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The population of the Chesapeake colonies throughout the first half of the seventeenth century was notable for its

scarcity of women

The "headright" system, which made some people very wealthy, consisted of

Giving the right to acquire fifty acres of land to the person paying the passage of a laborer to America

By 1700, the most populous colony in English America was


English yeomen who agreed to exchange their labor temporarily in return for payment of their passage to American colony were called

indentured servants

Most immigrants to the Chesapeake colonies in the seventeenth century came as

indentured servants

Bacon’s Rebellion was supported mainly by

Young men frustrated by their inability to acquire land

The immediate reason for Bacon’s Rebellion was

Indian attacks on frontier settlements

Many of the slaves who reached North America

were originally captured by African coastal tribes

For those Africans who were sold into Slavery, the "middle Passage" can be best described as

The gruesome ocean voyage to America

The physical and social conditions of slavery were harshest in

South Carolina

While slavery might have begun in American for economic reasons

Race was rarely an issue in relations between blacks and whites

The slave society that developed in north America was one of the few slave societies in history to

perpetuate itself by its own natural reproduction

Compared with indentured servants, African American slaves were

a more manageable labor force

Urban development in the colonial South

was slow to emerge

It was typical of colonial New England adults to

marry early and have several children

Southern colonies generally allowed married women to retain separate title to their property because

southern men frequently died young

When new towns were established in new England, all of the following were true except

families did not automatically receive land.

The puritan system of congregational church government logically led to

democracy in political government

Thomas Jefferson once observed that "The best school of political liberty the world ever saw" was the

New England town meeting

The Half-Way Covenant

admitted to baptism but not full membership the unconverted children of existing members

The Salem "With hunt" in 1692

was opposed by the more responsible members of the clergy.

The New England economy depended heavily on

fishing, shipbuilding, and commerce

The combination of Calvinism, soil, and climate in new England resulted in the people there possessing which of the following qualities:

All of the above

Compared with most seventeenth-century Europeans, Americans Lived in

affluent abundance

The late- seventeenth-century rebellion in new York was headed by ____________, whereas that in maryland was led by

Jacob Leisler, Protestants

One feature common to all of the eventually rebellious colonies was their

Rapidly growing populations

The population growth of the American colonies by 1775 is attributed mostly to

The natural fertility of all Americans

With regard to governmental authority, the Scots-Irish colonists

Cherished no love for the British or any other government

The population of the 13 american colonies was

perhaps the most diverse in the world, although it remained predominantly Anglo-Saxon

The most ethnically diverse region of colonial America was ______ wereas _____ was the least ethnically diverse

the middle colonies, New England

During the colonial era, all of the following peoples created new societies out of diverse ethnic groups in American except


The Scots-Irish can best be described as

fiercely independent

When the Scots-Irish established a new community, one of the first tasks they undertook was to

erect a church

The most honored profession in Early colonial society was


By the eighteenth century, the various colonial regions had distrinct economic identities; the northern colonies relied on____, the chesapeake colonies relied on_____ and the southern colonies relied on _____

Cattle and grain, tobacco, rice and indigo

The triangular trade of the colonial American shipping industry

involved the trading of rum for African slaves

The major manufacturing enterprise in colonial America in the eighteenth century was


Which of the following was not considered to be a naval store


One feature of the American economy that strained the relationship between the colonies and Britian was the

growing desire of Americans to trade with other nations in addition to Britain

American colonists sought trade with countries other than Great Britain

To make money to buy what they wanted in Britain

Colonial American taverns were all of the following except

Frequented mainly by the lower class

English officials tried to "establish" the Church of England in as many colonies as possible because

the church would act as a major prop for kingly authority

In 1775, the ____ churches were the only two established (tax supported) churches in colonial America

Congregational and Anglican

Match each denomination on the left with it’s region where it predominated
A: Congregationalist
B: Anglican:
C: Presbyterian
1. The frontier
2. New England
3. The South

A-2 B-3 C-1

By the early eighteenth century, religion in colonial America was

less fervid than when the colonies were established

Match each individual on the left with his or her talent
A: Jonathan Edwards
B: Benjamin Franklin
C: Phillis Wheatley
1. Poet
2. Scientist
3: Theologian
4. Portrait Artist

A-3 B-2 C-1

The "new light" preachers of the Great Awakening

delivered intensely emotional sermons

The great awakening

all of the above

In colonial America, education was most zealously promoted

in New England

The person most often called the "First civilized American" was

Benjamin Franklin

All of the following are achievements of Benjamin Franklin except

Influential poetry

The jury’s decision in the case of John Peter Zenger, a Newspaper printer, was significant because

it pointed the way to open public discussion

In colonial elections

the right to vote was reserved for property holders.

By the mid-eighteenth century, North American colonies shared all of the following similarities except

complete democracy

The soldier and explorer whose leadership earned him the title "Father of New France" was

Samuel de Champlain

The coureurs de bois were

French fur trappers

The French wanted to control Louisiana because they

would then control the mouth of the Mississippi

During a generation of peace following the 1713 Traty of Utrecht, Britain provided its American colonies with

decades of salutary neglect

The War of Jenkins Ear was

confined to the Caribbean Sea and Georgia

The clash between Britain and France for control of the North American continent sprang from their rivalry for control of

The Ohio River Valley

In his first military command in the French and Indian War, George Washington

was defeated at Fort Necessity but was allowed to retreat

The Seven Years’ war also known in America as

The French and Indian War

The immediate purpose of the Albany Congress of 1754 was to

keep the Iroquois tribes loyal to the British

Unlike the first 3 anglo-french wars, the seven years’ war

was fought initially on the North American continent

Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) George Washington surrenders Fort Necessity; (B) General Edward Braddock is defeated near Fort Duquesne; (C) British troops capture Louisbourg in their first significant victory of the French and Indian War; (D) General james Wolfe’s army defeats Montcalm’s on the Plains of Abraham

A, B, C, D

The long-range purpose of the Albany Congress in 1754 was to

achieve colonial unity and common defense against the French threat

As a result of General Braddock’s defeat a few miles from Fort Duquesne

the frontier from Pennsylvania to North Carolina was open to Indian Attack

When William Pitt became prime minister during the Seven Years’ War he

Focused his military strategy on the capture of French Canada

The 1759 Battle of Quebec

Ranks as one of the most significant victories in British and American History

In the peace arrangements that ended the Seven Years’ War

France surrendered all of its territorial claims to North America

As a result of the SEven Year’s War, Great Britain

Became the dominant power in North America

For the American colonies, the Seven Years’ War

ended the myth of british invincibility

With the end of the SEven Years’ War, the disunity, jealousy, and suspicion that had long existed in the American colonies

began to melt somewhat

The disunity that existed in the colonies before the seven years war can be attributed to

all of the above

When the acadians left canada they went to


In a sense, the history of the United States began with the

fall of Quebec and Montreal

The Proclamation of 1763 was designed mainly to

Work out a fair settlement of the Indian Problem

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