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Nineteenth-century Americans tended to believe that in world affairs the United States: A) should commit itself to maintaining world order. B) had a special mission. C) should mimic Great Britain. D) should support the establishment of the League of Nations. E) should remain totally isolated.


During the first hundred years after independence, American foreign policy was concerned primarily with: A) imperialism. B) continental expansion. C) trans-Atlantic commercial trade. D) killing Indians. E) national armament.


As a factor in its foreign policy during the late nineteenth century, the United States: A) indicated its interest in building an American-controlled canal in Nicaragua. B) showed that it was primarily interested in European affairs. C) showed little interest in acquiring territory in the Pacific Ocean region. D) renounced interest in building a canal across Central America. E) drove Great Britain and Germany out of Pago Pago.


An important factor in promoting the shift in American foreign policy after the Civil War was: A) the search for markets for American products. B) the desire to bring democracy to the rest of the world. C) Great Britain’s refusal to pay the Alabama claims. D) France’s invasion of Mexico. E) support for Secretary of State Seward’s expansionist policy.


An increase in American international commerce during the late nineteenth century necessitated: A) a devaluation of the dollar. B) a strong navy. C) a decrease in government spending. D) new alliances with third-world nations. E) a policy of isolation.


The historian who developed the thesis that "the dominant fact in American life has been expansion" was: A) Josiah Strong. B) Frederick J. Turner. C) Albert Beveridge. D) Gary B. Nash. E) Alfred T. Mahan.


In the Venezuela boundary dispute, the United States: A) disapproved of the Olney Corollary. B) invoked the Madison Doctrine. C) attempted to colonize Venezuela. D) invoked the Monroe Doctrine. E) sided with Great Britain.


During the 1890s, a group of men led by Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge: A) opposed American expansion outside the western hemisphere. B) sought to isolate the United States from Pacific and Asian markets. C) endorsed Bryan’s anti-imperialistic concepts. D) promoted a highly nationalistic foreign policy for the United States. E) endorsed a policy of "continentalism."


A major advocate for achieving national power through naval supremacy was: A) Frederick Jackson Turner. B) John Dewey. C) Josiah Strong. D) William Jennings Bryan. E) Alfred T. Mahan.


An important event influencing the United States’ decision to declare war on Spain in 1898 was the: A) sinking of the battleship Maine. B) Zimmermann Note. C) Democratic victory in the mid-term election of 1898. D) Republican defeat in the election of 1896.


Between the Civil War and the Spanish-American War, an important aspect of the missionary impulse in American foreign policy was: A) a belief that each country had a right to develop its institutions as it saw fit. B) a belief in the superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race. C) the concept of gender and racial equality. D) opposition to missionary interference in native cultures. E) strict adherence to the Christian concept that all people are equal in the sight of God.


Theodore Roosevelt’s attitude concerning war with Spain in 1898 was to: A) urge caution in U.S. relations with Spain. B) sign a treaty of peace and alliance instead. C) promote war with Spain. D) rescind the secretary of navy’s message ordering Admiral Dewey to sail his fleet to the Philippine Islands. E) advise McKinley to avoid war at all costs.


A favorite target of Christian missionaries in the late nineteenth century was: A) Africa. B) Europe. C) Russia. D) Latin America. E) China.


American acquisition of the colonies after the Spanish-American War: A) faced little opposition among Americans. B) was advocated by Cuban and Filipino rebels. C) was opposed by President McKinley for racist reasons. D) led to considerable controversy over the policy. E) rested on purely idealistic motives.


The major argument used by those opposed to the annexation of the Philippines was that: A) the Filipinos did not want American rule. B) it was racist to think that the Filipinos could not govern themselves. C) it was un-Christian to have colonies. D) it contradicted the republican traditions of the United States. E) it would retard America’s economic growth.


In the election of 1900: A) the public supported McKinley’s decision to annex the Philippines. B) the rights of blacks in the South became a paramount question. C) the public endorsed Bryan’s foreign policy. D) currency became the major issue of the campaign. E) the public rejected McKinley’s foreign policy.


In 1906, Theodore Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize for: A) building the Panama Canal. B) ending the Russo-Japanese war. C) freeing the Filipinos from American occupation. D) preventing European intervention in the Caribbean. E) restoring peace in Cuba.


In establishing U.S. policy toward the Caribbean, Theodore Roosevelt: A) stressed cooperation with the countries of that region. B) opposed building the Panama Canal. C) refused to intervene in the internal affairs of the Caribbean countries. D) insisted that those nations that did not practice democracy would be annexed to the United States. E) projected the United States as the policeman for the region.


In acquiring the right to build a canal across Panama, the United States: A) carefully respected the sensibilities of the Colombians. B) opposed the Panamanian nationalists who wanted independence from Colombia. C) acted in such a way as to gain the respect and admiration of other Latin American countries. D) made a treaty with Great Britain that gave the U.S. access to the isthmus. E) helped facilitate a Panamanian revolution against Colombia.


Theodore Roosevelt’s approach to foreign policy can best be described as: A) aggressive. B) dependent on quiet diplomacy. C) cautious. D) based on a belief in racial equality. E) sensitive.


In developing his foreign policy toward the Caribbean, Theodore Roosevelt announced a corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. A corollary is a(n): A) court decision. B) addition. C) reaction. D) reversal. E) negation.


Relations between the United States and China were complicated during the Theodore Roosevelt administration because: A) the United States supported the Boxer Rebellion. B) the Chinese refused to allow Americans to trade with them. C) China rejected the second Open Door note. D) the United States excluded Chinese immigrants. E) Great Britain refused to let the United States trade with China.


One purpose of the Open Door Policy was to: A) make it possible for American missionaries to convert the Chinese to Christianity. B) block a Chinese invasion of Japan. C) acquire the right for the United States to build a canal across Nicaragua. D) ensure American trade opportunities in China. E) encourage Japanese and Chinese migration to the United States.


The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine was announced to: A) aid the British in preventing the extension of German influence into the Caribbean. B) justify American acquisition of the Panama canal. C) justify the annexation of Hawaii to the United States. D) inaugurate a "good neighbor" policy between the United States and Latin America. E) justify American intervention in the Dominican Republic.


In the "insular cases," the Supreme Court determined that: A) all people living under American control would enjoy the same rights and privileges. B) Congress could treat some people under American control differently than it treated others. C) Hawaiians and Puerto Ricans would enjoy the full rights of American citizenship, but not Filipinos. D) only whites living in territories would have Constitutional rights. E) Congress had no right to restrict the freedom of any group controlled by the United States.


Acquisition of the Philippine Islands by the United States: A) was generally supported by the Filipinos. B) resulted in immediate independence for the islands. C) proved easier than its conquest of Cuba. D) encountered little opposition in the United States Senate. E) led to guerrilla warfare against American control.


One of the factors that promoted America’s search for new markets between 1865 and 1900 was: A) a decline in demand for American goods abroad. B) industrial and agricultural overproduction. C) a decline in American industrial production because of the Depression of 1893. D) a population decline in the United States. E) an increase in domestic consumption.

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