APUSH Chpt 4-5

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in the years after the Glorious Revolution, political power in England shifted toward


During the first half of the eighteenth century, England’s administration of the colonies

was loose, decentralized, and inefficient

During the first half of the eighteenth century, royal official in America

contributed to England’s overall lax control of the colonies

By the 1750s, American colonies assemblies

exercised a significant degree of authority to levy taxes

The proposed Albany plan of 1754

revealed the difficulties colonies had in cooperating with each other

As a result of the Seven year’s War, in North America, England

confirmed its commercial supermacy and increased its political control of the settled regions

The major participants in the Seven Year’s War, in North America, were

the Iroquois, the English, and the French

During the eighteenth century, in north America, the French differed from the English in Indians relations in that the French

were more tolerant of Indian cultures

During the eighteenth century, in North America, the most powerful native group were the


Through the first half of the eighteenth century, the Iroquois Confederacy formed agreements and traded with

both France and England at the same time

In the aftermath of King George’s War

relations between the English, French, and Iroquois deteriorated

What future revolutionary figure surrendered to French forces in 1754 at Fort Necessity in the Ohio Valley?

George Washington

The first clash of the French and Indian War took place near what is now


During the first stage (1754-1756) of the French and Indian War

the Iroquois were allied with the English but remained largely passive

The French and Indian War was fought in

India, the West indies, Middle East

The beginning of the end of the American phase of the French and Indian War was marked


According to the terms of the Peace of Paris of 1763

France ceded all of its claims to land west of the Mississippi River to Spain

Throughout the conclusion of the French and Indian War, American colonists

sold and traded food and other goods with the French

Following the conclusion of the French and Indian War

many colonists resented England’s interference in their local affairs

For Indians in North America, British victory in the French and Indian War

had disastrous effects on their future

The French and Indian War in North America

suggested that increasing England’s control over the colonies would not be easy

When George III assumed the throne of England, he

was painfully immature

When he became British prim minister, George Grenville

believed the American colonists had been indulged for far too long

The Proclamation of 1763

was supported by many Indian tribes

The Stamp Act of 1765

required colonists to pay taxes on most printed documents

The Paxton Boys and regulators both

demanded tax relief

Legislation passed by the Grenville ministry in 1764-1765 adversely effected American

New England merchants, southern planters, small farmers

The Stamp Act of 1765

helped to unite the colonies in opposition to the English government

Who among the following took the lead in protesting against the Stamp Act?

Samuel Adams

British official Thomas Hutchinson

had his home ransacked by anti-Stamp Act demonstrators

in 1766, in response to colonial protests against the Stamp Act, the British government

rescinded the Stamp Act

The Declaratory Act of 1766

was a sweeping assertion of Parliament’s authority over the colonies

The Mutiny (or Quartering) Act of 1765

was regarded by objecting colonists as a form of taxation without consent

The Townshend Duties of 176

were taxes on what were called external transactions

Colonial protests against the Townshend Duties resulted in

many colonists joining in non-importation agreements

In 1770, the Twonsend Duties were ended by

Lord North

The story of the Boston Massacre

was transformed by some colonists into a symbol of British oppression

The leading colonial figure in the Boston Massacre was

Samuel Adams

English and American supporters of the English constitution felt it correctly divided power between

the monarchy, the aristocracy, and representative assemblies

English and American supporters of the English constitution was

an unwritten document

In the eighteenth century, under the English government’s theory of representation

the American colonies were represented in Parliament

Taverns were important in the growth of Revolutionary sentiment because

they become central meeting places discuss ideas about resistance

The Tea Act of 1773

followed a few years of relative calm between England and the American colonies, lowered the price of tea for American colonists, was intended to benefit a private British company

The colonial boycott of tea in 1773

was led by women who were the primary consumers of tea

The Boston tea party of December 1773

triggered acts of resistance in other colonial cities and took place after Bostonian failed to turn away ships laden with tea

Parliament responded to the Boston tea party by

reducing the powers of self-government in Massachusetts

The Quebec Act

granted political rights to Roman Catholics

Which of the following statements regarding the Coercive Acts is TRUE?

