Chapter 15 Med Term 5-5

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Which structure supports and connects the cells of the nervous system?
a. Myelin sheath
b. Neuron
c. Neurolemma
d. Neuroglia
e. Dendrite


Which protective mechanism blocks chemicals from entering brain tissue?
a. Ganglia
b. Neuroglia
c. Blood-brain barrier
d. Neurilemma
e. Cell body


The anterior root of the spinal cord is composed of:
a. mixed nerves.
b. motor fibers.
c. sensory fibers.
d. neuroglia.
e. microglia.


The unmyelinated spaces between adjacent segments of myelin sheath are called:
a. cell bodies.
b. axons.
c. dendrites.
d. nodes of Ranvier.
e. meninges.


Which structure is located outside the cranium?
a. Anterior root
b. Diencephalon
c. Cerebrum
d. Corpus callosum
e. Thalamus


Fight-or-flight situations are dominated by the:
a. parasympathetic nervous system.
b. somatic nervous system.
c. neurotransmitters.
d. sympathetic nervous system.
e. accessory ganglia.


Nerves that conduct impulses toward the brain or spinal cord are called:
a. afferent.
b. efferent.
c. motor.
d. mixed.
e. cranial.


Chemicals that facilitate movement of impulses at synapses are called:
a. opiates.
b. sedatives.
c. hypnotics.
d. neurotransmitters.
e. analgesics.


Which structure joins the two hemispheres of the brain?
a. Thalamus
b. Corpus callosum
c. Brain stem
d. Diencephalon
e. Pons


All functions of the cerebellum are concerned with:
a. visual activity.
b. auditory activity.
c. pain perception.
d. movement.
e. taste perception.


The central nervous system is composed of the:
a. spinal cord and nerve roots.
b. brain stem and spinal cord.
c. spinal nerves and medulla.
d. brain and spinal cord.
e. cranium and spine.


The small space between neurons is called the:
a. dendrite.
b. syncope.
c. axon.
d. pons.
e. synapse.


The protective coverings of the brain and spinal cord are called the:
a. meninges.
b. neurolemmas.
c. ependymas.
d. sella turcicas.
e. myelin sheaths.


Which neuroglial cell possesses phagocytic properties?
a. Ependyma
b. Microglia
c. Oligodendroglia
d. Microcyte
e. Oligodendrocyte


The thalamus is a structure of the:
a. cerebrum.
b. diencephalon.
c. spinal cord.
d. medulla.
e. corpus callosum.


The combining form (CF) lex/o means:
a. learn.
b. read.
c. thin, slender.
d. word, phrase.
e. thick.


The CF mening/o means:
a. meninges (membranes covering brain and spinal cord).
b. dura mater.
c. pia mater.
d. sheath.
e. arachnoid.


The CF myel/o means:
a. head.
b. bone marrow; spinal cord.
c. back bone.
d. vertebrae.
e. back.


The CF cerebr/o means:
a. head.
b. spinal cord.
c. brain.
d. bone marrow; spinal cord.
e. cerebrum.


The CF gli/o means:
a. glue; neuroglial tissue.
b. ganglion.
c. knotlike mass.
d. fissure.
e. support.


The CF ton/o means:
a. sound.
b. pitch.
c. loud.
d. tension.
e. deafness.


The CF thec/o means:
a. thick.
b. sheath (usually refers to meninges).
c. surround.
d. spinal cord.
e. vertebrae.


The suffix -esthesia means:
a. ether.
b. easy, normal.
c. feeling.
d. numb.
e. unfeeling.


The suffix -kinesia means:
a. feeling.
b. movement.
c. strong.
d. weak.
e. debility.


The suffix -lepsy means:
a. leap.
b. speech.
c. numb.
d. feeling.
e. seizure.


The suffix -plegia means:
a. movement.
b. order.
c. paralysis.
d. coordination.
e. permanent.


The suffix -asthenia means:
a. weakness, debility.
b. strength.
c. seizure.
d. paralysis.
e. movement.


The prefix para- means:
a. with.
b. joined.
c. through.
d. near, beside; beyond.
e. thick.


The prefix syn- means:
a. false.
b. near, beside; beyond.
c. single.
d. multiple.
e. union, together; joined.


The prefix uni- means:
a. unit.
b. single.
c. one.
d. part.
e. piece.


