31 Art History- Modern Art in Context

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When looking at modern art, what should the viewer understand?

c. Modern art reflects changes following World War I.

What is the name of the piece above?

b. Guernica

How did art change in Russia after World War I?

Not D

After living through World War I and witnessing the effects of war on society and its people, artists _____________________.

b. had a new sense of reality

What scientific innovation occurred that affected the art that was produced during this period?

a. Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity

Which of the following played an important role in the shaping of modern art?

d. all of the above (new science, psychology, World War I)

Who is the artist of the piece above?

c. Marcel Duchamp

Who popularized psychology and the idea of the human subconscious?

b. Sigmund Freud

Who is the artist of the image above?

c. M.C. Escher

Which of the following post war events most influenced artists?

c. both A and B (psychology, new science)

How were the new time and space theories demonstrated in art?

c. a tremendous amount of movement

What was Marcel Duchamp’s intention for the piece seen above?

c. to change the meaning of a common household item

What controversy surrounded some of the modern art that was produced?

b. Critics did not consider it art because of its non-traditional subject matter.

What is depicted in the image above?

a. a Spanish town in disarray after a violent bombing

What is depicted in the artwork by Duchamp pictured above?

b. an iron with nails attached to it

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