APUSH Chpt 6-7

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By the late 1780s dissatisfaction with the Articles of Confederation included a belief that the national government

was ineffective

In 1786, Alexander Hamilton found an important ally in his push for a stronger central government in

George Washington

Which event, more than any other, convinced George Washington that the Articles of Confederation needed to be revised?

Shay’s Rebellion

The delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787

by the standards of their time, were well educated

At the start of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 the delegates that agreed that

the country needed a stronger central government

The Virginia Plan called for

a two-tier national legislature

The New Jersey Plan

The Constitutional Convention of 1787 came close to


The achievement of the Great Compromise of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was its resolution of the problem regarding

political representation

In the Constitutional Convention of 1787, for the political representation, slaves were classified as

three-fifths of a free person

In the Constitutional Convention of 1787, a major concession to the pro-slavery delegates was the

continuation of the slave trade for twenty years

At the Philadelphia convention James Madison argued that the ultimate authority of the federal government came from the


Under the checks and balances system of the Constitution of 1787, federal judges

served for life

Under the Constitution of 1787, the people would directly elect

members of the House of Representatives

Delegates of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 recommended the document be ratified by

special state ratifying conventions

In the debate over the Constitution of 1787, opponents to the document

displayed a basic mistrust of human nature

Who among the following was NOT one of the authors of The Federalist Papers?

Thomas Jefferson

The Antifederalists

saw themselves as defenders of the principles of the American Revolution and feared that the new government would widely abuse its powers

The greatest complaint by opponents of the proposed Constitution of 1787 was the

absence of a specific listing of personal liberties

Virginia and New York ratified the Constitution of 1787 under the assumption that

a bill of rights would be added later in the form of amendments

In the first national elections in 1789

all the presidential electors cast their votes for George Washington

According to the Judiciary Act of 1789 the Supreme Court was to be

the judicial power for interpreting the constitutionality of state laws

The first secretary of the treasury under the new government of 1789 was

Alexander Hamilton

In the 1790s those that were labeled Republicans envisioned developing a nation that would

be largely agricultural and rural

Federalists controlled the new government under the Constitution for its first

twelve years

As president, George Washington

avoided personal involvement with the deliberations of Congress

The dominant figure of George Washingtons administration was

Alexander Hamilton

As Treasury secretary, Alexander Hamilton

supported the creation of a national bank

Under Alexander Hamilton’s plan, a new national bank would

be capitalized largely by private investors, facilitate the collection taxes, provide loans to private businesses

Alexander Hamilton recommended that the federal government raise revenue through

excise tax and import tax

Alexander Hamiltons funding plan

was eventually passed by Congress essentially as Hamilton had desired

Alexander Hamiltons plan for the federal government to assume sate debts was passed by Congress after a deal was made to

located the nations capital between Virginia and Maryland

Opponents of Alexander Hamiltons proposed national bank argued

Congress had no authority to create a national bank

The most sustained opposition to Alexander Hamiltons economic program came from

small farmers

The emergence of an alternative political organization to the Federalists was prompted by a

The two preeminent Republicans of the 1790s were

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison

During the 1790s, regional support in the United States for Federalists was greatest in the


In America, the French Revolution was generally praised by


The story of the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794 saw

President Washington accompany thousands of troops into the field

Jays Treaty (1794)

avoided a likely war with England

Pickneys Treaty (1795) was negotiated between the United States and


Pickneys Treaty (1795) gave the United States

the freedom to use the port and New Orleans

The election of 1796 saw

a Federalist president and a Republican vice-president take office

The XYZ Affair

led to an undeclared war between the United States and France

The Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)

In the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, it was asserted that

states had the right to nullify federal laws

In the late 1790s, on the political scene

the United States had developed a clear two-party system

The presidential campaign in 1800

saw the Republicans win a decisive victory over the Federalists

Who described the election of 1800 as the Revolution of 1800

Thomas Jefferson

The Judiciary Act of 1801

was an attempt by Federalists to secure their hold on the courts

In regards to education, early nineteenth-century Republicans favored

a nationwide system of free public schools for all male citizens

The writer Judith Sargent Murray argued that women

should have the same educational opportunities as men, were equal to men in intellect and potential, should have a role in society apart from their husbands

