At the beginning fo the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln favored quick military action to show: the folly of secession. Lincoln hoped that a Union victory at Bull Run would: lead to the capture of the...
Pages: 3 Words: 821
B Nineteenth-century Americans tended to believe that in world affairs the United States: A) should commit itself to maintaining world order. B) had a special mission. C) should mimic Great Britain. D) should support the establishment of...
Pages: 5 Words: 1394
Harriet Beecher Stowe author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" in which she highlighted the evils of slavery; she had strong religious beliefs against slavery; the South condemned her while the North supported her, creating a political...
Pages: 4 Words: 1129
A An important factor in transforming the nature of American agriculture after the Civil War was: A) increasing utilization of machinery. B) a decline in international markets for American farm products. C) a decrease in the size of the...
Pages: 5 Words: 1284
Yeoman farmer small landowners (the majority of white families in the south) who farmed their own land and usually did not own slaves Emancipate free from slavery or servitude Mulattoes ...
Pages: 1 Words: 352
In the final days of the civil war, president Abraham lincoln, opinion on the confederacy insisted that the Confederacy had no legal right to exist; lincoln couldn't negotiate a treaty with the confederacy because the confederate...
Pages: 8 Words: 2181
corrupt bargain In the 1824 election, no outright majority was attained and the process required resolution in the House of Representatives, whose Speaker and candidate in his own right, Henry Clay, gave his support to John Quincy Adams,...
Pages: 5 Words: 1346
E Preachers of the Second Great Awakening, such as Charles Finney, emphasized: A) original sin. B) atonement. C) doctrine. D) predestination. E) emotion. A Elected president in 1828, Andrew Jackson: A) won a ...
Pages: 11 Words: 2925
Within the American South, the institution of slavery created a unique bond between masters and slaves, while isolating blacks and whites from each other and encouraging blacks to develop a society ans culture of their own ...
Pages: 3 Words: 708
E Susan Warner responded to financial adversity by: A) working as a nanny for the children of John Jacob Astor. B) taking a job in a Lowell textile mill. C) opening a school for girls. D) giving piano lessons in her home. E) writing a...
Pages: 9 Words: 2418

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