An injury resulting from impact with an object is called:
a. torpor.
b. sciatica.
c. transient ischemic attack.
d. syncope.
e. concussion.


Chronic, recurring seizures are called:
a. tonic spasms.
b. epilepsies.
c. stroke.
d. apoplexy.
e. clonic spasms.


Which mental disorder is characterized by extreme withdrawal and abnormal absorption in fantasy?
a. Agnosia
b. Aura
c. Autism
d. Alzheimer disease
e. Seizure


Which life-threatening emergency involves the whole cortex?
a. Clonic spasm
b. Tonic spasm
c. Status epilepticus
d. Partial seizure
e. General seizure


Which acute infectious disease in adults is caused by the same organism responsible for chicken pox in children?
a. Huntington chorea
b. Guillain-Barré syndrome
c. Cerebral palsy
d. Reye syndrome
e. Herpes zoster


The term pachymeningitis refers to inflammation of the:
a. dura mater only.
b. pia mater only.
c. arachnoid only.
d. arachnoid and pia mater.
e. dura mater and pia mater.


An abnormal activity or a lack of response to normal stimuli is called:
a. paralysis.
b. asthenia.
c. lethargy.
d. transient ischemic attack.
e. anesthesia.


Brain lesions associated with Alzheimer disease are called:
a. buboes.
b. neurostats.
c. scales.
d. sheaths.
e. plaques.


Another term for stroke is:
a. cerebral palsy.
b. paraplegia.
c. closed head trauma.
d. cerebrovascular accident.
e. parkinsonism.


The term syncope means:
a. seizure.
b. pain.
c. depression.
d. bipolarism.
e. fainting.


Which cognitive deficit includes memory impairment?
a. Psychosis
b. Plaque
c. Neurosis
d. Manic depression
e. Dementia


Inflammation of a nerve root associated with the spinal column is called:
a. cerebritis.
b. radiculopathy.
c. dyskinesia.
d. neuralgia.
e. paraplegia.


The results of a stroke would most likely affect:
a. both hands.
b. both legs.
c. either the left or right side of the body.
d. both arms.
e. both arms and legs.


Which disorder is associated with demyelination?
a. Multiple sclerosis
b. Parkinson disease
c. Epilepsy
d. Guillain-Barré syndrome
e. Huntington chorea


Pain in one part of the body resulting from injury in another part is called:
a. paralysis.
b. synalgia.
c. heteralgia.
d. analgesia.
e. epilepsies.


Poor muscle coordination, especially with voluntary movements, is called:
a. anaplegia.
b. hemiplegia.
c. ataxia.
d. dystonia.
e. dysesthesia.


A sudden, uncontrollable urge to sleep at an inappropriate time is called:
a. somnambulism.
b. somnolence.
c. narcolepsy.
d. narcohypnosis.
e. narcotic.


A difficulty with reading or an inability to read is called:
a. dementia.
b. dyskinesia.
c. dysgraphia.
d. dyslexia.
e. dysesthesia.


Pain radiating down the leg due to nerve compression is called:
a. sciatica.
b. claudication.
c. partial paralysis.
d. neuroma.
e. neurolemma.


Which sensory phenomenon acts as a warning signal of an imminent seizure?
a. Clonic seizure
b. Ataxia
c. Tonic seizure
d. Grand mal
e. Aura


Which mental disorder is characterized by unusual shifts in mood, emotion, energy, and the ability to function?
a. Mania
b. Neurosis
c. Panic attack
d. Bipolar disorder
e. Anxiety


Swelling of the optic disc due to increased intracranial pressure is called:
a. papilledema.
b. papilloma.
c. macular degeneration.
d. optic neuroma.
e. retinopathy.


A sudden and violent contraction of one or more voluntary muscles is called a(n):
a. coma.
b. concussion.
c. epilepsy.
d. convulsion.
e. spasm.


An inherited disease of the CNS with involuntary movements, speech disturbances, and mental deterioration is called:
a. Reye syndrome.
b. Guillain-Barré syndrome.
c. spina bifida.
d. palsy.
e. Huntington chorea.


The most severe form of spina bifida, in which the spinal cord and meninges protrude through the spine, is called:
a. meningocele.
b. myelomeningocele.
c. occulta.
d. myeloma.
e. myelostenosis.


