Medical Terminology Exam 3 ch. 7

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What is the medical term that means act of voiding urine?
A) nocturia
B) micturition
C) oliguria
D) urodynia
E) pyorrhea

B micturition

Identify the term that means increase in nitrogenous compounds in the blood.
A) azotemia
B) polyuria
C) enuresis
D) dysuria
E) oliguria

A azotemia

What surgical procedure involves crushing a stone or calculus?
A) lithotomy
B) lithotripsy
C) lithectomy
D) lithiasis
E) lithoscope

B lithotripsy

What is the surgical procedure to correct a prolapsed kidney?
A) nephroptosis
B) nephrodesis
C) nephrotomy
D) nephropexy
E) nephrostomy

D nephropexy

Herniation of the urethra is known as:
A) rectocele
B) ureterocele
C) pyelopathy
D) urethrocele
E) nephritis

D urethrocele

The instrument used to inspect the urinary bladder is a:
A) cystotome
B) cystitis
C) cystoscope
D) cystectomy
E) cystostomy

C cystoscope

Excessive accumulation of fluid within body tissues is called:
A) diuretic
B) lithiasis
C) cystitis
D) edema
E) hematuria

D edema

What is the abbreviation for intravenous pyelography?


The medical word for scanty urinary output is:
A) icturia
B) oliguria
C) uremia
D) hematuria
E) polyuria

B oliguria

Which of the following terms means increased urinary production?
A) oliguria
B) polyuria
C) anuria
D) micturition
E) continence

B polyuria

The microscopic filtering units responsible for maintaining homeostasis are:
A) calyces
B) nephrons
C) collecting tubules
D) Bowman capsules
E) ureters

B nephorns

Identify the term that means blood in the urine.
A) diuresis
B) hemoptysis
C) hematuria
D) uremia
E) uricosurics

C hematuria

A dx of adenodynia means there is pain in:
A) the intestines
B) the stomach
C) a gland
D) the pelvic area
E) the gallbladder

C a gland

What are the agents that promote secretion of urine called?
A) uremics
B) antidiuretics
C) diaphoretics
D) uricosurics
E) diuretics

E diuretics

When urotoxin is suspected, it means there is a poisonous substance in the:
A) ureter
B) urethra
C) urine
D) both A and B
E) all of the above

C urine

The funnel-shaped reservoir that is the basin of the kidney is the:
A) renal pelvis
B) calyces
C) urethra
D) nephron
E) bladder

A renal pelvis

The abbreviation UTI refers to:
A) urethral toxic infection
B) ureter total inflammation
C) urinary tract incontinence
D) urinary tract infection
E) ureter tubal infection

D urinary tract infection

A suprarenal tumor is located:
A) within the kidney
B) under the kidney
C) upon the kidney
D) within the bladder
E) upon the bladder

C upon the kidney

Painful urination is known as:
A) anuria
B) polyuria
C) dysuria
D) nocturia
E) hematuria

C dysuria

What is the small tubular structure that drains urine from the bladder?
A) ureter
B) urethra
C) renal pelvis
D) calyx
E) meatus

B urethra

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