WHS Management Systems

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Assessment Task 1

            The death of a patron on Auscarts Imports Pty Ltd.’s go- kart track on 6 October 2006 can be attributed to a couple of factors. Most significant among them was the construction of the barrier which, in this case, was positioned in front of a Besser block chicane and the tyres were pushed hard up against the wall forming a barrier that was too stiff to absorb some force in the case of a crash. The lack of due diligence regarding the safety of patrons especially with regard to seatbelts and harnesses could have also contributed to the fatal outcome. According to Part 2.1 (General Duties) of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007 of Victoria, any particular measure should be used to control risk and that the measure should be properly installed, used, and maintained (Workplaceohs.com.au). The measure in this case is an appropriate barrier. The use of barriers made up of tyres bolted together would create an appropriate barrier that would prevent the occurrence of similar incidents.

            The second case study which involves McCain Foods Pty Ltd can be attributed to the lack of specific training to employees on isolation procedures. Confusion between maintenance staff is also a relevant factor in this case. The company had no specific lockout procedure and the generic lockout procedures hadn’t been followed. Part 3.6 (High Risk Work) of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007 of Victoria maintains that employees performing high risk work must be trained appropriately. The incident could be prevented in future by instituting mandatory training for all individuals who perform maintenance on the Magnuson Brush Washing Machine. The drafting and implementation of specific lockout procedure would also help prevent similar incidents.

            The third case concerns a falling incident at the Australian Aluminium Shopfitters Pty Ltd. The lack of any protection gear by the employees contracted by the company is a significant factor in the occurrence of the incident. The lack of supervision by AAS is also a relevant factor. According to Part 3.3 (Prevention of Falls), Division 2, Section 3.3.4, it is the duty of the employer to control, as far as is practically reasonable, the risk of a fall. In this case, it was the responsibility of AAS to ensure that the contracted employees used passive fall prevention devices. As such, to prevent any future incidents AAS should actively supervise any contracted employees and make sure that they use fall prevention measures.

Assessment Task 2

Salad Fresh Ltd. Work Health and Safety Management System

1.      Introduction

A WHSMS describes how work health and safety can be maintained and working conditions continually improved.

2.      External, Internal and Workplace factors that influence the need to develop an WHSMS

The development of the WHSMS has been greatly influenced by legal requirements in addition to a workplace incident that left an employee with a part amputation injury.

3.      Goals and Objectives

The WHSMS is meant to provide guidelines that will help resolve workplace safety issues and maintain workplace safety in the short and long run.

4.      Company Overview

Salad Fresh is the leading manufacturer of prepared salads, offering customers the convenience of either pre- washed, assembled salads and dressed salads all with various delightful flavours. Besides the classic portfolio, the company also offers vegetable mixes, microwaveable vegetables, ready to roast vegetables, and a variety of ready to heat and eat soups, mashes, risottos and pasta meals.

5.      Leadership and Commitment

All members of the company’s management shall provide a commitment to address WHS issues and shall provide visible proactive leadership to achieve the highest attainable standards in the workplace, natural and local environments.

6.      Legal Requirements

Salad Fresh Ltd. Has a clearly outlined commitment to health and safety at the workplace in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007 of Victoria. The Work Health and Safety performance of Salad Fresh shall be reviewed regularly against the requirements of the WHSMS.

7.      Roles and Responsibilities

The areas of accountability and responsibility for all personnel are defined and documented: Managers, Supervisors, Workplace Health and Safety Representatives, Work Health and Safety Committee, and all personnel.

8.      WHS Policy and Processes

All Salad Fresh employees and contractors shall ensure all hazards and incidents are reported at the earliest possible time within the shift in which the incident occurred. All incidents shall be reported to their direct supervisor or the and then evaluated to decide the level of the incident and hence the level of investigation that is required.

9.      Resources requirements for implementing the WHSMS

The company shall set aside all requisite financial resources to ensure the proper implementation of the WHSMS.

10.  Information, Training, and Instruction

All employees at Salad Fresh including contractors must take part in a training and induction program regarding workplace health and safety.

11.  Communication and Consultation

Salad Fresh will use a variety of communication and consultation processes such as the use of elected representatives, safety meetings, and management.

12.  Purchasing and hiring guidelines

13.  Work Health and Safety Incident Reporting

Reporting of workplace safety and health incidents will be in accordance with Victoria’s regulations on Occupational Safety and Health.

14.  Hazard Identification

The identification of hazards will be based on events that have the potential to cause workplace accidents, past incidents, and the nature of potential injury.

15.  Work Health and Safety Hazard Risk Management Programs and Strategies

Strategies to be used include access from the workplace, health monitoring, communication with isolated employees, fatigue management, and psychosocial hazards.

16.  Internal Review and Evaluation

Senior management of Salad Fresh will perform an annual review of the WHSMS to ensure that the system is suitable, adequate, and effective.

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