Program Planning 2

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When governmental agencies or philanthropic organizations have money to make available for health or other programs, they often find organizations to give the money to by starting with a(n)

request for proposals

Providing free materials, copying services, space, or other resources is referred to as

in-kind support

Teenagers helping other teenagers improve their exercise habits is an example of

peer education

Cost sharing means that employees must find someone external to their worksite to pay for their health programming.


The cost that does not vary depending on the amount of product or service delivered is known as a _______ cost.


Having a basic understanding and appreciation of the importance of sociocultural factors is being culturally sensitive.


Funding provided a Robert Wood Johnson Grant is considered what type of funding?


Capital costs are those used to obtaining assets such as office buildings.


Which of the following Areas of Responsibility for Health Educators is NOT closely connected to resource identification and allocation?

Area IV

Since grant proposals need to be short, budget and personnel information should not be included.


Voluntary health agencies are often vendors of health promotion programs.


Start-up dollars are often referred to as seed dollars.


Questions to ask about purchased product quality include:

Will the vendor customize the product to meet your needs?

Funding provided by local health department is considered what type of funding?


Health education programs should not involve participant fees, as this may discourage attendance.


An ongoing source of funds for a health promotion program is called soft money.


A staff worker who attends a health fair over their lunch break is an example of _______.

flex time

The SAM process is designed to

assess the suitability of materials

"I have put something into this program, and therefore I am going to support it," is an example of


In a budget, the cost of a computer, prints, and cameras would fall under which of the following costs?


The four "P’s" of marketing are:

promotion, product, price, place

Feeling good about yourself is an example of a(n) _____.

core product

It is acceptable practice for planners to segment groups within a population either before or after surveying them.


According to the Diffusion of Innovation theory, the largest percentages of people are

early majority and late majority

Audience segmentation is one small part of overall market segentation.


Key marketing principles that apply to social marketing in health include all of the following EXCEPT

Off the product at "upper end" prices to make it more desirable

Marketing is the planned attempt to influence the characteristics of voluntary exchange transactions.


Which the following promotional strategies includes increasing product awareness to the consumer?


Segmenting a population by things such as social class, lifestyle, and attitudes is known as behavioral segmentation.


For the purposes of program planning, the people who make up the market are the _____.

priority population

In contrast to a tangible price of money for marketing, the intangible price in social marketing is __________.

time, effort, discomfort, etc.

A person who might be interested in a new health program, but will require external motivation to become involved would be considered a ‘late majority’ adopter.


Certain planning skills, such as marketing, social psychology and population dynamics often distinguish successful programs from failed programs.


Often in health promotion programs, canned programs are purchased or borrowed because they were previously successful in other locations.


Consumer-based health education program refers to designing around the priority population’s wants, needs, desires and preferences.


Which the following promotion strategies includes reminding the consumer that the product exists?


Which routes of promotion would include health care workers talking to patients about controlling high blood pressure with medicines?

Personal selling

A "ladder of benefits" is _______.

a variety of attributes and benefits associated with a health behavior

It is best to charge for all programs so that participants feel ownership.


A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.



set national standards to protect and guard against misuse of individual health information

A news hook is apt to make the media want to cover the launch of a new program.


Which of the following is NOT important for a checklist for an emergency care plan?

program staff can have time off after traumatic incidents

The Code of Ethics for the Health Education Profession was discontinued because it had no real method or strategies for enforcement


By different offerings, by limiting the number of people, by location, and by ability are all approaches to

phasing in a program

A complex program implementation chart comprised of a diagram and a timetable is


A procedural manual

can provide ideas for program facilitation

The obligation to do no harm is called non-beneficence.


Managing human resources, Competency C of Area of Responsibility ________, is directly related to program implementation.


A phased-in program has the advantage of involving many more people early in the program


Informed consent protects planners from being sued.


Pilot testing

allows planners to work out any problems before the program is launched

Failing to act in a reasonable manner is an act of


Which of the following is the second component of a key activity chart?

dates when activities will take place

Planners may find it difficult to work through the three stages of implementation due to limited time and limited resources


In theory, all health promotion programs should be pilot tested


The first day of implementation is an extension of the fourth "P" of marketing–promotion


No one should be allowed to participate in any health promotion program without giving his or her informed consent


When planners are aware of the participants’ identities and have promised not to reveal those identities to others, they are practicing



set national standards to protect and guard against misuse of individual health information

Standards of acceptability are the minimum levels of performance, effectiveness, or benefits used to judge the value of a program or its components.


One strength of having an external evaluator is


Developing the evaluation design is a step within the data collection process.


Institutional Review Board approval is not necessary for program evaluation research.


A reason a stakeholder may want a program evaluated is to inform policy decisions


Determining whether or not a program led to changes in health status is an example of

outcome evaluation

Utility, feasibility, propriety, and accuracy are

standards of evaluation within the framework for program evaluation

One barrier to effective program evaluation can be the time allotted for evaluation


The two evaluation processes in which health educators engage can be classified as

formal and informal

Monitoring participants’ reactions about program location, time, and speakers is called

formative evaluation

The number of people who stopped smoking following a smoking cessation program is a measure of

impact evaluation

Evaluation planning should occur early, while program goals and objectives are being developed


The first step in the evaluation process is implementation


An evaluation consultant should respect senior staff members’ wishes for specific findings, and emphasize those findings in the report.


Which of the following is NOT considered a critical purpose for program evaluation?

adjusting costs

Which of the following is NOT a stakeholder?


Data reflecting the initial status or interests of the participants are referred to as baseline data.


