AP U.S. History- Chapter 31 Vocab

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A. Mitchell Palmer

Attorney General in 1920s; earned the title of the "fighting Quaker" by his excess of zeal in rounding up suspects of Red Scare; ultimately totaled about six thousand; This drive to root out radicals was redoubled in June 1919, when a bomb shattered his home


anti-redism and antiforeignism were reflected in a notorious case regarded by liberals as "judicial lynching". Sacco, a shoe-factory worker, and Vanzetti, a fish peddler, were convicted in 1921 of the murder of a Massachusetts paymaster and his guard; jury and judge prejudiced against defendants because they were Italians, atheists, anarchists, and draft dodgers; case dragged on for six years until 1927, when the men were electrocuted; became martyrs in the "class struggle" for communists and other radicals; liberals upset and ashamed; evidence not enough for death sentence

John Scopes

a high school biology teacher who was indicted for teaching evolution in the "Monkey Trial" of 1925; defended by nationally known attorneys; clash between theology and biology proved inconclusive; found guilty and fined $100; Tennessee supreme court set fine aside on a technicality

William Jennings Bryan

an ardent Presbyterian Fundamentalist; joined the prosecution against John Scopes in the "Monkey Trial" of 1925; took the stand as an expert on the Bible, he was made to appear foolish by criminal lawyer Clarence Darrow; five days after trial, he died of a stroke, probably from heat and stress

Al Capone

grasping and murderous booze distributor; known as "Scarface"; from Chicago; in 1925, he began six years of gang warfare that netted him millions of blood-splattered dollars; branded "Public Enemy Number One"; could not be convicted of the cold-blooded massacre, on St. Valentine’s Day in 1929, of seven disarmed members of a rival gang; after serving most of an eleven year sentence in a federal penitentiary for income-tax evasion, he was released as a syphilitic wreck

Clarence Darrow

famed criminal lawyer; worked in "Monkey Trial"; made William Jennings Bryan appear foolish

Andrew Mellon

Treasury Secretary whose tax policies favored the rapid expansion of capital investment; thought that the burdensome taxes inherited from the war were distasteful; his theory was that such high levies forced the rich to invest in tax-exempt securities rather than in the factories that provided prosperous payrolls; also argued that high taxes not only discouraged business but, in doing so, also brought a smaller net return to the Treasury than moderate taxes; friend of millionaires; helped engineer a series of tax reductiuons from 1921 to 1926; Congress followed his lead by reducing taxes as well; his spare the rich policies thus shifted much of the tax burden from the wealthy to the middle-income groups; lionized by conservatives as the "greatest secretary of the Treasury since Hamilton"; remains a controversial figure; reduced the national debt by $10 billion, but some say he could’ve reduced it even more due to the country’s time of prosperity; also accused of indirectly encouraging the bull market; if he had absorbed more of the national income in taxes, there would have been less money left for frenzied speculation; his refusal to do so typified the single-mindedly probusiness regime that dominated the political scence throughout the postwar decade

Bruce Barton

a prominent New York partner in a Madison Avenue firm; was a founder of advertising; in 1925, he published a best seller, The Man Nobody Knows, setting forth the provocative thesis that Jesus was the greatest adman of all time

Margaret Sanger

a fiery feminist; she led the organized birth-control movement, openly championing the use of contraceptives

Frederick W. Taylor

a prominent inventor, engineer, and tennis player; sought to eliminate wasted motion; the motorcar industry owed much to the stopwatch efficiency techniques that he created; his epitaph reads "Father of Scientific Management"

H.L. Mencken

a patron saint of many young authors; the "Bad Boy of Baltimore"; had an acidic wit; wrote a monthly American Mercury, where he assailed marriage, patriotism, democracy, prohibition, Rotarians, and the middle-class American "booboisie"; contemptuously dismissed the South as "the Sahara of the Bozart" (a bastardization of beaux arts, French for the "fine arts"), and scrathingly attacked do-gooders as "Puritans"; called Puritanism "the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, might be happy"

Sigmund Freud

a Viennese physician; justified the new sexual frankness in his writings; appeared to argue that sexual repression was responsible for a variety of nervous and emotional ills; thus not pleasure alone but also health demanded sexual gratification and liberation

Ernest Hemingway

was among the writers most affected by the war (he had seen action on the Italian front in 1917); he responded to pernicious propaganda and the overblown appeal to patriotism by devising his own lean, word-sparing but word-perfect style; in The Sun Also Rises (1926), he told of disillusioned, spiritually numb American expatriates in Europe; in A Farewell to Arms (1929), he crafted one of the finest novels in any language about the war experience; a troubled soul, he finally blew out his brains with a shotgun blast in 1961

Louis Armstrong

African American jazz artist who took part in the Harlem Renaissance


anti-foreign movement; large movement in 1850s; KKK seemed nativist

Albert Einstein

a German Jew who managed to escape from Hitler’s racist juggernaut; his plea to Franklin Roosevelt initiated the top-secret atmoic bomb project; Nobel laureate; (1930s)

Volstead Act

implemented prohibition when passed by Congress in 1919

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