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Why are preschool age children-age children at a higher risk for foodborne illnesses?

They have not built up strong immune systems

Which is a TCS food?
a. Bread
b. Flour
c. Sprouts
d. Strawberries


The 5 common mistakes that can lead to food borne illness are failing to cook food adequately, holding food at incorrect temperatures, using contaminated equipment, practicing poor personal hygiene, and…
a. Reheating leftover food
b. Serving ready to eat food
c. Using single-use, disposable gloves
d. Purchasing food from unsafe sources

Purchasing food from unsafe sources

What is an important measure for preventing food borne illness?
a. Serving local grown food
b. Using new equipment
c. Measuring pathogens
d. Controlling time and temperature

Controlling time and temperature

Raw chicken breasts are left out at room temperature on a prep table. What is the risk that could cause a foodborne illness?

Time temperature abuse

A server cleans a dining table with a wiping cloth and then puts the cloth in an apron pocket. What is the risk that could cause a foodborne illness?
a. Cross-contamination
b. Poor cleaning and sanitizing
c. Poor personal hygiene
d. Time temperature abuse

Poor cleaning and sanitizing

Ready to eat food means

Food that can be eaten without further preparation, washing, or cooking. Includes cooked food, washed fruit and veggies(whole and cut), deli meat, bakery items and sugar, spices, and seasonings

TCS food is

Food requiring time and temperature control for safety.

Foods most likely to become unsafe are

-Milk/dairy products -meat: beef, pork, and lamb -fish -baked potatoes -tofu or other soy protein, synthetic Ingredients (textured soy protein in meat alternatives -sliced melons, cut tomatoes, cut leafy greens -shell eggs -poultry -shellfish and crustaceans -heat treated plant food (cooked rice, beans, and veggies) -sprouts and sprouts seeds -untreated garlic and oil mixtures

What are the most common symptoms of a foodborne illness?

Diarrhea, vomiting, fever, nausea, abdominal, cramps, and jaundice.

What is the most important way to prevent a foodborne illness from bacteria?
a. Control time and temperature
b. Prevent cross contamination
c. Practice good personal hygiene
d. Practice good cleaning and sanitizing

Control time and temperature

Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) is commonly linked with what type of food?
a. Potato salad
b. Thick stews
c. Dairy products
d. Raw ground beef

Raw ground beef

What is the most important way to prevent a foodborne illness from viruses?
a. Control time and temperature
b. Prevent cross contamination
c. Practice good personal hygiene
d. Practice good cleaning and sanitizing

Practice good personal hygiene

A guest called a restaurant and told the manager about getting sick after eating there. The guest complained of vomiting and diarrhea a few hours after eating the raw oysters. What pathogen probably caused illness?
a. Norovirus
b. Shigella spp.
c. Salmonella typhi
d. Shiga toxin-producing E. coli


Parasites are commonly linked with what type of food?
a. Rice
b. Poultry
c. Seafood
d. Canned food


A guest had a reversal of hot and cold sensations after eating seafood. What most likely caused the illness?
a. Toxin
b. Virus
c. Bacteria
d. Parasite


A food handler stored a sanitizer spray bottle on the shelf above the prep table that had just been sanitized. Throughout the day, the food handler used the sanitizer on the prep table, storing it in the same spot. What should the food handler have done differently?

Stored the sanitizer away from the prep area

To prevent the deliberate contamination of food, a manager should know who is in the facility, monitor the security of products, keep information related to food security on file and know…
a. When to register with the EPA
b. How to fill out an incident report
c. Where to find MSDS in the operation
d. Who to contact about suspicious activity

Who to contact about suspicious activity

What should food handlers do to prevent food allergens from transferred to food?
a. Clean and sanitized utensils after use
b. Buy from approved, reputable suppliers
c. Store cold food at 41F (5C) or lower
d. Label chemical containers correctly

Clean and sanitized utensils after use

Big Eight

-Milk -Eggs -fish (bass, flounder, cod) -wheat -soy -peanuts -crustaceans shellfish (crab, lobster, shrimp) -tree nuts (walnuts, pecans)

Food allergen is

A protein in a food or ingredient that some people are sensitive too. These proteins occur naturally and when enough of an allergen is eaten, the immune system mistakenly considered it harmful and attacks the food protein

Symptoms of allergies

-nausea -wheezing or shortness of breath -hives or itchy rashes -swirling of various parts of the body (face, eyes, hands or feet) -vomiting and/or diarrhea -abdominal pain -anaphylaxis (lead to death)

After which activity must food handlers wash their hands?
a. Putting on gloves
b. Serving customers
c. Applying hand antiseptic
d. Clearing tables

Clearing tables

What should food handlers do after prepping food before using the restroom?
a. Wash their hands
b. Take off their hats
c. Change their gloves
d. Take off their aprons

Take off their aprons

Which piece of jewelry can be work on a food handlers hand or arm?
a. Watch
b. Diamond ring
c. Plain ban ring
d. Medical bracelet

Plain band ring

When should hand antiseptic be used?
a. After washing hands
b. Before washing hands
c. When soap is unavailable
d. When gloves are not being used?

After washing hands

A food handler will be wearing single use gloves to chop lettuce for an hour. When must the food handlers hands be washed?
a. After putting o gloves
b. Before staring the task
c. Half way through the task
d. Each time gloves are changed

Before starting the task

A cook wore single use gloves while forming raw ground beef patties. The cook continued to wear them while slicing hamburger buns. What mistake was made?
a. The cook did not wear reusable gloves while handling the raw ground beef and hamburger buns
b. The cook did not clean and sanitize the gloves before handling the hamburger buns
c. The cook did not wash hands before putting on the same gloves to slice hamburger buns
d. The cook did not was hands and out on new gloves before slicing the new hamburger buns

He did not wash hands and put on new gloves before slicing the hamburger buns

A food handler has diarrhea and has been diagnosed with an illness from Shigella spp. What should the manager tell this food handler to do?

