Adolescent Psychology 2nd part

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There is increasing evidence that _____ plays an important role in the peer group and friendships.


Lydia is a sexually active lesbian adolescent. Which of the following is probably TRUE for Lydia?

She has had sex with boys before a same-sex encounter

The most influential theorist in the study of adolescent friendship has been

Harry Stack Sullivan

Which of the following statements regarding the timing of dating (early starters vs. late bloomers) is FALSE?
Late bloomers showed no signs of maladjustment.
Early starters were more likely to show symptoms of depression.
On-time daters follow a sequence of three steps in dating relationships.
On-time daters showed no signs of maladjustment

Early starter were more likely to show symptoms of depression.

Rosemary encourages her friend Meredith to try harder in her biology class. Rosemary tells Meredith that she can get a good grad and offers to give her feedback on her reports. Which function of friendship is Rosemary providing for Meredith?

ego support

Boys are more likely than girls to do all of the following EXCEPT
participate in organized sports
engage in risk-taking
associate in small groups
engage in " collaborative discourse"

associate in small groups

Researchers have found links between romantic relationships and

adolescent friendships

Most adolescent love is characterized by

romantic love

Lexi participated in a program designed to help her improve her self-control, stress management, and social problem-solving skills. Which of the following strategies would Lexi have been taught to use LAST
Go over the problem and state how you feel.
Go ahead and try the best plan.
Set a positive goal
Think of lots of solutions.

Go ahead and try the best plan

Which of the following is NOT true of romantic love?
it has a strong sexual component
it is extremely important among college students
it is also called companionate love
it characterizes most adolescent love

it is also called companionate love

Researchers have found a link between early dating and

adolescent pregnancy

Which of the basic social needs identified by Sullivan intensifies in early adolescence?

the need for intimacy

Which of the following is NOT one of the basic social needs identified by Harry Stack Sullivan?
need for secure attachment
need for competitive companionship
need for intimacy
need for social acceptance

need for competitive companionship

The type of love characterized by the desire to have another person near and to have a deep, caring affection for that person is called

affectionate love

According to Kenneth Dodge, the first step in processing information about our social world is

decoding social cues

Which of the following is NOT one of the six functions of friendship?
financial support
physical support
social comparison

financial support

Tyler and Andrew like to play basketball together and "hang out," but they really don’t know much about each other’s lives. This type of friendship is one primarily of


Individuals who are about the same age or maturity level are called


High levels of romantic love in young adults has been associated with
less sleep problems
stronger depression
higher anxiety
all of these choices are correct

all of these choices are correct

Providing a friend with amusement is a function of friendship called


The friendship function of providing closeness and self-disclosure is


Girls friendships in adolescence are more likely than boy’s to focus on


Shirlee and John are both widowed and they have found that they want to be with each other and to grow old together. They both say, "romance is for the young," and they are happy with their relationship. Shirlee and John share which type of love?


Most boys and girls who date each other
come from similar ethnic backgrounds
come form similar socioeconomic backgrounds
have similar academic success
all of these choices are correct

all of these choices are corrrect

Yvonne’s friend tells her that her new sweater is "like an old-lady sweater-not cool." Yvonne is angry, but she doesn’t explode. She says, "I like it," and walks into her class. Yvonne is demonstrating

emotional self-regulation

A high frequency of dating in middle adolescence has been linked to
substance abuse
all of these choices are correct

all of these choices are correct

Haley and Andrew, both age 12, are "going out." They eat lunch together every day, sit together on the bus, and meet at the weekly school dance. This early relationship helps them to
validate their attractiveness to the opposite sex
learn how to interact romantically
negotiate socializing in a later heterosexual group
all of these choices are correct

all of these choices are correct

In which of the following situations is adolescence academic achievement expected to be the highest?
a. When teens believe that their parents had higher expectations than their own.
b. When teens believe that their parents had lower expectations than their own.
c. When parents had lower expectations than their children.
d. none of these choices are correct

When teens believe that their parents had higher expectations than their own.

Which of the following is NOT true of adolescents and achievement?
a. Adolescence is a critical juncture in achievement.
b. As demands on adolescents intensify, different areas of their lives may come into conflict.
c. achievement is primarily due to their intellectual abilities.
d. New academic and social pressures force adolescents toward different roles

achievement is primarily due to their intellectual abilities.

Which psychological approaches stress the importance of intrinsic motivation in achievement?
a. behavioral approaches
b. humanistic approaches
c. psychoanalytical approaches
d. existential approaches

humanistic approaches

Miranda’s grandfather is an avid photographer, and he wants to spend time teaching Miranda how to take better pictures. Miranda, on the other hand, is perfectly content to take pictures with her cell phone and does not even bother learning how to use a camera. She tries to act interested to please her grandfather, but research indicates that Miranda

probably wont learn to take better pictures because she doesn’t place a high value on that goal.

