APUSH Chpt 8-9

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The experience of American banking during the War of 1812 revealed the need for

a second national bank

As a result of the War of 1812

the growth of American manufacturing was stimulated

Francis Cabot Lowell’s contribution to American textile mills included

consolidating the processes of spinning and weaving in one factory

After the War of 1812, it was clear that the United States needed an improved

internal transportation system

By 181, the United State’s internal road system

included highways that reach into Ohio and Pennsylvania

BY 181, American steam-powered shipping

carried more cargo on the Mississippi than all other forms of river transport combined, increased the transport of manufactured goods into the west, stimulated agriculture in both the West and South

On his last day in office, President James Madison influenced "internal improvements" by

supporting the idea of using federal funds to finance transportation construction and vetoing a bill that would have used federal funds to construct roads and canals

Between 1800 and 1820, the population of the United States

nearly doubled

In the early nineteenth century, the westward movement of white Americans was encouraged by

exhausted agriculture lands in the East, the spread of the plantation system in the South, and the federal government’s policy toward Indian tribes in the West

In the early nineteenth century, life in the western territories was characterized by

frequent mobility of the population

In the early nineteenth century, the Deep South

included a vast, productive prairie in Alabama and Mississippi

After Mexico won its independence from Spain in 1821, it

quickly opened its northern territories to trade with the United States

In the early nineteenth century, "mountain men"

very often married Indian and Mexican women

In the early nineteenth century, the explorer Stephen Long

agreed with the findings and conclusions of Zebulon Pike

The "era of good feelings" following the War of 1812 reflected

rising nationalism and optimism in the United States

Who among the following was NOT a part of the "Virginia Dynasty"?

John Adams

Prior to becoming president, James Monroe had

served as secretary of state

Shortly after becoming president, James Monroe

undertook a goodwill tour of the country

During the administration of James Monroe

the Federalist Part ceased to exist

What event prompted Spain to negotiate the sale of Florida to the United States?

The Seminole War

In 1819, the Adams-Onis Treaty dealt with the American purchase of


One cause of the Panic of 1819 was

new management practices within the Bank of the United States

Many westerners blamed the Panic of 1819 on

the Bank of the United States

The Missouri Compromise of 1819

maintained the nation’s equal number of slave and free states

The Supreme Court ruling in Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819) was a victory for

corporation contracts

In Cohen’s v. Virginia (1821), Chief Justice John Marshall affirmed the constitutionality of

Supreme Court review of state court decisions

In McCullogh v. Maryland (1819), the Supreme Court confirmed the

right of the federal government to tax states

The Supreme Court ruling of Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)

strengthened the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce

The Supreme Court ruled in Johnson v. McIntosh (1823)

Indians had a basic right to their tribal lands

In Worcester v. Georgia (1832), the Marshall Court affirmed federal authority over

individual states and all American Indian tribes

The policy expressed in the Monroe Doctrine was principally directed at


The Monroe Doctrine

European powers should not engage in new colonization of the American continents

The writing of the Monroe Doctrine

was an important example of American nationalism

In the presidential campaign of 1828

John Q Adams received the second-most electoral votes and became president

The "corrupt bargain" was negotiated between

Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams

The "corrupt bargain" of 1824 involved

a political deal to determine the outcome of the presidential election

The presidential administration of John Quincy Adams was

noted for its inability to effectively carry out its policies

During the presidential campaign of 1828

Andrew Jackson was labeled a murderer

Andrew Jackson’s presidential victory in 1828 was

decisive but sectional

The election of 1828

saw the emergence of a new two-party system

From what segment of society did Andrew Jackson much of his political support?

Farmers and laborers

Which statement regarding the American electorate during the 1820s is TRUE?

The right to vote was expanded to include many more white males

in 1840, efforts to expand voting rights in Rhode Island resulted in

two governments claiming control of the state

By 1828, in all but one state, presidential electors were chosen by

popular vote

By the 1830s, political parties were generally regarded as

a desired and essential part of the democratic process

In the years after the War of 1812, support for the idea of political parties was greatest in

New York

In the 1830s, an argument in favor of political parties was the belief that

a permanent political opposition was useful to the democracy

Today, the oldest political part in the United States is


According to Andrew Jackson’s theory of democracy

all white male citizens should be treated equally

President Andrew Jackson sought to apply his democratic principles by first targeting

federal officeholders

The "spoils system" refers to

giving out jobs as political rewards

In 1832, supporters of President Jackson held a national convention in order to

make the nominating process more democratic

As President, Andrew Jackson believed the power of the federal government

should be reduced and was supreme over individual states

When John C Calhoun put forth his doctrine of nullification hew was


In the 1820s, John C Calhoun proposed his doctrine of nullification

as an alternative to possible secession

John C Calhoun drew his doctrine of nullification ideas from the

United States Constitution

In his doctrine of nullification, John C Calhoun argued

that states were the final authority on the constitutionality of federal laws

What political ally had the closest ties and greatest influence with President Jackson?