Stay home until approved to return to work

A food handler prepares and delivers meals to elderly individuals receiving cancer care service at home. What symptoms require this food handler to stay home?
a. Thirst with itching
b. Soreness with fatigue
c. Sore throats with fever
d. Headache with soreness

Sore throats with fever

When is it acceptable to eat in an operation?
a. When prepping food
b. When washing dishes
c. When sitting in a break room
d. When handling utensils

Whit sitting in a break room

What should a manager of a hospital cafeteria do if a cook calls in with a headache, nausea, and diarrhea?
a. to stay away from work and see a doctor
b. To come in for a couple hours and then go home
c. To rest for a couple hours and then come to work
d. To go to the doctor and then immediately come to work

To stay away from work and see a doctor

A food handler has finished trimming raw chicken on a cutting costs and needs the board to prep vegetables. What must be dont to the cutting board?
a. Dried with a paper towel
b. Turned over to the other side
c. Washed, rinsed, and sanitized
d. Rinsed in hot water and air dried

Washed, rinsed, and sanitized

How far must a bimetallic stemmed thermometer be inserted into food to give an accurate reading?

Up to the dimple in the thermometer stem

Which probe should be used to check the temperature of a large stock pot of chili?
a. Air probe
b. Immersion probe
c. Penetration probe
d. Surface probe

Immersion probe

At what temperature do most food borne pathogen’s grow most quickly?

Between 70 and 125F

Which type of thermometer can
read temperatures without touching the items in service?
a. Air probe
b. Immersion probe
c. Infrared
d. TTI


A thermometer used to measure the temperature of food must be accurate to what temperature?

+/- 2F or +/- 1C

What device can be used to record time temperature abuse during the delivery of food?
a. Bimetallic stemmed thermometer
b. Thermistor
c. Thermocouple
d. Time-temperature indicator

Time temperature indicator

What is the most important factor in choosing a food supplier?
a. It has a HACCP program or other food safety system
b. It has documented manufacturing and packing practices
c. It’s warehouse is close to the operation, reducing shipping time.
d. It has been inspected and complies with local, state, and federal laws

It has been inspected and compliance with local, state, and federal laws

What is the best method of checking the temperature of a delivery of fresh fish?
a. Feel the fish, making sure that it is cold to the touch
b. Insert a thermometer probe into the thickest part of the fish.
c. Place a time temperature indicator on the surface of the fish
d. Use an infrared thermometer to check the Fish’s temperature

Insert A thermometer probe into the thickest part of the Fish

What is the correct temperature for receiving cold TCS food?

41F of lower

Milk can be received at 45°F under what condition?
a. It is thrown out after 2 days
b. It is cooled to 41°F or lower in four hours
c. It is immediately cooled to 41°F or lower
d. It is served or used an operation within two hours

It is cooled to 41°F or lower in four hours

Frozen shrimp is rejected during receiving for having large ice crystals on the food packaging. What is the problem that caused this?
a. Cross contact
b. Cross contamination
c. Time temperature abuse
d. Incorrect cleaning and sanitizing

Time temperature abuse

What is required when receiving fish that will be served raw or partially cooked?
a. It must be alive when received.
b. It was a thawed in the microwave.
c. It must be used within 24 hours of receiving.
d. It must be correctly frozen before you receive it.

It must be correctly frozen before you receive it

What must be included on the label of TCS food that was prepped and house? a.Date that the food was received.
b. Name on each TCS ingredients included. c. Date that the food it should be thrown out.
d. List of all potential ingredients in the food.

Date that the food should be thrown out

How long can TCS food that was propped in house we stored?
a. 3 days.
b. 5 days.
c. 7 days.
d. 9 days

7 days

When storing food using the FIFO method, where should the food with the earliest use by dates the store? a. Below food later use by dates.
b. Behind food with later use by dates.
c. In front of food with later use by dates.
d. Alongside food later use by dates.

In front of food with later use by dates.

What is the problem with storing raw ground beef above prepped salads?
a. Cross contamination.
b. Poor personal hygiene.
c. Time temperature abuse.
d. Cross contact with allergens

Cross contamination

In top to bottom order, how should a fresh pork roast, fresh salmon, a container of lettuce, and a pan of fresh chicken breast be stored in a cooler?

Lettuce, fresh salmon, fresh pork, fresh chicken breast

How many inches from the floor should food be stored?

At least 6 inches

What is the maximum water temperature allowed when thawing food under running water?


What must food handlers do to food immediately after thawing it in the microwave oven?
a. Hold it.
b. Cook it.
c. Call it.
d. Freeze it.

Cook it

What can occur if prep tables are not clean and sanitized between uses?
a. Off flavors in food. b. Cross-contamination.
c. Toxic metal poisoning.
d. Time temperature abuse.

Cross contamination

A foodhandler thaws several frozen turkeys on a prep table. What is the danger that this poses to the food?
a. Off flavors in food b. cross-contamination
c. Toxic-metal poisoning
d. Time temperature abuse

Time temperature abuse

A foodhandler pulled a hotel pan of tuna salad from the cooler and used it to prepare six tuna salad sandwiches. What is the problem with the situation?
a. Cross-contamination
b. personal hygiene
c. time temperature abuse
d. Poor cleaning and sanitizing

Time temperature abuse

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for stuffed porkchops?

165°F for 15 seconds

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for eggs, meat, poultry, and seafood cooked in a microwave oven?


What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for eggs that will be hot held for service?

155°F for 15 seconds

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for ground beef?

155° for 15 seconds

Which food should not be offered on children’s menu; a rare hamburger, fried chicken tenders, grilled cheese sandwich, or spaghetti with meat sauce?

Rare hamburger

A foodhandler can cool a stock pot of clam chowder by placing it into a
a. cooler.
b. Freezer.
c. Sink of ice water.
d. Cold holding unit

Sink of ice water

What temperature must TCS food be reheated to if it will be hot held?

165°F for 15 seconds

A foodhandler is reheating commercially processed cheese sticks, which will be hot held on a buffet. What temperature must the cheese sticks be reheated to?


When partially cooking food for later service, what is the maximum amount of time that the food can be heated during the initial cooking step?

60 minutes

Which part of the plate should A foodhandler avoid touching when serving customers?
a. Bottom.
b. Edge.
c. Side.
d. Top.


An operation has a small salad bar with eight different items on it. How many serving utensils are needed to serve the items on the salad bar?


