Abnormal Psych – Chapter 11

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The disorder that is characterized by eating binges followed by forced vomiting is called:
A) obesity.
B) obsession.
C) anorexia nervosa.
D) bulimia nervosa.

D. bulimia nervosa

A person who eats large amounts of food in a short period, and does this repeatedly, with no other symptoms, would be said to have:
A) a binge-eating disorder.
B) anorexia nervosa.
C) bulimia nervosa.
D) no eating disorder.

A. a binge-eating disorder

Characteristics of anorexia nervosa include all the following EXCEPT:
A) body weight of 85 percent or less than normal.
B) fear of becoming overweight.
C) a view that one is currently unattractively thin.
D) loss of menstrual periods.

C/ a view that one is currently unattractively thin

Which of the following would be MOST likely to cut out sweets, then eliminate more and more types of foods, but not engage in force vomiting?
A) someone experiencing restricting-type anorexia nervosa
B) someone experiencing purging-type anorexia
C) someone experiencing bulimia nervosa
D) someone experiencing acute-type bulimia

A. someone experiencing restricting-type anorexia nervosa

Recent research on body dissatisfaction among college students suggests which of the following?
A) Women who are overweight and underweight are more dissatisfied than those who are of medium weight.
B) Men and women show approximately equal rates of body dissatisfaction.
C) Men who are overweight and underweight are more dissatisfied than those who are of medium weight.
D) Among the overweight, body dissatisfaction rates are over 90 percent.

C. men who are overweight & underweight are more dissatisfied than those who are of medium weight

A young woman has become very afraid of being overweight. She has recently reduced her food intake, although she feels hungry all the time. As a result, her weight has dropped sharply below average, but she still believes that she is overweight. She is MOST likely experiencing:
A) bulimia nervosa.
B) anorexia nervosa.
C) Carpenter’s syndrome.
D) carbohydrate deprivation.

B. anorexia nervosa

A person who stopped eating candy and other sweets, then gradually eliminated other foods until he or she was eating almost nothing could be experiencing:
A) binge-purge type of anorexia nervosa.
B) sweet-phobia type of anorexia nervosa.
C) restricted-type anorexia nervosa.
D) exercise-induced anorexia nervosa.

C. restricted-type anorexia

What is the first type of food usually eliminated from the diet of the developing restricting- type anorexic person?
A) meat
B) sweets
C) breads
D) nuts and grains

B. sweets

A person who loses weight by forcing herself to vomit after meals or by using laxatives, and who otherwise fits the definition of anorexia is experiencing:
A) binge-eating/purging anorexia nervosa.
B) food-phobia anorexia nervosa.
C) restricted-type anorexia nervosa.
D) variable-limited anorexia nervosa.

A. binge-eating/purging anorexia nervosa

Which of the following is NOT true about anorexia nervosa?
A) It usually follows a diet in someone who is of normal weight or slightly overweight.
B) It can follow a stressful event such as divorce, a move from home, or a personal failure.
C) Fatalities are brought on by suicide or serious medical problems due to starvation.
D) About 25 percent of people who experience anorexia nervosa are men.

D. about 25 percent of people who experience anorexia are men

Which of the following statements BEST reflects the relationship between gender and eating disorders?
A) Most cases of eating disorders occur in males.
B) Most cases of eating disorders begin in girls after the age of 18 years old.
C) Most cases of eating disorders occur in females.
D) Most cases of eating disorders occur in females in Asian countries.

C. most cases of eating disorders occur in femals

The peak age range for the development of anorexia nervosa is:
A) 7 to 10.
B) 10 to 13.
C) 14 to 18.
D) 20 to 25.

C. 14 to 18

What is the MOST common outcome for individuals with anorexia nervosa?
A) recovery
B) starving to death
C) suffering irreversible physical harm
D) suffering lifelong physiological trauma

A. recovery

Although most victims recover from eating disorders, between ______ and ______ of them become so seriously ill that they die from medical problems or from suicide.
A) 2 percent; 6 percent
B) 6 percent; 10 percent
C) 10 percent; 14 percent
D) 14 percent; 18 percent

B. 6 %; 10%

If a person says, "I must be perfect in every way. I’ll be a better person if I deprive myself of food," that person is engaging in:
A) distorted thinking.
B) food preoccupation.
C) obsessive-compulsions.
D) amenorrhea.

A. distorted thinking

The PRIMARY motivating emotion a person with anorexia experiences is:
A) fear.
B) anger.
C) shame.
D) hate.

A. fear

The preoccupation with food characteristic of anorexia nervosa is thought to:
A) result from starvation.
B) be the cause of the disorder.
C) be more pronounced in younger children with anorexia.
D) result from overeating.

A. result from starvation

In the 1940s, a group of volunteers was put on a semistarvation diet for 6 months. During the latter part of the study:
A) several of the volunteers became bulimic.
B) the volunteers thought about food all the time.
C) the volunteers never thought about food because it made them hungry.
D) the volunteers tended to avoid meals because they did not get enough food.