In a recent survey it was found that approximately what percentage of part-time college students were employed?

75 percent

Elena, a college junior, has gradually been increasing her hours at her job. According to research, Elena may

see a decrease in her grades.

Jared wants to be an auto mechanic and to someday won his own shop. Where id Jared most likely to receive his education in automotive technology?

at a two-year college

Self-determination, curiosity, challenge, and effort are all _____ in adolescents’ motivation.

intrinsic factors

Andre focuses on winning the prize for the best essay on civil disobedience. He believes that he will be happy if he wins. Andre has a

performance motivation.

Encouraging self-determination through personal choice in the classroom has been shown to be related to all of the following EXCEPT
intrinsic motivation
engagement in academic activities
connection to parents and peers.

connection to parents and peers

Research has shown that spending over 15 hours of time in paid labor while in school
a. is associated with developing a good work ethic.
b. helps students ot learn time management and social skills.
c. exposes students to good adult mentors.
d. none of these choices are correct

none of these choices are correct

Rod’s science teacher has a list of objectives that must be met for the year but they can be met by completing many different types of assignments. The teacher allows the students to select the projects that interest them, and the students set their own goals and make their own plans to reach them. According to research, Rod is likely to

have higher achievement gains in science.

Which of the following statements about adolescents and career exploration is NOT true?
A. Adolescents often approach career exploration and decision making with considerable ambiguity, uncertainty, and stress.
B. In many schools, students do not know what information to seek about careers.
C. Many adolescents do not adequately explore careers on their own.
D. On average, high school students spend about seven hours a year with their guidance counselors.

On average, high school students spend about seven hours a year with their guidance counselors.

Career development is related to ___ in adolescents and emerging adults.

identity development

Which of the following statement regarding interest is True?
Interest is more specific than intrinsic motivation.
Situational interest is relatively stable.
Interest is linked to surface learning
all of these choices are correct

Interest is more specific than intrinsic motivation

Rewards and punishments are ___ in adolescents’ motivation.

extrinsic factors


is related to increased risk of depression and suicide ideation.

Adolescents have improved self-efficacy and achievement when they set goals that are specific, proximal, and


Which of the following is NOT a self-handicapping strategy?
cramming for a test
putting off a project until the last minute
setting challenging but realistic goals
surface learning

setting challenging but realistic goals

Which of the following statements regarding intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is TRUE?
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are at work in the real world of students’ lives.
Parents and teachers should encourage students to become intrinsically motivated.
Extrinsic motivation by itself is not a good strategy
all of these choices are correct

All of these choices are correct

About what percentage of tenth-graders today combine school and part-time work?

90 percent

Luke, age 15, wants to be an engineer. If Luke is like many high-school students

he will need help to choose the correct high-school courses that will position him to enter college with an engineering major.

Which of the following statements regarding adolescents’ work hours and types of jobs is NOT true?
a. Most adolescents work between 16 and 20 hours per week.
b. Many students work in restaurants.
c. About 20 percent of students work in offices doing clerical work.
d. About 10 percent of students work in unskilled labor

c. about 20 percent of students work in offices doing clerical work.

Which of the following statements about self-efficacy is TRUE?
Self-efficacy has much in common with mastery motivation
Self-efficacy influences a student’s choice of activities.
High self-efficacy adolescents had higher academic aspirations.
All of these choices are correct

All of these choices are correct

Joan, a high school student has begun a part-time job at a retail store. She expects to work at least 20 hours each week. What is the most likely outcome of her work experience?

She will be more likely to use alcohol and marijuana.

Mr. Hegy plans his lessons to provide a framework for student learning, and he has positive expectations for all of his students. According to research, Mr. Hegy’s students are likely to be


Shelby’s parents devalue her choice of career. Shelby wants to become a cosmetologist. Her long-term goal is to own and manage her own day spa offering a range of services. Her parents want her to go to college and "become someone other than a glorified hairdresser." Research has shown that

Shelby may be influenced by her parents’ values and beliefs

When Keith is asked why he does not participate in the monthly visits to nursing homes with his church’s youth group, he says, " I can not stand old people; they have all wrinkles and other gross stuff!" This is an example of


