American History II

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What happened at Wounded Knee, South Dakota in 1890?

More than two hundred Sioux Ghost Dancers were slaughtered.

The "Great Uprising" of 1877 was a general strike against the nation’s

railroad companies

In defending the League of Nations, President Wilson argued all of the following positions EXCEPT that

leaving the power to declare war to Congress alone was dangerous

Many members of the Workingmen’s Benevolent Association were

Irish immigrants

The press stirred up rage over what aspect of the Haymarket Riot?

the death of seven policemen

The Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroad companies relied heavily on the low-paid and difficult work done by

Irish and Chinese immigrants

After buying the project from the Panama Canal Company, how did the United States gain control of the region where the Panama Canal was built?

U.S. naval forces supported the Panamanian revolt against Colombia.

A nationwide ban on child labor was enacted

as part of the New Deal

Founded in 1866 by William Sylvis, the National Labor Union was

the first attempt to build a national labor movement

President Wilson promoted all of the following in his Fourteen Points speech to Congress EXCEPT

U.S. territorial expansion

What triggered the brief political success of the Grange?

he Panic of 1873

Which resulted from the popularity of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair?

federal regulation of meat production

Institutions established in the 1880s to provide social and educational services for the poor were called

settlement houses

Why was Frank Woolworth able to set low prices for his merchandise?

He bought huge quantities of goods at a discount from wholesalers and manufacturers

Much of the culture of the American cowboy was derived from the traditions of which group?


As a result of the Dawes Severalty Act,

Native Americans lost a large portion of their land

How did the railroad benefit Western farmers MOST?

It enabled them to get their products to market

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

took Russia out of World War I.

Which of the following forms of leisure and entertainment did NOT emerge as popular during the Gilded Age?

radio serials

Theodore Roosevelt saw the Roosevelt Corollary as

a logical extension of the Monroe Doctrine.

The central business districts of cities tended to include

department stores, banks, and offices

Which of the following was a popular trumpet player who gained prominence during the Jazz Age?

Louis Armstrong

Which of the following best characterizes the stories of Horatio Alger?

They reinforced the ideal of the self-made man

Who emerged as the leader of the Knights of Labor, the nation’s first large union?

Terrence Powderly

During the war, most enlisted African Americans worked

as laborers.

William Jennings Bryan’s famous "cross of gold" speech addressed which issue?

currency reform

Which statement is true about both lynch mobs and the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s?

They were unashamed of their actions and unafraid to reveal their identities.

The Central Pacific Railroad began its work on the transcontinental railroad in


What was the Open Door Policy?

an international agreement to keep China open to trade with all nations

The government funded the war effort primarily by

selling war bonds

Booker T. Washington believed that race relations would improve

if African Americans focused on economic advancement and remained patient

Which nation was excluded from the Paris Peace Conference?


In Lochner v. New York the Supreme Court ruled that

the government should not interfere with an employee’s negotiating his own work schedule unless the hours jeopardized health

How did Henry Ford’s innovations affect consumers?

They could buy cars for much less money than before

What was the main effect of mass production techniques such as the assembly line on the workplace?

increased efficiency

Regarding the increase in female workers, most Americans believed that

married women should leave the paid workforce

What did the Seventeenth Amendment do?

It provided for the direct popular election of U.S. senators

In the Sand Creek Massacre,

American forces slaughtered peaceful Cheyenne.

The Progressive agenda mainly reflected the values of

the middle class

What attitude toward birth control did Margaret Sanger encounter in her work?

the idea that birth control and the women who used it were indecent

Whom did the People’s Party hope to represent?

all struggling laborers

What portion of American workers were wage-earning manual laborers?

more than half

One of the most dramatic moments of the Scopes Trial occurred when

Darrow called Bryan to the stand

What conflict came to symbolize the brutality associated with the conquest of the West?

the Wounded Knee Massacre

What was one disadvantage of the rise of industrialization for American workers?

Corporations came to control the conditions and nature of work

As the leader of the American Railway Union, Eugene Debs led

a strike against the Pullman Palace Car Company

The Pendleton Act of 1883

opened government jobs to those who passed an exam

The year 1886 saw the labor movement unify behind the move for

the eight-hour day

How did many conservative politicians view government regulation of business during the late nineteenth century?

as a dangerous form of socialism

Frank W. Woolworth’s stores were known as

"five and dime" stores

Which of the following best characterizes the stories of Horatio Alger?