B. the volunteers thought about food all the time

A modern explanation of why many anorexic people continually have food-related thoughts and dreams is that:
A) thoughts of food occur in order to avoid eating.
B) fantasy about food fulfills basic needs of the id.
C) such thoughts and dreams are the cause of food deprivation.
D) such thoughts and dreams are the result of food deprivation.

D. such thoughts & dreams are the result of food deprivation

The MOST common cognitive disturbance in anorexia nervosa is:
A) a distorted body image.
B) a revulsion toward food.
C) a major clinical depression.
D) in their views of others.

A. a distorted body image

People suffering from anorexia nervosa tend to:
A) overestimate their body size.
B) underestimate their body size.
C) correctly estimate their body size.
D) vary in accuracy in estimating their body size.

A. overestimate their body size

Which of these characteristics is MOST consistent with anorexia nervosa?
A) a refusal to think about food at all
B) a view that one’s body is too thin
C) body size overestimation
D) distorted perception of others’ sizes

C. body size overestimation

Which of the following would be LEAST likely to characterize the behavior of someone experiencing anorexia nervosa?
A) careful preparation and planning of the food one eats during the day
B) feeling oneself to be unattractively overweight
C) a view that food deprivation makes one a better person
D) a hesitancy to think and talk about food

D. hesitancy to think & talk about food

Nonanorexic people who are placed on a starvation diet:
A) lose weight much more slowly than anorexic people.
B) have more severe medical problems than anorexic people do.
C) show many of the food preoccupations of anorexia nervosa.
D) lose weight in the same way that anorexic people do, but do not suffer the same food preoccupation.

C. shown many of the food preoccupations of anorexia nervosa

If you were looking at a photograph of yourself and adjusting the size until you thought the picture looked like you, you would MOST likely be participating in an assessment of your:
A) accuracy in estimating body size.
B) self-esteem.
C) readiness for therapy.
D) susceptibility to societal stereotypes.

A. accuracy is estimating body size

Anorexic individuals often show which of the following personality characteristics?
A) obsessions
B) low anxiety
C) multiple phobias
D) episodes of mania

A. obsessions

Of the following, the psychological disorder that anorexia nervosa MOST resembles is:
A) a simple phobia.
B) narcissistic personality disorder.
C) borderline personality disorder.
D) obsessive-compulsive disorder.

D. obsessive-compulsive disorder

Which of the following psychological problems is LEAST likely to be associated with anorexia nervosa?
A) depression
B) obsessive-compulsive disorder
C) schizophrenia
D) substance abuse

C. schizophrenia

If a friend were experiencing anorexia nervosa, you wouldn’t be surprised to find that the friend was also experiencing all of the following EXCEPT:
A) substance abuse.
B) a personality disorder.
C) low self-esteem.
D) anxiety.

B. a personality disorder

A patient in therapy who eats exactly eight pieces of bread that he or she has carefully made into balls of equal diameter is displaying a symptom of anorexia nervosa related to:
A) schizophrenia.
B) depression.
C) obsessive-compulsive disorder.
D) substance abuse.

C. obsessive-compulsive disorder

The popular star whose death raised awareness of eating disorders was:
A) Elvis Presley.
B) Jimi Hendrix.
C) Karen Carpenter.
D) Kurt Cobain.

C. Karen Carpenter

Which of the following medical problems associated with anorexia is MOST likely to lead to death?
A) amenorrhea
B) skin and nail dryness
C) growth of lanugo
D) metabolic and electrolyte changes

D. metabolic & electrolyte changes

Consequences of anorexia nervosa include all of the following EXCEPT:
A) amenorrhea.
B) dry, rough, cracked skin.
C) fever and high blood pressure.
D) development of the silky hair that covers newborns.

C. fever & high blood pressure

Which of the following problems is common in anorexia nervosa?
A) amenorrhea
B) increased heart rate
C) high blood pressure
D) elevated body temperature

A. amenorrhea

Which of the following problems is a possible medical complication of anorexia nervosa?
A) high blood pressure
B) decreased heart rate
C) elevated body temperature
D) increased bone mineral density

B. decreased heart rate

If an anorexic woman has lanugo, what has happened?
A) She has lost body hair.
B) She has developed double vision.
C) Her menstrual cycle has become irregular.
D) She has grown fine silky hair on her body.

D. she has grown fine silky hair on her body

Misusing diuretics and laxatives following a binge is a symptom of the ______ of bulimia nervosa.
A) adolescent-type
B) late-onset-type
C) substance abuse-type
D) purging-type

D. purging-type

Someone who fasts or exercises strenuously following a binge is engaging in:
A) compensatory behaviors.
B) purging.
C) enmeshment.
D) exposure and response prevention.

A. compensatory behaviors

Bulimia is always characterized by:
A) uncontrollable overeating.
B) obsessive-compulsive disorder
C) fasting and frantic exercise.
D) being underweight.

A. uncontrollable eating

All of the following are compensatory behaviors for someone with bulimia EXCEPT:
A) excessive exercise.
B) preoccupation with food.
C) forced vomiting.
D) use of diuretics.

B. preoccupation with food

The central feature of bulimia nervosa is:
A) excessive dieting and weight loss.
B) fanatic exercising preceded by binge eating.
C) purging either by vomiting or use of laxatives.
D) binge eating followed by a compensatory behavior.

