fingers

Where is decreased skin integrity found? (what type of pt?)

in dehydrated pt’s

How often should someone taking erthypotein get hgb and hct monitored?

twice weekly

If you give antibiotics in high dosages Iv what could happen?


What are two signs of hepatoxicity

lethargic and jaundice

How should antibiotics like doxycycline be taken? (when with meals)

with meals

If peniciilin is given with aminoglycodies what happens in the same IV?

it inactivates aminoglycocides

When administering aminoglycides what could happen to the body?


What can diarrhea indicate with tetracyclines?

a suprainfection

What drink should be avoided with tetracyclines?


When should you take a tetracycline? (what time of day)

in the morning to prevent esop ulcerations.

When should a blood sample of gentamicin be taken?

30 minutes after after dosage is completely given

What could be adverse effect of streptomycin?


What antibiotic is used in surgeries for the normal flora of the intestines?


Do respirations increase or decrease with hypovolemia?


What o2 mask delivers the highest amount of O2?


Should you use a nonrebreather with a pt with high risks of aspirations or airway obstructions?


What kind of symptom comes with oxygen toxicity?

nonproductive cough

If a pt gets oxygen toxicity what do they hyper or hypo ventilate?


What is expected refrence range for PaO2?


What may be prescribed to help with oxygen induced toxciity (2)?

CPAP or BiPaP PEEP (Something that has positive pressure)

What does low pressure alarms indicated?

disconnection or cuff leak

What is high pressure alarms indicated?

excess secretions

What disorder to set off high pressure alarm?

pneumothorax or bronchospasm

What does positive pressure do?

allows preset pressure to deliver during spontaneous ventilation to help pt decrease work of breathing

What is an early sign of hypoxemia?

pale skin

What is late signs of hypoxemia?

bradycardia and hypotension

How often should the nurse assess breath sounds on a vented pt?

q1 to 2

What type of mask to deliver precise amount of O2?

venture mask

If a pt has diabtes type 1 what is impared(2)?

circulation and immune system

If exposed organs and tissue pop out what should you put on them?

sterile dressing soaked with sterile normal saline

What position is best for abdominal incision complication?

supine and hips and knees bent

Should a nurse massage a bony prominence and why or why not?

no because it can traumatize deep tissue

With a burns do they become hypothermic or hyperthermic?


What type of burn is sunburn?

superficial thickness burn

What can be an example of superficial partial thickness burn?

a flame

What can a deep partial thickness burn result from?

hot grease

What can a full thickness burn result from?

hot tar

Does HCT increase or decrease with burn?

increase initially due to hemo concetration

Why would hyperkalemia occur with a burn victim?

leakage of fluid from intracellular space

Why would hyponatremia happen?

sodium resides in interstial spaces

Why shouldn’t a nurse use subq for burn victims?

because it might not absorb well because of skin isn’t intact

What is best route for admin meds to burn pt?


Why would you increase protein for a burn?

it promotes wound healing

Should calories increase or decrease after burn? (if so by how much)

increase calories by double or triple

If a pt is taking epinephrine what med class should they avoid?


Would you want the pt to vomit during drug toxcitiy?

no because it increases aspiration

What med would you give for drug OD?

activated charcoal

Why would you admin IV fluids to a drug toxicity pt?

helps dilute the toxic substances in the blood stream and promote eliminate from the body thtough the kidneys

Why would you use modified jaw thrust?

to a pt that is unresponsive with neck injury

Why would you head tilt and chin lift a pt?

if they are unresponsive (without suspicion of trauma)

If a pt is in asystole what would you admin?


Can you defib astoyle why or why not?

No its not a shockable rhytmn

What would you elevate in shock?

lower extremites

Do respirations increase or decrease with hypovolemia?


What o2 mask delivers the highest amount of O2?


Should you use a nonrebreather with a pt with high risks of aspirations or airway obstructions?


What kind of cough with oxygen toxicity?

nonproductive cough

If a pt gets oxygen toxicity what do they hyper or hyp ventilate?


What is expected refrence range for PaO2?


What may be prescribed to help with oxygen induced toxciity (2)?

