American History Chapter 21

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Which two new deal programs did the supreme court rule unconstitutional?

agricultural adjustment act national recovery administration

Why did FDR try to change the balance of power in the supreme court?

He feared the supreme court might invalidate the wagner and social security acts

The new deal:

Included a reliance on economic planning

Which statement best described huey long, upton Sinclair and Dr. francis towsend?

They all challenged Roosevelt to move further to the left of center

The glass-steagall act

established the federal deposit insurance corporation

The new deal failed to generate

sustained prosperity

Under New deal reform, African Americans:

were mostly excluded from social security benefits

The new deal concentrated power in the hands of:

the executive branch

What ended the great depression?

World War II spending

The national industrial recovery act:

established codes that set standards for production, prices, and wages in several industries

By 1935, the new deal:

faced mounting pressures and criticism

The social security act of 1935

included pensions and unemployment relief

Federal housing policy:

reinforced residential segregation

The first thing that Roosevelt attended to as president was the:

banking crisis

The first new deal:

was a series of policy experiments

During the Roosevelt administration, the democratic party emerged into a coalition that included several things except:

the business elite

In his 1932 campaign for the presidency, franklin Roosevelt promised Americans a policy changed he called:

new deal

The civilian conservation corps:

put young men to works in national parks

The share our wealth movement was:

led by Louisiana senator huey long and gained a national following

The great depression and the economic crisis that ensured discredited supporters of:

unregulated capitalism

The second new deal:

focused on economic security

Which new deal program put the federal government for the fist time in the business of selling electricity in competition with the private companies?

The Tennessee valley authority

In 1938, congress established the house un-American activities committee, which:

included liberals and unionist in its definition of "un-American"

The agricultural adjustment act:

raised farm prices by establishing quotas and paying farmers not to plant more

Liberalism during the new deal came to be understood as:

active government to uplift less fortunate members of society

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