At what maximum internal temperature should cold TCS food be held?


What item must customers take each time they return to a self service area for more food?
a. Clean plate.
b. Extra napkins.
c. Hand sanitizer.
d. New serving spoon.

Clean plate

At what minimum temperature should hot TCS food be held?


And operation is located in a jurisdiction that allows it to hold TCS food without temperature control. How many hours can a display hot TCS food without temperature control before the food must be sold, served, or thrown out?


Which food items can be displayed in a self service area without the use of packaging, sneeze guards, or a display case to protect them from contamination?
a. Bulk deli rolls.
b. Nuts in the shell.
c. Sushi grade fish.
d. Cooked shrimp.

Nuts in the shell

What is the maximum distance that sneeze guards can be located from the self service counter to protect food from contamination?

14 inches

The temperature of a roast is checked to see if it has met it’s critical limit of 145°F four minutes. This is an example of which HACCP principal?


The temperature of a pot of beef stew is checked during holding. The stew has not met the critical limit and is thrown out according to house policy. Throwing out the stew is an example of which HACCP principal?

Corrective action

The deli serves cold sandwiches and a self-service display. Which step in the flow of food would be critical control point?


What is the first step in developing a HACCP plan?

Conduct a hazard analysis

What is the purpose of a food safety management system? a. Keep all areas of the facility clean and pest free.
b. Identify, tag, and repair faulty equipment within the facility.
c. Identify and control possible hazards throughout the flow of food.
d. Document and use the correct methods for purchasing and receiving food.

Identify and control possible hazards throughout the flow of food

Reviewing temperature logs and other records to make sure that the HACCP plan is working as intended is an example of which HACCP principal?


A Chef sanitized a thermometer probe and then checked the temperature of minestrone soup being held in a hot holding unit. The temperature was 120°F, which did not meet the operations critical limit of 135°F. The chef recorded the temperature in the log and reheated the soup to 165°F for 15 seconds. Which was the corrective action? a. Reheating the soup. b. Checking the critical limit.
c. Sanitizing the thermometer probe. d. Recording the temperature in the log.

Reheating the soup

What are the most important food safety features to look for when select new flooring, wall, and ceiling materials?
a. Absorbent and durable.
b. Hard and durable. c. Porous and durable. d. Smooth and durable.

Smooth and durable

What does an operation that wants to smoke food as a method of preservation need to have before processing food this way?

Variance from the local regulatory authority

What organization creates national standards for food service equipment?


When installing table top equipment on legs, the space between the base of the equipment and the tabletop must be at least

4 inches

Besides information on chemical concentration and water temperature, what other machine setting information should be posted on dishwashing machines?
a. Water pH.
b. Water salinity.
c. Water pressure.
d. Water hardness.

Water pressure

Signage posted at handwashing station must include a reminder to staff to

Wash hands before returning to work

What is the only completely reliable method for preventing back flow? a. Air gap.
b. Ball valve.
c. Cross-connection. d. Vacuum breaker

Air gap

A foodhandler drops the end of a hose into a mop bucket and turns the water on to fill it. What has the food handler done wrong?
a. Created a cross connection.
b. Created an air gap separation.
c. Prevented backflow.
d. Prevent an atmospheric vacuuming.

Created a cross-connection

Which area of the operation is usually required to be brightest


And operation has a build up of Grease and condensation on the walls and ceiling. What is the most likely problem?
a. The ventilation system is not working correctly.
b. The cleaning chemicals are not being used correctly. c. The staff are not cleaning the walls correctly.
d. The grill is not being operated at a high enough temperature.

The ventilation system is not working correctly

And operation received a violation in the outside area of the facility. The manager reviewed the area and saw that the dumpster was placed on a freshly graveled drive. The lids were closed, the drain plug was in place to prevent the dumpster from draining. What was the problem?
a. The dumpster lids should have been open to allow it to air out.
b. The drain plug should have been removed to allow the dumpster to drain correctly.
c. The surface underneath the dumpster should have been paved with concrete or asphalt d. The dumpster should have been freshly painted so that food to Bree would not stick to services.

The surface underneath the dumpster should have been paved with concrete or asphalt

A broken water main has caused the water in an operation to appear brown. What should the manager do?
a. Boil the water for one minute before use
b. contact the local regulatory authority before use.
c. Use the water for everything except dishwashing.
d. Use the water for everything except handwashing.

Contact the local regulatory authority before use

What is the best way to eliminate past that have entered the operation?
a. Raise the heat in the operation after hours. b. Lower the heat in the operation after hours.
c. Work with a licensed pest control operator.
d. Apply over the counter pesticides around the operation.

Work with a licensed pest control operator

What is required for measuring the sanitizing Rinse temperature in a high temperature dishwashing machine?

Maximum registering thermometer

What is sanitizing?

Reducing pathogens to safe levels

If food contact surfaces are in constant use, how often must they be cleaned and sanitized?

Every four hours

What must food handlers do to make sure sanitizing solution for use on food contact services has been made correctly?
a. Test the solution with the sanitizer kit.
b. Use very hot water when making a solution.
d. Trying out the solution on food contact surfaces.
d. Mix the solution with equal parts of water.

Test the solution with the sanitizer kit

A foodhandler was assign to clean a slicer that was too difficult to move. The slicer was unplugged. Then the removable parts were taken off the slicer and cleaned and sanitized in a three compartment sink. Food bits on the slicer were removed. After the machine was wiped down with detergent and water, it was sanitize and allowed to air dry. then the foodhandler put the machine back together. What mistake did the foodhandler make?

Failed to rent the machine after wiping it down with detergent and water

What should be done when throwing away chemicals?

Follow label and instructions and regulatory requirements.

How should flatware and utensils that have been clean and sanitize be stored?

With handles facing up

What is the correct way to clean and sanitize a prep table?

Remove food from the surface, wash, rinse, sanitize, air dry

Why is TCS food likely to become unsafe?
a. Pathogens grow well in it.
b. It contains physical contaminants.
c. Pests are more attracted to it.
d. It does not come from approved suppliers.

Pathogens grow well in it

Which type of contaminant is responsible for the majority of foodborne illnesses?


