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The most important distinction for dividing the world into agricultural regions is

whether the product is consumed on or off the farm.

Which statement correctly describes hunting and gathering?

All humans obtained their food this way before the invention of agriculture. This form of subsistence is still practiced. It is a form of nomadism. Hunter gatherers live in small groups.

Hunting and gathering societies

are found in isolated places in the world.

An important agricultural hearth is

Northern China. South America. Ethiopia. Southeast Asia.

The cultivation of plants by cutting stems and dividing roots is

vegetative planting.

Vegetative planting probably originated in

Southeast Asia.

In the Eastern Hemisphere, seed agriculture probably originated in which of the following

Northern China Western India Ethiopia

The first group to integrate seed agriculture with domestication of herd animals was probably in

Southwest Asia.

Seed agriculture probably reached Europe from

Southwest Asia.

Unique agricultural practices arise in particular regions because of

Limited knowledge of alternatives. Climate. Distinctive cultural traits. Physical characteristics of the land.

Which is not a form of subsistence agriculture


Which type of agriculture is found primarily in less developed countries


Which is not a characteristic of shifting cultivation

Land is cleared by slashing the vegetation. Swiddens not under cultivation are used for fruit trees. Debris is burned to provide the soil with nutrients. A new site is designated every few years.

Shifting cultivation is most commonly found in which climate region

humid low-latitude

Which type of agriculture occupies the largest percentage of the world’s land area?

shifting cultivation

Which type of agriculture is practiced by the largest percentage of the world’s people

intensive subsistence

Defenders of shifting cultivation say it is the best approach for the tropics because

Shifting cultivation is part of the cultural diversity of folk customs in the tropics. Permanently clearing fields and using fertilizers will destroy tropical soils. Shifting cultivation destroys less tropical rain forest than permanently clearing the land.

Only about 15 million people are nomads, but they sparsely occupy

20 percent of the earth’s land area.

The largest proportion of farmers in Asia practice

intensive subsistence.

Compared to shifting cultivation, intensive subsistence agriculture is characterized by which of the

greater use of animal power

Asian agriculture is characterized by shortages of all but which of the following


Which of the following is a typical practice in growing rice in Asia

Growing seedlings in a nursery. Transplanting seedlings into the flooded field. Flooding the plowed field with water. Preparing fields with a plow drawn by oxen.

The most important reason why most people in North China grow crops other than wet rice is


Pastoral nomadism is most commonly found in which climate region


Pastoral nomads

occupy only their own territory, moving with the seasons to find forage and water

The seasonal migration of livestock between mountains and lowland pastures is


To increase crop yields, farmers in southeastern China commonly practice

double cropping.

To separate husks from seeds, Asian farmers beat the heads on the ground, a practice known as


A principal practice of sustainable agriculture is

Limited use of chemicals. Better integration of crops and livestock. Sensitive land management.

Commercial agriculture is distinguished from subsistence agriculture by all but which of the following

output consumed on the farm

Which of the following is the most common form of commercial agriculture in Europe

mixed crop and livestock farming

In the United States many farms are integrated into a large food production industry. This is known


What is the purpose of crop rotation

maintaining the fertility of fields

The primary factor in von Thu¨nen’s model for choosing commercial farm products is

market location.

Von Thu¨nen’s model can best be used to explain the location of which of the following types of agriculture

dairying in the Northeast United States

According to the von Thu¨nen model, timber production was located in the second ring from the city because of what factor

product weight

The farther a dairy farm is from a large urban area the lower the percentage of output devoted to
fresh milk. This occurs primarily because

processed milk is less perishable

China, the United States, Russia, and India are the leading producers of

commercial grain

After corn, the most important crop in the U.S. mixed crop and livestock region is


Which of the following is not a strategy for increasing food supply

increasing tariffs on grain exports

In the winter wheat area, the crop is planted in

autumn and harvested in summer.

Ranching has declined in the southwestern United States primarily because

crops yield more income per area.

Ranching is practiced in a climate region most similar to that of which other type of agriculture

pastoral nomadism

The different areas of the world where Mediterranean agriculture predominates have similar


Which of the following is least likely to be produced in Mediterranean agriculture


A good bottle of wine is most likely to come from


Farmers in more developed and less developed countries share which of the following problems

inadequate income

Less developed countries generate funds to promote development through

selling export crops.

The predominant form of agriculture in the U.S. Southeast is

commercial gardening.

Unlike other forms of commercial agriculture, plantations are

found primarily in less developed countries.

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