D. binge eating followed by a compensatory behavior

The MOST accurate diagnosis for a woman who regularly eats a whole pizza, a carton of ice cream, and a box of donuts at one sitting, then forces herself to throw it all up is:
A) compulsive-type bulimia nervosa.
B) purging-type bulimia nervosa.
C) depressive-type bulimia nervosa.
D) anorexia-type bulimia.

B. purging-type bulimia nervosa

A woman eats cookies, cake, ice cream, and almost anything else that is sweet. At some point during the binge, she takes a huge dose of a laxative to "empty out" the food. Her taking the laxative, and the assumption underlying why she does it, would lead to a diagnosis of:
A) binge-eating disorder.
B) purging-type bulimia nervosa.
C) nonpurging-type bulimia nervosa.
D) eating disorder not otherwise specified.

B. purging-type bulimia nervosa

Which of the following is a diagnostic criterion for bulimia nervosa?
A) obsessive thoughts about cleanliness
B) weight at least 15 percent below normal
C) lack of control over eating during binging
D) one episode of binge eating followed by purging

C. lack of control over eating during binging

A woman eats chips and dips, burgers and fries, and drinks a couple of shakes. Afterward, she goes to the gym and does 90 minutes of aerobics, spends an hour on the stairstepper, and then does weights for another hour. She also does not eat for 72 hours. The set of assumptions underlying her behavior would lead to a diagnosis of:
A) binge-eating disorder.
B) purging-type bulimia nervosa.
C) nonpurging-type bulimia nervosa.
D) eating disorder not otherwise specified.

C. nonpurging-type bulimia nervosa

If binge eating is followed by a period of strenuous exercise to compensate for the food, the diagnosis is probably:
A) binge-eating disorder.
B) purging-type bulimia nervosa.
C) nonpurging-type bulimia nervosa.
D) eating disorder not otherwise specified.

C. nonpurging-type bulimia nervosa

To qualify for a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa, what must be TRUE of the compensatory behaviors displayed?
A) They must occur.
B) They must involve vomiting.
C) They must effectively cause weight loss.
D) They must cause pathological changes in the body.

A. they must occur

Compared to people with anorexia nervosa, MOST people with bulimia:
A) are younger.
B) have less education.
C) are of more normal weight.
D) have obsessive thoughts about food.

C. are of normal weight

Which of the following statements is true?
A) Most obese people are also bulimic.
B) Most people with bulimia nervosa are also obese.
C) People with restricting-type anorexia nervosa are generally also obese.
D) People with bulimia nervosa run the risk of becoming both anorexic and obese.

D. people with bulimia nervosa run the risk of becoming both anorexic & obese

People who are often overweight and regularly binge eat without compensatory behaviors are experiencing:
A) binge-purge disorder.
B) anorexia-bulimia disorder.
C) binge-eating disorder.
D) noncompensatory binge disorder.

C. binge-eating disorder

Many teenagers go on occasional eating binges. Which of the following is TRUE about this behavior?
A) The behavior is perfectly normal.
B) The behavior inevitably leads to bulimia.
C) Most people who engage in the behavior are not bulimic.
D) The behavior inevitably leads to excessive exercise.

C. most people who engage in the behavior are not bulimic

If a friend of yours had bulimia nervosa and engaged in frequent binges, about how many of his or her binges per week would you expect to witness yourself?
A) 10
B) none
C) 7
D) 40

B. none

What appears to be the KEY factor in determining the types of food that are likely to be eaten in a binge?
A) oral stimulation through crunchiness
B) high protein through meat
C) rapidity through soft texture
D) taste of the food

C. rapidity through soft texture

Regarding emotions, the pattern common in bulimia from prebinge, through binge, to postbinge is BEST described in sequence as:
A) control, enjoyment, shame.
B) relaxation, pleasure, enjoyment.
C) tension, powerlessness, shame.
D) shame, doubt, guilt.

C. tension, powerlessness, shame

For people with bulimia nervosa, binge episodes produce feelings of:
A) control.
B) satisfaction.
C) anxiety and mania.
D) guilt and depression.

D. guilt & depression

People who binge:
A) like to eat high-protein foods such as steak and nuts.
B) feel powerful before the binge.
C) are usually calm and rational just before and then during a binge.
D) generally consume about 10,000 calories during a binge.

B. feel powerful before the binge

Vomiting as a compensatory behavior for those experiencing bulimia:
A) prevents the absorption of about 90 percent of calories consumed.
B) ironically, leads to greater hunger and more frequent binges.
C) helps one to feel full quicker during the next binge.
D) is often done in public with no attempt to hide the behavior.

B. ironically, leads to greater hunger & frequent binges

Which of the following behaviors BEST describes the effects of compensatory behaviors bulimics use in controlling weight?
A) Vomiting prevents the absorption of 90 percent of calories consumed.
B) Repeated vomiting affects one’s ability to feel satiated.
C) Using laxatives almost completely undoes the caloric effects of bingeing.
D) Using diuretics almost completely undoes the caloric effects of bingeing.

