Access tutorial 3

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The default query type for Access is the Crosstab query.


Results of a query may be viewed at any time by clicking the ____ button in the Results group on the Ribbon.


The + symbol is an example of a(n) ____ operator.


The most simple technique to use for filtering records is Filter By Form.


Which aggregate function would be used to calculate the lowest field value for the selected records?


Ja’nice launched an online jewelry business several months ago to sell her handmade jewelry. As her business expanded, Ja’nice developed product codes for her jewelry and a database to track orders, track supply orders, and maintain customer information. The tables and fields in her database are illustrated in the figure below.

Which of the following criteria will show Ja’nice all orders placed on or after July 1, 2015?


Ja’nice launched an online jewelry business several months ago to sell her handmade jewelry. As her business expanded, Ja’nice developed product codes for her jewelry and a database to track orders, track supply orders, and maintain customer information. The tables and fields in her database are illustrated in the figure below.

Ja’nice wants to create a query that will show her all orders placed on or after July 1, 2015. Which table does Ja’nice need to use for this query?

Order Info

A combination of database fields, constants, and operators that are used to perform a calculation is called a(n) ____.


The contents of query datasheet are permanent.


A query based on more than one table is a(n) ____query.


Which aggregate function supports the Yes/No field data type?


When a question is asked of a database using a select query, the answer is returned as a datasheet.


Expression Builder is found in the Query Setup group on the DESIGN tab.


A field with the Short Text data type sorted in descending order will display the data in which order?

Z to A

Mrs. Godwin’s high school Environmental Science class has collected historical weather data for the months of January, February, and March for three cities. The data has been entered into a database. Mrs. Godwin has asked the students to answer the following questions using the Access database.
What was the highest recorded wind speed?
Which city had the highest temperature and what was the highest temperature?

Figure Case 3-1-1

Figure Case 3-1-2

To save the HighestTemp query, Mrs. Godwin’s students had to perform which of the following tasks?

save the query object with a new name

In the criterion, <=250, the operator will return values for the specified field that are ____.

less than or equal to 250

A calculated field created in a query generates results when ____.

when the query is run

The process of rearranging records in a specified order or sequence is referred to as sorting.


The comparison operator, < >, is used to insert a condition that means ____.

not equal to

Ja’nice launched an online jewelry business several months ago to sell her handmade jewelry. As her business expanded, Ja’nice developed product codes for her jewelry and a database to track orders, track supply orders, and maintain customer information. The tables and fields in her database are illustrated in the figure below.

Now that Ja’nice has chosen the table to use for the query, for which field will she create criteria?


Results of a query are narrowed by using the Or logical operator.


The process of adding, modifying and deleting records in a database to keep the records current and accurate is referred to as ____ a database.


The AutoFilter sort method works on a(n)____ field(s).


Which comparison operator matches a pattern that includes wildcards?


The primary key of a table must be unique for each record; however, the ____ sort field does not have to be unique.


To use an existing query as the basis for a new query, it is necessary to ____ the query before designing the new query.


The default group in the Navigation Pane is ____.

All Access Objects

Jorge has created a database for the herb garden he is planting this spring. Fields in the database include: Plant Name, When to Plant, Amount of Sun, Annual, and Perennial. He needs to answer the following questions using his database.
Which plants need full sun?
Which plants are Perennials?

When creating a query to determine which plants need full sun, which fields must be included in the query?

Plant Name and Amount of Sun

A criterion, or rule, that determines which records are selected when a query is run is called a(n) ____.


Which view must be used to delete an entire record?


The ____ command removes the display of one or more fields in Datasheet view.

Hide Fields

____ categories may be created to group objects in a way best suited to manage any database in the Navigation Pane.


Access database objects are divided into categories on the Navigation Pane.


To toggle between navigation mode and editing mode press the F2 keyboard shortcut.


Data may be sorted in a table datasheet, a form, and a ____.

query datasheet

Jorge has created a database for the herb garden he is planting this spring. Fields in the database include: Plant Name, When to Plant, Amount of Sun, Annual, and Perennial. He needs to answer the following questions using his database.
Which plants need full sun?
Which plants are Perennials?

After creating the query, Jorge must set criteria to have the query return only those plants that need full sun. Entries for the Amount of Sun field include: partial sun, little sun, and full sun. How should Jorge enter the criteria for the exact match of full sun?

"full sun"

Which record modification mode is used to insert or delete characters in a field value based on the location of the insertion point?

editing mode

Access may base queries on one or more tables or queries.


Arithmetic operations are performed on selected records in a database using Statistical functions.


Mrs. Godwin’s high school Environmental Science class has collected historical weather data for the months of January, February, and March for three cities. The data has been entered into a database. Mrs. Godwin has asked the students to answer the following questions using the Access database.
What was the highest recorded wind speed?
Which city had the highest temperature and what was the highest temperature?

Figure Case 3-1-1

Figure Case 3-1-2

Using the datasheet in Figure 3-1-1, which is the quickest method to help students determine the highest wind speed from the recorded data?

sort the Wind mph field in Datasheet view using the largest to smallest AutoFilter option

Logical operators must be used in order to combine two or more conditions in a query.


A sort field is unique if more than one record can have the same value for the sort field.


It is not possible to create a query from more than one table.


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