A&P Chapter 23

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Where does the process of segmentation occur?

A) anus B) small intestine C) stomach D) esophagus Answer (B) Small intestine

How would you classify chewing food?

A) ingestion B) digestion C) propulsion D) mechanical breakdown Answer (D) Mechanical breakdown

The major means of propelling food through the digestive tract is

A) swallowing B) churning C) peristalsis D) segmentation Answer (C) peristalsis

The __________ is the serous membrane that lines the abdominal body wall.

A) mesentery B) visceral peritoneum C) parietal peritoneum D) omenta Answer (C) parietal peritoneum

Which layer of the alimentary canal is constructed from either stratified squamous or simple columnar epithelium?

A) muscularis externa B) mucosa C) submucosa D) serosa Answer (B) mucosa

Which layer of the alimentary canal is responsible for segmentation and peristalsis?

A) Serosa B) muscularis externa C) mucosa D) submucosa Answer (B) muscularis externa

The nervous system does not regulate digestive activity.

A) True B) False Answer (B) False

What muscle forms the labia of the mouth?

A) buccinator B) zygomaticus C) orbicularis oculi D) orbicularis oris Answer (D) orbicularis oris

What is the function of the soft palate?

A) The soft palate rises reflexively to close off the nasopharynx when swallowing occurs. B) The soft palate provides a surface against which the tongue forces food during chewing. C) The soft palate secures the tongue to the floor of the mouth and limits its posterior movement. D) The soft palate cleanses the mouth. Answer (A) The soft palate rises reflexively to close off the nasopharynx when swallowing occurs.

What is the opening to the mouth called?

A) oral vestibule B) oral cavity C) oral orifice D) oral cavity proper Answer (C) oral orifice

Which of the following is NOT a function of saliva?

A) Saliva dissolves food chemicals so they can be tasted. B) Saliva contains enzymes that begin the chemical breakdown of proteins. C) Saliva moistens food and helps compact it into a bolus. D) Saliva cleanses the mouth. Answer (B) Saliva contains enzymes that begin the chemical breakdown of proteins.

Which of the following inhibits salivation?

A) sight or smell of food B) sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system C) spicy foods D) parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system Answer (B) B) sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system

Which teeth are best suited for cutting or nipping off pieces of food in the permanent dentition?

A) molars B) premolars (bicuspids) C) canines D) incisors Answer (D) incisors

The __________ guards the entry of food into the stomach.

A) ileocecal valve B) diaphragm C) pyloric sphincter D) cardiac sphincter Answer (D) Cardiac sphincter

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the stomach?

A) The stomach produces a double-layered coat of alkaline mucus. B) The stomach has three layers of muscle in the muscularis tunic. C) The stomach releases enzymes to digest carbohydrates. D) The stomach mucosa is folded into rugae. Answer (C) The stomach releases enzymes to digest carbohydrates.

Which digestive process normally occurs only in the mouth?

A) ingestion B) mechanical digestion C) absorption D) segmentation Answer (A) ingestion

Which mesentery helps tether the stomach to the liver?

A) pylorus B) lesser omentum C) greater omentum D) fundus Answer (B) lesser omentum

The mucosa collapses inward when the stomach is empty, forming large folds known as __________.

A) fundus B) pylorus C) cardia D) rugae Answer (D) rugae

The __________ is the last segment of the small intestine.

A) duodenum B) ileum C) jejunum D) colon Answer(B) ileum

Blood draining from the stomach is more alkaline (basic) than blood that serves the stomach.

A) True B) False Answer (A) True

What role of the stomach is essential to life?

A) production of hydrochloric acid B) production of intrinsic factor C) production of chyme D) production of VIP Answer (B) production of intrinsic factor

In a patient suffering from a gastric ulcer caused by Helicobacter pylori, the cells most likely to have been damaged first are the ___

A) enteroendocrine cells B) parietal cells C) chief cells D) mucous cells Answer (D) mucous cells

Before and during vomiting, the emetic center initiates motor responses that involve ______.

A) sympathetic neurons B) parasympathetic neurons C) the somatic nervous system D) All of the listed responses are correct. Answer (D) All of the listed responses are correct.

What structural modification of the small intestine slows the movement of chyme through the lumen?

A) circular folds B) villi C) lacteals D) microvilli Answer (A) circular folds

Which cell in the small intestine’s mucosa is a mucus-secreting cell?

A) enteroendocrine cell B) absorptive cell C) Paneth cell D) goblet cell Answer (D) goblet cell

Which duct carries bile out of bile ducts in the liver?

A) bile duct B) porta hepatis C) common hepatic duct D) cystic duct Answer (C) common hepatic duct

Which component of bile emulsifies fats?