The percent of children immunized for school is an example of the _____.

mandate (policies, statutes, laws) of regulating agencies

A curriculum developed by an outside group for use by others is called a(n) _______.

canned program

Utility, feasibility, propriety, and accuracy are

standards of evaluation within the framework for program evaluation

Institutional Review Board approval is not necessary for program evaluation research.


The design O1 X O2 is a diagram of a quasi-experimental pretest posttest design


The presence of any confounding factors in the environment that may affect program participation or initial results is known as


Which of the following is NOT a qualitative method commonly used in evaluation?


The ‘Basic Design Decision’ step in selecting an evaluation design includes ______ as an option

key-informant interviews

The Area of Responsibility most closely associated with evaluation approaches is

Area IV

The quantitative approach is inductive.


Which one of the four premises below applies to using control groups in social program evaluation?

individuals have a right to new services, and random selection gives all a chance to participate

A ___________ ____________ analysis can be used to compare interventions, often to determine which will be least expensive.


A staff worker who attends a health fair over their lunch break is an example of _______.

flex time

Providing free materials, copying services, space, or other resources is referred to as

in-kind support

Which of the following Areas of Responsibility for Health Educators is NOT closely connected to resource identification and allocation?

Area IV

Capital costs are those used to obtaining assets such as office buildings.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention acting as a recourse to help a small US community build a community coalition for obesity is playing what role?

Technical Assistance

A study wherein participants, planners, nor evaluators know which group participants are in is called a triple blind study


An alpha level of .05 means that there is a 50% chance that the outcome occurred by chance alone


If Jeremy wants to compare his clients to a larger group of clients across the state, he could use a Chi-square test of significance


The null hypothesis states that there is a difference between groups


Measures of central tendency include


An Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) can be used to determine differences in test scores of more than two groups


Evaluators can use a t-test to determine whether a variable changed significantly in one group at two points in time.


It is best to err on the side of too simple an analysis than too complex an analysis in an evaluation report


Which of the following adjectives would NOT be used to describe an innovator?


Consumer-based health education program refers to designing around the priority population’s wants, needs, desires and preferences.


All of the following are ways to segment a population, EXCEPT by:

Personality Types

A dependent variable

can be viewed as an outcome variable

Which is used to show trends over time?

Line graph

Multiple regression analysis

can be used with interval data

Responsibility ________ for Health Educators is most closely aligned with evaluation processes.


If Andrew’s stress level increases as his students’ behavior deteriorates, this could be considered a negative correlation.


Range and standard deviation are used in univariate data analysis


The APEX-PH Model is no longer used because it was too rigid for Health Educators to apply in real world situations.


The central focus of the SMART model is


When steps in the program planning process are adapted to the needs of stakeholders, they have


Intervention Mapping was designed to use the first three phases of the SMART model to fast track planning.


Most health program models have uniquely different phases.


Which of the follow options describes the Evaluation step in the Generalized Model of Program Planning?

Improving the quality and effectiveness of the program

The Educational and Ecological Assessment Phase of PRECEDE-PROCEED includes determining:

predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling factors

SWOT Analyses are particularly useful for program planners who have ample time to do in-depth


It is critical for Health Education Specialists to select one program planning model per program, and to use all of its components.


Planners must also understand the interaction between a priority population and the communities in which they live.


The best way to obtain epidemiological data is for Health Educations Specialist to do their own survey research among priority populations.


According to PRECEDE-PROCEED, which of the following is NOT considered Impact Evaluation?

Reduced incidence of heart attack

In the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model, Phase ________, which seeks to subjectively define the quality of life of those in the priority population, is called ___________________.

How the goals and objectives will be achieved

One barrier to effective program evaluation can be the time allotted for evaluation.


Institutional Review Board approval is not necessary for program evaluation research.


Refusing to wear a seatbelt because friends will tease you is an example of

a reinforcing factor

Which of the following models was designed to strengthen in-country management training capacity in the health sector of developing countries.

Healthy Plan It

The MAPP planning model represents a planning approach common to businesses and schools.


Matching appropriate strategies and interventions with projected changes and outcomes occurs during which phase of PRECEDE-PROCEED?

IV Administrative & Policy Assessment

Which of the following describes the Setting Goals and Objectives step in the Generalized Model of Program Planning?

Identifies what will be accomplished through the intervention or program

Which of the following models was designed to fill a gap in health promotion practice by translating data collected in the PRECEDE phases of PRECEDE-PROCEED into appropriate interventions

Intervention Mapping

Checking a data set to be sure that all the entered values are valid and consistent is called

cleaning the data

Data that are assigned labels so they can be understood by a computer are __________ data


The smaller the alpha level, the greater the possibility of a Type II error


Measurable, substantial, accessible, differentiable, and actionable are criteria to consider when determining


Quasi-experimental methods are much less stressful on program participants than experimental methods


The threat to internal validity called mortality refers to having participants leave the study between pretest and posttest.


A good example of observations in evaluation design would be pretests and posttests


The only effective way to combine quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods is to use qualitative methods to help develop quantitative measures and instruments


In health education program planning, the term ‘resources

can include physical space in which to hold a program

A threat to external validity that occurs when attitudes projected onto individuals cause them to act in a certain way is called

expectancy effect

The degree to which a program, activity, or service is tailored to the priority population is called


Qualitative, in-depth interviews with individuals who understand the priority population are called

key-informant interviews

The ‘Basic Design Decision’ step in selecting an evaluation design includes ______ as an option


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