Which imaging technique produces colors to indicate the degree of metabolism or blood flow in the brain?
a. Positron emission tomography
b. Stereotaxy
c. Computerized tomography
d. Encephalography
e. Pneumoencephalography


A circular opening cut into the skull to reveal brain tissue and decrease intracranial pressure is called a:
a. tractotomy.
b. thalamotomy.
c. cryosurgery.
d. trephination.
e. stereotaxy.


Which medical procedure records electrical activity of the brain?
a. Electromyography
b. Electroencephalography
c. Electrostimulation
d. Electrodissection
e. Electroresection


Which test measures the speed at which impulses travel through a nerve?
a. Neurography
b. Neurometry
c. Electromyometry
d. Nerve conduction velocity
e. Electroneurography


Which technique destroys tissue using extreme cold?
a. Cryogenics
b. Cryoextraction
c. Cryosurgery
d. Cryophilic
e. Cryectomy


A surgical treatment for intractable pain, involuntary movements, tremors, or emotional disturbances is called:
a. tractotomy.
b. thalamotomy.
c. trephination.
d. encephalotomy.
e. radiculotomy.


Which diagnostic procedure produces high-resolution, three-dimensional vascular images of blood vessels?
a. Angiography
b. Computed tomography angiography
c. Vascular scan
d. Doppler scan
e. Positron emission tomography


Which diagnostic procedure is used to pinpoint the specific location where seizures originate?
a. Cerebral angiography
b. Computed tomography angiography
c. Vascular scan
d. Magnetic source imaging
e. Positron emission tomography


Which imaging procedure uses radiopharmaceuticals to diagnose such disorders as schizophrenia, brain tumors, and epilepsy?
a. Myelography
b. Magnetic source imaging
c. Echoencephalography
d. Computed tomography angiography
e. Positron emission tomography


Which surgical treatment relieves pressure on a nerve root?
a. Radiculotomy
b. Myelotomy
c. Revision
d. Decompression
e. Spinal alignment


Which procedure involves needle puncture of the spinal cavity to extract spinal fluid for diagnostic purposes?
a. Meningotomy
b. Meningocentesis
c. Cervicotomy
d. Venipuncture
e. Lumbar puncture


An incision of the cranium to gain access to the brain during neurosurgical procedures is called a:
a. craniotomy.
b. craniectomy.
c. craniocentesis.
d. cranioplasty.
e. craniography.


Which procedure involves destruction of nervous tissue?
a. Neurodynia
b. Neuralgia
c. Neurotomy
d. Neurolysis
e. Neuresthenia


Removal of a ganglion is called:
a. gangliectomy.
b. gliectomy.
c. glionectomy.
d. gangliotomy.
e. ganglionostomy.


Which procedure involves measurement of the dimensions of the brain?
a. Encephaloplasty
b. Encephalotomy
c. Encephalometer
d. Encephalometry
e. Encephalocele


Which procedure is a surgical repair of the skull?
a. Craniocele
b. Cranioplasty
c. Craniotomy
d. Craniometry
e. Craniomalacia


Destruction of a blood clot is called:
a. thrombolysis.
b. thrombectomy.
c. embolectomy.
d. embolysis.
e. thrombotomy.


Which diagnostic procedure locates and destroys lesions in deep-seated structures of the body?
a. Trephination
b. Positron emission tomography
c. Stereotaxic radiosurgery
d. Echoencephalography
e. Magnetic source imaging


Computed tomography scan of the lumbar region to detect problems with the spine and spinal roots is called:
a. lumbar puncture.
b. discography.
c. spinal tap.
d. echoencephalography.
e. magnetic source imaging.


What is the diagnostic test that examines a sample of fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord?
a. PET
b. Complete blood count
c. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis
d. Myelogram
e. Myelotomy


Which classification of drugs depresses central nervous system functions, promotes sedation and sleep, and relieves restlessness?
a. Hypnotics
b. Antipsychotics
c. Antidepressants
d. Psychostimulants
e. Anesthetics


Which classification of drugs treats multiple symptoms of depression by increasing levels of specific neurotransmitters?
a. Anesthetics
b. Antipsychotics
c. Hypnotics
d. Antidepressants
e. Psychostimulants


Which classification of drugs controls tremors and muscle rigidity by increasing dopamine in the brain?
a. Antipsychotics
b. Antiparkinsonian agents
c. Antidepressants
d. Psychostimulants
e. Anesthetics


