Explain why the monopolist has no supply curve

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A supply curve offers the relationship among cost and the quantity supplied at each price. Commonly it’s upwards sloping, i.e. it has a fantastic relationship with the cost of the commodity.


In a case of monopoly, the firm can determine the charge at which it wants to sell its items. The monopoly was maximizing its income on the factor where MR = MC (Clower, 2014). There is no supply curve under monopoly because, there may be no precise charge-amount dating, because amount furnished through a firm under monopoly isn’t decided via rate but instead using Marginal revenue, given the marginal cost curve (Glenn, 2015).

In a monopolistic market, there are instances in which changes in a call for curves do not produce an alternate in each fee and amount (Antonny, 2015). Exchange the variables in this Demonstration for looking that with a change in call a for a curve, a monopolist can both produce the equal amount, however, price a particular fee or fee the same rate, however, provide an accurate number. Therefore, there is no one-to-one relationship between number and rate—a monopolistic marketplace has no supply curve. You can mouse over a curve to become aware of it (Clower, 2015).


The monopolist determines its profit-maximizing price and then components a quantity of goods that permits it to acquire that price. Accordingly, there is no supply curve. The energy employer in a given area and professional sports groups are examples of monopolies. Due to the capability to extract excess make the most of a market, monopolies are unwanted. The absence of supply curve in monopoly is as result of a lack of linear relationship between demand and supply.

The monopolist determines its profit-maximizing price and then components a quantity of goods that permits it to acquire that price. Accordingly, there is no supply curve. The energy employer in a given area and professional sports groups are examples of monopolies. Due to the capability to extract excess make the most of a market, monopolies are unwanted. The absence of supply curve in monopoly is as result of a lack of linear relationship between demand and supply.

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