Around 1800, higher education in the United States

saw the number of colleges and universities grow substantially

The first American medical school was established at

University of Pennsylvania

The expansion of the medical profession during the early nineteenth century resulted in a

decline in midwives

Noah Webster thought ever American schoolboy should be educated

as a nationalist

The writer Washington Irving is best remembered for his works on

Ichabod Crane and Rip Van Winkle

The religious concept of Deism

incorporated science and reason into religious faith

Religious skepticism resulted in

the philosophy of Unitarianism and a wave a revivalism

The Second Great Awakening

was an effort by church establishments to revitalize their organizations

The message of the Second Great Awakening

called for an active and fervent piety

The revivalism of the Great Awakening

encouraged racial unrest

The cotton gin was invented by

Eli Whitney

The invention of the cotton gin in the late eighteenth century

had a profound effect on the textile industry in New England

Eli Whitney is a major figure in American technology for introducing

the concept of interchangeable parts

In the early eighteenth century, the Americans Robert Fulton and Robert Livingston

made significant advances in steam powered navigations

The early nineteenth century in America is known as the turnpike era because

many roads were built for profit by private companies

IN 1800, Washington DC

was little more than a simple village

In the early nineteenth-century, many members of Congress

considered their state legislatures to be more prestigious political bodies

As president, Thomas Jefferson

sought to convey the public image of a plain ordinary citizen

In his first term, President Thomas Jefferson

helped establish a military academy at West Point

During his first term, President Thomas Jefferson

eliminated all internal taxes

The Supreme Courts ruling in the case of Marbury v. Madison (1803)

stated that Congress had no authority to expand the power of the Supreme Court and stated that the Supreme Court had the power nullify an act of Congress

John Marshall was

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at the time of Marbury v. Madison

In 1802, President Thomas Jefferson believed that if France controlled New Orleans

Great Britain might decide to declare war on the United States

Napolean decided to sell the entire Louisiana Territory to the United States because

the French Army on the American continent had been decimated by disease and he wanted to raise money for his armies in Europe

Under the treaty terms for the Louisiana Purchase

the land boundaries were not clearly defined

When Thomas Jefferson received the treaty of Louisiana Purchase he

questioned his constitutional authority to accept it

The Lewis and Clark expedition

was assisted by the guide, Sacajawea

In 1804, the Federalists known as the Essex Junto

feared the westward growth of the United States

The duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton was the result of

Burrs belief that Hamilton had slandered him

The story of the Aaron Burr conspiracy

exposed the weak authority of the federal government

During the Jefferson administration, the British claimed the right to stop American merchant ships and seize

naturalized Americans born on British soil

The Chesapeake-Leonard incident

led the United States to prohibit its ships from leaving for foreign ports

The Embargo of 1807

created a serious economic depression in the nation

The Non-Intercourse Act reopened American trade with

all nations except Great Britain and France

By 1812, trade restrictions against American shipping had been removed by

both England and France

President Thomas Jefferson Indian policy included

neither A nor B


fought against William Harrison at the Battle of Tippecanoe

The desire by American southerners to acquire Florida

was motivated by the number of runaway slaves who escaped there

In 1812, Henry Clay and John C Calhoun could be best described as

war hawks

The War of 1812 was the result on conflicts

in the American West and on the high seas

Which statement about the War of 1812 is TRUE?

The United States entered the war with enthusiasm and optimism

During the War of 1812, the United States achieved early military success

on the Great Lakes

During the War of 1812, the Battle of the Thames

saw Tecumseh killed while a brigadier general in the British army

At the Battle of Horseshoe Bend, in 1814, Andrew Jackson

viciously broke the resistance of the Creeks

In 1814, the British

seized Washington and set fire to the presidential mansion

During the War of 1812, the Hartford Convention

was made irrelevant by the Battle of New Orleans

The Treaty of Ghent that ended the War of 1812

began an improvement in relations between England and the United States

The Rush-Bagot Agreement of 1817 called foe

the mutual disarmament of the Great Lakes by the British and the United States

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