B. repeated vomiting affects one’s ability to feel satiated

Following a very-low-calorie weight-loss program, participants would be at MOST risk for:
A) bingeing.
B) anorexia.
C) substance abuse.
D) family problems.

A. bingeing

Immediately preceding the onset of an eating disorder, one would MOST likely find that the woman:
A) had been unsuccessful in trying to lose weight.
B) had gone through a period of intense criticism from her family.
C) had experienced a growth spurt.
D) had been successful in losing weight and had been praised by family.

D. had been successful in losing weight & had been praised by family

Similarities between bulimia and anorexia include:
A) both tend to begin after a period of dieting among people afraid of becoming obese.
B) both involve a reluctance to think about food, weight, or appearance.
C) both involve an underestimation of one’s weight and body size.
D) both tend to be related to personality disorders.

A. both tend to begin after a period of dieting among people afraid of becoming obese

Where would one be MOST likely to see the sentence, "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"?
A) on a bulimia blog
B) in a treatment program for those with anorexia
C) on a pro-annorexia Web site
D) in an obesity prevention program

C. on a pro-annorexia web site

A young woman who is very concerned about being attractive to others, is more sexually experienced, and has relatively few obsessive qualities is:
A) more likely to be experiencing anorexia than bulimia.
B) more likely to be experiencing bulimia than anorexia.
C) equally likely to be experiencing bulimia or anorexia.
D) showing no symptoms that have been found to be related to eating disorders.

B. more likely to be experiencing bulimia than anorexia

Someone who is experiencing bulimia is MORE likely to _____ than someone experiencing anorexia.
A) show obsessive tendencies
B) believe his or her body size is larger than it actually is
C) display characteristics of a personality disorder
D) have serious medical consequences from the disorder

C. display characteristics of a personality diosrder

The medical problem that is twice as frequent in anorexic women as it is in bulimic women is:
A) hair loss.
B) amenorrhea.
C) hypokalemia.
D) esophageal bleeding.

B. amenorrhea

Which one of the following is a medical condition MORE common in bulimia than anorexia?
A) amenorrhea
B) dental problems
C) high potassium levels in the blood
D) growth of immature body hair

B. dental problems

"Biggest Loser" contestants, if they are like the majority of obese people, are MOST likely:
A) to be frequent binge eaters.
B) to not display binge eating disorder.
C) to binge on different kinds of food than those who experience bulimia nervosa.
D) to engage in excessive compensatory activities.

B. to not display binge eating disorder

In which of the following disorders would you expect nearly equal numbers of men and women?
A) restricted-type anorexia nervosa
B) binge eating disorder
C) purging-type anorexia nervosa
D) bulimia nervosa

B. binge eating disorder

How does binge eating disorder differ from bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa?
A) There is no body image dissatisfaction. People who have binge eating disorder tend to be happy with the way they look.
B) There is less gender difference in the incidence rates.
C) The disorder begins later in life.
D) The amount of control experienced during bingeing is much less.

B. there is less gender difference in the incidence rates

The currently accepted view of eating disorders is that its cause is:
A) cognitive.
B) biological.
C) behavioral.
D) multidimensional.

D. multidimensional

If a therapist thought that eating disorders were BEST explained by an interaction of sociocultural, psychological, and biological factors, that therapist would be taking a(an):
A) monodimensional perspective.
B) multidimensional perspective.
C) cognitive-behavioral perspective.
D) outdated perspective.

C. cognitive-behavioral perspective

According to Hilde Bruch, which of the following characterizes ineffective parents whose children are prone to eating disorders?
A) They feed children crying from hunger and comfort ones crying from fear.
B) They feed children too much, regardless of whether they are crying or not.
C) They feed anxious children and comfort tired ones.
D) They decide when their children are hungry and misinterpret the actual condition of their children.

C. they feed anxious children & comfort tired ones

What underlies Hilde Bruch’s ego deficiency view of children with eating disorders is a sense of:
A) lack of control over their lives and a misperception of internal cues.
B) parents who failed to anticipate and meet their needs, especially for food.
C) hypersensitivity to and accuracy in interpreting internal cues.
D) hostile and abusive parents.

A. lack of control over their lives & a misperception of internal cues

What does Hilde Bruch believe ineffective parents do that puts their children at risk for eating disorders?
A) over control their children
B) incorrectly interpret their children’s needs
C) cause their children to become too attentive to internal signals
D) give their children too much help and assistance

B. incorrectly interpret their children’s needs

Parents who feed their children when they are anxious and comfort them when they are tired rather than giving them a nap, run the risk of producing children who:
A) can’t assess their own needs.
B) are insensitive to others.
C) are overly dependent on internal cues.
D) are too independent.

A. can’t assess their own needs

People with alexithymia are NOT able to:
A) tell when they are hungry.
B) admit what is causing their eating disorder.
C) put descriptive labels on what they are feeling.
D) accurately represent how large they are.

C. put descriptive labels on what they are feeling

Compared to a person who is happy and self-confident, a person who is bored and depressed:
A) is more likely to eat nutritional food.
B) is equally likely to eat nutritional as junk food.
C) cannot discriminate junk from nutritional food.
D) is more likely to eat junk food.

