US History Unit 2

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What was Roger Williams’s problem with the Puritans in America?

He did not agree with punishing people for breaking the rules of the church.

What did Roger Williams do as a result of his argument with church leaders in Plymouth Colony?

He established a new colony in Rhode Island.

What happened after Roger Williams challenged the rules of the church in Plymouth Colony?

He was forced out of the colony.

Which of these was something that Puritans believed?

God had chosen certain people to go to heaven.

The Puritans believed that God had chosen certain people to go to heaven. What is this belief known as?


Why did the Puritans live good lives according to strong religious principles?

In order to show that they were chosen by God to return to his kingdom

Why was the economy of New England based on commerce?

Only a small part of the land was good for farming.

What is one reason New England was well suited for commerce?

Good coastal harbors

Which of these was an economic consequence of New England’s geography?

Settlers established a commercial and industrial economy.

Which of the following explains how the Pilgrims survived their first winter?

The Pilgrims stayed in an abandoned village whose original inhabitants had died of disease.

How did it happen that the Pilgrims spent their first winter in a Native American village?

The village was empty because its original inhabitants had died of disease.

What was one consequence of the widespread disease that killed many Native Americans?

The Pilgrims were able to stay in an abandoned village.

Corn, beans, and squash the three most important crops of the Wampanoag were also known as:

"the three sisters."

What was the name of the Native American who taught the Pilgrims about life in New England?Who was the member of the Wampanoag tribe who helped the Pilgrims grow key Wampanoag crops?


Why did the Pilgrims leave Europe?

They could not practice their religion and wanted to start a religious government

Why were colonists in New England angry at King James II and Governor Edmund Andros of New England?

They allowed the Church of England to exist in New England.

What did the Glorious Revolution allow the colonists of New England to do?

End the policies that allowed the Church of England to exist in New England

What was the center of life in New England?Due to their desire for a theocracy, what was at the center of New England life?

The local church

What was one advantage of colonists living close together in New England?

It helped improve commerce.

What became a public duty as a result of living close together in New England?

Attending town meetings.

How were colonists able to support local businesses and communicate easily in New England?

They lived close to each other

What made the middle colonies attractive to poor men?

There was plenty of good land available for farming.

Why did William Penn allow people to practice different religions in his colony of Pennsylvania?

He had been persecuted for his faith in England.

What was one factor that drew people to settle in Pennsylvania?

Religious tolerance

What was different about religious practices in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts?

Pennsylvania allowed different religions; Massachusetts did not.

What made Philadelphia a great area for factories and trade?

It was on a river. It had very rich soil.

Which colony took control of New Sweden in 1655?

New Netherland

The present-day cities of Albany and New York were first part of what colony?

New Netherland

Which country took over the Dutch New Netherland in the late 1600s?


How did the Dutch encourage people to settle in New Netherland?

They offered free land to anyone who could find 50 settlers.

What was the name of the Dutch system of giving land to those who could send 50 settlers to New Amsterdam?


Which are three states of the middle colonies ?

Delaware , New York , New Jersey

The middle colonies were next to which three great bays?

Hudson, Delaware, Chesapeake

What did Quakers like William Penn believe?Why were the Quakers considered radical in England?Why were Quakers persecuted in England?

They believed in nonviolence and equality.

Why was life different for women in Dutch colonies compared to English colonies?

Dutch women could own property after they married

Why was life different for women in English colonies compared to Dutch colonies?

English women could not own property after they married.

Why was William Penn given land in the middle colonies?

The king of England owed him money.

What was one difference between the middle colonies and New England?

The middle colonies had a more diverse population.

What was the key difference between the middle colonies and New England regarding religion?

The middle colonies allowed religious freedom.

Why did the Calverts want more Catholics to settle in Maryland?

They wanted to give Catholics a safe place to live.

Why did few Catholics move to Maryland, despite the Calverts’ support?

Because Cecil Calvert stayed in England, they stayed, too.

What happened to the Calverts’ dream of making Maryland home to wealthy Catholics?

More Protestants than Catholics settled there.

What caused the slave population in the Chesapeake colonies to grow?

Slaves formed families and had children.

Why did landowners in the Chesapeake colonies begin using chattel slavery?

