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the 1920 census of the United States revealed that

a majority of Americans lived in "urban" areas

In the late nineteenth century, the population increase in urban areas of the United States

increased 700 percent in the fifty years after the Civil War

the largest number of immigrants to the United States in the late nineteenth century came from

southern and eastern europe

in the late nineteenth century, immigrants to the urban areas in the united states

generally lacked the capital to buy land

by 1890, the percentage of the population of chicago, new york, and detroit that were made up of immigrants was approximately

80 percent

in the late nineteenth century, most immigrants to the united states

formed close-knit ethnic communities within the cities

in the late nineteenth century, compared to other immigrant ethnic groups, Jews

advanced rapidly economically & placed a high value on education

compared with the first generation, second generation immigrants were more likely to

break from their traditional culture

in the late nineteenth century, the assimilation of immigrants was encouraged by

the sale of american products & public education & church leaders

the primary goal of the American Productive Association was to

stop immigrants from entering the United States

in 1894, the Immigrant Restriction League

proposed screening immigrants to allow only the "desirable" ones to enter

in 1882, the first group of immigrants to be excluded from the united states on the basis of their nationally were


one significant innovation of urban america in the late nineteenth century were

public parks

the principal force behind the creation pf read public buildings in the late nineteenth century was/were

wealthy residents

the "city beautiful" movement in the united states was inspired, in part, by

the 1893 Colombian Exposition in Chicago

in the late nineteenth century, suburbs on the edge of american cities were largely populated by

the moderately well-to-do people

in 1894, the population density of Manhattan in New York was

far greater than the most crowded European cities

tenement buildings the urban america were

initially praised as an improvement in housing for the poor

in the 1890’s, Jacob Riis

reported on the living conditions of the urban poor to encourage improvements

by 1900, modes of mass transportation in america cities included

elevated railroads & subways & electric trolley cars

in 1884, the first "modern" skyscraper built in the united states

was constructed with steel girders

in the late nineteenth century, the leading cause of death in large American cities resulted from


in the early nineteenth century, efforts to improve enviormental problems in american cities

included a new federal environmental regulatory agency

in the late nineteenth century, efforts to reduce poverty in america

saw charitable organizations try to limit aid to those deemed "deserving poor"

in the late nineteenth century, crime in large american urban centers

led many city governments to create professional public police departments & included murder rates that were higher than would occur in the 1980’s and 1990’s

theodore dreiser’s 1900 novel, SISTER CARRIE dealt with the urban troubles of

single women

in the late nineteenth century, political "machines" in cities owed their existence to

the rapid growth of urban america & the influx of millions of immigrants

in the late nineteenth century, urban political bosses did all of the following except

reducing the costs of city services

in the late nineteenth century, new york’s tammany hall political machine

saw its most famous boss, william m tweed, sent to prison

in the last decades on the nineteenth century, incomes in the united states

rose for almost all americans

during the late nineteenth century, all of the following innovations occurred in consumer goods except

the creation of credit card companies

in the 1870s, the largest mall-order catalog in the united states was offered by

richard sears

in the 1890s, florence kelley and the national consumers league sought to

improve wages and working conditions of manufacturers and retailers

at the end of the nineteenth century, most americans viewed leisure time

as being desirable

in the late nineteenth century, leisure activities tended to be divided by

gender & class & race

the nineteenth century game of "rounders" became the modern sport of


in 1869, princeton and rutgers played the first intercollegiate game in america of


in the nineteenth century, vaudeville theater

consisted of a variety of stage acts

at the turn of the twentieth century, motion pictures

were the first true mass entertainment medium

which of the following statements regarding coney island is FALSE

the park developed a reputation for wholesome, family attractions

during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the growth of newspapers

saw newspaper circulation increase much more rapidly than the general population

which statement regardigt telephone service during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries is FALSE

in its first years, telephone operators were all men

which american writer would be less associated with the trend toward social realism in literature in the late nineteenth century

mark twain

the american artistic movement known as the "ashcan School"

was strongly influenced by old world masters

charles darwin’s theories of evolution met initial resistance from

theologians & scientist & educators

according to philosophy of pragmatism, society should be guided by

scientific inquiry

which american thinker is least associated with study using scientific methods

henry james

which statement about education in the late nineteenth century is false

funding for public education was highest in rural area

in the late nineteenth century, american universities

significantly grew in number due to morrill land grant & had a strong commitment to practical knowledge

by 1900, all of the following statement regarding american medicine were true except

vaccines for typhoid and dysentery had been introduced

during the late nineteenth century, college education for american writers

had expanded significantly

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