They reinforced the ideal of the self-made man

What factored into the migration of Americans from rural to urban areas?

technological innovations

What was the Open Door Policy?

an international agreement to keep China open to trade with all nations

What did John D. Rockefeller and other members of the upper class believe was the source of poverty?

individual failures

Where did cattle ranching and cattle drives originate?


Why did the federal government institute the Dollar Diplomacy policy?

to maintain U.S. economic dominance in Latin America

George Eastman created a successful business based on his invention of the


Much of the culture of the American cowboy was derived from the traditions of which group?


Rationales for imperialism at the turn of the twentieth century included all of the following ideas EXCEPT that

the United States desired a vast buffer zone against Asian encroachment

After buying the project from the Panama Canal Company, how did the United States gain control of the region where the Panama Canal was built?

U.S. naval forces supported the Panamanian revolt against Colombia

The Kellogg-Briand Pact provided for all of the following EXCEPT that it

guaranteed that other nations would provide military aid to the United States

Frederick Taylor’s scientific management system involved all of the following EXCEPT

providing more autonomy for the factory laborer

Which of the following was NOT relinquished by Spain as a result of the Spanish-American War?


Founded in 1866 by William Sylvis, the National Labor Union was

the first attempt to build a national labor movement

The press stirred up rage over what aspect of the Haymarket Riot?

the death of seven policemen

The Progressive agenda mainly reflected the values of

the middle class

In Lochner v. New York the Supreme Court ruled that


the government should not interfere with an employee’s negotiating his own work schedule unless the hours jeopardized health

The main goal of the Dawes Severalty Act was


After the Civil War, a leading trend in business was the increase in exports of

manufactured goods

Which statement is true about both lynch mobs and the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s?

They were unashamed of their actions and unafraid to reveal their identities.

As the leader of the American Railway Union, Eugene Debs led

a strike against the Pullman Palace Car Company

President Wilson’s primary opponent on the matter of the League of Nations was

Henry Cabot Lodge

The Immigration Act of 1924 significantly restricted emigration from

Eastern Europe

Americans generally viewed buffalo as

obstacles to development

All of the following nations were among the Central Powers EXCEPT


Henry Ford’s policies benefited workers in all of the following ways EXCEPT by

honoring their private lives without interference

Who led the American Federation of Labor as it became the largest organization of workers in the United States?

Samuel Gompers

The main Asian imperialist power around the turn of the twentieth century was


What is a protectorate?

a country or territory under the protective authority of a stronger nation

Who was Emilio Aguinaldo?

the Filipino leader who declared independence from Spain

Regarding the increase in female workers, most Americans believed that

married women should leave the paid workforce

President Wilson offset lost tariff revenues by relying on

revenue created by the first federal income tax

What was the Great Migration?

the mass movement of African Americans from the rural South to the urban North

Why was Frank Woolworth able to set low prices for his merchandise?

He bought huge quantities of goods at a discount from wholesalers and manufacturers

What is one way that the American Federation of Labor (AFL) differed from the Knights of Labor?

The AFL did not welcome African Americans

The year 1886 saw the labor movement unify behind the move for

the eight-hour day

Jazz could best be described as a melding of European musical traditions and

African-American music

Which statement about women and children in the work force is NOT true?

Women and children were typically paid the same as men in similar occupations

The American Protective Association specifically focused on

restricting the entry of Catholic immigrants

Institutions established in the 1880s to provide social and educational services for the poor were called

settlement houses

Booker T. Washington believed that race relations would improve

if African Americans focused on economic advancement and remained patient

Charles Lindbergh became a celebrity when he

completed the first nonstop, solo flight across the Atlantic

Which nation did Austria-Hungary hold responsible for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?


The Progressive movement was driven by

a general belief that moderate reforms were needed to help cure social ills

During the war, most enlisted African Americans worked

as laborers.

What happened at Wounded Knee, South Dakota in 1890?

More than two hundred Sioux Ghost Dancers were slaughtered.

Who did the Populists nominate as their presidential candidate in 1892?

James B. Weaver

Why did many married African-American women take part in the paid workforce?

out of economic necessity

Suburbanization in the 1920s

was made possible by the success of the automobile

Pueblo society was noted for its

agriculture and trade with Mexican ranchers.

