APUSH Chapter Two

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56. Seventeenth-century English colonial settlements

were mostly business enterprises.

57. Which of the following does NOT describe the site chosen for the Jamestown settlement?

It was inaccessible by ship.

58. The initial Jamestown colonists focused primarily on

the search for gold.

59. Captain John Smith helped the Jamestown settlement survive by

imposing work and order on the colonists.

60. The "starving time" in Jamestown during the winter of 1609-1610 was partly the result of

the sinking of the colonists’ supply ship in the Atlantic.

61. The first profitable economic development in Jamestown resulted from

the production of tobacco.

62. The cultivation of tobacco around Jamestown resulted in all the following EXCEPT

improved relations with the local Indians.

63. The Virginia Company developed the "headright" system to

attract new settlers to the colony.

64. Which of the following statements best characterizes the first years of Jamestown’s existence?

The settlement survived despite an enormous loss of life.

65. When the House of Burgesses was created in Virginia in 1619,

colonists were given a share of local political representation.

66. The first blacks imported to Virginia in 1619

may have been considered indentured servants by the colonists.

67. The Powhatan Indian Pocahontas

created an interest in England in "civilizing" Indians.

68. Warfare between Englishmen and Powhatan Indians in Virginia

included an Indian attack on Jamestown that killed hundreds of colonists.

69. The Virginia Company

had its charter revoked by James I in 1624

70. In which area of technology were Indians more advanced than the Virginia colonists?


71. In the seventeenth century, English colonists recognized that corn

produced yields greater than any of the European grains.

72. In its beginning, the Maryland colony

was a refuge for English Catholics.

73. Which the following statements regarding Sir William Berkeley is FALSE?

He extended political representation for frontier settlers.

74. By 1670, political representation for colonists in Virginia

had grown more restrictive.

75. Bacon’s Rebellion

saw the royal governor of Virginia forced to resign.

76. The suppression of Bacon’s Rebellion helped spur

slavery in Virginia.

77. In 1608, Puritan Separatists that left England

could not legally do so without the king’s permission.

78. In 1620, the Puritan Pilgrims who came to North America

hoped to create their ideal close-knit Christian community.

79. During the early years the survival and growth of the Plymouth colony

was due in large part to the assistance of the natives.

80. King Charles I’s treatment of Puritans could be characterized as

extremely hostile.

81. The Puritan merchants who founded the Massachusetts Bay colony

carried out the largest single migration in the seventeenth century.

82. The Massachusetts Bay Puritans

created a colonial "theocracy."

83. The Puritan founders in Massachusetts who described their colony as a "city upon a hill"

felt they were creating a holy community that would be a model for the world.

84. Thomas Hooker is associated with establishing the colony of


85. One reason Roger Williams was deported from the Massachusetts colony was that he

was a confirmed Separatist.

86. When it was established in 1644, the colony of Rhode Island

was notable for its religious toleration.

87. In 1638, Anne Hutchinson was deported from the Massachusetts colony because she

challenged the prevailing assumptions of the proper role of women in society.

88. Which New England Puritan could LEAST accurately be described as a religious dissenter?

Anne Hutchinson John Winthrop Roger Williams John Wheelwright Thomas Hooker

89. Over time in the seventeenth century, an increasing number of New England Puritans came to view Indian

with fear and contempt.

90. In 1637, hostilities broke out between English settlers in the Connecticut Valley and which local Native
American tribe?

the Pequots

91. In King Philip’s War, Indians made effective use of a relatively new weapon, the

flintlock rifle.

92. In the 1640s, during the English Civil War, the Cavaliers were

supporters of King Charles I.

93. The English Restoration began with the reign of

Oliver Cromwell.

94. The proprietors who founded the Carolina colony

guaranteed religious freedom to all Christians.

95. The Fundamental Constitution for the Carolina colony

was influenced by the English philosopher John Locke.

96. The development of the Carolina colony was notable in that

the northern and southern regions were economically and socially distinct from each other.

97. The New York colony

emerged after a struggle between the English and the Dutch.

98. Like New York, the New Jersey colony

had great ethnic and religious diversity.

99. Which of the following was NOT a Stuart Restoration colony?

Maryland Carolina New York Pennsylvania New Jersey

100. Unlike Puritans, the Quakers

rejected the doctrine of original sin.

101. In the seventeenth century, English Quakers

granted women a position within the church generally equal to that of men. had no paid clergy. were pacifists. believed all could attain salvation. All these answers are correct.

102. William Penn

was a man of great wealth who converted to Quakerism.

103. The colony established by people seeking to separate from Pennsylvania was


104. The English colonial settlements in the Caribbean

concluded it was cheaper to buy new African slaves than to protect those they owned.

105. Which of the following was NOT an agricultural technique used for improving the soil?

Burning planting beans planting tobacco planting corn and beans together All these answers are correct.

106. What became the dominant crop of the Caribbean colonies?


107. The Spanish colony of New Mexico

could be considered prosperous only when compared to other borderlands.

108. Georgia was founded

to create a military barrier against the Spanish.

109. Originally, the Georgia colony excluded

both free Africans and slaves.

110. In colonial North America, the "middle grounds" refers to a region in which

no one European or Indian group held a clear dominance.

111. Which of the following statements regarding the Navigation Acts (1660s) is FALSE?

All European goods sent to the colonies had to pass through England and were subject to taxes.

112. The Navigation Acts enacted by the English Parliament

encouraged the colonists to create an important shipbuilding industry of their own.

113. The Dominion of New England

called for a single royal governor.

114. The rebellion led by Jacob Leisler took place in

New York.

115. The Glorious Revolution of 1688-1689

saw an English king, James II, flee to the European continent.

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