CPAP or BiPaP PEEP (Something that has positive pressure)

What does low pressure alarms indicated?

disconnection or cuff leak

What is high pressure alarms indicated?

excess secretions

What disorder to set off high pressure alarm?

pneumothorax or bronchospasm

What does positive pressure do?

allows preset pressure to deliver during spontaneous ventilation to help pt decrease work of breathing

What is an early sign of hypoxemia?

pale skin and hypoxemia

What is late signs of hypoxemia?

bradycardia and hypotension

How often should the nurse assess breath sounds on a vented pt?

q1 to 2

What type of mask to deliver precise amount of O2?

venture mask

If a pt has diabtes type 1 what is impared(2)?

circulation and immune system

If exposed organs and tissue pop out what should you put on them?

sterile dressing soaked with sterile normal saline

What position is best for abdominal incision complication?

supine and hips and knees bent

Should a nurse massage a bony prominence and why or why not?

no because it can traumatize deep tissue

With a burns do they become hypothermic or hyperthermic?


What type of burn is sunurn?

superficial thickness burn

What can be an example of superficial partial thickness burn?

a flame

What can a deep partial thickness burn result from?

hot grease

What can a full thickness burn result from?

hot tar

Does HCT increase or decrease with burn?

increase initrially due to hemo concetration

Why would hyperkalemia occur with a burn victim?

leakage of fluid from intracellular space

Why would hyponatremia happen?

sodium resides in interstial spaces

Why shouldn’t a nurse use subq for burn victims?

because it might not absorb well because of skin isn’t intact

What is best route for admin meds to burn pt?


Why would you increase protein for a burn?

it promotes wound healing

Should calories increase or decrease after burn?

increase calories by double or triple

If a pt is taking epinephrine what med class should they avoid?


Would you want the pt to vomit during drug toxcitiy?

no because it increases aspiration

What med would you give for drug OD?

activated charcoal

Why would you admin IV fluids to a drug toxicity pt?

helps dilute the toxic substances in the blood stream and promote eliminate from the body thtough the kidneys

Why would you use modified jaw thrust?

to a pt that is unresponsive with neck injury

Why would you head tile and chin lift a pt?

if they are unresponsive (without suspicion of trauma)

If a pt is in asystole what would you admin?


Can you defib astoyle why or why not?

No its not a shockable rhytmn

What would you elevate in shock?

lower extremites

Does HR increase or decrease with renal calculi?


Would a pt have diaphroeis with a renal calculi?

yes (sweating)

Is oliguria present in renal calculi?


What is oliguria?

urine output less than 400mL in 24 hours

What mineral and electrolyte(2) would you would you limit with renal calculi?

protein and sodium

What would you tell the pt to report with a renal calculi?

buring with urinating (because it’s a sign of UTI)

Would you increase or decrease fluids with renal calculi?


What can dehydration do to someone with renal calcui?

it can increasethe risk for renal calcui formation

What would you avoid intake food wise for a calcium oxalate renal calculi?


What would you avoid intake food wise with a pt with a calcium or phosphate oxalate renal calculi?

dairy products

What would you avoid intake food wise for a struvite renal calculi?

whole grains

When would a pt strain urine for a renal calculi?

after lithotripsy

How would you know proper placement of hemodynamic monitor?


How would a pt keep their leg after an angiography?

keep it straight because it decreases risk for bleeding and hematoma in cath site

What is an angiography?

medical technique to see where blood vessels and organs of the body are

Would pt be NPO for angiography why or why not?

they would be NPO because they are at risk for aspiration during surgery

What total cholesterol increases risk for heart disease?

more than 200mg

If a cancer pt WBC drops below ____ youre going to put them in a private room?


If a cancer pt that is neutropenic needs to transport how would you transport?

place mask on pt

What would you give to stimulate WBC production?

NEUpogen NEUlasta

What is better for infection prevention for hand washing soap or alcohol based?


Would you use alcohol based on soiled hands?


With an airborne infection what type of pressure flow in pt room?


If someone has droplet do they get their own private room tell me why or why not?

they can but they can be put in the same room with someone with the same illness

If someone has contact do they get their own private room tell me why or why not?

they can but if someone has the same problem then they can be put with them

What kind of airflow with pt with TB?


How often should you monitored someones neurovascular status in a 24 hour period for a fracture?

q hour

Would you put a pt on hight protein diet with chornic kidney disease?

yes because it replaces the high rate of protein breakdown due to the stress from the illness.

