History of Rock Chp 8

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Aside from Monday evenings, what time of day did American Bandstand air?


The payola scandal ended the career of what disc jockey?

Alan Freed

Dick Clark was never accused of taking payola.


Most performances on American Bandstand were lip-synched.


How many times did "The Twist" chart during the 1960s?


Paul Anka founded Aldon Music.


Which musician started his career as the member of a Buddy Holly-styled rockabilly band?

Bobby Vee

"The Twist" promoted what style of dancing?


Chubby Checker was the only African American musician who became famous by performing on American Bandstand.


"Take Good Card of My Baby" was written by

Carole King and Gerry Goffin

It was illegal for a disc jockey to accept payola during the 1950s.


Dick Clark began hosting American Bandstand in:


Teen idol singers went through a rigorous audition process to prove their singing skills.


All of the following dances were inspired by the Twist EXCEPT:

The Duck Walk

Which of the following people was NOT a songwriter?

Bobby Rydell

After the payola scandal, the FCC decreased the level of control and supervision that it exercised over radio stations.


All of these teams wrote songs for Aldon Music EXCEPT:

Tony Orlando and Bobby Vinton

Which artist’s career was NOT launched by American Bandstand?

Jackie Brenston

All Brill Building songs were written at the request of a specific singer.


What was the name of the publishing house that produced "Brill Building" rock?

Aldon Music

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