What is an example of time temperature abuse?
a. Food is not reheated to a high enough temperature to kill pathogens.
b. Foodhandlers touch contaminated food and then touch ready to eat food.
c. Food has coughed or sneezed upon by kitchen employees.
d. Food contact services are wiped clean instead of washed, rinsed, and sanitized.

Food is not reheated to a high enough temperature to kill pathogens.

What is the purpose of the FDA food code?

Recommends food safety regulations

When Raw meat juices drip onto cooked or ready to eat food, It can make food unsafe in what way?

Cross contamination

Which is a ready to eat food?
a. Washed carrots.
b. Shell eggs.
c. Shellfish.
d. Chicken.

Washed carrots

Foodborne illness is considered an outbreak when two or more people

Have the same symptoms of illness after eating the same food

Which type of food carries the highest risk of causing a foodborne illness?
a. Treated garlic and oil.
b.Spinach fettuccine pasta.
c. Cream filled candy. d. Milk and dairy products

Milk and dairy products

What is an example of a physical contaminant?
a. Sanitizers.
b. Toothpicks.
c. Toxins.
d. Pathogens.


Which is a type of physical contaminant?
a. Seafood.
b. Staples.
c. Polishes.
d. Fungi.


What type of to contaminate is the greatest threat to food safety?


The five most common food handling mistakes include purchasing food from unsafe sources, failing to cook food correctly, holding food at incorrect temperatures, using contaminated equipment and…

Practicing poor personal hygiene

What food item is considered a ready to eat food?
a. Bread.
b. Raw chicken.
c. Tofu.
d. eggs.


Teaching correct food safety rules is sometimes complicated by…
a. constantly changing national standards.
b. More sophisticated pathogens.
c. Staff with varying levels of education.
d. Unapproved suppliers and purveyors.

Staff with varying levels of education

Which regulatory authority inspects all food except meat poultry and eggs?


According to experts, how much does food borne illness usually cost an operation?

Thousands of dollars

Victims of foodborne illnesses may experience…
a. Loss of reputation. b. Negative media exposure.
c. Loss of business.
d. Long-term disabilities.

Long term disabilities

An employee coming to work sick is an example of

Poor personal hygiene

What is considered a challenge to an operations food safety?
a. Trained employees and supervisors following safety rules.
b. Approved suppliers and purveyors of delivering food.
c. Non-hygienic customers eating on site.
d. Employees juggling time pressures with safety issues.

Employees juggling time pressures for safety issues

The A in the ALERT tool created by the Food and Drug Aministration stands for

Assure products received are from safe sources

"The Big Six" are 6 pathogens that have been identified by the FDA as being the most


Managers should know that allergy symptoms

Vary from mild to potentially life-threatening

What is the best approach when talking to the regulatory authorities investigating a foodborne-illness outbreak in your operation?

Provide them with appropriate documentation

In the FDA’s ALERT tool, what does the R refer to?

Report information in receiving logs, files, and other documentation

During a crisis response, it is essential to…

Cooperate with the regulatory authority to resolve crisis

What condition the stands from bacteria only carried and humans?

Typhoid fever

What is the best way to prevent the deliberate contamination of food?
a. Allow customers access to prep and storage areas and keep them unlocked
b. Identify where food is most at risk and take steps to protect it.
c. Contact the FDA for assistance with monitoring food.
d. Scan all news broadcast for potential terrorist activity

Identify where food is most at risk and take steps to protect it

In the acronym, FAT TOM, the M stands for


Which is a naturally occurring physical contaminant?
a. Polishes.
b. Fruit pits.
c. Metal shavings.
d. False fingernails.

Fruit pits

What is a way to prevent guests from having an allergic reaction when dining out?
a. Fry all of the food in the same fryer using the same oil.
b. Identify all ingredients and dishes except for secret ingredients.
c. Expand the complex dishes that are included on the menu.
d. Deliver food containing allergens separately from other food.

Deliver food containing allergens separately from other food

When a customer asks if there are allergens in the secret ingredients of a dish, how should service staff respond?

"I will confirm whether or not the allergen is included in the recipe"

What must ab operation do if it suspects a foodborne illness outbreak?

Report the illness to the regulatory authority

What information should a manager obtain from a person complaining of a foodborne illness after eating at an operation?

Contact information, food eaten, symptoms, and when the person became ill

What procedure should the operation follow when A customer calls to report a foodborne illness?

Ask the customer to identify the food that was eaten

Why did the FDA create the ALERT tool for restaurant in food service operations?

To help organizations develop food defense programs

What is a common allergic response to food?
a. Seizure
b. wheezing.
c. Anemia.
d. Fever.


The best way to protect food from deliberate contamination is to

Make it as difficult as possible for someone to tamper with it

Which food item is most likely to cause an allergic reaction?
a. Applesauce.
b. Porkchop.
c. Peanut butter.
d. Green beans.

Peanut butter

Which is a method to prevent chemical contamination?
a. Mix chemicals to ensure that the strongest concoction is used.
b. Keep MSDS current and on file in the managers locked office.
c. Store chemicals away from food prep, storage, and service areas.
d. Use kitchenware made of pewter, copper, zinc, or painted pottery.

Store chemicals away from fruit, storage, and service areas.

Some regulatory authorities allow food handlers to drink from

A covered container while in prep and dishwashing areas

A foodhandler should be excluded from the operation if he or she has

Vomiting and diarrhea illness

What practice can lead to food contamination?
a. Prepping food wearing single use gloves.
b. Coming to work with a headache.
c. Working with an uncovered infected wound
d. Excessive handwashing with antibacterial soap.

Working with an uncovered, infected wound

How long should the handwashing process take?

At least 20 seconds

Why is it dangerous for food handlers to eat or drink and food prep areas?

Saliva may be transferred to food

Which is an allowable accessory for a foodhandler to wear?
a. Medical bracelets.
b. A clean heart.
c. Diamond ring.

Clean hat

How can food handlers contaminate food?
a. Not washing hands after touching a pathogen.
b. Ordering supplies from an unreliable supplier.
c. Filling in as a server if there is a last minute need.
d. Altering seasonings in food according to own tastes.