All of the following nations were among the Central Powers EXCEPT


In 1890, in conjunction with the Sherman Silver Purchase Act, Congress passed a bill

creating higher tariffs

When was Prohibition repealed?

during the Great Depression

Frederick Taylor’s scientific management system involved all of the following EXCEPT

providing more autonomy for the factory laborer

Which nation was excluded from the Paris Peace Conference?


Why did the federal government institute the Dollar Diplomacy policy?

to maintain U.S. economic dominance in Latin America

The Reparations Committee at the Paris Peace Conference set a reparations bill of $33 billion in gold for which nation to pay?


How did Henry Ford’s innovations affect consumers?

They could buy cars for much less money than before

Public education was promoted as a means of

Americanizing immigrant children

Jazz could best be described as a melding of European musical traditions and

African-American music

In response to the Pullman strike, President Cleveland opted to

send in federal troops to back a court order and end the strike

President Wilson promoted all of the following in his Fourteen Points speech to Congress EXCEPT

U.S. territorial expansion

Why did many married African-American women take part in the paid workforce?

out of economic necessity

President Wilson’s response to the sinking of the Lusitania

included a demand that Germany pay reparations.

During the Gilded Age, more and more people bought homes in suburban areas for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

their proximity to banks and department stores

The government funded the war effort primarily by

selling war bonds

Booker T. Washington believed that race relations would improve

if African Americans focused on economic advancement and remained patient

What was the purpose of the annual Long Drives?

to bring cattle to market

The American Protective Association specifically focused on

restricting the entry of Catholic immigrant

By 1900, all of the following were true of the railroad industry EXCEPT that

the shipment of goods by rail was more costly than other forms of transportation

Who emerged as the leader of the Knights of Labor, the nation’s first large union?

Terrence Powderly

Charles Lindbergh became a celebrity when he

completed the first nonstop, solo flight across the Atlantic.

What portion of American workers were wage-earning manual laborers?

more than half

The American Federation of Labor (AFL) excluded unskilled workers from its membership rolls because AFL leaders believed unskilled workers

were weak and unreliable

Rationales for imperialism at the turn of the twentieth century included all of the following ideas EXCEPT that

the United States desired a vast buffer zone against Asian encroachment

Which resulted from the popularity of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair?

federal regulation of meat production

What did the fate of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 demonstrate?

Congress was in league with big business

In the Sand Creek Massacre,

American forces slaughtered peaceful Cheyenne

The central business districts of cities tended to include

department stores, banks, and offices

The press stirred up rage over what aspect of the Haymarket Riot?

the death of seven policemen

Major outcomes of the Spanish-American War included which of the following?

the emergence of the United States as a world power

The Kellogg-Briand Pact provided for all of the following EXCEPT that it

guaranteed that other nations would provide military aid to the United States

Founded in 1866 by William Sylvis, the National Labor Union was

the first attempt to build a national labor movement

What effect did the Bolshevik revolution have on World War I?

Russia made peace with the Central Powers.

Leading up to the Spanish-American War, the yellow press

used sensationalism to stir up war fever

The main Asian imperialist power around the turn of the twentieth century was


The first big business in the United States was the

railroad industry

Which resulted from the Spanish-American War?

Cuba became a de facto protectorate of the United States

To entrepreneurs, such pastimes as baseball were business. What does this fact reveal about the new concept of leisure time?

It provided opportunities for some to make money

As a result of the Dawes Severalty Act,

Native Americans lost a large portion of their land

The Grangers were members of a society of

Western farmers

Which of the following best characterizes the political machines of the late nineteenth century?

They were corrupt political organizations

After 1880, immigrants from which of the following regions began to dominate the numbers of those coming to the United States?

Southern and Eastern Europe

In the 1920s, American women were primarily employed as

secretaries and telephone operators

In campaigning for president, Woodrow Wilson promised "New Freedom," which prioritized

competition in the marketplace

The Morrill Land Grant College Act was designed to promote

agricultural and technical education

Which of the following best describes the American Federation of Labor?

It represented only skilled workers

What was the Boxer Rebellion?

a nationalist uprising against foreigners in China

The main goal of the Dawes Severalty Act was


The Central Pacific Railroad began its work on the transcontinental railroad in


Which Republican incumbent was defeated in 1912 when his party split into Progressive and conservative factions?

