us history 21 & 22

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which group experienced an early depression in the 1920’s


during the 1920 the united states economy moved through which pahse of the business cycle


in 1929 the stock market carshed because

investors lost confidence in the market and rushed to sell their shares

what even occured on black tuesday

investors sold more than 16 million shares of stock

european countries reacted to the Hawley-Smoot Tariff by

passing high protective tariffs

president hoover urged congress to institue the RFC because he believed that the economy suffered from

a lack of credit

why were banks of one of the first institutions to feel the effects of the stock market crash

people began to lose confidence in the economy and frightened depositors beagan to remove their money from banks

what was the destination of most Dust Bowl migrants

cities to find work

both african americans and mexican americans had an espciaally difficult time during the great depression because

faced discrimination when competing with white americans for limited number of jobs

why did the bonus army march on washington dc

president hoover veoted a bill providing for early payment of bonuses

WWI veterns who marched to demand payment of money promised by congress

Bonus army

risky stock purchases made by investors with the hope of high returns


president when the stock market crashed

herbert hoover

agriculture workers who work on land owned by someone else

tenant farmers

the theory that money invested in banks and businesses will work its way through the system to laborers

trickle down economies

the occasion of the stock market crash

black tuesday

what did roosevelt and congress pass the day after FDR’s inaugration

emergency banking bill

roosevelt created the securities exchange commission to

regulate the stock market

what were the goals of the new deal

provide relief recovery and reform

the agriculture adjustment act helped farmers because

sought to end overproduction and raise crop prices

what did president roosevelt introduce to help retirees

social security act

the rural electrification adminstration provided electricuty to


the right to collective bargaining was part of the

wagner act

member of this participated in a sit-down strike until general motors agreed to recognize them


what caused republicans to gain power in congress in 1938

the economy took a downturn and wiped out much of FDR’s progress

which opponet of the new deal believed that the program did not do enough to help poor americans and what program did he propose

senator huey long proposed a high tax program on the wealthy and large corporations and the redistrubution of their incoe to give to poor americans

what was the chief complaint of conservatives against the new deal

made the government too powerful

FDR set aside 12 million acres of land for

national parks

how many terms did roosevelt serve as president


who was the first female cabinet member

frances perkins

how did the indian new deal reverse the conditions that resulted from the dawes act

john coollier heelped get laws passed that restored tribal control over american indian land

one way that americans escpaed their concerns during the 1930s was to

go to movie theaters

the radio drama was so realtistic that some people thought aliens were invading earth

war of the worlds

the federal art project set a precednt for

federal funding of the arts and artistics

the new deal coalition was a strong politcal force that

gave democrats a majority in both houses of congress for many years

lousiana senator who opposed the new deal

huey long

putting money in consumers’ hands to stimulate the economy

pump priming

member of the black cabinet

mary mcleod bethune

formed when the government assumes responsiblity for providing for citizens needs

welfare state

protest used against general motors

sit-down strike

name for fdr’s attempt to change the supreme court

court packing

new deal program that funded large murals

federal act project

new deal program created to build and improve highways

works progress administration

writer of the grapes of wrath

john steinbeck

allowed union members to negotiate about hours and wages

collective bargaining

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