Not washing hands after touching a pathogen

What should a manager doing a foodhandler has jaundice?

Report it to the regulatory authority

In order to reduce the risk of food handlers touching their hair are working with food, they should
a. put hair in a ponytail.
b. Wear large barrettes.
c. Wear a hair restraint.
d. Shave off facial hair

Wear a hair restraint

A carrier is someone who

Transmits a pathogen to others without ever getting sick themselves

Which is a food safety issue that may result from foodhandlers wearing dirty uniforms?
a. Dirty clothing is not as fashionable as clean clothing
b. Dirty clothing may carry pathogens that can cause foodborne illness
c. Dirty clothing on one food handler can set a bad example for others
d. Dirty clothing may become a chemical contaminants

Dirty clothing may carry pathogens that can cause foodborne illness

Where should dirty aprons be kept on food handlers are done using them?

In a non-absorbent container or washable laundry bag at work

Before foodhandlers who have been vomiting can return to work, they must have no symptoms for at least 24 hours or have

A written release from a medical practitioner

Where is it allowable for food handlers to eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum or tobacco?

In designated areas away from food prep areas

What is the final step in the handwashing process?

Drying hands and arms using a single use paper towels or hand dryer

Which (symptom, condition) requires approval from the local regulatory authority before the employee may return to work?
a. Strepticoccus
b. Sore throat.
c. Cold.
d Norovirus.


What is the minimum temperature that water should be when washing hands?


How long should hands and arms be scrubbed while handwashing?

10 to 15 seconds

Pathogens can be transferred by the act of eating, drinking, chewing gum or tobacco and
a. talking.
b Moving.
d. Smoking.


What symptoms indicate a possible risk of contamination if the person is working around food?
a. Fatigue with back ache.
b.Sore throat with fever.
c. Muscle pain with headache.
d. Chest pain with shortness of breath.

Sore throat with fever

Limiting the amount of food that can be removed from a cooler when prepping it is an example of using;
a. corrective action control.
b. Monitor and control.
c. According control.
d. Time and temperature control.

Time and temperature control

TCS food has been time temperature abused anytime it remains between:

41°F and 135°F

Which type of thermometer is read by holding it as close as possible to the food item without actually touching it?
a. Infrared.
b. Bimetallic stemmed.
c. Glass.
d. Thermistor


Which is an example of how cross-contamination can occur?
a. Buying prepared food that does not require much prepping or handling
b. Assigning specific equipment to each different food product, such as color coded cutting boards.
c. Prepping Raw meat, Fish, and poultry and ready to eat food on the same work surfaces.
d. Cleaning and sanitizing food contact services.

Preparing raw meat, fish and poultry and ready to eat food on the same work surfaces

Within the temperature danger zone, pathogen’s tend to grow the fastest between:

70°F and 125°F

When cross-contamination occurs, what is being transferred between food or unwashed hands and prep areas, equipment, utensils, or other food?


Which is a strategy for reducing the risk of cross-contamination?
a. Frequently wiping cutting boards with paper towels.
b. Buying prepared food.
c. Prepping food early in the day.
d. Buying organic produce.

Buying prepared food

When different types of food must be prepped on the same table, which of these types of food should be prepped first to minimize the risk of cross-contamination? a. Shellfish.
b Ready to eat food.
c. Raw meat.
d. Raw poultry.

Ready to eat food

Which type of probe would be used to check the temperature inside coolers and ovens?
a. Surface.
b. Air.
c. Immersion
d. Penetration.


Food that has remained in the temperature danger zone for four or more hours must be…
a. served immediately.
b. Flash frozen
c. Thrown away.
d. Reheat slowly

Thrown away

Which is a strategy for reducing the risk of time temperature abuse?
a. Limit the amount of TCS food that can be removed from the cooler when prepping it.
b. Cook Raw meat and poultry to at least 100°F.
c. Select one type of Thermometer and use it for all types of food.
d. Hold TCS food at room temperature for at least four hours.

Limit the amount of TCS food that can be removed from a cooler and prepping it.

Where is a time temperature indicator (TTI) most commonly found?
a. Fixed to the side of the microwave or oven.
b. Glued to the underside of a serving pan
c. Hanging on a wall in the prep area.
d. Attached to the packaging of the food shipment.

Attached are the packaging of a food shipment

Which type of probe would be used to measure the temperature of a griddle?
a. Penetration.
b. Surface
c. Immersion
d. Air.


Which is an example of a corrective action taken when time and temperature standards are not met or ignored?
a. Purchase new calibrated thermometers for the kitchen and implement new rules for use.
b. Reheat the food to the correct temperature if within the state guidelines of reheating.
c. Adjust the time temperature standards to better fit the requirements of the kitchen.
d. Have the worker record the details of the time temperature errors in the kitchen logs

Reheat the food to the correct temperature if within the safe guidelines of reheating

What does color coding equipment and utensils do for food handler’s?

Assists in preventing cross-contamination

When checking internal food temperatures with a bimetallic stemmed thermometer, insert the stem into:
a. the food until it is completely submerged.
b. The part of the food with the least amount of fat.
c. The thinnest part of the food.
d. The food up to the dimple.

The food up to the Dimple

Which type of probe is best to measure the temperature of liquid?
a. Penetration.
b. Immersion.
c. Surface.
d. Air.


After chopping up raw chicken on a cutting board, it is essential that the board is washed, rinsed and…
a. Stored.
b. Scrubbed.
c. Dried.
d. Sanitized


When storing multiple, raw food items in a cooler, what items should be placed on the lowest shelf?
a.Whole cuts of beef.
b. Ground pork.
c. Seafood.
d. Poultry.


What is the correct way to store single use items?
a. Removed from original packaging
b. Next to the wall.
c. In designated areas
d. On the floor.

In designated areas

Which food items have to maintain an internal temperature no greater than 50°F when received?
a. Live shellfish.
b. Shucked shellfish.
c. Shell eggs.
d. Frozen food items.

Live shellfish

What steps should be done when a food delivery arrives?
a. Make sure none of the products are imported.
b. Check items for correct temperature.
c. Ensure that all food is inspected within six hours.
d. Clean hand trucks and carts for delivery items.