D. is more likely to eat junk food

Which of the following is the BEST example of alexithymia?
A) an inability to control one’s eating
B) an inability to describe one’s feelings accurately
C) an inability to act independently
D) an inability to describe one’s body accurately

B. an inability to describe one’s feelings accurately

"I have this vague sense that something isn’t right, but I just can’t describe it," is a statement MOST likely said by someone experiencing:
A) exposure to response intervention.
B) an enmeshed family.
C) alexithymia.
D) a weight set point.

C. alexithymia

People are MOST likely to eat junk food when they are experiencing:
A) depression.
B) anxiety.
C) love.
D) boredom.

D. boredom

In general, which of the following statements about feelings that trigger eating is TRUE?
A) One is much more likely to eat nutritional foods than junk food when in love.
B) Anxiety is the feeling that is least likely to trigger the eating of junk or nutritional foods.
C) Positive emotions are less likely than negative emotions to trigger the eating of junk food.
D) Self-confident people basically don’t eat junk food.

C. positive emotions are less likely than negative emotions to trigger the eating of junk food

According to cognitive theorists, the underlying distortion in eating disorders is related to:
A) a misunderstanding of the relationship between food and weight.
B) eating that is uncontrolled.
C) too much concern with eating, shape, and weight.
D) an inability to control one’s emotions.

C. too much concern with eating, shape, & weight

If we find that many people with eating disorders also have symptoms of depression, we know that:
A) eating disorders cause depression.
B) depression causes eating disorders.
C) something else causes both eating disorders and depression.
D) eating disorders and depression are somehow related.

D. eating disorders & depression are somehow related

Support for the idea that mood disorders set the stage for eating disorders comes from evidence that shows:
A) high levels of serotonin in the brain.
B) that eating disorders have been successfully treated using anti-anxiety medication.
C) that close relatives of people with eating disorders have a high rate of mood disorders.
D) that people with eating disorders are not more likely themselves to be diagnosed with depression.

C. that close relatives of people with eating disorders have a high rate of mood disorders

The levels of ______ are low in many people with depression and those with eating disorders.
B) serotonin
C) dopamine
D) norepinephrine

B. serotonin

Compared to the general public, people with eating disorders are MORE likely to:
A) be depressed.
B) suffer from mania.
C) experience panic attacks.
D) have higher serotonin levels.

A. be depressed

"Depression and eating disorders are correlated." What does this statement mean?
A) Depression causes people to be more likely to have eating disorders.
B) Eating disorders cause people to be more likely to be depressed.
C) Poor parenting causes both eating disorders and depression.
D) People with eating disorders also tend to be depressed.

D. people with eating disorders also tend to be depressed

The concordance rate for anorexia nervosa in identical twins is 70 percent. This means that:
A) if you are an identical twin, your chances developing anorexia are 70 percent
B) in 70 percent of identical twins, both twins have anorexia.
C) fraternal twins have a 30 percent rate of anorexia.
D) if your identical twin has anorexia, your chances of having it are 70 percent.

D. if your identical twin has anorexia, your chances of having it are 70 percent

In which of the following cases are you MOST likely to develop an eating disorder?
A) if you have a fraternal twin with anorexia nervosa
B) if you have a fraternal twin with bulimia nervosa
C) if you have an identical twin with anorexia nervosa
D) if you have an identical twin with bulimia nervosa

C. if you have an identical twin with anorexia nervosa

Serotonin levels are low in those with eating disorders and in those with obsessive- compulsive disorder and depression. This means that:
A) low serotonin causes all three disorders.
B) all the disorders cause serotonin to decrease.
C) there is a relationship, but no evidence of causation.
D) if we raise serotonin levels, we will cure eating disorders.

C. there is a relationship, but no evidence of causation

The part of the brain MOST closely associated with the control of eating and body weight is the:
A) thalamus.
B) brain stem.
C) hypothalamus.
D) cerebral cortex.

C. hypothalamus

When an experimenter stimulates a rat’s lateral hypothalamus, the MOST likely result is:
A) hunger.
B) loss of appetite.
C) death by starvation.
D) intense sexual desire.

A. hunger

If you are overweight, the development of which of the following is MOST likely to appeal to you?
A) a way to safely block GLP-1 in humans
B) a way to safely activate the lateral hypothalamus in humans
C) a way to safely deactivate the ventromedial hypothalamus in humans
D) a way to safely increase GLP-1 in humans

D. a way to safely increase GLP-1 in humans

According to recent research, which of the following is the LEAST likely reason a person becomes obese?
A) defective GLP-1 receptors
B) doing a lot of eating around others
C) having obese biological parents
D) lack of willpower

D. lack of willpower

Which of the following is NOT true about obesity?
A) It is a mental disorder.
B) It is more common in children of the obese.
C) It is more common in lower socioeconomic groups.
D) It is on the rise in the United States.

A. it is a mental disorder

If you are mildly to moderately obese, you can legitimately conclude that:
A) you should be left alone, or encouraged to set only realistic weight-loss goals.
B) you have a mental disorder.
C) you have too much GLP-1.
D) you are at serious risk for medical complications.