Which classification of drugs acts upon the brain to produce a complete loss of feeling and consciousness?
a. Local anesthetics
b. Nerve blocks
c. General anesthetics
d. Hypnotics
e. Antipsychotics


Which classification of drugs includes general, local, and nerve blocks?
a. Antiseptics
b. Anesthetics
c. Psychostimulants
d. Hypnotics
e. Keralytics


Which abbreviation refers to stroke symptoms that resolve within 24 hours?
a. CP
b. CSF
c. TIA
d. LOC
e. AD


Which abbreviation refers to a state of unconsciousness?
a. CSF
b. LOC
c. TIA
d. CP
e. AD


Which abbreviation refers to a recording of electrical activity in the brain to help locate seizure activity?
a. EMG
b. NCV
c. CTA
d. MRI
e. EEG


Which abbreviation refers to a type of paralysis that affects movement and body position and sometimes speech and learning ability?
a. CSF
b. AD
c. TIA
d. CP
e. MS


Which abbreviation refers to the fluid found in the ventricles and within the meninges of the brain and spinal cord?
a. CP
b. CSF
c. TIA
d. LOC
e. AD


Paresis is partial or incomplete paralysis.


Most intracranial tumors originate directly in brain tissue.


Another term for fainting is syncope.


Intracranial pressure commonly causes papilledema.


Demyelination throughout the spinal cord and brain is characteristic of MS.


Nodding of the head, slowness of movement, tremors, stiffness of large joints, and shuffling gait are associated with brain tumors.


Alzheimer disease has been identified as a leading cause of senile dementia.


Spontaneous recovery from Bell palsy can be expected in about 3 to 6 weeks.


Multiple sclerosis is most commonly associated with the elderly, especially those older than 70 years.


Cutting of a circular opening in the skull is a trephination.


Ventriculoperitoneal shunting relieves intracranial pressure due to hydrocephalus.


Tractotomies are performed in the cerebrum.


Lumbar puncture is also called spinal puncture or spinal tap.


Stereotaxic radiosurgery is performed though an incision of the skull.


Nerve conduction velocity is the definitive test for epilepsies.


Levodopa is used in the treatment of Parkinson disease.


A local anesthetic induces loss of consciousness.


Nerve blocks are used for procedures on the arms, legs, hands, feet, and face.


Stroke is also known as CVA.


Brain plaques are associated with AD.


Match the combining forms with their meanings.
a. cerebr/o
b. crani/o
c. encephal/o
d. gangli/o
e. gli/o
f. kinesi/o
g. lept/o
h. lex/o
i. mening/o
j. myel/o
k. narc/o
l. neur/o
m. radicul/o
n. sthen/o
o. thalam/o
p. thec/o
q. ton/o
r. ventricul/o
Meninges –


Match the combining forms with their meanings.
a. cerebr/o
b. crani/o
c. encephal/o
d. gangli/o
e. gli/o
f. kinesi/o
g. lept/o
h. lex/o
i. mening/o
j. myel/o
k. narc/o
l. neur/o
m. radicul/o
n. sthen/o
o. thalam/o
p. thec/o
q. ton/o
r. ventricul/o
Stupor, numbness, sleep –


Match the combining forms with their meanings.
a. cerebr/o
b. crani/o
c. encephal/o
d. gangli/o
e. gli/o
f. kinesi/o
g. lept/o
h. lex/o
i. mening/o
j. myel/o
k. narc/o
l. neur/o
m. radicul/o
n. sthen/o
o. thalam/o
p. thec/o
q. ton/o
r. ventricul/o
Cerebrum –


Match the combining forms with their meanings.
a. cerebr/o
b. crani/o
c. encephal/o
d. gangli/o
e. gli/o
f. kinesi/o
g. lept/o
h. lex/o
i. mening/o
j. myel/o
k. narc/o
l. neur/o
m. radicul/o
n. sthen/o
o. thalam/o
p. thec/o
q. ton/o
r. ventricul/o
Tension –


Match the combining forms with their meanings.
a. cerebr/o
b. crani/o
c. encephal/o
d. gangli/o
e. gli/o
f. kinesi/o
g. lept/o
h. lex/o
i. mening/o
j. myel/o
k. narc/o
l. neur/o
m. radicul/o
n. sthen/o
o. thalam/o
p. thec/o
q. ton/o
r. ventricul/o
Thalamus –