Check items for correct temperatures

What must be clearly stated on the label on food items that are packaged on site for retail?
a. Names of preparers.
b. Suggestions for serving.
c. Quality of ingredients.
d. Quantity of the food.

Quantity of the food

What do the initials GMP stand for in reference to purchasing items from a supplier?

Good manufacturing practices

What can be safely stored in a cooler above seafood?
a. Whole and ground turkey.
b. Whole cuts of beef and pork.
c. Frozen food that is being thawed.
d. Ready to eat food.

Ready to eat food

What is the maximum length of time that ready to eat TCS food items can be safely stored at 41°F or lower?

7 days

What is the proper discard date to Mark on a dish with combined food, such as soup made with multiple pre-cooked items?
a. Preparation day.
b. Container opening date.
c. Earliest use by date of the combined food items.
d. Latest sold by date of the combined food items.

Earliest use by date of the combined food items

Food is rotated in order to maintain quality and to:

Limit the growth of pathogens

What is considered to be a good receiving practice?
a. To speed things up, all items in the delivery order should be excepted before any inspection or storage is done
b. When the delivery arrives, staff should clear space in dry storage and/or walk in areas to store it.
c. A specific member or members of the staff should be made responsible for receiving deliveries.
d. Delivery should be scheduled during a food service operations busiest hours when fresh items are needed.

A specific member or members of the staff should be made responsible for receiving deliveries

What information is part of the food label for food that is packaged on site for retail sale?
a. All food products, even those that are easily identifiable by sight.
b. Lists chemical preservations in the food.
c. Ingredients listed in descending order by calories.
d. Major allergens listed even if they are part of common name of ingredients.

Lists chemical preservatives in the food

Suppliers inspection reports should be based on:

Good manufacturing practices (GMP) or good agricultural practices (GAP)

How would an operations receiver check the temperature of a shipment of cottage cheese?

The thermometer’s sensor should be fully immersed in the food in the opened carton

What is the purpose of date marking?

Indicates when food should be sold, eaten, or thrown out

An approved supplier must meet:

Applicable local, state, and federal laws

Store TCS food at an internal temperature of

41°F or lower were 135°F or higher

Where do supplier inspection reports come from?

The USDA, FDA, or a third-party inspector

When receiving food items, reject items with:
a. plastic packaging
b. . Dry, clean packaging.
c. Intact cardboard packaging
d. Tears, holes, or punctures in the packaging.

Tears, holes, or punctures in the packaging

What type of report should a food service operation request of an approved supplier to verify that the supplier follows food safety practices?
a. Process.
b. Inspection.
c. Distribution.
d. Purchase.


What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for refried beans?


Previously cooked TCS food that has been reheated for hot holding must be heated to what internal temperature for 15 seconds?


Ted bought a 20 pound frozen turkey for Thanksgiving. What is a safe method for thawing the turkey?

Thaw the turkey in the cooler keeping its temperature at 41°F or lower for several days

Which of these food items need to be cooked to the highest internal cooking temperature in order to be safe?
a. Ground duck.
b. Ground pork.
c. Shell eggs.
d. Injected meet.

Ground Duck

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for mechanically tenderized meat?


What type of risk could result from using ice to keep chicken cold, and then using the same ice to cool a beverage?

Cross contamination

A food handler has just finished prepping raw meat that will not be cooked immediately. What should be done with the meat?
a. Leave it on the cutting board and work on chopping produce.
b. Store it in the refrigerator immediately.
c. Allow it to warm up to room temperature overtime.
c. Place it in a container away from the grill.

Store it in the refrigerator immediately

If food is being reheated for immediate service, it may be served at any temperature as long as
a. it was cooked and cooled correctly first.
b. Was originally thawed by sitting out overnight.
c. Comes directly out of the freezer.
d. Does not include any animal products.

It was cooked and cooled correctly first

When thawing frozen TCS food under running water, what should the temperature of the running water be?


If taking the minimum internal temperature of seafood how long for the internal temperature hold for safety?

15 seconds

Which is a proper way to handle produce to minimize the risk of foodborne illnesses?

Wash fruit and vegetables under running water before cutting

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for poultry?


What is the major factor that determines how slowly a food cools?
a. Size of the cooler freezer being used.
b. What spices have been added to the food.
c. What kind of steel pan the food is in.
d. How dense or thick the food product is.

How dense or thick the food product is

When thawing food in a cooler, keep the food temperature at:

41°F or lower

Never thaw food:
a. in a microwave.
b. Under running water.
c. At room temperature.
d. As part of the cooking process.

At room temperature.

The total: time for food should not exceed:

6 hours

How can hear be better distributed during microwave cooking?

By stirring the food halfway through out the cooking process

What is the main purpose of trying to quickly call heated food?

To move it through the temperature danger zone before pathogens grow

What process should be followed when using a microwave to thaw food?

Cook food immediately after thawing

Which is a necessary condition for holding cold TCS food without temperature controlled?
a. Allow guest or staff to take hone leftover food after eight hours.
b. Serve the food within six hours of holding at 70°F or lower.
c. Label the food with the item name, caloric content, nutrients, and allergens.
D. Hold food at 70°F or lower before removing it from the cooler.

Serve the food within six hours of holding at 70°F or lower

When holding cold TCS food without temperature control, what temperature must food be thrown out instead of served?

Above 70°F

What should be done in order to minimize customers contaminating self service areas?
a. Offer the option of reusing the same plate and utensils.
b: Package of food to discourage test tasting or mess making.
c. Allow customers to sample directly from the self service area.
d. Stock food displays with tongs, ladles, and other serving utensils.

Stock food displays with tongs, Ladles, and other serving utensils.

Which food item may safely be reserve to customers?
a. Recycled plate garnishes.
b. Uncover table condiments.
c. Uneaten rolls or bread.
d. Unopened cracker packages.

Unopened cracker packages

Cold food held without temperature control should be thrown out within:

6 hours

After four hours, a server checked the holding temperature of the chicken soup. It was 125°F. What should be done with the soup?

Throw it out

What rules apply to serving both hot and cold TCS food without temperature controls?
a. Food should be labeled with the time it must be thrown out.
b. Regulations are not on the book about serving food without temperature control.
c. Holding foods without temperature control eliminates the need to monitor time.
d. Food must be served within four hours.

