1302 History ch. 22

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Chapter 22

What is "yellow journalism?"

it refers to sensationalist news coverage that was designed to sell papers and manipulate public opinion

As a result of Japan’s show of strength in the Russo-japanese war

Americans began to doubt the security of the Philippines

One reason the United states went to war against Spain was that

there was strong support among the american people for going to war

who was president when the united states acquired the right to build a canal across Panama?

Theodore roosevelt

the treaty ending the spanish-american war

was initially opposed by most democrats and populists

which of the following statements about the american acquisition of Puerto Rico is true?

the Jones act of 1917 made residents of puerto rico U.S. citizens

The de Lome letter

referred to president McKinley as a weak and cowardly leader

To reward Theodore roosevelt for his vigorous campaigning on behalf of William McKinley in 1896, the new president appointed Roosevelt

assistant secretary of the navy

Protestant missionaries and supporting organizations often supported american imperialism because they

believed in the global superiority of the anglo-saxon "race"

why did the united states fight a war in the Philippines after the spanish-american war

to quell an insurrection of Filipinos who opposed annexation by the US

Alfred Thayer Mahan

argued that sea power was essential to national greatness

Western imperialism in the late nineteenth century was stimulated by all of the following except:

the fear that bolshevik ideas might advance around the globe

Roosevelt’s "Gentleman’s agreement"

stopped the flow of Japanese immigrants to america

the Philippine-american war became known for

its brutality and the atrocities committed by both sides

the Platt amendment

sharply restricted the independence of Cuba’s new government

The battleship Maine

exploded in Havana Harbor and fueled calls for war with Spain

As a result of the Spanish-American war, the united states

emerged as an imperial power

The Hay-Herran treaty

concerned America’s right to build a canal in Panama

Why was Theodore Roosevelt picked as William McKinley’s running mate for the 1900 election?

Roosevelt was a popular figure from his exploits in the spanish-american war and had been a strong public supporter of McKinley

The "yellow peril" was

a racially charged description of a perceived threat from Japan

Mark Hanna opposed naming Theodore Roosevelt as McKinley’s running mate in the 1900 election because Hanna

saw Roosevelt as a madman who just might become president

Through his intervention in the Moroccan crisis in 1906, President Roosevelt

may have prevented a war pitting France and Britain against Germany

When americans led an overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy in the early 1890s

President Cleveland preferred that the monarchy be restored to power

by the end of the Spanish-american war

more american soldiers died from disease than battle

during the Spanish-american war, Theodore Roosevelt

took part in the land fighting in Cuba

the notion that americans were God’s chosen people was often used to

justify american imperialism and territorial acquisitions

who once said that warfare was the best way to promote "the clear instinct for race selfishness"?


in 1878, the Samoans signed a treaty with the United states giving the United States

a naval base at Pago Pago

a major reason that the US annexed the Philippians despite anti-imperialist opposition in the US was because

the islands were located very close to China and China’s potential markets

When the United states and Colombia could not agree on a price for the Canal Zone

the United states lent support to a separatist rebellion in the Colombian province of Panama

Why were american Catholics troubled by Protestant efforts to evangelize in Spain’s former colonies?

The people of those territories were already christians who belonged to the Catholic church

In order to acquire the Canal zone, the United States supported Panama’s revolt against


President Grover Cleveland called the Hawaiian islands

"the stepping-stone to the growing trade of the Pacific"

John Fiske

wrote American Political Ideas, a book that stressed the superior character of Anglo-saxon peoples and institutions

In the election of 1900, the McKinley-Roosevelt ticket campaigned on a platform that

supported American territorial acquisitions following the Spanish-American war

Residents of Puerto Rico became citizens of the United States

nearly two decades after the island was acquired by the US

Emilio Aguinaldo

was the Filipino rebel leader

The boxer rebellion took place in


In hindsight, Roosevelt’s approach to foreign policy was problematic because

his efforts to deploy American power abroad were accompanied by a racist ideology

The Roosevelt Corollary

stated that the united states could intervene in the affairs of Latin American countries to forestall the intervention of other powers

Roosevelt’s intervention in the Russo-Japanese war and the Moroccan dispute

won him the nobel peace prize of 1906

The teller amendment

disavowed any american designs on Cuban territory

why did Theodore Roosevelt send the "Great White fleet" on a world tour between 1907 and 1909?

to demonstrate that the US had arrived as a world power

Queen Liliuokalani

opposed the Americanization of Hawaii

the open door policy

proposed that foreign powers keep the China trade open to all nations on an equal basis

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