A. you should be left alone, or encouraged to set only realistic weight-loss goals

Based on current research, all of the following individuals have a higher risk of dying early EXCEPT:
A) moderately overweight people.
B) underweight people who smoke.
C) obese people.
D) normal-weight people.

D. normal-weight people

People who diet to lose weight usually:
A) gain the weight back.
B) do not lose any weight.
C) maintain a lower, but not the lowest, weight.
D) maintain the low weight they achieve through dieting.

A. gain the weight back

In order to change the high rates of obesity among U.S. children and adolescents, which of the following should be addressed?
A) rates of exercise and dietary habits
B) parental attitudes toward their children
C) level of prejudice against obese people
D) knowledge about the physiological correlates of obesity

A. rates of exercise & dietary habits

A) causes one to grow excessive body hair.
B) helps determine the weight set point.
C) causes one to eat uncontrollably.
D) suppresses appetite.

D. suppresses appetite

Which of the following is the MOST accurate biological explanation for people who gain weight after losing it?
A) abnormally high levels of serotonin persist despite dieting
B) hypothalamus stops producing the appetite suppressant GLP-1.
C) the brain is trying to restore the person to a set weight point.
D) excessive stimulation of the ventromedial hypothalamus

C. the brain is trying to restore the person to a set weight point

According to weight set point theory, the consequences of dieting below one’s weight set point are:
A) There is increased hypothalamic activity, producing a revulsion to food.
B) Body changes produce further weight loss.
C) There is an increase of hunger.
D) There is a continuing loss of weight no matter how many calories are consumed.

C. there is an increase of hunger

The "weight set point" is:
A) the weight a person is predisposed to maintain.
B) the body’s natural weight.
C) the ideal weight that a person desires to achieve.
D) the average weight for people of the same height.

C. the body’s natural weight

Why does the author of your textbook describe dieters who have fallen to a weight below their set point as being engaged in a "battle against themselves"?
A) Their hypothalamus has been damaged.
B) They have an emotional conflict between their desire to diet and their desire to eat.
C) Their brains are making them feel hungry, an impulse hard to resist.
D) What they want for themselves and what society tells them is attractive are two different things.

C. their brains are making them feel hungry, an impulse hard to resist

Based on past results, one would predict that women who win the Miss America Pageant in the future will:
A) be larger than those who lose.
B) be about a pound heavier than the previous year’s winner.
C) be smaller than those who lose.
D) have larger chests, but smaller hips than current winners.

C. be smaller than those who lose

If one found that the average weight and size of cheerleaders had declined significantly over the years, and that those who aspired to be cheerleaders had a high level of eating disorders, that would be evidence for a ______ cause of eating disorders.
A) societal
B) family
C) psychological
D) biological

A. societal

Which professions put one MOST at risk for an eating disorder?
A) psychologists and psychiatrists
B) doctors and nurses
C) actors and certain athletes
D) dress designers and make-up artists

C. actors & certain athletes

Which of the following is MOST at risk for an eating disorder?
A) a college woman who is a nonathlete
B) a woman lower on the socioeconomic scale
C) an African American woman
D) a gymnast

D. a gymnast

If you are an overweight female teenager with an eating disorder, you are MORE likely than your peers to do all of the following EXCEPT spend more time:
A) playing video games.
B) on Facebook.
C) surfing the Web for fashion sites.
D) watching TV shows such as Gossip Girl.

A. playing video games

In one study, prospective parents rated a picture of a chubby child as ______ than a less average-weight child.
A) friendly and intelligent
B) masculine
C) emotionally stable
D) likely to succeed

A. friendly & intelligent

Research on doll choice in preschoolers shows that:
A) children choose the doll that looks most like they do.
B) children choose the thin doll rather than the chubby doll but don’t know why.
C) children choose the thin doll and say they want to be thin themselves.
D) children choose the chubby doll but don’t seem to know why.

B. children choose the thin doll rather than the chubby doll but don’t know why

Almost two-thirds of women athletes engage in self-destructive ways of controlling their weight. Which of the following is MOST common?
A) using laxatives
B) inducing vomiting
C) using diuretics
D) taking diet pills

D. taking diet pills

A recent study showed a positive correlation between the time spent on Facebook and the likelihood of experiencing an eating disorder among adolescent girls. This result showed that:
A) girls who spend time on Facebook are less likely to have eating disorders.
B) having an eating disorder causes one to disengage from face-to-face interactions.
C) being on Facebook is a way to avoid eating.
D) exposure to media might be related to an increase in eating disorders.

D. exposure to media might be related to an increase in eating disorders

Family members are overinvolved in each other’s lives, but are affectionate and loyal. This description fits Salvador Minuchin’s definition of an:
A) autonomous family pattern.
B) underfunctioning family pattern.
C) enmeshed family pattern.
D) institutionalized family pattern.

C. enmeshed family pattern

Salvador Minuchin describes a family system in which members are overly involved in each other’s affairs as a(n):
A) interrelationary pattern.
B) enmeshed family pattern.
C) homeostatic family system.
D) dysfunctionally interdependent system.