They needed workers for their plantations.

Why were slaves in Virginia better off than those in the Caribbean?

There was enough land to grow food as well as cash crops.

What was a negative effect of growing tobacco?

It ruined the soil after just a few years.

Why did the Calverts’ manor system fail?

Plantation owners would rather buy slaves and grow tobacco.

What is one reason Cecil Calvert had difficulty controlling his colony?

More Protestants than Catholics settled there, and they didn’t like his ideas.

Which of these was a cash crop important to the Chesapeake colonies?What was the chief cash crop of the Chesapeake colonies?


Which of the following statements is true? Because plantation owners owned the most land and slaves:

they were at the top of Virginia society.

Why were plantation owners at the top of Virginia society?

They owned more land and more slaves.

The Virginia Company first sent a group of soldiers, rich gentlemen, and __________ to found a strong colony.

Skilled workers

Gentlemen were included in the first group of settlers sent by the Virginia Company in order to:

help with costs.

Goals of the Virginia Company in sending people to America were to make money and:

compete with Spain

Between large plantations in the Chesapeake region were:

small farms.

A typical large plantation in the Chesapeake region was home to a wealthy family and skilled workers, along with:

slaves and overseers

An issue for Chesapeake planters was that the effect of tobacco farming on soil led to

a need for more land

To keep relations friendly, rich Virginians allowed poor whites to:

use plantation barns.

A difference between tobacco plantations and cotton and sugar plantations was that tobacco plantations had:

a larger percentage of female slaves.

A difference between Calvert’s manor system plan in Maryland and use of indentured servants in Virginia was that in the manor system workers:

could not own land.

What was a goal of Cecil Calvert?

To attract rich landowners to his colony

Which of these is true about Cecil Calvert?

He created detailed rules for his colony.

What was true about the Chesapeake colonies of Virginia and Maryland?

Both grew quickly after difficult starts.

Which of these is true about slaves in the Virginia colonies?

Most of them had been born in America.

Which of these is true about the slave population in Chesapeake colonies?

They created a culture with both English and African traditions.

What group settled the Piedmont area of the Appalachians?

Scots-Irish farmers

What was the Great Wagon Road?

A land route to the Carolina Piedmont

Why were the Scots-Irish successful in the Carolina Piedmont?

They were used to hard labor

What was Oglethorpe’s plan for the colony of Georgia?

To give English debtors land to farm

Why did Oglethorpe’s plan for Georgia fail?

Georgia settlers went to Carolina to have larger farms.

What problem arose because Georgia did not allow slavery?

Slaves from other colonies ran away to Georgia.

Which statement about Barbados settlers in Carolina is true

They brought their slaves and ideas for plantations.

Which statement about enslaved Africans in Carolina is true?

They were good farmers who knew how to grow rice successfully.

Which statement about the Native Americans in Carolina is true?

The Yamasee and Tuscarora Indians left the area for new homes.

What was the goal of the wealthy planters in the South?

To have an aristocratic society like that in England

What did the colonies of the American South want to copy for their way of life?

The class system of England

Where did the Gullah come from?


Most of the new settlers in South Carolina were members of what group

Planters from Barbados and their slaves

Why did many planters from Barbados relocate to the Carolina colony?

Carolina offered more space for growing sugarcane

What is true about the Gullah who lived in areas of colonial South Carolina and Georgia

They kept more of their African culture than other African Americans

A cause of the unusual situation of the Gullah in Georgia and South Carolina was that:

white landowners stayed away from Gullah areas.

Study of the Gullah is most useful in learning about the connections between:

climate and culture.

Which best describes colonial shipping activity in the port of Charles Town?

Ships picked up rice and brought slaves.

The outcome of the English Restoration most affected the settlement of which area?


The settlement of the Carolinas was helped by:

the limited availability of land in Barbados.

Which of these aided the growing of rice in the southern colonies?

Africans were skilled in the use of gates and dikes.

A difference between the Carolinas and the middle colonies was that in the Carolinas:

people were strictly separated by social class.

Carolina planters tried to avoid social isolation by:

attending events in cities

Carolina rice plantations were dependent on slaves from:

West Africa.

As a result of short lifespans, which of these was most common among planters in southern colonies?


