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For blacks like the Parker family, World War I provided: A) new opportunities in the South. B) an escape from racial prejudice. C) new opportunities in the North. D) new opportunities in Latin America. E) fulfillment of their dream of racial equality.


In the 1920s, the enthusiasm for social progress of the war years: A) continued at a more moderate pace. B) evaporated. C) was taken up by the upper classes. D) increased. E) was less popular because of the Depression.


The tensions and hostilities evident in the United States during the 1920s can be partially explained by: A) the increase in immigration into the United States from northern European countries. B) a decline in religious fundamentalism. C) the continued dominance of the progressive reform movement. D) the fear among native-born Americans that foreigners were destroying the American way of life. E) the large number of Irish immigrants fleeing the potato famine.


Public reaction to the series of strikes that occurred in the United States during 1919 tended to: A) blame right-wing extremists for the unrest. B) support the justice of the strikers’ cause. C) blame the communists for the unrest. D) condemn the actions of the attorney general. E) view the strikers as patriots exercising their right to assembly.


During the 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan: A) supported Catholics but not Jews. B) became less influential. C) stressed religious as well as racial nativism. D) was outlawed by the Congress. E) operated exclusively in the southern states.


During the "Red Scare" of 1919, the Attorney General of the United States: A) defended the actions of Ku Klux Klan members because of their commitment to traditional American principles. B) violated the rights of many Americans suspected of being communists. C) staunchly defended the civil rights of those who had been accused of being communists. D) used military force against Indians who attempted to seize land they claimed belonged to them. E) participated in the lynching of blacks and Indians.


The outcome of the Sacco-Vanzetti case indicated: A) a commitment by the political leaders to pursue justice against public pressure for conviction. B) an unreasoned fear of foreigners and radicals. C) clearly that the two men were not radicals. D) that American courts and juries had become more just. E) that they clearly were guilty of murder.


The first organization to perfect the assembly line and mass-production technology was (the): A) General Electric Company. B) Ford Motor Company. C) Carnegie Steel. D) General Motors Corporation. E) Standard Oil Company.


During the 1920s, American cities: A) generally prohibited automobile traffic within their limits. B) ceased to grow in size. C) shrank as people moved to rural hinterlands. D) experienced considerable suburban expansion. E) experienced little growth in their central areas.


An important leader in the black-pride movement during the 1920s was: A) Stokely Carmichael. B) Marcus Garvey. C) Tiger Williams. D) Jean Toomer. E) Booker T. Washington.


During the 1920s, most of the novelists who achieved lasting importance: A) celebrated America’s achievements during World War I. B) wrote almost entirely about European subjects. C) repudiated any allegiance to traditional American ideals. D) criticized values prevailing in America during the decade. E) promoted American ideals abroad.


The Harlem Renaissance is a term that refers to: A) the white American writers who fled to Europe during the 1920s. B) the name of a jazz group during the 1960s. C) a Dutch intellectual movement that greatly influenced American thought. D) black American intellectuals and artists who stressed black pride. E) a particular period in which Dutch painting flourished.


Intolerance during the 1920s in the United States was reflected in the: A) passage of restrictive immigration laws. B) increased success of labor unions. C) suppression of traditional religious views. D) popularity of jazz. E) suppression of the Ku Klux Klan.


During the 1920s, the United States government: A) was often influenced by the wealthy. B) pursued an aggressive policy of regulating business activities. C) sought to spread democracy around the globe. D) rejected concepts of planning as too socialistic. E) generally promoted progressive reform programs.


During the 1920s, progressivism in the United States: A) failed to achieve any important gains for social justice. B) became popular among the upper classes. C) disappeared altogether. D) persisted despite an unfavorable environment. E) enjoyed increasing support.


During the 1920s, American foreign policy: A) supported the League of Nations. B) supported active American involvement in world affairs. C) supported the idea that all peoples should be free from colonial control. D) opposed the Washington Conference on Naval Disarmament. E) reluctantly accepted international power.


As president, Warren Harding can best be described as: A) reflecting the conservatism of the 1920s. B) personally corrupt. C) thin and anxious. D) a supporter of progressive reform. E) very moralistic.


The American author who, during the 1920s, wrote The Great Gatsby, a novel critical of the American success myth, was: A) Ernest Hemingway. B) Sinclair Lewis. C) William Faulkner. D) F. Scott Fitzgerald. E) Jane Adams.


The Scopes trial indicated that the most important challenge within early twentieth-century American religion was: A) lack of money. B) a lack of missionary zeal. C) the struggle between the fundamentalists and evolutionists. D) lack of freedom from state control. E) race relations.


The 1920s represented a period in American history when: A) few people had access to new forms of entertainment. B) urbanization declined. C) technological developments had little impact on the American way of life. D) people embraced traditional values and rejected material culture. E) a new culture of consumption and pleasure clashed with traditional values.


An important aspect of the communications revolution that occurred during the 1920s was the: A) expanded use of the telephone. B) development of computer technology. C) completion of the first transcontinental railroad. D) decline in the significance of advertising. E) widespread use of television.


In economic terms, the period of the 1920s in the United States could be characterized as: A) an era of few technological developments. B) an era of industrial depression. C) the fourth industrial revolution. D) an era of agricultural prosperity. E) a second industrial revolution.


An important factor in changing American lifestyles during the 1920s was: A) the development of television. B) the repeal of prohibition. C) increase in air travel. D) the invention of the microwave. E) widespread use of the automobile.


During the 1920s, businesses in the United States: A) failed to recognize the importance of planning. B) saw the decline of business concentration. C) saw the emergence of a new kind of manager. D) began to hire women to oversee their companies. E) rejected the ideas of Frederick Taylor.


During the 1920s in the United States: A) the American diet improved. B) Americans had less leisure time. C) benefits of prosperity were more evenly distributed among the American people. D) people had fewer educational opportunities. E) blacks and whites achieved economic equality.


An important change in the lifestyle of the American people during the 1920s was brought about by: A) improved bathroom facilities. B) federal funding for the interstate highway system. C) a decline in religious controversy. D) the kitchen revolution. E) the development of television.


The "red scare" during the 1920s refers to: A) American fashion and decorating trends. B) a literary device used by those who criticized American society. C) fears by white Americans that the Indians would attempt to reclaim their lost lands. D) American fears of communist influence in the United States. E) the attempt of the Soviet Union to establish communism in Cuba.

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