B. enmeshed family pattern

The push for independence threatens the enmeshed family pattern when:
A) the child becomes anxious and this produces anorexia nervosa.
B) the stress of the situation leads to eating disorders.
C) the child takes on a sick role to allow the family to live in harmony.
D) the child tries harder to adhere to the social view of physical perfection.

C. the child takes on a sick role to allow the family to live in harmony

Which of the following conclusions about family patterns and eating disorders is MOST supported by systematic research?
A) People with eating disorders come from enmeshed families.
B) Children who take on a "sick role" will likely develop eating disorders.
C) Individuality and independence are related to the development of eating disorders.
D) Families of those with bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa vary widely.

D. families of those with bulimia nervosa & anorexia nervosa vary widely

Current research on eating disorders is MOST consistent with which of the following statements?
A) White American women have better body images and fewer problems with eating disorders than African American women.
B) African American women have better body images and fewer problems with eating disorders than white American women.
C) Both white American women and African American women have better body images and fewer problems with eating disorders these days than they did in the past.
D) The rates of eating disorders are increasing in minority women—approaching rates found in white American women.

D. the rates of eating disorders are increasing in minority women – approaching rates found in white American women

If current trends concerning the body images of African American women and white American women continue, we would expect in the future that:
A) white American women would become more like African American women.
B) the body images of white American women would become more realistic.
C) African American culture would become more influential among white Americans.
D) African American women would show increasing body image dissatisfaction.

D. African American women would show increasing body image dissatisfaction

Changes in body image among African American women and among women in non-Westernized cultures support the idea that ______ has/have a strong influence on body image.
A) genetic similarities
B) cognitive distortions
C) exposure to white U.S. culture
D) the impact of gender

C. exposure to white U.S. culture

That eating disorders are rising among nonwhite Americans to levels approaching the rates for white Americans is MOST likely due to:
A) increases in the availability of junk food.
B) alexithymia.
C) the increase in the number of men with eating disorders.
D) acculturation.

D. acculturation

A study of college men showed that they describe the ideal male as ______ and the ideal female as ______.
A) slim and trim; slim and trim
B) muscular; muscular
C) muscular; thin
D) athletic; strong

C. muscular; thin

What is the MOST likely explanation for the different explanations of eating disorders in men and women?
A) Men are judged by a harsher cultural standard of attractiveness.
B) Eating disorders may be overdiagnosed in women.
C) Men restrict their caloric intake more severely when dieting.
D) Male eating disorders are more likely to be tied to work or sports.

D. male eating disorders are more likely to be tied to work or sports

Which of the following would be MOST likely to lead to a diagnosis of muscle dysmorphobia?
A) A man diets excessively, trying to have a body more like a woman’s.
B) A man exercises excessively in order to lose weight and muscle mass.
C) A man who is excessively obese engages in binge eating.
D) A man who is muscular but does not see himself as being muscular and so continues to strive for a perfect body.

D. a man who is muscular but does not see himself as being muscular & so continues to strive for a perfect body

Of the following, the MOST appropriate diagnosis for a man who is strong and fit but does not see himself that way is:
A) muscle dysmorphobia.
B) anorexia nervosa.
C) bulimia nervosa.
D) reverse Barbie syndrome.

A. muscle dysmorphobia

A man with muscle dysmorphobia is MOST likely to:
A) become anorexic.
B) believe himself to be too muscularly developed despite the fact that he is not.
C) concentrate on the regulation of his eating rather than excessive weight lifting.
D) feel that he is scrawny despite the fact that he is not.

D. feel that he is scrawny despite the fact that he is not

The first step in treating anorexia nervosa is to:
A) correct family coping patterns.
B) resolve unresolved oral conflicts.
C) correct maladaptive thought patterns.
D) help the person start to regain the lost weight.

D. help the person start to regain the lost weight

The major disadvantage of using forced tube-feeding for patients with eating disorders who refuse to eat is that the patients:
A) may become distrustful of the therapist and uncooperative with further treatment.
B) may actually lose more weight than if they were not force-fed.
C) may gain weight too quickly.
D) may become bulimic.

D. may become distrustful of the therapist & uncooperative with further treatment

A person who was receiving the best and most current treatment for an eating disorder would receive treatment designed to:
A) deal only with changing the poor eating habits.
B) deal first with what caused the eating disorder, then correct it.
C) deal only with what caused the eating disorder.
D) deal first with changing the eating habits, then with what caused them.

D. deal first with changing the eating habit, then with what caused them

The treatment that has been the MOST popular for restoring weight among anorexic persons is:
A) drug therapy.
B) intravenous feedings.
C) supportive psychotherapy.
D) supportive nursing care and a high-calorie diet.

D. supportive nursing care & a high-caloric diet

Anorectic patients receive a gradually increasing diet over the course of several weeks, encouragement, education, and reassurance that they will not become obese. The form of therapy they are receiving is:
A) autonomy and self-awareness training.
B) a correction of disturbed cognitions.
C) supportive nursing care.
D) changing family interactions.