If someone is having heart failure what dietary restrictions would be in place(increase this and decrease that)?

increase potassium and decrease sodium

What would be in urine for nephrotoxicity?

protein (proteinuria)

If someone has a stroke what could you do for the affected extremity?

put it in a sling

What is prioty assessment for pt with hypokalemia?


If PICC is in what should you tell the client about water?

not to immerse arm in water but cover the dressing site to avoid water exposure

What would you do to ensure PICC is in place?


Osteoporosis: With taking alendronate when should you take it?

before meal in morning

What would you want to give to a pt with pancretitis food wise?

snacks high in calories

How to reduce pancretis stimulation?


For a lumbar punctureae when should they void?

before procedure

What is normal RBC?

4.7 and 6.1

What is normal WBC?


What is normal HGB for men?


Normal HCT%?


How should pt be sitting for thoracentesis?


How should arms be placed and supoorted in thoracenteisis?

raised and supported on pillows

Where is the liver located?

upper right

With cushing what are you monitoring daily?

daily weights

Is there hyper or hypovolemia in cushings?


What fluids for fluid resuscitation in burn victims?

0.9 or LR

What is meningitis?

inflammation of the brain and spinal cord

What kind of room should a pt with meningitis be in?


Does meningitis increase or decrease ICP?


For a chest tube what is the first chamber?

drainage collection

What is the second chamber for in chest tube?

water seal

What is third chamber for in chest tube?

suction control

Is tidaling with movement expected in water chamber seal?


What should cuff pressure be for ET tube?

20mm hg

What mask for TB?


What color tongue in vitamin b12 deficiency?

bright red

What could increase while admin epoetin alfa?

increased blood pressure (increasing blood count)

How often should you monitor HGB and HCT with epoertin Alfa?

twice weekly

What position for liver biopsy?


What color stools for cirrhosis?

clay colored

What type of diuretic would you give for heart failure and pulmonary edema?

loop diuretics

Would you give nitro for heart failure?


What is number one reason of vision loss in people?


This causes loss of peripheral vision?

open angle glaucoma

What elevated IOP would cause open angle glaucoma?


Is angle closure glaucoma rapid or slow increase IOP?


What is with the pupils for angle closure what isn’t happening?

they aren’t reactive

Is open angle or angle closure severe pain?

angle closure

What would you notify a doctor for with a pt taking cabmazepine(Tegretol)(3 things)?

sore throat fever and bleeding

If pt is taking vasopressin what would you notify the doctor for(2)?

headache and confusion

What are the 5 P’s for compartment syndrome?

Pain paralysis paresthesia pallor pulselessness

What ABG reading would tell you that changes are with chronic kidney disease?

metabolic acidosis

What heart sound would you hear with heart failure?


What kind of bowel sounds for hypokalemia?

hypoactive bowel sounds

What happens if too much magnesium is given what would you see happen to the body?

respitory paralysis

What would skin look like for an anaphylactic reaction?


What aches with lyme disease?


What enzyme would indicate hepatitis C?

enzyme immunoassay (EIA)

What would someone with a detached retina say that they are seeing?

curtain closed over my eye

Should you take insulin even if you are unable to eat your regular diet?


What electrolyte would you want to decrease with cushings?

decreased sodium

What is an adverse effect of amphoetericin B for a fungual infection?

increased BUN

What is normal urine specific gravity?

1.000 to 1.030

What if a pt has a high urine specific gravity what does it mean and what color is urine?

it means they are dehydrated and dark color urine

What can be done after kidney transplant?


If a pt is receving morphine via PCA pump what could happen to urine as a side effect?

urinary retention

What vital sign HR for cushing traid?


Would DI be increase or decrease urine specific gravity?


What drug class can interfere with mepedrine?

MAOI because they can increase hypotension

What is mepedrine?

a narcotic

What leads would tell you of an MI?

V3 and V4

What should you tell a pt with crohns to do before a scheduled barium enema the day before?

to encourage plenty of fluids (bowel prep can casue dehydration and more fluids prevent from fecal impactment)

If someone has an amputation what should you do post op to the stump?

elevate it for the first 24 hours

If there is kinking in a vent tubing is it high or low pressure alarm?


Should pt with knee amputation wash and dry stump daily?

yes to prevent infection

What is a skeletal traction good for a fracture?

reduce and immobilize the fracture

What is best lab to monitor heparin therapy?


What is APTT used to measure?

