AP US History Chapter 3

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Colonists in both the North and the South established differences in:

patterns of settlement; economies; political systems; values.


belief that from the moment of creation some souls were saved and others damned.


the sign of receipt of God’s free gift of saving grace.


belief that those whom God had marked for salvation need not obey secular laws.

In Calvinist thought, the conversion was:

an intense, personal experience when God revealed an individual’s heavenly destiny.

In Puritan doctrine the elect were also referred to as:

visible saints.

Henry VIII aided the entrance of Protestant beliefs into England when:

he broke England’s ties with the Catholic Church.

King James I opposed the Separatists who wanted to break away entirely from the Church of England because:

he realized that if his subjects could defy him as their spiritual leader, they could defy him as their political leader.

The Separatists migrated from Holland to the New World in order to:

avoid the Dutchification of their children.


MAyflower Compact


Fundamental Orders.

Massachusetts Bay:

General Court.

The Mayflower Compact can be best described as:

a promising step toward genuine self-government.

The leader that helped the Pilgrims survive was:

William Bradford.

The historical significance of the Pilgrims of Plymouth Bay lies in:

their moral and spiritual qualities.

Unlike Separatists, the Puritans:

remained members of the Church of England.

Initially the Massachusetts Bay Colony enjoyed several advantages including:

being a well-equipped expedition; starting off on a larger scale than any other English colony; receiving many fairly prosperous and educated immigrants; a shared purpose among the first settlers.

Puritan doctrine included:

acceptance of the idea of a covenant with God.

With the franchise in Massachusetts extended to _______, the proportion of qualified voters in this colony as compared to England was ___.

all adult males who belonged to Puritan congregations; larger

In the Massachusetts Bible Commonwealth, clergymen were barred from:

holding formal political office.

Puritan religious beliefs allowed:

drinking alcohol; eating plentifully; making love discreetly; singing songs.

Among the Puritans, it was understood that the purpose of government was:

to enforce God’s laws.

People who flouted the authority of the Puritan clergy in Massachusetts Bay were subject to:

fines; floggings; banishment; death.

according to anne hutchinson, a dissenter in Massachusetts Bay the truly saved:

need not bother to obey the laws of God or man.

As the founder of Rhode Island, ____ established _______ for all.

Roger Williams; religious freedom.

Roger Williams’ belief included:

breaking away from the Church of England; condemning the taking of Indian land without fair compensation; denying the authority of the civil government ot regulate religious matters; challenging the legality of Massachusetts Bay’s charter.

As a colony, Rhode Island became known for:

individualist and independent attitudes.

Settlers of the Connecticut River colony developed a document known as _________, which establised a regime democratically controlled by_________.

the Fundamental Orders; substantial citizens.

The city of New Haven was settled by:


Unlike other English voyagers to the New World, the Puritans:

transplanted entire communities.

After the Pequot War, Puritan efforts to convert Indians to Christianity can best be described as:

feeble, not equaling that of the Spanish or the French.

The New England Indians’ only hope for resisting English encroachment lay in:

intertribal unity against the English.

King Philip’s War resulted in:

the lasting defeat of New England’s Indians.

During the early years of colonization in the New World, England:

paid little attention to its colonies.

The New England Confederation was designed to:

bolster colonial defense.

The Dominion of New England:

included all the New England colonies; was created by the English government to streamline the administration of its colonies, was designed to bolster colonial defense, eventually included new york and east and west new jersey.

AS the head of Dominion of New England, Sir Edmund Andros was:

an able military man; conscientious; tactless; a leader who restricted the press.

As a result of England’s Glorious Revolution:

Sir Edmund Andros gained control over Massachusetts, Massachusetts regained its original charter; opposition to english rule in the colonies subsided; James II regained his legitimate right to the crown.

As a result of Sir Edmund Andros’s rule:

The power of town meetings was curbed; Officials tried to enforced the Navigation Laws, taxes were levied without the consent of elected representatives; smuggling was suppressed.

New York was originally founded by:

the Dutch.

The Dutch colony of New Netherland was established for:

its quick profit of fur trading.

New york and Pennsylvania were similar in that:

they both had ethnically mixed populations.

New England Confederation regarded Dutch New Netherland as:

an enemy to be wiped out.

When the English gained control over New Netherland:

the autocratic spirit survived.

One of the traits that made Quakers unpopular in England was:

their refusal to do military service.

The physical growth of English New York was slowed because of:

the monopolistic land policies of the aristocrats.

Cultural contributions the Dutch made to America include all of the following:

easter eggs; santa claus; sauerkraut; skating.

Pennsylvania was:

the best advertised.

Indian policy in early Pennsylvania can be best described as:


Economically, the colony of Pennsylvania:

became profitable very quickly.

All the middle colonies were:

notable for their fertile soil.

The middle colonies were notable for:

their unusual degree of democratic control.

Recently, historians have increasingle viewed the colonial period as:

one of contact and adaptation between native populations.

The section of the American colonies where there was the greatest internal conflict was:

the middle colonies.

The picture of colonial America that is emerging from new scholarship is a society formed by:

Encounters with native people, european heritae, many intertwining roots, American heritage.

Chronological Order: English Civil War, Glorious Revolution, Protestant Reformation, Restoration of Charles II to the English throne.

Protestant Reformation; English Civil War; Restoration of Charles II to the English throne; Glorious Revolution.

Chronological Order: Great Puritan migration, Founding of Plymouth, Founding of Rhode Island, Protestant Reformation.

Protestant Reformation; Founding of Plymouth Colony; Great Puritan migration; Founding of Rhode Island.

Chronological Order: New York, Massachusetts Bay, Pennsylvania,

Pennslvania, Massachusetts Bay, New York

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