C. supportive nursing care

All treatments for anorexia nervosa share the long-term common goal of:
A) producing weight gain in the patient.
B) addressing the underlying causes of the disorders.
C) moving the patient out of the situation that caused the problem.
D) forcing the patient to accept responsibility for his or her actions.

B. addressing the underlying causes of disorders

Lasting improvement for one with anorexia nervosa depends on:
A) continuing medical treatment.
B) drug therapy over several years.
C) addressing underlying psychological problems.
D) recognizing the need to give up control.

C. addressing underlying psychological problems

The MOST realistic statement a person with anorexia would make following cognitive treatment is:
A) "I expect to feel fat because of my illness."
B) "I no longer feel fat."
C) "Although I’m fat, I like my body now."
D) "I don’t just feel fat, I am fat."

A. "I expect to feel fat because of my illness"

An example of a disturbed cognition that might be present in one being treated for anorexia is the statement:
A) "I don’t talk about my feelings; I never have."
B) "My weight and shape determine my value."
C) "I am free to speak my mind and others shouldn’t turn away. "
D) "Whatever I feel, she has to feel too."

B. "My weight & shape determine my value"

An anorectic patient who says, "I know that a key feature of anorexia nervosa is a misperception of my own size, so I can expect to feel fat regardless of my actual size," has most likely received which of the following?
A) antidepressant medications
B) exposure and response prevention
C) cognitive-behavioral therapy
D) treatment for family enmeshment

C. cognitive-behavioral therapy

Research on the aftermath of anorexia nervosa shows that:
A) although psychological difficulties improve, weight gain is minimal.
B) although weight gain is good, most cannot hold a job.
C) although weight gain is good, anorectic women fail to regain menstruation.
D) the death rate from anorexia appears to be declining.

D. the death rate from anorexia appears to be declining

Which of the following is TRUE about recovery from anorexia?
A) The death rate from anorexia is increasing recently.
B) Anorectic behavior recurs in about one-third of recovered patients.
C) Most recovered patients experience marital dissatisfaction and are ineffective as employees.
D) Few recovered patients continue to express concern about weight and appearance.

B. anorectic behavior recurs in about one-third of recovered patients

What is a likely long-term consequence of anorexia?
A) failure to gain weight
B) failure to menstruate
C) continuing concern about weight and appearance
D) inability to succeed at a job

C. continuing concern about weight & appearance

For which of the following individuals is recovery from anorexia MOST likely?
A) someone who is a teenager rather than a young adult
B) someone who has lost a relatively large percentage of body weight
C) someone who also has sex problems
D) someone who enters therapy late in his or her disorder

A. someone who is a teenager rather than a young adult

All the treatment methods for bulimia nervosa share the immediate goal of:
A) changing distorted self-perceptions.
B) addressing the underlying causes of the bulimic patterns.
C) assisting patients to eliminate their binge-purge patterns.
D) forcing patients to accept the responsibility for their actions.

C. assisting patients to eliminate their binge-purging patterns

The use of a food diary to keep track of eating behavior in the treatment of bulimic patients is MOST likely to be used by a therapist from the:
A) cognitive perspective.
B) humanist perspective.
C) behavioral perspective.
D) psychodynamic perspective.

C. behavioral perspective

Tanya is a behavioral therapist who exposes bulimic patients to situations that usually cause binge episodes and then prevents them from binge eating. The technique that she is using is called:
A) skillful frustration.
B) temptation-restriction.
C) willpower reinforcement.
D) exposure and response prevention.

D. exposure & response prevention

A therapist who sat with the bulimic patient while the patient ate appropriate quantities of "forbidden" foods, and then stayed until the patient no longer had the urge to purge would be practicing:
A) exposure and response prevention.
B) group insight-oriented therapy.
C) correction and cognitive misperceptions.
D) supportive nursing care.

A. exposure & response prevention

One of the therapy methods commonly used to treat bulimia nervosa is:
A) flooding.
B) exposure and response therapy.
C) aversive therapy.
D) systematic desensitization.

B. exposure & response therapy

The medication MOST helpful in the treatment of bulimia is an:
A) antianxiety drug.
B) antidepressant drug.
C) antipsychotic drug.
D) antiemetic drug (to eliminate vomiting.)

B. antidepressant drug

Relapse for both bulimia and anorexia is MOST likely triggered by:
A) weight gain.
B) life stresses.
C) media exposure.
D) medication withdrawal.

B. life stresses

Relapses of bulimia are MOST likely to occur following:
A) exposure to other bulimics.
B) life stresses.
C) periods of stomach sickness.
D) Christmas and other holidays.

B. life stresses

A factor increasing the likelihood of a relapse of bulimia is:
A) length of time in treatment.
B) age at onset of the disorder.
C) age at which treatment is implemented.
D) development of a pattern of frequent vomiting.

D. development of a pattern of frequent vomiting

One difference between the eating disorders and other disorders is:
A) the recovered person often misses his or her symptoms.
B) medication is ineffective as a treatment.
C) the incidence of the disorder is rising.
D) remission is rare.

A. the recovered person often misses his or her symptoms

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