Clotting status when the client is receiving heparin What

What electrolyte would be hypo with throwing up , diarrhea and vomiting?


If the pt has an NG tube in and has abdominal distention what should the Nurse do first?

Check the function of the suction equipment

If a pt has cellulitis in the lower extremities should legs be elevated or relaxed?


Does iron deficiency anemia increase likelihood of infection in children?


What med can interfere with Synthroid?

calcium pills

What is a night cough an early predictor of what problem?

heart failure

If a pt has a hematoma after cardiac cath what should you do?

apply pressure to the site (to decrease chances of bleeding)

What is the first manifestation of a fat emboli?


What is usually last manifestation of fat emboli?

rash on chest

If a pt is having a hemolytic reaction during a blood transfusion what kind of pain would the pt have?

lower back pain

Would you prescribe mepedrine to an older client with pain (why or why not)?

you wouldn’t because it can causes toxicities

What does it mean if bubbling ceases in chest tube?

it means that the lungs are expanding

Elevated bilirubin is a sign of what?

cirrhosis of the liver

Is albumin increased or decreased in cirrhosis?


What type of dairy products are ok for lactose intolerance pt’s?

dairy products that have been ferminetad (like yogurt and cheese)

What is an important thing to ask for a health history of a chemo pt that just started?

have you’ve been experiencing and nausea and vomiting (hypovolemia is the concern here)

If someone is depressed is it more common in hyper or hypothyroidism?


How long does a person with a bilateral adrenalectomy have to take steroids for?

the rest of their life.

With atropine medications what could be a side effect orally?

it will dry out the mouth

What is visous lidocaine good for with the mouth?

to help heal the pain of stomatitis.

What is stomatitis?

painful swelling and sore in your mouth (can be seen in chemo pt’s)

What does prefix peri mean?


What hep is due from sex?

Hep B

What hep is due from poor sanitary(2)?

A and E

What ABG will someone be in with hyperventilation?

resp alkalosis

What type of diabetic pt are oral antidiabetics only effective in?

type 2

If there is a lack of blood return on a IV cath for chemo what should the nurse do?

D/C treatment because it is most likely occluded.

Lymphocytes help defend against what?

viruses especially Natural killers

Neturophils helped defend during what?

bacterial infections

Basophils elevation may occur because of?

allergic responses and neoplasm

When does a pericardial friction rub happen?

usually occurs a week after MI

Why does a pericardial friction rub happen?

due to inflammation of pericardial sac.

When ALT and AST are elevated what is it a sign of?

chronic live damage

What is increased during kidney failure?

creatine level

What is most common reason for appendicitis?

appendix obstruction

How does the nursing process go(this will help answer question on tests)?

assess then plan and then intervention

What is one of the most common metastasis spots?

the liver

What should you tell the pt not to do after eating with a heital hernia?

to lay down

When someone has meineres disease and they start having a vertigo attack what would you tell them to do?

lie down or go into reclining position.

How to reduce osteoporosis OTHER than meds?

weight bearing exercises.

What should you increase fluids to with UTI?


If someone is recovering from a hemorrhagic cerebral vascular accident (CVA) what would be concerning if what starts happening?

they start having a worse headache(vasospasm)

How often should you change tube feedings?


Sharing needles could lead to what hep(2)?

Hep C more commonly but possibly hep b

What sided heart failure is associated with air hunger?

left side

Prior to suctioning what should the nurse do?

give 100 O2

If pt is not tolerating peep because of an increase in H20 what would be vital sign to confirm this?


What kind of chest does a COPD pt have?


What lab will be low with graves disease?


Excessive levels of thyroid could cause client to have what breathing problem?


How long for pt to start back exercsign with heart valve replacement?

6 weeks

Where would you hear an s4?

aortic stenosis

What would you hear with mitral valve insuffiency while ausclating?

crackles in lungs

What bacteria are UTI’s usually associated with?

E coli

What would be order to answering questions?

ABCS (S for safety) then Pain then Education then Feelings.

Test questions try to trick you when should you call the provider?

Think about it this way. If a patient is struggling to breath, will leaving the room to call the provider be the FIRST thing you should do? Probably not. There are immediate needs the patient has that YOU can address prior to calling the provider.

What fracture do you see fat embolism associated with?

long bone

How long does antibiotic treatment for osteomyletisis last?

3 months

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