Martin Van Buren

The political significance of Peggy Eaton on Andrew Jackson’s administration was

the presidential aspirations of John C Calhoun were likely ended

In 1830, the Daniel Webster-Robert Hayne debate was begun by a political dispute over

the sale of public land

In 1830, Senator Robert Hayne sought to attract support from westerners in Congress for

South Carolina’s drive to lower the tariff

In the 1830 Daniel Webster-Robert Hayne debate. Webster considered Hayne’s arguments to be an attack on

federal authority

In 1830, what political figure said, "Our Federal Union – It must be preserved"?

Andrew Jackson

In 1830, what political figure said, "The Union, next to our liberty most dear"?

John C Calhoun

In 1833, the nullification crisis came to an end after President Andrew Jackson

authorized the use of military force to see the acts of Congress were obeyed

The primary goal of the United States’ policy toward Indians in the early 1800s was to

assimilate Indian tribes into white society

The Black Hawk War

as notable for its vicious behavior by the white American military

The Supreme Court ruled in Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831)

that Georgia had no authority to remove the Cherokee tribes

The "Trail of Tears" taken by the Cherokees led them to the area that later became


IN 1830, the first of the "Five Civilized Tribes" to be removed to the west was the


Of the "Five Civilized Tribes" the tribe that best resisted the pressures of removal were the


As a result of the United States government’s Indian policy in the 1830s and 1840s

nearly all American Indian societies were removed to west of the Mississippi



In the 1820s, under Nicholas Biddle, the Bank of the United States

was financially sound and profitable

In the 1830s, the Bank of the United States was opposed by

"soft-money" advocates and "hard-money" advocates

In the debate over the Bank of the United States, President Andrew Jackson supported the interests of

the "hard-money" advocates

In 1832, Henry Clay sought to use the debate over the Bank of the United States primarily to

boost his presidential candidacy

Which of the following statements regarding the Bank of the United States is FALSE?

President Jackson ordered the Bank closed before the expiration of its charter

President Andrew Jackson’s success in abolishing the Bank of the United States

left the nation with an unstable banking system for many years

The Supreme Court ruling in Charles River Bridge Company v. Warren bridge Company (1837)

reflected the Jacksonian ideas of democracy and economic opportunity

Jacksonian Democrats

neither A nor B

In the 1830s, Democrats were more likely than Whigs to support

territorial expansion

In the 1830s, the so-called Locofocos were

radical Democrats

The political philosophy of Whigs

favored expanding the power of the federal government

From the following groups, support for the Whigs was weakest among

small western farmers

In the 1820s, the Whig support for the Anti-Mason Party demonstrated

the desire of the party to attract the largest possible number of voters

During the 1830s, evangelical Protestants tended to support


Who among the following was NOT a leading Whig at some point during his political career?

Martin Van Buren

During its two-decade history the Whig Party won the presidency

two times

The Whig Party was least successful at

uniting behind a strong national leader

In 1836, Martin Van Buren won the presidency because

the political opposition offered multiple candidates

In 1836, Congress passed a "distribution" act that required the federal government to

disperse its surplus fund to the states

In 1836, President Andrew Jackson’s "specie circular"

resulted in a severe financial panic

President Martin Van Buren’s "subtreasury" system

was a financial system to replace the Bank of the United States

The presidential election campaign of 1840 saw

the first influence of the "penny press" in politics

In 1840, William Henry Harrison

was part of a wealthy, large land-owning, frontier elite

As president, John Tyler

was a Whig who had once been a Democrat

In 1841, the story of the American ship the Creole saw the British government

support the rights of mutinous slaves on the ship

Which statement about the 1842 Webster-Ashburton Treaty is FALSE?

It included an American pledge not to allow slave ships to land at British ports

Today’s Democratic Party traces its’ heritage back to


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