Art appreciation exam 3

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by northern europeans

the technology of oil painting was developed


the earliest known writing system from which recorded language developed was the invention of

the oath of the horatii

a work of art that uses a tragic Roman tale to arouse feelings of patriotism self sacrifice and civic virtues in its viewers is

african masks

one important aspect of _____ that gets ‘lost in translation’ when viewed in a museum


Romans could watch gladiators fight to the death, along with other sporting events, at the


holy book of islam

female nude figures

although we know almost nothing about the culture that created them, the abstract ______ of the cycladic culture appear extremely sophisticated for 5,000 year old works


the walled, upward extension of the nave that is pierced with windows is called the


cultural exchange between islam and byzantium is exemplified by the ______ in the great mosque at cordoba, spain


the cross shaped floor plan of a church is formed by the combined shapes of the nave and the

the reformation

the movement that divided all of eurpoe into protestant and catholic camps is called


printing depiciting scenes of everyday life are known as _____ paintings

a flattened, abstract style of art

unlike their greek and roman predecessors, byzantine artists preferred


the _____ is the walkway directly in front of a church that serves as the entry porch

creating figures and settings with an increased natrualism

duccio and giotto were 2 artists whose innovations in _____ greatly influenced renaissance painting styles


the palace chapel at aachen was built for _______ as his personal place of worship

they serve as reminders that one is entering a sacred place

what purpose is served by the carved figures that adorn the entryways at chartres cathedral

gothic cathedral

soaring open spaces, pointed arches, ribbed vaulting, flying buttresses, and stained glass windows are characteristic of

architecture and sculpture

the transition from romanesque to gothic style can be seen in the ______ at chartes cathedral

skilled crafts workers to intellectuals

one of the effects of the renaissance was to change the status of artists in Europe from


the word renaissance means


the era known as the high renaissance encompasses a time period of about _____ years

none of the above

the theme of the sistine chapel ceiling frescoes from


the true arch was developed by _____ architects long before the romans came up with the idea

boticelli, donatello, ghihberti

artists working in the early renaissance period included

redesigning st. peters catherdaral

one of michelangelo’s major achievements was

the founding of the roman republic

according to historians, the roman era began in 510 B.C.E. with

the printing press

which 15th century invention led to the decrease in the practice of illumination by hand


a ram’s head was used as a symbol of a man who was murdered in his bath

the death of marat

which work of art tells the story of a man who was murdered in his bath

cycladic, minoan, and mycenaean

three majors cultures that preceded the greeks in the around the aegean sea were the _______ cultures

dramatic lighting

in baroque architecture, wall surfaces often protrude into the viewer’s space. in baroque painting, this same effect is created through the use of

louis XIV of France

the palace of versailles was home to

sun dried brick

Because they lacked stone, the ancient Sumerians built their cities of

the excavations of ancient pompeii and herculaneum

________ helped shape the neoclassical style

baroque sculputure

st. teresa in ecstasy is an excellent example of

vigée lebrun and david

which artists intentionally used their work to shape the public’s view of prominent figures

more playful and lighthearted

in comparison to baroque art, the style of rococo

stonehenge in england

the most notable example of neolithic architecture in Europe is


Islam came into being during the early part of the ________ century C.E.

styled plant forms, geometric patternes, decrative script

Which of the following became an important device for Islamic artists as a result of Islamic doctrine forbidding images of animate beings in religious contexts?


Because of its connection with the act of prayer, ________ became the most highly regarded art in the Islamic world.

diego velazquez

Which of the following was court painter to King Philip IV?

it was made of perishable material such as wood

Much of the artwork from Africa is lost to us because

howard carter

King Tutankhamun’s tomb was discovered in 1922 by

romanesque and gothic

The art and architecture of the high Middle Ages is generally divided into two periods, the ________ and the ________.


Minkisi that are shaped like fierce hunters, believed by the people of the Congo to seek out and punish wrongdoers, are called

volcanic corruption

What destroyed the Roman colonies of Pompeii and Herculaneum in 79 C.E.?

all the above

Leonardo da Vinci was a skilled

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