An effect of English settlement in the Carolinas was the migration of the:


Both the Yamasee and Tuscarora Native Americans:

fought for and then moved away from land in the Carolinas.

Which Great Awakening preacher warned people that God would punish them if they did not change their ways?

Jonathan Edwards

What was a goal of Enlightenment thinkers?

To make life better for humanity

Which of these ideas from the Great Awakening helped create an independent America?

Natural rights come from God.

Which of these was most inspired by the ideas of the Enlightenment?

The Declaration of Independence

What did the combination of the Great Awakening and the Enlightenment do?

Encouraged people to think for themselves and take personal responsibility

What was the main point of Enlightenment thinking?

Using reason and logic to explain how the world works

Who were the preachers of the Great Awakening trying to inspire?

Ordinary people

Leaders of the Great Awakening encouraged their followers to:The Great Awakening encouraged people to

form their own ideas about their relationship to God.

I printed books and newspapers that spread Enlightenment ideas in the colonies. I practiced those ideas in my research and invention of items that improved daily life. Who am I?

Benjamin Franklin

Which thinker was the first to develop a sun-centered model of the universe?

Nicolaus Copernicus

Which thinker proposed laws of motion that guided science for centuries?

Isaac Newton.

A key idea in the work of John Locke is the importance of:

consent of the governed.

An effect of the Great Awakening was:

religious revivals that drew thousands of people.

Great Awakening preachers like Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield challenged Puritan beliefs by emphasizing:

feelings over behavior.

What is salutary neglect?

The British policy of leaving the American colonies alone

What was one cause of Pontiac’s Rebellion?

British success in the French and Indian War.

Why did Native Americans join Pontiac’s Rebellion?

They were fighting to keep their land. Correct!

Why did Britain raise taxes in the American colonies?

To help pay the expenses of the French and Indian War

How did Britain plan to pay for the huge expenses of the French and Indian War?

Increasing taxes that American colonists had to pay

What was the purpose of the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act?

To pay Britain’s huge war debt

How did Paul Revere use the Boston Massacre?

As a way to make the colonists angry with the British

Which act passed required the colonists to pay a tax on imports, which could only come from Britain?

Townshend Act

Which act required colonial assemblies to house and pay British soldiers?

Quartering Act

Which act passed by the British government stated that the colonists had to pay a tax on all printed materials

Stamp Act

A difference between government in Britain and government in colonial America was that the colonies:

were not represented in the British Parliament

How did British success in the French and Indian War affect Native Americans?

Colonists set up farms in Native American areas where few Europeans had lived before

The proclamation line issued by King George III:

increased the number of British troops in the colonies.

The actions of Native Americans in Pontiac’s Rebellion suggested that further colonial expansion would result in:

large and bloody conflicts.

Which of these facts supported the British argument that colonists should pay higher taxes?

Many colonists had become wealthy at a time when Britain did not have much wealth.

Paul Revere and Samuel Adams were successful in portraying violence in Boston as:

an attack by soldiers on peaceful colonists

Which best describes the attitude of the British toward American colonists?

Colonists were a people separate from Britain

After the French and Indian War, Native Americans west of the Appalachian Mountains:

wanted the French to return and protect them.

In court, I defended British soldiers who were in the Boston Massacre. Who am I?

John Adams

I am an African American worker who was the first person killed in the Boston Massacre. Who am I?

Crispus Attucks

What were the Sons of Liberty?

Secret societies of colonists formed to protest British policies

What did the Committees of Correspondence do?

Communicated with other colonies B. Contacted foreign governments C. Planned for actions the colonies took together *D. All of these

What did the provincial congresses do?

Appointed Committees of Safety to help run government operations B. Governed after colonial assemblies were disbanded by British law C. Moved from town to town to remain secret *D. All of these

What was a major consequence of the Boston Tea Party?

Parliament passed the Coercive Acts to punish Massachusetts.

What was the purpose of the Coercive Acts?

To punish Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party

Who helped explain the reasons for independence by writing Common Sense?

Thomas Paine

Which document, written mostly by Thomas Jefferson, explained the reasons why the colonies were breaking away from Britain?

The Declaration of Independence

Thomas Paine helped explain the reasons for independence by writing:

Common Sense.