Food should be labeled with the time it must be thrown out

When cold holding TCS food without temperature control, food that is taken out of the cooler must be labeled with the time it was removed and when it must be…


What is the maximum safe internal temperature when holding TCS cold food in a cooler?


What is the correct minimum internal holding temperature for hot TCS food?


What is one condition that must be met cold holding TCS food without temperature control?
a. Holding food 135°F before removing it from temperature control.
b. Allowing guests or staff to take home any food not consumed within seven hours.
c. Making sure the food temperature does not rise above 70°F.
d. Labeling food with a time eight hours after removing from control.

Making sure the food temperature does not rise above 70°F

What is one condition that must be met to hot TCS food without temperature control?

Hold the food at 135°F or higher before removing it from temperature control.

At a minimum, how often should food temperature be checked when holding food?

At least every four hours

What information should be posted nearest self service areas?
a. Hours and days of operation and holidays.
b. A reminder to not reuse plates and utensils.
3. Instructions on tipping servers.
4. Posters on proper handwashing techniques.

a reminder to not reuse plates and utensils

What must be done with on user extra table settings after guest leave?
a. They must be taken back to the kitchen and returned to flatware inventory.
b. They must be rewrapped in clean linen and then placed back on the table
c. They should be kept on the table for the use of the next guest, saving time.
d. It must be removed and then clean and sanitize before using them.

They must be removed and then cleaned and sanitized before we using them

When holding hot TCS food, what is the correct way to check the temperature of the food?

Check the internal temperature of the food with a probe thermometer

What is the maximum amount of time that hot TCS food may be hot held without temperature control?

4 hours

After four hours, is there a check that morning temperatures of the cold tuna salad in the buffet. It was 71°F. What should be done with the tuna sakad?

Throw it out

Which is a correct rule about reserving food previously served to another customer?
a. Do not reserve wrapped crackers.
b. Do not reserve bottles of ketchup and mustard.
c. Do not reserve menu items returned by a customer.
d. Do not reserve on open packets of jelli

Do not reserve menu items returned by a customer

After four hours, a server check the holding temperature of the chicken soup. It was 125°F. What should be done with the soup?

Throw it out

What is a food safety management system?

A group of practices and procedures intended to prevent foodborne illness

Which is an example of a tour that a manager can use to achieve active managerial control?
a. USDA.
d. FDA.


The manager is practicing active managerial control by:
a. incorporating standard operating procedures for sanitizing equipment.
b Overseeing the installation of new windows and doors in an operation.
c. Renewing a contract for landscaping and snow removal from the parking lot.
d. Monitoring the manner in which reservations are recorded.

Incorporating a standard operating procedures for sanitizing equipment

Based on the FDA’s public health interventions, an operation must provide customers with notices about the risk of eating:
a. cold food from mobile units.
b. Raw and undercooked menu items.
c. Ready to eat food barehanded.
d. TCS food from temporary units.

Raw and undercooked menu items

What is the last HACCP principal?

Establish procedures for record keeping and documentation

And effective HACCP plan must be based on:
a. personal experience.
b. Seven basic principles.
c. Current hazards.
d. Managers choices.

Seven basic principles.

Which is an example of active managerial control?
a. A manager monitors how A food is prepared by a customer with allergens.
b. A manager observes how a host great customers when they arrive.
c. A manager collaborates with an interior designer to remodel the operation.
d. Amanager revises the menu to include more appealing entrées and side dishes.

A manager monitors how a food is prepared for a customer with allergens

What two principles does a manager need to consider before establishing critical limits?
a. Conduct a hazard analysis, and determine critical control points.
b. Determine critical control points, and verify that the system works.
c. Conduct a hazard analysis, and establish monitoring procedures.
d. Determine critical control points, and identify corrective actions.

Conduct a hazard analysis, and determine critical control points.

Based on the FDA’s public health interventions, procedures must be in place to make sure staff are:
a. working less than 45 hours per week.
b. Taking half hour lunch or dinner breaks.
c. Reporting Illnesses to management.
d, Arriving at work at the required time.

Reporting illnesses to management

Which is not a HACCP principal?
a. Conduct a hazard analysis
b. establish critical limits
c. verify that the system works
d. post notices about potential hazards

Post notices about potential hazards

At what point in a HACCP plan show a corrective actions be identified?
a. Before determining critical Control points.
b. Before analyzing a hazard.
c. After verifying that the system works.
d. After establishing monitoring procedures.

After establishing monitoring procedures

Whose job is it to actively control and monitor risk factors for foodborne illnesses in an operation?


What is an example of a food safety program an operation needs?
a. Personal hygiene program.
b. Thermometer calibration program.
c. raw and undercooked food program.
d. Tableware reuse program.

Personal hygiene program

What is the manager’s role in active managerial control?

Actively control risk factors for food borne illness

Which statement about active managerial control is accurate?
a. centers on controlling any possible risk factors for foodborne illness.
b. focuses on being reactive, rather than proactive.
c. is a process that pinpoints Hiring and firing methods.
d. Is based on avoiding suppliers with OSHA problems.

Active managerial control centers on controlling any possible risk factors for foodborne illness

The purpose of a food safety management system is to:
a. promote the use of organic meats and produce.
b. Control risks and hazards throughout the flow of food.
c. Prevent injuries to staff members using OSHA rules.
d. Decrease the amount of food stolen from operations.

Control risks and hazards throughout the flow of food

That NSF is responsible for Establishing national standards for:
a. kitchen plumbing
b. food service equipment
c. flooring materials
d. handwashing chemicals

Food service equipment

What is the purpose of establishing critical limits in a HACCP plan?

To reduce, prevent, or illuminate and identified hazard.

What is a requirement for a handwashing station?
a. Wall mounted mirror
b. hand sanitizer
c. hands free faucet
d. hot and cold running water

Hot and cold running water

What is the best way to prevent backflow?
a. Create a vacuum in the plumbing system.
b. Run the faucet below the flood rim sink.
c. Attach a hose directly to the faucet.
d. avoid creating a cross connection.