Match the combining forms with their meanings.
a. cerebr/o
b. crani/o
c. encephal/o
d. gangli/o
e. gli/o
f. kinesi/o
g. lept/o
h. lex/o
i. mening/o
j. myel/o
k. narc/o
l. neur/o
m. radicul/o
n. sthen/o
o. thalam/o
p. thec/o
q. ton/o
r. ventricul/o
Strength –


Match the combining forms with their meanings.
a. cerebr/o
b. crani/o
c. encephal/o
d. gangli/o
e. gli/o
f. kinesi/o
g. lept/o
h. lex/o
i. mening/o
j. myel/o
k. narc/o
l. neur/o
m. radicul/o
n. sthen/o
o. thalam/o
p. thec/o
q. ton/o
r. ventricul/o
Bone marrow, spinal cord –


Match the combining forms with their meanings.
a. cerebr/o
b. crani/o
c. encephal/o
d. gangli/o
e. gli/o
f. kinesi/o
g. lept/o
h. lex/o
i. mening/o
j. myel/o
k. narc/o
l. neur/o
m. radicul/o
n. sthen/o
o. thalam/o
p. thec/o
q. ton/o
r. ventricul/o
Cranium –


Match the combining forms with their meanings.
a. cerebr/o
b. crani/o
c. encephal/o
d. gangli/o
e. gli/o
f. kinesi/o
g. lept/o
h. lex/o
i. mening/o
j. myel/o
k. narc/o
l. neur/o
m. radicul/o
n. sthen/o
o. thalam/o
p. thec/o
q. ton/o
r. ventricul/o
Brain –


Match the combining forms with their meanings.
a. cerebr/o
b. crani/o
c. encephal/o
d. gangli/o
e. gli/o
f. kinesi/o
g. lept/o
h. lex/o
i. mening/o
j. myel/o
k. narc/o
l. neur/o
m. radicul/o
n. sthen/o
o. thalam/o
p. thec/o
q. ton/o
r. ventricul/o
Movement –


Match the combining forms with their meanings.
a. cerebr/o
b. crani/o
c. encephal/o
d. gangli/o
e. gli/o
f. kinesi/o
g. lept/o
h. lex/o
i. mening/o
j. myel/o
k. narc/o
l. neur/o
m. radicul/o
n. sthen/o
o. thalam/o
p. thec/o
q. ton/o
r. ventricul/o
Thin, slender –


Match the combining forms with their meanings.
a. cerebr/o
b. crani/o
c. encephal/o
d. gangli/o
e. gli/o
f. kinesi/o
g. lept/o
h. lex/o
i. mening/o
j. myel/o
k. narc/o
l. neur/o
m. radicul/o
n. sthen/o
o. thalam/o
p. thec/o
q. ton/o
r. ventricul/o
Word, phrase –


Match the combining forms with their meanings.
a. cerebr/o
b. crani/o
c. encephal/o
d. gangli/o
e. gli/o
f. kinesi/o
g. lept/o
h. lex/o
i. mening/o
j. myel/o
k. narc/o
l. neur/o
m. radicul/o
n. sthen/o
o. thalam/o
p. thec/o
q. ton/o
r. ventricul/o
Ganglion –


Match the combining forms with their meanings.
a. cerebr/o
b. crani/o
c. encephal/o
d. gangli/o
e. gli/o
f. kinesi/o
g. lept/o
h. lex/o
i. mening/o
j. myel/o
k. narc/o
l. neur/o
m. radicul/o
n. sthen/o
o. thalam/o
p. thec/o
q. ton/o
r. ventricul/o
Nerve –


Match the combining forms with their meanings.
a. cerebr/o
b. crani/o
c. encephal/o
d. gangli/o
e. gli/o
f. kinesi/o
g. lept/o
h. lex/o
i. mening/o
j. myel/o
k. narc/o
l. neur/o
m. radicul/o
n. sthen/o
o. thalam/o
p. thec/o
q. ton/o
r. ventricul/o
Nerve root –


Match the combining forms with their meanings.
a. cerebr/o
b. crani/o
c. encephal/o
d. gangli/o
e. gli/o
f. kinesi/o
g. lept/o
h. lex/o
i. mening/o
j. myel/o
k. narc/o
l. neur/o
m. radicul/o
n. sthen/o
o. thalam/o
p. thec/o
q. ton/o
r. ventricul/o
Ventricle –