A) bile salts B) cholesterol C) bilirubin D) stercobilin Answer (A) bile salts

Which vessel delivers nutrient-rich blood to the liver from the digestive tract?

A) central vein B) inferior vena cava C) hepatic vein D) hepatic portal vein Answer (D) hepatic portal vein

What is a major function of pancreatic juice?

A) neutralizing chyme entering the small intestine from the stomach B) acidifying the contents of the small intestine C) emulsifying fats by breaking them into smaller pieces D) acidifying the contents of the stomach Answer (A) neutralizing chyme entering the small intestine from the stomach

What triggers the release of secretin from the small intestine?

A) presence of cholecystokinin (CCK) in the small intestine B) presence of bile in the small intestine C) presence of proteins in chyme entering the small intestine D) presence of acidic, fatty chyme in the small intestine Answer (D) presence of acidic fatty chyme in the small intestine

Bile is produced by the __________.

A) gallbladder B) stomach C) liver D) pancreas Answer (C) liver

Most digestion and absorption of nutrients occur in the __________.

A) liver B) stomach C) small intestine D) large intestine Answer (C) small intestine

An obstruction by a gallstone is least likely to occur in the ______

A) common hepatic duct B) bile duct C) cystic duct D) lumen of the hepatopancreatic sphincter Answer (A) common hepatic duct

What is the function of the bacterial flora that inhabit the large intestine?

A) Bacterial flora release a bicarbonate-rich juice to help neutralize chyme from the stomach. B) Bacterial flora synthesize B-complex vitamins and some of the vitamin K needed by the liver. C) Bacterial flora facilitate nutrient absorption. D) Bacterial flora emulsify fats. Answer (B) Bacterial flora synthesize B-complex vitamins and some of the vitamin K needed by the liver

Which of the following is the primary function of the large intestine?

A) defecation B) mechanical breakdown C) nutrient absorption D) digestion Answer (A) defecation

The major function of the large intestine is to __________.

A) absorb nutrients B) produce vitamins C) make intrinsic factor D) absorb water Answer (D) absorb water

Bacteria that reside in the large intestine make vitamin K.

A) True B) False Answer (A) True

Which vitamins are made by the bacteria in the large intestine?

A) B complex and K vitamins B) vitamins C and D C) vitamins A and E D) B complex and D vitamins Answer (A) B complex and K vitamins

The formation of diverticula involves, most significantly, the ______.

A) atrophy of the muscularis externa B) atrophy of the mucosa C) weakening of the colon’s submucosa D) thickening of the serosa Answer (C) weakening of the colon’s submucosa

An effective way to medically treat diarrhea would be to use a drug that ______.

A) increases the activity of the longitudinal layer of the muscularis B) increases the activity of the parasympathetic division of the ANS C) inhibits muscle tone in the anal sphincters D) inhibits the activity of the myenteric nerve plexus Answer (D) inhibits the activity of the myenteric nerve plexus

Enzymatic breakdown of which of the following compounds doesn’t begin until it reaches the stomach?

A) carbohydrates B) lipids C) proteins Answer (C) proteins

Which of the following enzymes is important for breaking down protein?

A) pepsin B) amylase C) lipase Answer (A) pepsin

Which of the following enzymes is important for the digestion of fat?

A) pancreatic lipase B) trypsin C) pancreatic amylase D) pepsin Answer (A) pancreatic lipase

In the small intestine, which of the following enzymes breaks down maltose?

A) lactase B) dextrinase C) maltase D) sucrase E) glucoamylase Answer (E) glucoamylase

The breakdown products of which of the following are absorbed into lacteals?

A) fats B) proteins C) carbohydrates Answer (A) fats

Salivation is controlled almost entirely by the nervous system. Which of the following stimuli would inhibit salivation?

A) the thought of food B) fear C) nausea D) a lemon Answer (B) fear

HCl secretions convert pepsinogen to the active hormone pepsin. What cells in the gastric pits produce pepsinogen?

A) parietal B) G cells C) chief D) paracrine (also known as enteroendocrine cells) Answer (C) chief

In response to a steak dinner, certain secretions are needed to aid digestion. What cells in the pancreas would provide these secretions?

A) islet of Langerhans cells B) acinar cells C) duct cells Answer(B) acinar cells

An increase in HCl (hydrochloric acid) secretion in the duodenum would stimulate which hormone that would help to counteract the effects of HCl?

A) GIP (gastric inhibitory peptide) B) CCK (cholecystokinin) C) gastrin D) secretin Answer (D) secretin

The secretion in the large intestine consists of which of the following?

A) digestive enzymes such as CCK and secretin B) intrinsic factor C) bile D) bicarbonate- and potassium-rich mucus Answer (D) bicarbonate- and potassium-rich mucus

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