APUSH Ch. 17

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An important factor in transforming the nature of American agriculture after the Civil War was: A) increasing utilization of machinery. B) a decline in international markets for American farm products. C) a decrease in the size of the average American farm. D) the scarcity of land in the Great Plains. E) the use of slave labor in the Midwest.


In general, American agriculture in the second half of the nineteenth century became: A) less dependent on market forces. B) less reliant on government intervention. C) increasingly diversified. D) more focused on perishable crops. E) more dependent on market forces.


All of the following contributed to declining agricultural prices EXCEPT: A) foreign competition. B) poor product quality. C) deflation. D) overproduction. E) mechanization.


An important factor in the white man’s defeat of the Plains tribes was the: A) use of the Texas Rangers to exterminate them. B) inability of the Indians to use guns. C) general agreement among the Indians not to resist white settlements in the area. D) destruction of the buffalo herds. E) Indians’ refusal to use the horse.


In the last three decades of the nineteenth century, Indians on the Great Plains: A) often fiercely resisted white settlement in the area. B) accepted their removal to reservations without resistance. C) generally believed that the United States government had dealt fairly with them. D) eagerly abandoned their nomadic ways for the sedentary ways of the whites. E) made alliances with Mexican-American settlers who promised to protect them.


The development of agriculture in California during the late nineteenth century was characterized by: A) large profits for the original Mexican landholders. B) a concentration on the production of cotton. C) small family farms. D) large-scale farming. E) grape production.


All of the following assisted settlers to farm the Great Plains EXCEPT: A) windmills. B) sod houses. C) advanced fertilizers. D) twine binders. E) barbed wire.


Between 1865 and 1900, immigrants to the United States who settled on the Great Plains: A) came primarily to make their fortunes and return to their native countries. B) came largely from Germany, the British Isles, and Canada. C) came from Mexico and Latin America. D) usually migrated as single males. E) came chiefly from the Soviet Union.


In the years following the Civil War, weekly and monthly magazines: A) appealed only to highly educated and cultured urban dwellers. B) appealed only to those who could not afford books. C) soared in number as illiteracy decreased and the publishing industry advanced. D) suffered decreasing popularity. E) contained few, if any, illustrations.


The Dawes Act was designed to: A) provide Indians with individual land ownership. B) make Indians dependent on the federal government. C) help the Indian preserve tribal traditions. D) guarantee blacks 40 acres and a mule. E) compensate Indians for past abuses by the whites.


The federal government’s Indian policy between 1876 and 1900 was characterized by: A) a continuation of the belief that Indian tribes were sovereign nations. B) a concern for the preservation of a tribal lifestyle among the Indians. C) a program to protect and maintain the buffalo herds. D) a movement to end Indian power and culture. E) an attempt to compensate the Indians for past mistreatment.


Those Indians who followed the Ghost Dance movement believed that: A) natural disasters would destroy the whites, but not the Indians. B) the buffalo would return and bring greatness to the tribes. C) the Indians could defeat the white man militarily. D) they could keep the ghosts of white people away from them by dancing. E) tribal unity would prevent the white man from taking Indian lands.


The philosophy of the New South advocates stressed: A) a policy promoting industrialization of the southern economy. B) rejection of northern investments in the South. C) the heroic nature of the Confederate veterans. D) a move toward a socialist economy. E) a return to the South’s agricultural past.


In the period after the Civil War, southern industrial progress: A) failed to occur at all. B) brought general prosperity to the poor people of the South. C) was impeded by southern loyalty to the past. D) made the South more industrial than the North. E) led to an average per capita income twice that of the North.


Chief leader of the moderate approach to achieving black rights within American society was: A) Ida B. Wells. B) Booker T. Washington. C) J. C. Price. D) W. E. B. Du Bois. E) T. Thomas Fortune.


Between 1865 and 1900, black workers in the South: A) seldom engaged in agricultural labor. B) found more opportunities in the industrializing southern cities. C) worked primarily as domestic servants. D) increased among the skilled laborers. E) were often excluded from industrial jobs.


According to the Plessy v. Ferguson decision: A) segregation laws violated the Fourteenth Amendment. B) blacks and whites could share train cars that crossed state lines. C) the races could be separated but equal accommodations must be provided. D) black voters could be disenfranchised through the "good character" clause. E) separate facilities for blacks and whites were illegal.


During the late nineteenth century, the Supreme Court: A) strongly defended the rights of blacks under the Constitution. B) declared the concept of "separate but equal" unconstitutional. C) decided no important cases involving black rights. D) gradually abandoned support of black rights guaranteed by the Constitution. E) upheld the rights of Native Americans to keep their own land.


In the late nineteenth century, southern agriculture: A) remained dependent on cotton cultivation. B) abandoned the crop lien system. C) was dominated by small yeoman farmers. D) was characterized by a trend toward diversification of crops. E) generally abandoned the cultivation of cotton.


In the period from 1865 to 1900, southern factory workers: A) seldom included children in their ranks. B) worked in modern, safe, and clean factories. C) often earned wages insufficient to support their families adequately. D) earned wages higher than similar workers in the North. E) generally were required to work less than 40 hours a week.


One of the primary goals of farmer movements during the late nineteenth century was: A) limitations on crop production. B) the end of sharecropping. C) regulation of the railroads. D) support for a deflationary monetary policy. E) maintenance of the gold standard.


The Supreme Court upheld the principle that state governments could regulate railroad and grain elevator companies with its decision in: A) Plessy v. Ferguson. B) Interstate Commerce Act. C) Muller v. Oregon. D) the Civil Rights Cases. E) Munn v. Illinois.


An organization which represented an early attempt by farmers to confront their problems during the 1860s and 1870s was the: A) Populist Party. B) Ancient Order of United Workers. C) Grange. D) Masonic Lodge. E) American Legion.


In its attempt to regulate railroad rates during the late nineteenth century, the Interstate Commerce Commission: A) found it easy to determine what constituted a reasonable rate. B) overruled several decisions made by the Supreme Court. C) sold out to the railroad companies. D) was often opposed by the federal courts’ decisions. E) proved generally successful.


In the Ocala platform, the National Farmers’ Alliance advocated: A) the gold standard for American currency. B) no program which might have been considered radical for that historical period. C) the establishment of a socialist government in the United States. D) the direct election of the president. E) a graduated income tax.


The authors characterize the late nineteenth century as "the nadir of black life." Nadir means the: A) middle point. B) golden age. C) highest point. D) zenith. E) lowest point.

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