Abnormal Psychology Chapter 4

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A prisoner eligible for parole is required to take a polygraph test. Although the prisoner tells the truth in response to one question, the polygraph operator records the response as a lie. According to recent research, this kind of error is:

very rare; less than 1 percent of true statements are interpreted as lies.

Because people who exhibit mania have very elevated moods, a new test for mania includes questions about how happy a person feels and how often he or she laughs. This test has:

construct validity.

Among other questions, a clinical interviewer asks, "How do you feel about yourself today? How do you feel about what’s going on in your life?" MOST likely, the clinical interviewer’s orientation is:


Among the following, the test with the highest validity in identifying psychological disturbances is the:

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Test.

Use of projective tests has decreased in the past few decades because projective tests often have:

rigid scoring standards.

A new assessment tool does a good job of differentiating those who later will be depressed and those who will not be depressed, and it produces results similar to those of other tools measuring depression. Therefore, the new assessment tool has good:

test-retest reliability.

On average, patients receiving therapy for a psychological problem improves more than do _____ of people with similar problems who do not receive treatment.


If a new test for anxiety is normed on individuals who are waiting to take introductory psychology final exams, the new test is surely lacking:


If a clinician is using the ICD to make a diagnosis, MOST likely that clinician is:

Outside the US

If a new test for assessing anorexic tendencies produces scores comparable to those of other tests for assessing anorexic tendencies, then the new test has high:

performance criteria.

A person with organic brain impairment would MOST likely have difficulty completing:

the Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test.

Concerns about the reliability and validity of the DSM-5 diagnoses are MOST likely to center on which factors?

categories based on weak research and reflecting bias (for example, gender or racial bias)

A clinical psychologist says, "How do I decide on the best treatment? Simple: I make sure to read the most recent research studies in therapy and follow their advice." This clinical psychologist believes in using:

evidence-based treatment.

Compared to projective tests, personality inventories generally have:

greater reliability and greater validity.

A person says, "I always trust my first impressions, especially when my first impression of someone is negative." Based on research dealing with clinical interviews, the BEST response to this statement would be:

"Be careful; the research shows that first impressions, especially negative ones, may be inaccurate."

A present-day clinician uses terms like "dementia" and "mental retardation" for diagnostic categories. That clinician is using terms:

not used in the DSM-5 but used in previous forms of the DSM.

A person knows he is being observed and changes his behavior to make a good impression. This is known as:


A new test for anxiety shows consistent levels of anxiety across time for people, but very few people have taken the test, and accurate norms don’t exist. The test has:

high reliability, but inadequate standardization.

The DSM-5 task force and various work groups:


Approximately how many mental disorders does the DSM-5 list?


A student who is quiet in class might be the life of the party on the weekend. Clinical observation of that student in class would lack:


Compared to projective tests, personality inventories:

have higher validity.

How difficult is it for a typical person to buy an intelligence test or view Rorschach cards?

Somewhat difficult; one can buy intelligence tests online and can sometimes view Rorschach cards online.

Which factors in the client-therapist relationship are NOT related to positive treatment outcomes?

therapist uses humor

Concerns about the reliability and validity of the DSM-5 diagnoses are MOST likely to center on which factors?

categories based on weak research and reflecting bias (for example, gender or racial bias)

George is consumed with concern that his house will burn down. Before he leaves, he makes sure that all his appliances are unplugged. He often has to go back home and check to make sure he did not leave any plugged in. Which MMPI-2 scale would he MOST likely score high on?


The assumption behind the use of projective tests as assessment tools is that:

the responses come from the client’s unconscious.

If a clinician focused on where a person placed a drawing on a page, the size of the drawing, and the parts omitted, the person MOST likely took which test?


The clinical interviewer MOST interested in stimuli that trigger abnormal responses would have what orientation?


Which test is a personality inventory?


There has been a recent increase in attention to and research in assessment. That said, use of effective assessment tools may be decreasing because:

they are expensive to administer and evaluate.

The movement that has tried to find the common factors and strategies that "good" therapists use is called:


A response inventory that asks individuals to provide detailed information about their typical thoughts and assumptions is a(n):

cognitive inventory.

A client is hooked up to an apparatus that measures galvanic skin response and blood pressure, after which the client verbally answers a series of questions. This is a(n):

psychophysiological test.

A psychiatrist says, "I’m a strong believer in a combined approach to therapy. In fact, I frequently participate in combined approaches, although I don’t do psychotherapy." Based on this statement, this psychiatrist’s specialty is MOST likely:


Which is NOT a procedure that DSM-5 developers relied on to improve reliability?

reducing substantially the number of different diagnostic categories

In DSM-5, which diagnostic category is no longer considered an anxiety disorder?

obsessive-compulsive disorder

To measure tendencies toward depression, an assessment tool asks individuals to record all the times they feel sad. However, individuals report wide variation in the number of "sad" episodes from day to day. This assessment tool has:

low test-retest reliability and high face validity.

The reliability concerns of the DSM-5 are MOST likely because of its:

lack of adequate field trials of new criteria and categories.

"You know, it really doesn’t matter. One kind of psychotherapy is generally just about as good as any other." One who agrees with this statement is:

falling victim to the uniformity myth.

A clinical diagnostician is dissatisfied with tests that cannot specify the type of brain damage or brain impairment that clients have. The BEST suggestion for that diagnostician would be to use:

the Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test.

A patient looks at a series of black-and-white pictures, making up a dramatic story about each. The patient is taking:

the Thematic Apperception Test.

After a client is told his or her DSM diagnosis, others may treat the client differently, and the client may act accordingly. Many theorists would attribute this to the development of:

self-fulfilling prophecies.

A response inventory that asks individuals to provide detailed information about their typical thoughts and assumptions is a(n):

cognitive inventory.

Which test is NOT a projective test?

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

A person says, "I always trust my first impressions, especially when my first impression of someone is negative." Based on research dealing with clinical interviews, the BEST response to this statement would be:

"Be careful; the research shows that first impressions, especially negative ones, may be inaccurate."

Of the people who would qualify for a DSM diagnosis in their lifetime, surveys show what percent would show comorbidity?


A person is required to take a polygraph test as part of a job application. This requirement is:

uncommon;. the U.S. Congress voted to restrict polygraph use in employment screenings.

A client is hooked up to an apparatus that measures galvanic skin response and blood pressure, after which the client verbally answers a series of questions. This is a(n):

psychophysiological test.

Binet and Simon are known for their work in creating a(n):

intelligence test.

A psychiatrist says, "I’m a strong believer in a combined approach to therapy. In fact, I frequently participate in combined approaches, although I don’t do psychotherapy." Based on this statement, this psychiatrist’s specialty is MOST likely:


A client factor that helps result in positive treatment outcome is:

Self Motivation

A person taking a polygraph test is suspected of lying when measures of physiological variables such as heart rate and perspiration are:

higher for test than control questions.

Which is NOT a procedure that DSM-5 developers relied on to improve reliability?

reducing substantially the number of different diagnostic categories

DSM-5 is the classification system for abnormal behaviors that is:

most widely used in the United States.

Who is MOST at risk for misinterpreting a cultural response as pathology?

a dominant-culture assessor

A prisoner eligible for parole is required to take a polygraph test. Although the prisoner tells the truth in response to one question, the polygraph operator records the response as a lie. According to recent research, this kind of error is:

unusual; less than 10 percent of true statements are interpreted as lies.

Which statement is the BEST conclusion about the various assessment techniques?

Respect for assessment is on the rise.

Support for the use of evidence-based forms of psychotherapy:

has increased in recent years.

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