Avoid creating a cross connection

Why does a malfunctioning ventilation system and create a risk of contamination in the kitchen?
a. It requires a professional team to come in and clean or repaired.
b. Grease and condensation will build up on walls and ceilings.
c. This would cause cross connections in the water supply.
d. It cools the room and increases the risk of time temperature abuse.

Grease and condensation will build up on walls and ceilings

A significant threat or danger to health that requires immediate correction for closure to prevent injury is:
a. A cross connection.
b. An air gap closure.
c An imminent health hazard.
d. Vacuum breaker.

An imminent health hazard

Which of these actions should be performed by a pest control operator (CPO)?
a. Wash and cover all outdoor garbage containers
b. Apply pesticides in the operation
c. Check all deliveries for signs of pests
d. Remove standing water and pick up litter

Apply pesticides in operation

Which wall finish is recommended for use in the kitchen?
a. Smooth and insubstantial.
b. Rough and insubstantial.
c. Rough and durable.
d. Smooth and durable.

Smooth and durable

Whose requirements are most important to consider when installing a dishwashing machine?
a. Manufactures instructions.
b. Owners of the restaurant.
c. Employee who washes dishes.
d. Kitchen manager.

Manufacturers instructions

Why should all cracks or seems to be sealed up in the kitchen?
a. They can allow pests access.
b. They will cover up any faulty construction or repairs.
c. They will open up any cars structural instability.
d. They are unsightly and make the kitchen look unprofessional.

They can allow pests access

What happens when cross connection occurs?

Dirty water comes in contact with safe water

What is a characteristic required for equipment to meet NSF standards?
a. Absorbent
b. Inexpensive
c. plastic
d. Corrosion resistant

Corrosion resistant

How far away from the walls and floors must food and supplies be kept in order to lower the risk of past access?

6 inches

What should be the managers primary focus when checking kitchen equipment?

Examining its functionality

What can prevent backflow from happening?

Double check valve

What is the primary way to prevent pests from thriving in a kitchen?

Keep the kitchen clean and dry so that pests have no food or water

What is the primary way to prevent leading sources from contaminating food?

You shatter resistant lightbulbs or protective covers

Under what circumstances is it necessary for an operation to suspend service of food to guests?

A significant risk to the safety of food do you to waste water overflow

Which type of imminent health hazard poses the greatest risk of pathogen growth?
a. Power outage.
b. Kitchen fire.
c. Armed robbery.
d. Water service interruption.

Power outage

How far off the ground should a dishwasher be installed to permit easy cleaning?

6 inches

In addition to providing protective coverings over lightbulbs, what else can Staff do to prevent the risk of contamination from lighting sources?
a. Use shatter resistant lightbulbs.
b. Replace a broken bulb with a smaller bulb
c. Change all lightbulbs on a daily basis.
d. Avoid using lighting sources is in the prep area.

Use shatter resistant lightbulbs

Where should information about the correct settings of dishwashing machine to be posted?

Dishwashing machine

What is the organization that creates national standards for food service equipment?


What is one way to keep an operation pest free?

Deny pests access to the operation

What should the manager know about developing a cleaning program?

A master cleaning schedule should include who, what, when, and how cleaning should be done.

What should a foodhandler know about mop water safety?

Never dump mop water in the toilets or urinals

And I restaurant or food service operation, what must be cleaned and sanitized?

Any surface that touches food

How often should I clean in place equipment be sanitized?

Every day unless otherwise indicated

Cleaning is performed in order to:
a. Eliminate all microbes.
b. Reduce pathogens on surface to safe levels.
c. Remove excess soap.
d. Move food and other dirt from a surface.

Remove food and other dirt from a surface

For iodine sanitizer to kill pathogens, it must be in contact with the item for at least:

30 seconds

When implementing a cleaning program, what should be done after staff are trained and motivated?

The staff should be monitored to ensure the job is actually being done

What is the correct way to operate a dishwashing machine?

Scrape, rinse, or soak items before washing them

What steps should be done after sanitizing in a three compartment sink?

Allow items to air dry

What practice reduces pathogens on a surface to save levels?


If food contact surfaces are in continuous use, they need to be cleaned and sanitized every

Four hours

When using a three compartment sink, what should be the contents of the first sink be?

Detergent and water

Chemicals in the operation must be…

Stored in their original containers

What information does a material safety data sheet (MSDS) include?

Precautions, including protective gear and first aid

When using a three compartment sink, which is the last step?

Air drying items on a clean surface

What is the first step in developing an effective cleaning program for an operation?

Creating a master schedule

What should be determined when creating a master cleaning schedule?

How everything should be cleaned

Who is responsible for the regulation of chemical sanitizers?

State and federal environmental protection agency’s

What is the final step in the correct way to clean and sanitize a service?

Allow the surface to air dry

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)is written for…

Anyone using the related chemical products

FAT TOM stands for

Food Acidity Temperature Time Oxygen Moisture

-I am commonly linked with ready to eat food.
-I am found in the fences on infected people
-excluding staff with jaundice can stop me
-handwashing can prevent me
What type of pathogen am I?

Hepatitis A

All food to be served at an offsite location should be labeled with the use by date and time, along with

Reheating and service instructions

Which is a case of cross-contamination?
a. Server sneezes on food.
b. Food is not cooled correctly.
c. Wiping cloth is tucked in the apron of a worker.
d. Bun touches surface where raw burgers were prepared.

Bun touches surface where raw burgers were prepared

An operation that primarily serves a high-risk population may use unpasteurized shell eggs in which dish?


Vending machines that hold TCS food must have controls that prevent TCS food from being dispensed if the food

Stays in the temperature danger zone too long

What is one condition that must be met to hold hot TCS food without temperature control?

Hold the food at 135°F or higher before removing it from temperature control

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature and time for shell eggs that will be served immediately?

145°F for 15 seconds

How many inches off the table to table top equipment be installed?

At least 4 inches

After four hours, as server checked the holding temperature of the chicken soup. It was 125°F. What should be done with the soup?

Throw it out

What is the proper way to store mops, brooms, and brushes?

Hanging on hooks

Cooled food held without temperature control should be thrown out within

Six hours

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