In the United States an event that comes closest to culture-wide rite of passage is

high-school graduation

Playing violent video games is related to

Desensitization to violence

In individualistic cultures, which of the following is NOT one of the four beliefs that parents have identified as necessary for adolescent autonomy?
personal choice
extrinsic motivation

extrinsic motivation

Researchers have found a high level of television viewing in youth is linked to a grater incidence of


Television viewing and video game playing often peak during

early adolescence

Sheila, age 14, tells you that she has almost 200 friends in her online network. She is most likely a member of


Which of the following individuals is MOST likely to spend the most time using media?
Bailey, a non Latino 16-year-old girl
Jasmine, a 25-year – old Latina
John, a 15-year-old African American boy
Crystal, a 20-year-old, non Latino white emerging adult

John, a 15-year-old African American boy

Excessive internet use has been associated with all of the following EXCEPT
Elevate blood pressure
decreased number of hours of sleep
Bullying between peers
Poor relationships with family

Poor relationships with family

Watching television can do all of the following EXCEPT
make adolescents active learners
distract children and adolescents from homework
teach sterotypes
make adolescents passive learners

make adolescents active learners

Which of the following has become the most popular online hangout for college students?


Evan, age 17, and his friend had in their shared school locker an explicit plan for making a bomb. They said they got it form the Internet. How likely is it that this explanation is TRUE?

Quite likely; the information is available if adolescents have the skills to navigate through complex information.

Older adolescents spend more time listening to music and ___ than younger adolescents do.

using computers

Researchers have found a negative association between the amount of time children watch TV and their

reading ability

Which of the following statements regarding gender differences in adolescent’s media use is NOT true?
Girls spend more time social networking than boys.
Boys spend more time social networking than girls.
Girls spend more time listening to music than boys.
Boys use computers and video games more than girls.

Boys spend more time social networking than girls.

Of all the newly developed technologies available, adolescents spend the MOST time using


Polly, age 14, is a Protestant girl, who is preparing for confirmation. Her friend Joel, age 13, is a Jewish boy, preparing for his bar mitzvah. Both adolescents are getting ready for a religious

rite of passage.

Ceremonies or rituals that mark an individual’s transition form one status to another are called

rites of passage.

Researches suggested three possible reasons that why watching TV is negatively linked to children’s achievement. This includes interference, displacement, and

self-defeating tastes/preferences.

Despite the advances in technology, adolescents still need to develop non technological skills, including
good communication skills
the ability to solve problems.
the ability to think creatively.
all of these choices are correct.

All of these choices are correct.

After posting pictures of herself on Facebook drinking beer and smoking, Jocylyn, age 19, applies for a job in an upscale boutique. The manager does not hire Jocylyn, saying that her posting on Facebook indicated that she did not have the maturity that the shop manager considered necessary. Jocylyn should know that

more employers are checking online sites like Myspace and Facebook as part of a screening process for applicants.

Ethnicity is based on all of the following EXCEPT


The tendency to favor one’s own cultural group over other groups is known as


Rites of passage in many parts of the world provide a ____ entry into the adult world.


Watching TV has been negatively linked to all of the following EXCEPT
lower school achievement
a decrease in nonclinical attention levels
mental ability


Which of the following statements regarding television viewing is NOT true?
Research with adolescents supports the discontinuity view of television viewing.
Experimental research provides evidence that viewing TV violence can increase aggression.
Children and adolescents who have a heavy media diet of violence are more likely to see the world as a dangerous place.
Viewing educational television as preschoolers is linked to less aggression in boys at adolescence.

Research with adolescents supports the discontinuity view of television viewing.

Mateo, age 15, does his homework while listening to his MP3 player; he also keeps his cell phone on his desk so that he cant text his friends at the same time. Mateo is engaged in

media multitasking

Recent research shows links between culturation and

adolescent problems.

Andrea is extremely fearful of gaining weight. Although she is 20 pounds underweight, she believes that she is fat, and she weighs and measures herself several times each day. Andrea most likely suffers from

anorexia nervosa

Which of the following is the BEST way to treat depression in adolescence?
cognitive behavioral therapy
antidepressant medication
a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and antidepressant medication
psychoanalytic therapy

a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and antidepressant medication

Adolescent researcher Joy Dryfoos has identified three common components of successful programs for preventing or reducing adolescent problems: early identification and intervention, individualized attention, and

community-wide, multi agency, collaborative programs.

Being overweight has socioemotional effects that include


The four problems that effect the largest number of adolescents are sexual problems, juvenile delinquency, drug abuse, and

school related problems

Schools can help in reducing the number of overweight children and adolescents by doing all of the following EXCEPT:
a.including obesity prevention programs in after-school programs.
b.providing children with healthier snacks in school.
c. weighing the children every month and posting their weights so that their peers can act as cheerleaders.
d. eliminating vending machines that sell soda in schools.

