A.P. US History Chapter 2

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Lord De La Warr

Arrived in Jamestown in 1610, he was a veteran of the vicious campaigns against the Irish and introduced "Irish Tactics" in a campaign against the Indians. His troops attacked Indian villages and torched cornfields.


Participated in a mock execution where she saved John Smith. She later married John Rolfe and acted as an intermediary between the Indians and the villages.


An Indian chieftain who dominated the peoples in the James River area. All the tribes loosely under his control came to be called Powhatan’s confederacy. The colonists innacurately called all of the Indians powhatans.

Handsome Lake

In 1799 Angelic figures in traditional Iroquois garb appeared to Handsome Lake and said that if the Iroquois did not mend their immoral ways then they would die out. He worked to revive old Iroquois customs and affirm family values, as well as forsake alcohol. He died in 1815, but his teachings live on in the form of the longhousw religion.

John Rolfe

The husband of Pocahantas became the father of the tabacco industry and an economic savior to Virginia. By 1612 he perfected the raising of the crop and soon enough the European demand for tabacco was insatiable.

Lord Baltimore

Founded Maryland Colony in 1634. Sought financial profits but also sought to build a haven for catholics. Permitted freedom of worship to purchase toleration for Catholics.

Walter Raleigh

Inspired by half brother Sir Humphrey Gilbert, he gathered a group of settlers who landed on Roanoke Island in 1585, they vanished later on.

James Oglethorpe

Ablest of Georgia’s founders, was a dynamic statesman. Was interested in prison-reform after one of his friends died in a debtors jail. He repelled Spanish attacks, and saved the colony by mortaging his personal fortune.

Humphrey Gilbert

The promoter of Englands first attempt at colonization. The effort died when he died at sea in 1583.

Oliver Cromwell

King Charles I dismissed Parliment in 1629 and when he recalled it in 1640 most members were mutinous. Finding Oliver Cromwell as their leader they ultimately beheaded Charles in 1649. Cromwell ruled England for nearly a decade. After him Charles’ son was restored to the throne.

John Smith

When Captain John Smith took control of Jamestown in 1608 he whipped the colonists with the rule "He who shall not work, shall not eat". He had been kidnapped in 1607 and subjected to a mock execution by the Indians.

Joint Stock Company

Perfected during the early 1600’s. The joint stock company allowed lone wolf enterprises to pool their capital and gain much more profit.


The actual ownership of a human. Indian slaves became a major export in Carolina and over time more and more African slaves arrived in the colonies to work on the plantations.

Enclosure Movement

In the English countryside English landlords were "enclosing" croplands for sheep grazing, forcing many small farmers into precarious tenancy or, off their land alltogether.

House of Burgesses

In 1619 the London Company authorized the settlers to summon an assembly known as the House of Burgesses. This assemblage was the first of many miniature parliments in America.

Royal Charter


Slave Codes

Codes that defined the slaves’ legal status and masters perrogatives. The Barbados slave code of 1661 gave masters virtually complete control over their slaves. They were put in place to control the large and potentially restive population of slaves.


A woodon structure (8ft-200ft long and 20ft wide). Each building contained 3-5 fire places around which two nuclear families gathered. All families in a longhouse were related. When a man was married, he went to live in his wife’s longhouse.


One who chooses a place to live on land that they do not have legal rights to.

Indentured Servent

4-7 years of service in exchange for passage across the Atlantic to North America.

Act of Toleration

Passed in 1649 by a local repesentative assembly in Maryland. This granted toleration to all Christians, but the death penalty for those who denied the divinity of Jesus.

Barbados Slave Code

Established in 1661, it gave masters virtually complete control over their slaves including the right to inflict vicious punishments for even slight infractions.

Starving Time

During the winter of 1609-1610, of the original 400 settlers only 60 survived the winter. The settlers of Jamestown ate dogs, cats, roots, and berries to survive.


The laws of Primogeniture decreed that only the eldest sons were eligible to inherit landed estates. Younger sons would have to seek their fortunes elsewhere.

Virginia Company

A joint stock company founded in London which received a charter for a settlement in the New World from King James I. They were in search of gold as well as a passage to the Indians.

Chesapeake Bay

Where the Virginia Company landed, they then pushed up on the banks of the Malaria infested River.


Established May 24, 1607 populated by about 100 English settlers. Located on the wooded and malarial banks of the James River, the site was easy to defend but devastatingly unhealthful.

Roanoke Island

A group of settlers organized by Sir Walter Raleigh landed on Roanoke Island off the coast of Virginia. Although it vanished with Raleigh busy at home.

Anglo Powhatan Wars

First war fought in 1614, ended with peace settlement by the mairrage of Pochahantas to John Rolfe. In 1622 the Indians attack leaving 347 settlers dead including John Rolfe. Raids drove the Indians farther west. The second war was fought in 1644, was a last ditch effort to dislodge the Virginians, the Indians were agian defeated.


A farmer of middle social status.

Iroquois Confederacy

Dubbed by the whites "The Iroquois League" it consisted of 5 nations. The Mohawks, the Oneidas, the onondagas, the cayugas, and the Senecas. It was founded in 1500 according to legend by two proud leaders. They fought neighboring tribes and Europeans, but eventually had to struggle for their survival as a people. They were diseased, defeated and intoxicated.


The Catholic Irish sought help from Catholic Spain to throw off the English, but Spanish aid was never much. In the 1570’s and 1580’s English troops crushed uprisings with unspeakable violence. The English confiscated Irish lands and "planted" them with Protestant landlords.


The Lords proprietors were the kings court favorites who were granted an expanse of land ribboning across the continent to the pacific.

Nation State

The nation state is a certain form of state that derives its legitimacy from serving as a sovereign entity for a nation as a sovereign territorial unit.

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