Massachusetts became a martyr in the cause of resistance

In 1775, the Conciliatory Propositions

was an appeal by the British government to colonial moderates

The story of Lexington and Concord

occurred before there was a formal American declaration of independence

In 1775, as conflicts with England intensified, American colonists

were deeply divided about what they were fighting for

Published in January 1776, Common Sense was written by

Tom Paine

The author of Common Sense

considered the English constitution to be greatest problem facing the colonists

The Declaration of Independence

borrowed heavily from previously published colonial documents

The war effort by American colonists would be financed primarily by

borrowing from abroad

As commander of the Continental Army, George Washington

was admired, respected, and trusted by nearly all Patriots

As the start of the Revolution, American advantages over the British included a

greater commitment to the war

In the Battle of Bunker Hill

the British suffered heavy casualties

During the phase (1776-78) of the American Revolution, British military efforts were hampered by

a series of tactical blunders and misfortunes

When George Washington crossed the Delaware River on Christmas night, 1776, he was intent on surprising


Among the following, who was NOT a British general during the American Revolution?

Horation Gates

The British military campaigns of 1777 saw

General John Burgoyne suffer a major defeat at Saratoga

During the American Revolution, the Iroquois Confederacy

declared its neutrality

In early 1778, France

worried that the United States would quit the war against the British

Which of the following nations did NOT oppose England during the American Revolution?


in the final phase (1778-81) of the American revolution , the British

badly overestimated the support of American Loyalists

Which of the following statements regarding Benedict Arnold is FALSE?

Arnold spent the last years of the Revolution as a prisoner of war

Which of the following was the scene of a substantial British victory in the final phase (1778-81) of the American Revolution?

Guilford Court House

The Battle of Yorktown involved

a combined French and American army and navy

The principal Americans who negotiated the peace terms with the British were

Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay

Under the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1783

the United States gained formal British recognition of American Independence

During the American Revolution, Loyalists

constituted perhaps as many as one-third of the white population

As a result of the American Revolution, the Anglican Church in America was


During the American Revolution, enslaved African-Americans in the colonies

were assisted by the British to escape as a way to disrupt the American war effort

During the American Revolution, the first state to make slavery illegal was


Which of the following statements regarding the American Revolution and Native Americans is FALSE?

American Patriots had generally tried to persuade Indians to be neutral in the War

During the American Revolution, female "camp followers"

assisted in the support of regular troops

In regards to the status of women, the effect of the American Revolution

led some women to question their position in society

In 1776, Abigail Adams was an advocate for

new protections against abusive and tyrannical men

In colonial America, under English common law a married woman

could not own property

Following the American Revolution, as the Republic took shape in the 1780s, greater social importance was attached to women in the role of


Post-Revolution American trade commerce was strengthened by

the closing of British ports to American trade

In the thinking of most American political thinkers, the concept of equality meant

there should be equality of opportunity

For most Revolutionary American political thinkers, the concept of equality meant

there should be equality of opportunity

During the 1780s, in every new state constitution

governors were prevented from holding a seat in the legislature

During te 1780s most state governments

moved to limit popular power

in 1780, Massachusetts sought to revise the power of the governor by

having him elected directly by the poeple

The Virginia Statute of Religious Liberty of 1786

called for a complete separation of church and state

Under the Articles of Confederation, the national government had the power to

borrow and issue money

Under the Articles of Confederation

each state had one vote in Congress

The Articles of Confederation were adopted when states gave up their

claims to western lands

Shortly after signing the Treaty of Paris of 1783, the British government

restricted American access to British markets

In 1786, a treaty negotiated between the United States and Spain

was never ratified by Congress, thus weakening the national’s global prestige

The Ordinances of 1784 and 1785 represented an attempt to

provide for the admission of new states into the union

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787

created a single territory out of the lands north of Ohio, guaranteed freedom of religion throughout the effected areas, prohibited slavery within the effected areas

In the early 1790s the efforts of Little Turtle represented an attempt by Indians to

resist by military force white expansion

The 1794 Battle of Fallen Timbers

forced the Miami Indians into negotiations with the United States

The 1795 Treaty of Greenville

led the United States to recognize the sovereignty of Indian nations

As leader of a tax rebellion the 1780s, Daniel Shays and his supporters demanded

a moratorium on debt collection

One effect of Shay’s Rebellion was it

contributed to the growing belief the national government needed reform

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