Weighing the children every month and posting their weights so that their peers can act as cheerleaders.

Females have more depressive symptoms than males do, for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
a. more negative body image than males
b. less discrimination than males.
c. hormanal variability
d. rumination in their depressed mood.

less discrimination than males.

Being overweight is associated with
a. hip problems
b. Type 2 diabetes
c. Depression
d. all of these choices are correct

d. all of these choices are correct

What differences exist between bulimics and anorexics?

Bulimics typically fall within a normal weight; anorexics are underweight

About what percentage of children who become obese have one obese parent?


The most frequently cited factor associated with suicide is


Faye, age 17, has no appetiie, no energy, and no interest in any of the activities that used to give her pleasure. In addition, she feels worthless and has problems concentrating and making any decisions. Faye has had these symptoms for a month. Faye is probably suffering from

a major depressive disorder

Which personality characteristic has been associated with anorexia?


Which of the following statements regarding adolescents with multiple problems is NOT true?
a. Problem behaviors in adolescence are interrelated.
b. Adolescents who are most at risk often have more than one problem.
c. High-risk youth often engage in two to three problem behaviors.
d. As many as 25 percent of the adolescent population in the United States have serious, multiple problem behaviors.

as many as 25 percent of the adolescent population in the United States have serious, multiple problem behaviors.

Suicide is the _____ leading cause of death in 10- to 19-year-old in the United States today.


The CDC uses which measurement in its formula to determine placement in the categories of overweight and at risk for being overweight?

body mass index (BMI)

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of major depression?
a. interest in activities that were not formally of any interest
b. loss of energy
c. increase in appetite
d. sleeping too much

interest in activities that were not formally of any interest

Research has shown that the girls most likely to experience dieting or disordered eating behavior are those who are both in pubertal transition and

sexually active with their boyfriends.

Which of the following statements about being overweight is TRUE?
a. being overweight as a child is a strong predictor of being overweight as an adolescent.
b. Numbers of overweight emerging adults, as well as children and adolescents, have increased recently.
c. African American girls and Latino boys have especially high rates of being overweight in adolescence.
d. all of these choices are correct.

all of these choices are correct

The highest rate of suicide attempts occurs among

Native American/Alaskan Native females

What is the best explanation as to why males are more likely to commit suicide than females?

Males are more likely to use lethal means to commit suicide.

The reason that the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention does not have a category for obese children and adolescent is because

the stigma of the word obese is though to be harmful.

Researchers have determined that, compared to clinical approaches, school-based programs aimed at reducing the number of overweight adolescents are

less effective.

Yolanda’s parents are both overweight. According to research, Yolanda has a ___chance of becoming overweight herself.


Donatella has an eating disorder in which she consumes large amounts of food and then purges, making herself vomit to get rid of the calories. Donatella suffers from

bulimia nervosa

Recent research indicates that the most effective treatment for adolescent girls with anorexia nervosa is

family therapy

Which of the following adolescents is MOST at risk for depression?
Dan, who has just been cut from the football team.
Alexis, whose boyfriend just ended their two-year relationship and who has few female friends for support.
Ralph, who has conflict with his brother but a good relationship with his parents.
Cody, who broke up with his girlfriend because he realized she was too dependent on him.

Alexis, whose boyfriend just ended their two-year relationship and who has few female friends for support.

Peers can

Both increase and decrease the likelihood of suicide.

Which of the following is NOT related to increased likelihood of suicide attempts?
insecure attachment
neglecting parents


Almost most U.S. adolescent girls have been on a diet some point, only what percentage develop anorexia nervosa?

less than 1%

Which of the following statements regarding the cause of obesity is TRUE?
a. Obesity is caused solely by genetics such as having an obese parent.
b. Obesity is caused solely by environmental factors such as increased fast food consumption.
c. Obesity is attributed to both genetic and environmental factors.
d. The exact cause of obesity cannot be determined.

obesity is attributed to both genetic and environmental factors.

What is though to be the most effective method in reducing obesity among teens?

Interventions aimed at changing the family lifestyle.

Which of the following adolescents is MOST likely to become overweight?
Tyrone, whose parents are both normal weight.
Nina, whose mother is quite overweight.
Avery, who plays tennis on his high-school team.
Ollie who watches three hours of TV per day, and whose father is overweight.

Ollie, who watches three hours of TV per day and whose father is overweight.

