Music Appreciation Chapter 8

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Composers use word-painting to emphasize the text, perhaps with a drawn-out word over many notes.

In strophic songs, the same music is repeated for each stanza of the text.


Which of the following terms describes religious or spiritual music?


Which of the following terms describe words without specific meanings in songs?

nonlexical vocalise scat-singing

Secular music is often sung in the language of the people singing it.


Another word for lyrics in a song is:


Match each musical selection to the term that best describes the text setting that you hear in the example.

neumatic – Amazing Grace syllabic – Beethoven: Ode to Joy & America melismatic – Hildegard: Kyrie

The word "song" refers to any piece of music.


The national anthem O Canada is often sung alternating two languages. Listen to this selection and answer the following question: Which language is heard in the middle in this recording?


Which of the following tunes had the words written after the melody was composed?

Burning Down the House I Got Rhythm Both Correct

How would you best classify the text setting in this example? (Song: Heldigard: Kyrie)


The national anthem O Canada is often sung alternating two languages. Listen to this selection and answer the following question: In which language does the choir begin and end the anthem?


A song in which the music is repeated for each stanza of the poem is called:


Music with words that are in the language of the people is said to be in the:


How would you best classify the text setting in this example? (Song – Simple Gifts)

Mostly Syllabic

Which of the following terms describes the number of notes given to each syllable of text?

syllabic melismatic neumatic

Which of the following best describes the setting of a few notes to a syllable of text?


Which of the following terms best describes the setting of many notes to a syllable?


In the medieval and Renaissance eras, Latin was the language of which institutions?

Roman Catholic church Roman Empire universities

All songs contain actual sung words.


Match each example to the language in which it is being sung.

German Brahms: Wiegenlied English Taverner: Hymn to the Mother of God French Lassus: Bonjour mon coeur Latin Verdi: Dies irae from the Requiem

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