Minutemen fought British Regulars for the first time at:

Lexington and Concord.

Colonel Benedict Arnold captured a supply of weapons for the colonies at:

Fort Ticonderoga.

The British Army forced the Americans to retreat, but sustained heavy losses at:

Bunker Hill

In colonial times, the word "patriots" referred to people who:

wanted freedom from Britain.

What laws closed Boston Harbor and then placed Massachusetts under military rule?

Coercive Acts

Which act created the first tax that did not go through the colonial assemblies?

Stamp Act

What was the role of the provincial congresses?

They replaced colonial assemblies.

The emotion and language of the Great Awakening most affected the success of:

Common Sense by Thomas Paine.

When the British declared martial law in Massachusetts:

rights of citizens were taken away.

The Committee of Correspondence:

spoke with foreign governments.

The First Continental Congress:

declared a boycott of British goods.

Where did the Gullah come from?


Where did the Gullah come from?

Why did the Calverts want more Catholics to settle in Maryland?

They wanted to give Catholics a safe place to live.Because Cecil Calvert stayed in England, they stayed, too.

What caused the slave population in the Chesapeake colonies to grow?

Slaves formed families and had children.

What was a negative effect of growing tobacco?

It ruined the soil after just a few years

What group settled the Piedmont area of the Appalachians?

Scots-Irish farmers

What was the Great Wagon Road?

A land route to the Carolina Piedmont

During the Revolutionary War, what was the definition of a Patriot?

A person who wanted to free the American colonies from British rule

During the Revolutionary War, what was the definition of a Loyalist?

A person who wanted the colonies to remain part of the British Empire

During the Revolutionary War, what was a neutral person?

A person who did not take sides and just wanted the war to end

List the following events in the correct order

1. Americans surround the British army at Boston. 2. The Declaration of Independence is adopted. 3. France recognizes America as an independent nation

List the following events in the correct order.

Americans obtain military supplies by taking Fort Ticonderoga. 2. The Declaration of Independence is adopted. 3. France recognizes America as an independent nation.

List the following events in the correct order.

The Declaration of Independence is adopted. 2. The Continental Army surprises British troops at Trenton on Christmas. 3. France recognizes America as an independent nation.

What was the significance of the American victory at the Battle of Saratoga?

France became an American ally.

What made the American victory at the Battle of Saratoga a turning point in the war?

France decided America could defeat Britain and provided military support.

After the Battle of Saratoga, France recognized the United States as a nation. How did this help the war effort?

France and other countries went to war against Great Britain

African Americans fought mostly for which side in the American Revolution?

They fought for both sides.

Which side did most Native Americans support in the American Revolution?

The British

Which side did African Americans fight for in the American Revolution?

They fought for both sides.

How did women aid the Revolutionary War effort?

By managing farms and businesses

Who ran the farms and businesses while colonial soldiers were fighting in the Revolutionary War?


What was the main role of women in the Revolutionary War?

Running businesses and homes

Which of these would most likely to be a Loyalist in the Revolutionary War?

A rich merchant

Which of these would most likely to be a Patriot in the Revolutionary War?

A poor farmer

Which best describes the actions of Quakers during the Revolutionary War?

They remained neutral

Women like Abigail Adams who helped the colonial cause believed that women deserved:

a voice in decisions

A common effect of the Revolutionary War was that:

families were divided in loyalty.

Delivering supplies, giving medical care to soldiers, and ___________ were common activities by Patriot women in the Revolutionary War.

serving as spies

At the start of the war, British forces were:

strongest in New York and Boston.

What happened right after the Battle of Concord?

Colonial militia chased the British to Boston.

I am the British general in charge of British forces in Boston. I realized that the city was lost and withdrew my troops to Nova Scotia. Who am I?

William Howe

What was a strength enjoyed by General George Washington at the start of the war?

Large numbers of troops

A challenge faced by General George Washington at the start of the war was that:

his troops lacked weapons.

A result of the Battle of Trenton was that

Americans were encouraged to continue the war.

Why did France support the colonists?

It wished to reduce British power.

Which supports the idea that France was first unsure about who would win the war?

It first kept its help a secret.

An issue faced by King Louis XVI in the war was that:

he was helping another country get rid of its King

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