Alcohol acts on the body as a


Kate is having problems understanding the concepts in her sociology class. She goes to see her professor during his office hours, and she studies with a group of students who can help her. Kate is using what Lazarus would could

problem-focused coping

Which of the following is NOT true about the use of LSD?
a. its use increased slightly in the 1990’s
b. its effects are almost always pleasurable
c. emotional effects may include impaired attention and memory.
d. physical effects may include nausea, dizziness, and tremors.

its effects are almost pleasurable.

Which of the following emerging adults is LEAST likely to drink heavily?
a. Phil, a married, 23-year-old graduate student.
b. Megan, a single, 21-year-old college senior
c. Pam, a 24-year-old bank teller who never went to college.
d. Evie, a 22-year-old married woman who considers herself a born-again christian

d. Evie, a 22-year-old married woman who considers herself a born-again christian.

Early alcohol use

is related to alcohol dependence during adulthood.

Which of the following statements regarding Ecstasy is TRUE?
it usually comes in liquid form.
Tolerance develops slowly.
Users often become sleepy and lethargic.
it can lead to strokes or heart attacks.

It can lead to strokes or heart attacks.

Kiptyn takes a drug that increases his heart rate, breathing rate, and temperature. he has a feeling of energy and elevated mood on this drug. Kiptyn is probably taking

a stimulant

Drugs that modify a person’s perceptual experiences an produce hallucinations are called


Adolescents who use perscription narcotics to get high are most likely to obtain the drugs by

stealing them from the medicine cabinets of their parents and heir friend’s parents.

Shelly Taylor and her colleagues found which of the following gender differences related to stress?

Females are less likely than males to deal with stress with a "fight or flight" response

Which of the following is used most frequently on a daily basis by high school seniors?
energy drinks


MDMA is known on the street as:


Since the 1980’s, amphetamine use among high school seniors has

decreased significantly

Which of the following is not a stimulant drug?


Ira is experiencing impotence, premature baldness, enlargement of the prostate gland, and pain upon urination. What class of drugs is Ira most likely using?

anabolic steriods

Kathy’s parents use alcohol quite a bit. After they get home from work, they drink steadily all evening and, although she has never seen her parents drunk, they dont spend much time interacting with each other or the children. According to research, Kathy is at risk for

drinking heavily herself.

Which of the following statements regarding marijuana is NOT true?
Synthetic marijuana is considered safe to use.
Marijuana can impair memory and attention.
Marijuana use by adolescents recently decreased.
One reason for the increase in marijuana use between 2008-2012 is because it is perceived as harmless

Marijuana use by adolescents recently decreased.

Mrs. Goodwin is an assistant principal at a high school. She notices that many of the students are overloaded with schoolwork and other responsibilities. She holds a "de-stressing session" every week, in which she suggests ways to manage time better, increase study skills, form study groups, etc. Mrs. Goodwin is offering the student which coping mechanism?


Teens tend to report more stress in which of the following areas?

When with parents

Critics of the daily-hassles approach argue that knowing about a person’s daily irritations and problems tells us nothing about

the person’s coping abilities.

Adolescent and emerging adult problems are usually categorized as either

externalizing or internalizing

Carena has taken a drug that produces striking perceptual changes. Wherever she looks right now, she sees beautiful butterflies, objects glowing and changing shapes, and colors are rich and vibrant. It is most likely that Carena has taken


Peers and ____ influences are believed to be specially important factors in adolescent problems.


Research shows that adolescents who have more developmental assets engage in

less use of tobacco.

Drugs that are derived from the male hormone testosterone are known as

anabolic steroids

Addictive drugs, such as heroin, that cause a feeling of euphoria and pain relief, are known as


Researcher Ann Masten has found that all of these factors are linked to resilience EXCEPT
individual factors.
family factors.
community factors.
extrafamilial factors.

community factors

Which of the following is an accurate description of the trend in U.S.adolescents’ drug use today?
a. the proportions of eighth-, tenth-, and twelfth-grade U.S. students using illicit drugs declined in the late 1990s and first years of the twenty-first century.
b. the use of drugs among U.S. secondary-school students began to decrease in the early 1990’s.
c. Cocaine is the most widely used illicit drug by U.S. adolescents in the twenty-first century.
d. All of these choices are correct

a. The proportions of eighth-, tenth-, and twelfth-grade U.S. students using illicit drugs declined in the late 1990’s and the first years of the twenty-first century.

Which of the following is NOT an externalizing problem?
juvenile delinquency
antisocial behavior


What has research show to be the most effective cognitive factor in decreasing depression severity among a group of teens who were given antidepressant medication?


The behavioral problems that most likely cause adolescents to be referred to a clinic for metal health treatment are

feeling of sadness or depression.

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