William Howard Taft

Which nation did Austria-Hungary hold responsible for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?


What is a protectorate?

a country or territory under the protective authority of a stronger nation

Whom did the People’s Party hope to represent?

all struggling laborers

The year 1886 saw the labor movement unify behind the move for

the eight-hour day

The Grangers were members of a society of

Western farmers

The temperance movement attracted all of the following EXCEPT

working-class men

The primary goal of the American government’s imperialistic policies was

economic opportunity.

Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle focused on the problems of immigrants who worked

in the meatpacking industry

During the Gilded Age, more and more people bought homes in suburban areas for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

their proximity to banks and department stores

Who did the Populists nominate as their presidential candidate in 1892?

James B. Weaver

George Eastman created a successful business based on his invention of the


Leading up to the Spanish-American War, the yellow press

used sensationalism to stir up war fever

After buying the project from the Panama Canal Company, how did the United States gain control of the region where the Panama Canal was built?

U.S. naval forces supported the Panamanian revolt against Colombia.

During the war, most enlisted African Americans worked

as laborers.

In his 1895 "Atlanta Exposition Address," Booker T. Washington claimed to accept segregation if

it did not impede the economic progress of African Americans

What is one way that the American Federation of Labor (AFL) differed from the Knights of Labor?

The AFL did not welcome African Americans

Many members of the Workingmen’s Benevolent Association were

Irish immigrants

What did the Seventeenth Amendment do?

It provided for the direct popular election of U.S. senators

Which nation was excluded from the Paris Peace Conference?


Which resulted from the popularity of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair?

federal regulation of meat production

Why did anti-imperialist William Jennings Bryan support the Treaty of Paris?

so that the U.S. could grant the Philippines its independence

Which of the following was NOT a writer associated with the Lost Generation?

Sigmund Freud

When was Prohibition repealed?

during the Great Depression

Charles Lindbergh became a celebrity when he

completed the first nonstop, solo flight across the Atlantic.

The Immigration Act of 1924 significantly restricted emigration from

Eastern Europe

Founded in 1887, the Interstate Commerce Commission could initially best be described as

unsubstantial and ineffectual.

Who led the American Federation of Labor as it became the largest organization of workers in the United States?

Samuel Gompers

The Progressive movement was driven by

a general belief that moderate reforms were needed to help cure social ills

The main goal of the Dawes Severalty Act was


President Coolidge was asked to sign a treaty with France renouncing war, and decided to

negotiate a nonaggression pact with multiple nations instead

Why was Frank Woolworth able to set low prices for his merchandise?

He bought huge quantities of goods at a discount from wholesalers and manufacturers

All of the following nations were among the Central Powers EXCEPT


Henry Ford’s policies benefited workers in all of the following ways EXCEPT by

honoring their private lives without interference

Rationales for imperialism at the turn of the twentieth century included all of the following ideas EXCEPT that

the United States desired a vast buffer zone against Asian encroachment

How did many conservative politicians view government regulation of business during the late nineteenth century?

as a dangerous form of socialism

In the West, the industrial revolution took the form of railroads and


Much of the culture of the American cowboy was derived from the traditions of which group?


Frederick Taylor’s scientific management system involved all of the following EXCEPT

providing more autonomy for the factory laborer

The leader of the American Expeditionary Forces was

John J. Pershing.

In the Zimmerman Telegram, German foreign minister Arthur Zimmermann negotiated in support of

a border war between Mexico and the United States.

In educating Native American children as required by the Dawes Severalty Act, the government opted to establish

off-reservation boarding schools where children were required to abandon their Native American ways

The Western Front was characterized by a complex system of trenches that ran for over 400 miles from the North Sea to


Suburbanization in the 1920s

was made possible by the success of the automobile

President Wilson’s primary opponent on the matter of the League of Nations was

Henry Cabot Lodge

Which act prohibited anti-government speech during the war?

the Sedition Act

One of the most dramatic moments of the Scopes Trial occurred when

Darrow called Bryan to the stand

What portion of American workers were wage-earning manual laborers?

more than half

Proponents of the Social Gospel believed that

Christians had a responsibility to address social

The National Alliance was formed from a coalition of

farmers’ organizations

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