Match the combining forms with their meanings.
a. cerebr/o
b. crani/o
c. encephal/o
d. gangli/o
e. gli/o
f. kinesi/o
g. lept/o
h. lex/o
i. mening/o
j. myel/o
k. narc/o
l. neur/o
m. radicul/o
n. sthen/o
o. thalam/o
p. thec/o
q. ton/o
r. ventricul/o
Sheath –


Match the combining forms with their meanings.
a. cerebr/o
b. crani/o
c. encephal/o
d. gangli/o
e. gli/o
f. kinesi/o
g. lept/o
h. lex/o
i. mening/o
j. myel/o
k. narc/o
l. neur/o
m. radicul/o
n. sthen/o
o. thalam/o
p. thec/o
q. ton/o
r. ventricul/o
Glue, neuroglial tissue –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Transection of a nerve tract in the brainstem or spinal cord –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Any cognitive deficit, including memory impairment –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Use of extreme cold to destroy tissue –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Weakness in one-half of the body –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Eating disorder characterized by binging and purging –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Acute inflammatory eruption of vesicles, usually on trunk; also called shingles –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Inability to learn or process written language despite adequate intelligence, sensory ability, and exposure –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Sudden, violent contraction of one or more voluntary movement –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Brain injury due to trauma to the head –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Lack of muscle coordination in the execution of voluntary movement –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Weakness, debility, or loss of strength –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Swelling of the optic disc in back of eyeball –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Mental disorder in which there is severe loss of contact with reality as evidenced by delusions –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Mental disorder characterized by irrational fears –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Small lesions on the brain associated with Alzheimer disease –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Loss of white lipoid covering that act as an "electrical insulator" –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Protective mechanism that blocks specific substances from entering the brain from the blood –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Chronic or recurring seizure disorder –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Warning signal of an imminent seizure –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Abnormally deep unconsciousness with absence of voluntary response to stimuli –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the ventricles of the brain causing increased intracranial pressure –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Abnormal inactivity or lack of response to normal stimuli –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Failure of the fetal brain to develop –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Facial paralysis caused by a functional disorder of the seventh cranial nerve –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Sensation of numbness, prickling, tingling, or heightened sensitivity –


Match the medical terms with their definitions.
a. anencephaly
b. asthenia
c. ataxia
d. aura
e. Bell palsy
f. blood-brain barrier
g. bulimia
h. coma
i. concussion
j. convulsion
k. cryosurgery
l. dementia
m. demyelination
n. dyslexia
o. epilepsies
p. hemiparesis
q. herpes zoster
r. hydrocephalus
s. lethargy
t. papilledema
u. paresthesia
v. phobia
w. plaques
x. psychosis
y. syncope
z. tractotomy
Brief loss of consciousness, also called fainting –


Use ventricul/o to build a word that means inflammation of the ventricles:


Use mening/o to build a word that means hernia or swelling of the meninges:


Use meningi/o to build a word that means tumor of the meninges:


Use myel/o to build a word that means disease of the spinal cord:


Use narc/o to build a word that means seizure of sleep:


Use encephal/o to build a word that means inflammation of the brain:


Use -phasia to build a word that means bad, difficult speech:


Use -esthesia to build a word that means without feeling or not feeling:


Use quadri- to build a word that means paralysis of four (extremities):


Use uni- to build a word that means pertaining to the side or to one side:


Use -asthenia to build a word that means weakness or debility of a muscle:


Use -esthesia to build a word that means feeling that is excessive or above normal:


Use -kinesia to build a word that means movement that is bad, painful, or difficult:


Build a word that means inflammation of the nerve root:


Build a word that means instrument to measure the cranium (skull):


Build a word that means condition of slow movement:


Build a word that means inflammation of gray (matter) of the spinal cord:


Build a word that means excision of a nerve root:


Build a word that means pertaining to stupor; numbness; sleep:


Build a word that means record (x-ray) of the brain:


Build a word that means excision of a ganglion:


Build a word that means tumor of neuroglial tissue:


Build a medical word that means speech that is rapid:


Build a medical word that means softening of the cranium (skull):


Build a medical word that means separation; destruction; loosening of a nerve:


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